Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

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ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 114 – Homeland


“L-Lloyd-sama! How could your bones be shattered…”

“Yes! Can you please tell us what happened…!”

The training ground was quiet for a while after Ain left, but as if coming back to life, the knights opened their mouths.

Of course, Lloyd was at the other end of the line, and as well as his situation, they rushed in… looking for an explanation of what the scene had just been about.

“…Don’t be dismayed, you royal knights! I was wounded! That’s all there is to it… and it’s nothing to talk about!”

It was true that he may have only been wounded.

But Lloyd mentioned that his bones may have been shattered, and Lloyd was the one who suffered the injury.

The only person who could have hurt Lloyd was probably Chris. Even though they all thought so, they should have not been surprised that Ain had done it to him.

After all, Ain had been growing at a phenomenal rate year after year, and the Royal Knights had seen it all too often.

Still, would this be the result? Lloyd, who had been injured by Ain’s attack, even went so far as to show his retreat, having been defeated by the momentum of the attack.

“Do not speak of what you have just seen. And also remember that Ain-sama must not hear about my injury! …He’s a kind-hearted man, and I’m sure he’ll be very sorry to hear about it. Is that clear?”

Earlier, Ain did not know about Lloyd’s injury. Lloyd tried to hide it as well, so he was rather glad that he didn’t notice it.

“U-ugh… More importantly, I’m on my way to Varra-dono. Continue your training!”

Lloyd was a little relieved when he saw the Royal Knights returning to their training in a hurry.

He thought that with the momentum they had just shown… they might still bite back.

Lloyd saw that. Then he turned his eyes back to Dill, who was standing right next to him again.

“That’s it. Dill, I’m sorry, but I’m going to ask you to accompany me… Is that okay with you?”

“I understand. Then, when the treatment is complete… I’ll ask you to explain what happened.”

Dill had many questions as well, but he could ask such things later. For now, let’s put his father and boss, Lloyd, and his body first. He lent Lloyd his shoulder and went to the nearby facility where Varra was staying.


——Knock, knock.

There was a knock at the door of Sylvird’s own room, and Martha was there to announce the reason for the visit.

“Your Majesty. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, is here to see you.”

“Umu… Let him through.”

“Understood. …Then, Ain-sama, please go ahead.”

“Yes, I understand.”

After the mock battle with Lloyd, Ain enjoyed a meal in the knight’s dining hall and then went to the large baths to relax and heal his body.

He then cooled off his overheated body and continued to mentally and physically prepare himself for his upcoming time with his grandfather.

A few minutes passed, and Martha came to Ain, who was resting in the reception room.

She told him, “Your Majesty says you are welcome to come anytime.” Ain got up and went to Sylvird’s room. He decided to dress a little more fervently than usual to refresh his mind.

Unlike usual, he wore a jacket with a royal crest on it, and his hair was styled accordingly.

The sight of Ain in such an outfit evoked a certain feeling in everyone in the castle who passed him.

“You look very dignified, Ain. It’s different from the formal attire you wore the other day, but it’s not bad.”

“I am honored by your compliments. Grandfather.”

“The sight of you must naturally inspire a sense of awe.”

“You must be joking.”

When Sylvird said this, everyone in the castle was in awe. Of course, Ain had always been a good Crown Prince and had earned a lot of trust and respect.

Today, however, Ain was even more attractive as a leader than usual.

So much so that those who passed by were speechless for a moment.

“It’s not a joke… Well, that’s okay. So, what’s up with you, you want to talk to me? Since you’re taking time off from school… it must be something important, right?”

For Sylvird, the scene of Ain and Chris last night was still fresh in his mind. Ain’s smile, which he hadn’t seen for a long time, was a relief to him, and he and Lloyd even shared a toast with a glass of wine afterward.

“It’s something important to me.”

“Well, that’s fine. Sit down and let’s talk.”

“Well, if you’ll excuse me.”

The sofa Sylvird was sitting in front of. The seat was pointed out to him, and Ain stepped over to it from near the door.

The sofa was more comfortable than the one in his room. While he enjoyed the feeling of sinking comfortably into the sofa, he braced himself for what was to come.

“Then tell me. I have time until tomorrow morning, so take your time.”

“Thank you for your time. I’ll get right on it.”

Finally, the source of Ain’s worries and fears. The thought of hearing this made Sylvird’s heart beat faster.

Sure, he was worried, but he was also curious to know what kind of problems he had.

The Crown Prince, the hero who slayed the sea dragons and carried Dullahan and the Elder Lich in his body. What kind of problems did such a man have? Even Sylvird could not predict it.

