Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 118 – Cherry Blossom Jewel

I should not be the one with this order in hand. Thinking so, just as Olivia had destroyed the ring in the past, Ain destroyed the parchment until it was in tatters. Finally, it broke into pieces and scattered with a gust of wind.

“You are… Ain-sama… right?”

After the epic battle, Ain took care of the fallen Marco.

For Dill, it was hard to understand how the battle came to be and also what happened afterward.

And once it reached the climax, the question was why Ain’s body had grown so much…

“Yes. This is definitely the Ain that Dill knows so well.”

Normally, Dill would have looked down on him. But now, on the contrary, it was Dill who was being looked down upon.

Even though he was only a few centimeters taller, his unusual appearance made Dill feel awkward.

“Even your hair has grown so long, and your face looks much more… grown up.”

He was about 17 or 18 years old?

It did not look like Ain grew up to that age all at once.

His face, body shape, and hair length had changed in many areas. He looked completely different from before they arrived at the Demon King’s castle.

“I absorbed Marco-san’s magic stone while we were fighting. I don’t know, but I think it made me bigger.”

…Of course, that was also a lie.

After all, as mentioned before, Ain fought against Marco using only the strength of his sword, as he had promised.

But regarding the changes in his own body, he would like to explain them to Dill later.

“It would take a long time to explain. So, on the way back to the royal capital, I’ll let you hear it slowly. …Is that okay with you?”

“Very well. I’ll leave it at that for now.”

Despite the many inconveniences Ain had caused him, Dill still trusted him in this way.

Ain was glad to have met Dill and thanked Lloyd for bringing them together.

“Before we return to Baltic, I think we should take a short detour.”

He had done what he had to do and confirmed what he had to do. But it’s not every day that he got the chance to come this far, and when it came down to it, the last place Ain wanted to go was…

“No way, Ain-sama… to the poisoned swamp.”

“That’s right, Dill! Yes, I’ll go there now… and then we’ll return to the royal capital!”

Unlike his earlier appearance, he had returned to the fun-seeking… kind of Ain.

Dill, with a tired look on his face, decided to go along with Ain’s out-of-control behavior.


According to Marco, it was only a ten-minute walk.

The sun was just rising. Ain and Dill left the Demon King’s castle and walked further into the forest.

Surrounded by many trees, they walked on, even breaking branches from time to time.

The footing was poor, and it was hard to keep going, but it was still much better than marching in the winter.

“Oh, I see it, I see it.”

He should have asked for detailed directions. He regretted it when he started walking but decided that if he couldn’t find it after a short search, he would give up. He made that decision and kept walking.

“Is that the poison swamp?”

Many trees grew irregularly. After passing through this area, they finally arrived at the open land they had not seen for a long time.

“Well, if it’s so easy to understand, I’m sure it’s the poisonous swamp…”

In front of them, as Kaizer had mentioned, was a swamp several tens of meters long.

In the middle of the swamp was a shiny spot that was too hazy to see the full extent of the swamp.

“Is all that spreading liquid poisonous?”

“I think so. Shall we go a little further?”

——Oops and…

He was still not used to his larger body and almost stumbled.

“Please be careful, Ain-sama?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I’m just not used to walking yet.”

With more care than before, Ain walked into the poisonous swamp that spread out in front of him.

The liquid was dark and shiny, like tar. However, it was blue-black in color and did not have a particularly pungent odor.

On the contrary, it was beautiful, and its fragrance spread like the scent of roses.

“Is this fragrance poisonous? I guess some animals or monsters might be deceived by it.”

“I don’t think so. There are no such footprints here, and not even a small insect has shown up.”

The strong pheromone-like scent was effective in nature to fool others.

But it was only a poisonous swamp… and creatures who lived by such instincts were probably aware of its hideous toxicity.

“But if it smells so good, I can’t help but wonder if it’s really poisonous.”

“Haha, you’re probably right.”

Ain smiled at Dill’s words and then went straight to the edge of the swamp.

“But you see… it was poison.”

The swamp slowly spread out in a circle around the area Ain had touched as if pouring water on oil.

“Is it detoxified?”

“…If possible, I would prefer you to say something first.”

“Oh… sorry. I’ll reflect on that.”

He scratched his head and said the words apologetically.

“It’s called a swamp, but it seems pretty shallow. I’m going to see what’s glowing in the middle, can you wait here?”

“Yes… now I am aware of Ain-sama’s resistance to poison. However, there is no guarantee that there are no monsters, so you should be careful in this regard.”

“Hmm. If push comes to shove, I’ll just swing this sword and run away, so wait a minute.”

Come to think of it, he was a little sorry that he hadn’t decided on the name.

He wanted Marco to decide, and that was his regret.

“Oh, it’s not shallow, it’s more like a puddle.”

Ain walked slowly, step by step, to find out how deep it was.

The bottom of the puddle was so dark that it was impossible to see its depth.

“Well, well… let’s see what’s in there.”

Step by step, he moved his feet forward slowly so that he would not have to worry about the sudden increase of depth of the water. Behind him, Dill looked at Ain with a slightly worried expression on his face.

“Hmm, hmm…”

But Ain, who had just walked forward, was humming a melody, unaware of Dill’s concern.

The center of the swamp that was gradually approaching also felt frustrating.

“(…It’s as beautiful as if it were a spirit.)”

Dill, who was worried about Ain, had this impression when he saw him walking.

Whenever Ain walked, a detoxified circle spread around his footprints. His beautifully grown hair, inherited from Olivia, looked fantastic in combination with this gesture.

“This fog… smells amazingly thick.”

As Ain approached the center, the fog gradually began to thicken.

And as he smelled it, Ain thought back to the past.

“I’ve smelled something like this before. Where was it?”

He remembered this scent from somewhere. It must have been an important time for him, but he couldn’t remember anything about the scent.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll figure it out later.”

Instead of thinking about it, he knew that he would arrive at the answer he just kept walking. With that in mind, he walked faster than before.

“I see.”

The light grew stronger as he walked through the fog.

The light shone like a “flame” and was only a few steps ahead of him.

“Huh? That light is…”

Ain, who was familiar with the way it shone, finally reached the bottom of the light.

“I see. It was the scent of that flower… That’s why I remembered smelling it, that’s what it was.”

Dill, who was watching from outside the swamp, could not see what Ain was doing.

But when Ain reached the light, its true identity was finally revealed.

“It’s cherry-red… but it’s the Blue Fire Rose, isn’t it?”

Flickering cherry-red flames embedded in each petal continued to glow in a gentle rhythm.

When he brought his face close to it, it was obvious that it was nothing more than a Blue Fire Rose.

“It also has poison… surely?”

But could it really be called that?

It was not blue at all, but how could it be called a blue fire rose?

“…I can’t pull it out.”

So he thought about pulling it out of the ground and trying to get the poison out of it. But no matter how hard he pulled, it showed no signs of being pulled out.

“It’s too deeply rooted! No, but it’s still too hard…”

Finally, he grabbed it with both hands and kept pulling. But still, this Blue Fire Rose shows no sign of pulling out.

“How far does the root extend… it’s not big enough to extend that far, right…?”

He tried for a while, but there was no sign of it pulling out.

Looking at the swampy area he had walked through, he wondered how far it had extended its roots.

“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to say… this whole swamp are the roots, would you?”

The amount of poison was unimaginable for a normal Blue Fire Rose. It was no longer just a matter of time, as it had become even more liquid and swampy.

Seeing this rose, which was definitely a mutant, Ain made such assumptions.

——Then he put his finger on the root and let the poison decompose.

“…How about this?”

He wasn’t sure what would happen to the surrounding poison, but he did it and let it decompose for a while.

…Then the fog seemed to thin, and he could see Dill outside.

“Ain-sama! What exactly are you doing?

“I am trying to dissolve the poison! Wait a minute!”

Dill could also see Ain’s figure and the two of them spoke for the first time in several minutes.

“The poison swamp is getting smaller and smaller, but that was Ain-sama’s power, wasn’t it?”


Ain gave a small chuckle, pleased that his hypothesis was correct.

“Then let’s do it all at once.”

He put his body to work to further increase the speed of the toxin decomposition. Then, as Ain could see, the toxic swamp gradually narrowed.

What remained was nothing but clear, beautiful water and soil that appeared to be full of nutrients.

How many lives could be lost if this poison was used as a weapon?

It could be enough to threaten the very existence of a country.

“Oh. It was pulled out…”

Once the swamp’s poison was removed, the blue fire rose and easily emerged from the ground. Ain held it between his fingers in front of his eyes.