“Have you ever been afraid of being loved, Grandfather?”

“Hmm? Sorry, Ain, what does that mean?”

It was not out of the blue, but the words Ain spoke in front of him. Sylvird could not understand the true meaning of those words.

“You were loved and then discarded.”

In response to Sylvird’s words, Ain began to open his mouth again.

“To be loved and then betrayed.”

What Ain was afraid of. And what worried him was becoming clearer and clearer.

Ain continued to speak softly, looking Sylvird straight in the eye. Seeing this, Sylvird couldn’t take his eyes off him either.

“…And then, after being loved, I end up betraying myself.”

It meant that you betrayed the expectations that were given to you. It was the other person who expected it, but somehow, it stuck with him.

…I guess he didn’t take a breather, Sylvird said in his mind. After that, Ain opened his mouth wide and took in some fresh air.

“This expectation… I don’t know if I can live up to it, that’s what I don’t know.”


He uttered a simple answer, but Sylvird thought carefully.

After all, the environment he was born into probably had an effect. That was a certainty.

Although it was Heim’s value system, he was defeated and marginalized in that value by his younger brother.

The sequence of events leading up to his arrival in Ishtalika was nothing more than proof that deep inside, he was troubled.

“Let me ask you something. I want to be liked by everyone. Does Ain think so?”

“No, I know I can’t do that. But…”

“——Ain. Come here.”

Before he could finish his answer, Sylvird stood up and began to walk away. There was a terrace in front of him, and if you looked out, you could see the whole royal capital, a truly spectacular view.

“On the terrace?”

“Yes. I’ll tell you my only secret before I answer Ain’s words. My greatest secret, which even Laralua does not know. I will tell it to Ain.”

Without looking back, Sylvird said this and walked calmly to the terrace. Ain followed him, and they both appeared on the terrace.

“Ishtalika is the only country on the continent of Ishtar that goes on forever.”


The White Rose, or even the walls of the city in the distance, could be seen from the terrace. Looking further towards the harbor, two large shadows could be seen. The twins looked good today, which was a relief.

“There is only one person in my life…someone I admire, envy, and even hate a little.”

“I-is there such a person? …I have never heard that before.”

“That’s true. After all, this is the first time I’m talking about it. …This is a secret between the king and the crown prince, is that clear?”


Then Sylvird, who had begun to look at the sky, began to speak of the person for the first time, though he was tormented by mixed emotions.

“The person is… His Majesty the First.”


For a moment, Ain forgot his own worries and looked at Sylvird.

Jealous and hateful at the same time? It was impossible for Ain not to be surprised when he heard that the person he was talking about was His Majesty the First.

“W-why… why is that!”

“I think it might be a bit like what Ain thinks.”

He rested his elbows on the edge of the fence and opened his mouth with a dry smile.

“What about His Majesty this time? …He’s a good king, but not as good as the first king. Of course, it’s the wrong match, no matter who it is, it’s not a match that can be won! …When I was on the throne, I heard this story all the time.”

Although it was never said out loud, such words could be heard in many places.

As expected, it was not heard inside the castle, but it was only natural that it should be heard since he was not going to spend eternity inside the castle.

“Please be a great king like His Majesty the First. …This was said to me by Laralua a long time ago. At that time, I was jealous to a degree I had never been that jealous ever before.”


“As an Ishtalikan, I should not feel this way, but at the same time, I hate it. …I hated His Majesty the First, who was so respected by my wife…”

The influence of the first King of Ishtalika was strong. Even if a great ruler like Sylvird was blessed with many subordinates, he would always be compared by the people.

He had no intention of stopping this, nor did he make any effort to deny it. Still, there were feelings that were difficult to put into words.

“I must not have such thoughts. It is a natural thing for one who dwells in Ishtalika, but I thought of it.”


“But if the people have no malice toward it, they have no other intention. And it is quite natural that His Majesty the First will continue to be spoken of in this way, is it not?”

“Yes. I think you’re right.”

“If that is the case, Ain. In other words, I am disqualified as a king… don’t you think?”

“Are you asking me such a question?”

This was mean. How should I answer? Ain fought hard in his mind.

“Kuku… hahaha! I’m just joking, don’t worry, Ain.”

He put on a good-natured face, smiled broadly, and patted Ain’s head vigorously. Then Ain became grumpy and told him, “Please stop the bad jokes.”

“Well, that’s the way it is, Ain. No one can become a perfect person.”

“A perfect person…”

“That’s right. Ain has a touch of that in you. It is an important idea, but it is difficult for Ain… and you take it too seriously.”

“No, that’s not true…”

“You can’t say it’s not there. Just listen to me first and I’ll let you answer last.”

Ain sat on a chair placed on the terrace with a strong pressure on his shoulder.

It was uncomfortable for him to sit alone in front of Sylvird while Sylvird was standing there. But now, he obediently listened to Sylvird, and the air was filled with the kind of atmosphere that mades him do so.

“Ain? Do you think you want to be a god?”

“No, of course not! No matter how much I want to be, such a foolish thing…”

“Then it is impossible. Ain’s wish will never come true.”

Sylvird, ruthlessly telling him it’s impossible, continued his words before Ain could open his mouth.

“Never disappoint people and never stop fulfilling their expectations. Only a being called God… can do such a thing. It is impossible for anyone, not just Ain, not even me, not even His Majesty the First, to do such a thing.”

“…B-b-but! It is the bare minimum… for a king!”

“Then what is the bare minimum for a king? Is it to benefit the country? Or is it to rule in peace?”


The weather was sunny and… comfortably warm today. Despite the weather, Ain’s mind was not at peace.

“Then it means that it will be beneficial for the country. Then Ain will have the wealth that a king brings in his lifetime. Then you can rest a little easier, can’t you?”

“I-I don’t understand what you mean…”

“Two sea dragons.”

“It is true that I have something to do with it. However, the amount is less than 30 years of the national budget…”

Seeing Ain say this, Sylvird rebukes him in a strong tone.

“Don’t be so conceited! What is a mere amount? …What do you think of the budget made possible by the taxes paid by the people?”

“…I-I apologize!”

“The national budget is not created by the power of the king alone. You know that, don’t you?”

“…Of course.”

Hearing these words, Ain apologized sincerely. He was certainly wrong; he said something that trampled on the people’s efforts. He is deeply ashamed in his heart.

“Out of thin air. It is wrong to say that, but that is what I will say at this time. Out of nothing, Ain brought the country the wealth of those years. That is something to be proud of… Don’t forget it.”

“Yes. I will remember that.”

“Now, let’s move on. A reassuring reign… is certainly no good for a foolish king. But while I was thinking about it, I had a feeling. This is the point where Ain has become complacent in everything he does.

Sylvird finally came to Ain’s side and sat down as well. Then he took a deep breath and continued his thoughts.

“Will you rule this Ishtalika all by yourself, Ain?”

“N-no. I don’t think I can do that.”

“I suppose so. …It takes many trustworthy subjects to rule, does it not?”

“…I suppose it is as you say.”

Ain also did not believe that he could rule alone. Of course, the administration of a country only worked with many people. Working in the castle and seeing what happened to Sylvird made him painfully aware of such things.

“So, for example. What about Martha, can you trust her?”

“…..? Y-yes, of course.”

“What about Dill? Isn’t he a good knight?”

Perhaps because of what he had just said, he remembered the incident with the sea dragon.

A man who had no regard for himself and did nothing but serve him.

“…He is the best knight.”

Sylvird seemed satisfied with Ain’s answer, but the question still remained.

“And finally, what about Chris? You care for her, don’t you, Ain?”

It reminded him of the promise he made to her last night. After so many words have been thrown at him, he was not so stupid as not to know.


“Then let me ask you. Will these people betray Ain?”

One could never know how people feel. It was often said that such a thing was true, but even so, those people would never betray him. Ain was made to feel that way.

“No…! Martha-san, Dill… and Chris. They will never betray me, I can assure you of that.”

“Hahaha…! I see, well, it’s too early to tell then.”

Just like a few minutes ago, Sylvird began to pat Ain’s head hard. A broad smile appeared on his face.

“If you are afraid of being loved, are you not afraid of being loved by these people… and being expected to be loved by these people?”


Certainly so. Ain was strongly reminded of this.

In fact, the feeling was the opposite: it was quite pleasant to be expected by Martha, Dill, and Chris.

It must have been different in the past. He remembered being able to work harder and be happier.

“That would have been contradictory, wouldn’t it, Ain? You must have been scared, but you remembered that it was comfortable… no doubt about it, right?”

“…What are you, Grandfather?”

“Hahaha! I’m just a king, and I’m just Ain’s grandfather. Then, for the last time, Ain, I’ll give you some advice.”

Sylvird stood up and walked to the railing. Then he spread his hands wide and spoke in a strong tone.

“Make them fall in love with you so much that they will never betray you. Make them fall in love with your voice, your appearance, your behavior, and your very presence, so that they will never betray you, Ain. Get into their hearts and minds to make them feel that way! Stand in front of the other person with confidence… and talk to them without being self-centered! Remember how confident you used to be!”