“Finally. I’ll take your poison as well.”

Ain gradually absorbed the poison from the bottom, just as he had done in the past.

The shimmer of the petals seemed to get stronger and stronger, and one by one, they turned into beautiful crystals.

“…This is a complete mutation.”

As soon as the last petal turned into a crystal, Ain stopped the toxin decomposition.

Ain gently took the part above the flower pattern that had become a crystal in his hand.

“It’s a Cherry Blossom Star Crystal…”

In addition to its hideous toxicity, the mutated Blue Fire Rose also had this kind of beauty.

A star crystal that spreads a world of springtime beauty, where petals seem to be constantly dancing.

The spring sunshine, the warmth of the sun, and the dignified beauty caught Ain’s eye.

“…I’ll just take it home for now.”


After returning to the city of Baltic, Ain and Dill quickly boarded the royal train.

When they were reunited with the waiting royal knights, everyone stopped in amazement.

“I grew when I absorbed the magic stone.”

When he gave them a too-simple explanation, they were confused but accepted it.

After all, absorbing a magic stone was unprecedented; even the knights had no idea what would happen.

The Royal Knights believed it because Ain had told them so.

Afterward, in the car Ain was boarding, he wondered how to explain what had happened in the Demon King’s castle to Dill.

But Dill, seeing the exhausted look on Ain’s face, told him to explain it to him after they returned to the Royal Capital and after he rested.

Dill was always kind and believed in him.

This concern made Ain happy, but at the same time, he felt a great sense of guilt.

It was true, however, that Ain’s feelings were difficult to put into words, and he had not been able to formulate his thoughts.

Lately, he has been so spoiled by Dill that his heart ached, but he had also been spoiled by Dill’s heart.

“Hey Dill… Are you sure you want to wait until we get back to the Royal Capital?”

“…Can I just ask you one thing?”

Dill said as he was about to leave the car Ain was in and headed for his place of rest.

“Yes. Ask me anything.”

“Then let me ask you. Is what you did for Ishtalika… and for the future, and is it connected to that?”

“Of course. I’m sure what I did was important to Ishtalika.”

Dill just smiled softly when he heard these words.

“If so, that’s fine. I’m Ain-sama’s bodyguard, so I only protect Ain-sama. Even if it is in the Demon King’s castle.”

“…I’m sorry.”

There might be a part of Dill that was connected to Marco.

When he was shown such loyalty that it made him think so, Ain felt ashamed of what he had done so far.

“There is no need to apologize. But Ain-sama is also tired… Please, when we return to the royal capital, I would like to talk to an energetic Ain-sama again.”

Dill opened the door.

“I am sorry for everything that has happened. There are still many things I don’t understand, but nevertheless, I was shown the heroic figure of Ain-sama. …That figure is the greatest treasure for me.”

Turning around one last time, Dill says to Ain.

“Please rest. I will return when we arrive at the royal capital.”

Dill quietly closed the door and moved to a completely separate room from Ain.

Dill’s voice did not reach Ain as he walked out, but Dill stopped right there and thought about a few things.

“…I couldn’t do anything about the fight with Marco-dono.”

What a frustrating fight it had been.

He hated to admit it, but even if it was Lloyd… it was a difficult exchange of power and skill that made him think like that, and Ain had done it.

“Besides, when Ain-sama was in trouble. I couldn’t do anything about it.”

When Ain was in a depressed mood, he could not help him mentally. This affected him deeply.

“As a guard, as a person who should be at his side… I couldn’t do anything. If that’s the case, then, Ain-sama, it’s me who should apologize.”

He was just frustrated. Even though Ain had become so strong and big, “What in the world is wrong with that body?” And his heart was filled with it.

“Hah… Damn it… It’s frustrating.”

He couldn’t go on like this. Things wouldn’t change even if he didn’t have such a bodyguard, so what should he do?

“I have to be strong. More than ever, and much, much more than Father…”

Even as he shed tears, he thought hard about what he had to do.

“When I come back, I’ll have to ask my father for help. I’ll train even harder, and I’ll reach a level of strength that even Father can’t even fathom.”

He rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his robe and wiped away the tears that were beginning to form.


A short time after Dill left, Ain stared at the card on the desk.

To avoid seeing the written content, he put his own gloves on it to hide it.

“…I think it’s time to take a look.”