After saying this, Sylvird turned and looked into Ain’s eyes.

“There are not many differences between the people and the important people in the castle. They are equally citizens of Ishtalika and those who know Ain. If you stop being selfish and building your own walls, a new path will open for you.”

“But Grandfather, don’t you think that what you just said was too forceful or too… brute force?”

Ain’s mouth and cheeks relaxed as he said this. His face, which had become somewhat beaming, simply began to smile spontaneously.

“Hmm? What’s so unusual about that, Ain? … Being a member of the royal family and using brute force is a specialty of Ain, isn’t it?”

“I’m not that brute…”

It’s been a long time since anyone heard Ain say “I.” [T/n: He used Ore here when he usually used Boku to call himself.]

Although Sylvird was happy to see Ain as an adult, he did not dislike Ain when he was as mischievous as he used to be. For Sylvird, who thought so, it was a pleasure to see Ain as he was now.

“Oh, Ain! I just had the best idea!”

“The best idea…? Grandfather, what trick are you going to pull this time?”

“Nuhahaha! It’s the best way to completely eliminate Ain’s problems! And secretly, it also contains my wish!”

“Let’s hear it.”

Perhaps the funniest sight ever. Sylvird had such a pleasant expression and voice that Ain felt the same.

“Only in this country can you do this. …Ain, your goal should be to surpass His Majesty the first! Then you will live happily ever after!”

“Huh! What are you saying, Grandfather?”

“Are they wrong?”

…It was not wrong. Of course, if he were to surpass the first king of Ishtalika, Ain’s fears would be irrelevant. But Ain now complained that this was not something to be said so lightly.

“If you say such a thing, you will be punished.”

“You just have to keep your mouth shut. I told you earlier what I thought of His Majesty the First, didn’t I?”

“Speaking of which… Well, I heard about it, but…”

“Perhaps it would be best if I included my wish and asked Ain to go for it.”

“Grandfather’s wish?”

Sylvird, still in a good mood, answers Ain’s words as if he had been waiting for them.

“To surpass His Majesty the First is something I could never have done. But strangely enough, it makes me think that Ain might be able to do it. If that happens, I will be proud of myself even in the afterlife. I’m counting on you, Ain!”

“Such a sudden and ruthless…”

The only king who unified the continent and defeated the Demon King. Even if he were to be asked to surpass him, he wouldn’t even know what to do.

“But one thing. Isn’t it a breakthrough?”

“…I think it might be.”

“It would be good if it were. Just take the opportunity to go to the grave of His Majesty the First, dressed as you are. I’m sure you’ll be greeted kindly.”

“Suddenly again… Is that okay? Even if you allow me…”

“No problem. Actually, that place is a place where you can go anytime you want with my permission… Oh, by the way. I had to tell Ain something.”

Sylvird started to rummage in his pockets and immediately pulled out a small piece of paper.

He suddenly told Ain to go to the grave of the first king and said that he had something to tell him… Sylvird was not busy at all, but Ain was happy to hear it.

“I know it’s short notice, but there’s a place I want you to go to in a few days. I want you to go to the former territory of Viscount Sage for a short visit.”

“Isn’t this too sudden in many ways, Grandfather…?”

“Katima was supposed to go, but there’s been a change of plans. I’m leaving this mission to you, Ain… I’ll tell you more later. It’s a beautiful area, so get a change of scenery!”

Ain guessed that this was Sylvird’s way of showing his concern.

It was a bit like a trip and wasn’t that bad. Since he was feeling better for the first time in a long time, he accepted this suggestion.

“Well, thank you for your concern, Grandfather.”

“Umu, umu! You might as well enjoy the scenery and a meal while you’re at it!”

“Maybe I could buy you a souvenir?”

“…They have some delicious sweets. Please bring me as many as you can.”

In the end, the conversation was vague, but Ain looked refreshed as if he had been relieved of all his worries. After all the help he had given him, he decided to buy more souvenirs than he could eat.

“Okay, I understand …. and thank you very much for today. Thanks to you, Grandfather, I think I can handle this…”

“This is quite a big deal.”

“…Well, may I take your word for it and go to the grave of His Majesty the First? What can I say… it’s not to make a decision, but to renew my mind.”

“Very well. You will follow the manner of the other day, yes?”

“I understand. I will go and get my sword and then I will do as you say.”

Ain rose quickly and bowed deeply to Sylvird at the end.

He would certainly never forget what he said today. It was such a meaningful and important time that… he would certainly think about it until he died.

Sylvird continued to smile softly, not as a king but as a grandfather. Before leaving the room, Ain bowed once more and left Sylvird’s room.