Ain, who had just been observing the situation, finally made up his mind.

“It’s been a long time. I don’t want to see it, after all.”

Underneath the glove was a status card with his name on it. To be honest, he wanted to throw it out of the window without looking at what it said.

But there was no way to do that, and Ain fought the conflicting emotions.

——”My name is Ain, Ain von Ishtalika. I am the next king of the rightful Ishtalika blood, the blood of the second king of the Ishtalika royal family.”

These were the words he spoke to Marco at the end of his life.

He used the word king in that line but had mixed feelings about it.

“Second King. Surely that’s what it means…”

He used it to mean the second king of the former demon king’s territory. That would explain the change in his body, and it would fit.


It meant a vessel as conceived by Ain.

It meant the vessel Sylvird thought of.

And the meaning of “vessel” that Marco mentioned.

There was a difference between each of them, but there was not much difference between Ain’s and Sylvird’s idea of a vessel. However, there was a big discrepancy between what they thought of as a vessel and what Marco said. In other words, that’s what this was about.

“…I knew it would be like this.”

The word “named” that should have been on the list of jobs was missing.

Instead, two more words were added.

“Yes. Well, I expected it, I was prepared for it, and I had a feeling it would happen.”

He would tell Sylvird first. As for whether or not to tell the others, it would be right to think about it later.

“Demon king, huh…?”

In the lineage of Ishtalika, a demon king was born. As a red fox pursuer, he couldn’t help but feel the significance of this fateful story.


Had everything gone according to plan, Ain would have returned to the royal capital later that evening.

However, it was already before 10:00 p.m., and the castle was filled with such anxiety as to what had caused the delay by several hours.

It was in this atmosphere that Sylvird was led into Olivia’s office.

“So, Father! What on earth did you ask Ain to do?”

“C-calm down Olivia…”

The royal train was moving, which meant that the information would surely be sent to Sylvird.

Then those waiting at the castle would think it only natural to ask Sylvird.

“Yes, yes, Your Majesty. I wonder why it’s so late… What are you making Ain-kun do?”

“Y-you need to calm down too, Laralua! As a queen, you must always stay calm…”

“Ara, I am calm. That’s why I’m asking you calmly.”

Even though he was pressed, Sylvird himself had no idea what Ain was actually doing.

The information that reached Sylvird was late because it came from Baltic. He wanted Olivia and the others to keep quiet… because that’s what it was all about.

“(What are you doing, Ain…! Why should I be blamed for this…?)”

“…Your Majesty?”

“Oh, Krone! Will you tell these two to behave?”

“Your Majesty, with all due respect. What is Ain doing?”

He thought Krone might know. But she was also worried about Ain.

Although her face was calm, there is a thorn in her words.

“My goodness, it seems to be quite a difficult time for you…”

“Warren! Have you heard anything…?”

“I have not heard either, although I am more on the side of the queen and the others.”

——What is the Crown Prince doing?

He suddenly seemed to be in a good mood, and then he suddenly headed towards Baltic.

It was hard for everyone to see Ain in such a depressed mood, but also hard for them when Ain was in such an “upbeat” mood.

If he was leaving from Baltic, he should arrive soon. He should be back soon… Sylvird began to think.

“S-so everyone’s here…?”

Martha knocked and entered the room.

She came in a hurry, perhaps, and seemed to be in a hurry as she adjusted her breathing.

In her hand, she held a black cord that is usually used to tie up hair.

“Oh, Martha! What’s the matter with you, coming here so suddenly?”

Was this what they call a “godsend”?

Sylvird approached Martha and spoke to her more casually than usual.

“That… Ain-sama has returned…”

It was the best news. Maybe because Sylvird was relieved… he could afford to think about how to discipline Ain.

“Martha, is Ain back?”

“Y-yes. Sure, Ain-sama is back… but…”

Martha seemed a little unsure, and Olivia and the others looked at her anxiously.

“Martha-san? Has something happened to Ain?”

Krone placed both hands in front of her chest, clutching them tightly as if to drown out her anxiety. After hearing these words, Martha continued her explanation with a puzzled look on her face.

“I don’t know how to say it… but he’s getting bigger…”

Martha’s words were unintelligible.

When everyone was stunned, Martha said, “I think you should see him for yourself… He is waiting in the hall.” …Martha bowed and left.

They understood that Ain had returned but had no idea what had happened to him.