“Whenever I come here, it’s really quiet.”

To clear my mind. Forgive me for visiting with such impure feelings… Ain apologized in his heart and stepped into the square.

“…Even though I am an ungrateful Crown Prince. Forgive me.”

He murmured softly and quietly and bowed at the entrance where all the tombstones were visible. …And Ain’s target was right in front of the tomb of the first king of Ishtalika, which was located there. Aiming at the tomb, Ain began to walk slowly.


The only sound was his footsteps on the soft grass, and no other sounds reached him. On the contrary, his breathing was the loudest sound… and the atmosphere was so lonely that it made him feel that way.


The sound of the sword on his hip occasionally rubbing against the ground is combined with the sound of his footsteps on the grass.

But combined with the sound of his footsteps on the grass, it somehow felt like a bit of music. …It was never unpleasant.

“(Then let’s get started.)”

Arriving at the grave, Ain recalled the procedure he learned from Sylvird.

He laid out the offerings he received before his arrival and performed them, one by one, with great care.


He simply became careless and continued to do so, trying not to be rude.

The seriousness of his posture and the careful gestures he made. It was a gesture that would have satisfied even the first king of Ishtalika; if there had been a third person looking at Ain, he would have appreciated it.

——And finally, he held the sword to his chest.

And so the necessary etiquette ended. He would apologize for his sudden visit and leave the place with a renewed spirit. That was Ain’s intention.


After completing the sequence of events, Ain breathed a sigh of relief that he had not made a mistake.

He lowered the living armor sword he had been holding to his chest, bowed one last time, and turned his back to the grave.

“H-huh…? Something seems different…”

After about three steps, something seemed wrong, and he suddenly stopped.

Was there a mistake in the current flow of events? No, he should have finished without rudeness at the end, and Ain started to check one by one.

“No, but I placed the offerings properly, but… I also bowed properly…”

There was no doubt about it. There were certainly no mistakes, and he should have completed his ritual gesture to the end.

But somehow, he felt it was different from the other day.

“Yes, yes… The last step is to place the sword firmly on the chest… and then put it on…”

…No way, right?

Ain, who had remembered one last movement, turned around in slow motion. He stepped once more towards the grave behind.

“I am truly sorry, Marc-sama… for asking you to allow me to visit again.”

The only thing he wanted to do again was to raise his sword. Somehow, he managed to suppress this strong desire and started all over again.

However, unlike before, he cannot be mindless. In fact, he couldn’t suppress his mind, which kept getting confused.

Ain, who was in a bit of a hurry, quickly advanced to the point where he was about to raise the last sword.

Apologizing to Marc’s grave for his haste, he began to reach for the sword. His sweaty hand slips twice, and it takes him a while to get it out, but he finally grabs the sword.


Staring at the grave, he raises the sword, breathing more heavily than usual.

While looking at the sword and the grave… at the same time, which was slowly moving closer to his chest, he finally stared at the sword as if he was staring at it.

“The sword doesn’t… glow?”

It certainly glowed in front of the tomb of the previous king. After all, that was the special ability of this sword, so it was quite natural for it to glow.

The tomb of the first King Marc did not glow at all.

——What the hell does that mean?

“It means nothing… Marc-sama is not here, that’s what it means.”

This thought cannot be wrong.

Then, he could not understand why he was not here.

“Buried somewhere else…? I’ve never heard of such a thing. If it were true, Grandfather would have told me.”

What is the point of that? Ain began to think frantically.

In a vague thought, he turned his attention to Marc’s grave. He couldn’t help but notice a letter.

“Resting in his beloved homeland…?”

It was a common story. The words are carved on the grave to convey the feelings of those who came to the grave. There was nothing special about it; it was a story that coould be found everywhere.

The only thing that really caught Ain’s attention were the letters.

——Yes. Therefore, I will dedicate myself to the “Ishtalika Royal Family.” It is a matter of course…

“Marco-san. Maybe you are…”

——Therefore, the future task is to discover the birthplace and environment of His Majesty the First. Research on the family structure was mentioned…

“Professor Kyle. That’s right… that’s what I’ll be working on… about His Majesty the First, isn’t it?”

——”You know, ‘We all have to get along!” He said he was told to keep his mouth shut.

“Words of His Majesty the First. You must not confront… Coincidence? Too good to be coincidence.”

The words spoken by the living armor reminded Marco of the lesson he had just learned at school. They are by no means unrelated to what just happened… if the prediction Ain thought of was correct.

“Hey, Your Majesty the First. What does ‘beloved homeland’ mean to you…?”

With a thud, the sword in Ain’s hand fell to the grass.

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