So, as Martha said, everyone left Olivia’s office and went to the great hall to see for themselves.


Time goes back a bit. It was when Ain was walking through the castle gates and into the great hall.

“Well, I’m finally home.”

Ain stretched and relaxed.

The sight of a different view was breathtakingly fresh.

But the people in the castle were restless.

Who on earth was that? He looked like Olivia and had a bit of Ain in him. …And Dill was standing next to him; what’s going on?

Everyone had these confused looks on their faces, too, but if he was a guest, there should be no rudeness.

Everyone tried to be their normal selves without showing any facial expressions.

“Is Martha-san here?”

He called out to Martha in his usual loud voice.

Within a few dozen seconds, Martha came into the hall.

“Welcome back, Ain-sama. Everyone is waiting for your return…”

Martha looked up, saw Ain’s face, and suddenly closed her mouth.

“…Dill. Where is Ain-sama?”

“Mother… The one over here is Ain-sama… I’m sure he will explain more later, but for now, I hope you understand that he is Ain-sama…”

When her son, who served as Ain’s bodyguard, told her this, Martha’s face was colored with surprise.

“…M-my apologies, Ain-sama. I didn’t think you were really Ain-sama…”

“A lot of things have happened, and I’ve grown up. By the way, I need some new clothes.”

Looking at Ain’s feet and hands, she could clearly see that his clothes weren’t long enough.

But Martha could not afford to worry about clothes right now.

“Could you please go and tell my grandfather and the others that I have returned? I’ll stay here and unload my stuff, if you don’t mind.”

He looked tired, but he still smiled as he always did.

Martha saw the look on his face and realized that it really was Ain.

“I-I understand. Then I will hurry and tell them——”

“Oh, and can I have some string to tie up my hair? It’s too long and I have trouble with it.”

He had long hair that came down to his waist. If you only looked at that part, it gave the illusion that there were two Olivias.

“Understood. Then I’ll get you something… Well, do you want to stay in the great hall for a while?”

“Yes, I think I will. I’ve got a lot of luggage.”

Ain didn’t pay any attention to Martha’s confusion but just laughed as usual.

This easiness was clearly Ain; she thought so.

“Well, I will go inform them. I will also bring you something to tie up your hair, so please wait a moment.”

“Hmm. Okay.”

Ain turned around and looked at the many bags he had brought with him.

“Hey, Dill? Did you send all the souvenirs yesterday?”

“Yes, I did. I think they are already in the kitchen.”

“I see. That’s a relief.”

Martha heard them talking but hurried to find Sylvird and the others.

“Oh, by the way, Dill.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I’d like you to go shopping with me sometime when you’re free.”

Dill stopped opening his luggage at Ain’s sudden words.

“I’ll go with you, of course… but what kind of shopping do you want?”

“Now that I’m all grown up, I want to get some clothes. I thought it would be nice to go to a place like that with you once in a while, would that be okay?”

“I-I’ll take you to a place I use…!”

Dill’s face became so pleased that it was obvious at first glance.

He had not expected such an invitation, and his heart was filled with such joy.

“Good, good. I want to go buy some clothes right away, in fact, my clothes are so tight right now… that I want to take them off already.”

“…Will you go back to your room first?”

“I-I know…! I’m not going to undress here!”

The two of them had a similar exchange, and the servants and knights who had watched from afar began to realize that it was really Ain.

Then a question mark came to mind, what the hell was going on…

While Ain and Dill were doing this, Chris, dressed in a knight’s uniform, probably heard the commotion and came over.

“Ain-sama, you’re back… huh…?”

She came as if her tail was wagging vigorously, but as she approached Ain, her momentum slowed.

She stopped a few steps away, looking confused, like a cat that had not seen its owner return home in a long time.

“I’m back, Chris. Sorry I’m a little late.”

Ain, who had been rummaging through his luggage, turned around when he heard Chris’ voice.

“Eh…? Ain-sama? Ain-sama…?”

“Yes, yes, it’s me, Ain. How are you, Chris?”

After letting go of his hand from the luggage, Ain came close to Chris’ side.

His body was bigger than the other day, his hair had grown longer… and his face had grown like an adult. Although he still had the look of Olivia and the previous Ain, Chris couldn’t help but flinch when he saw the new, more attractive Ain.

“Y-you’re really Ain-sama? Why did you get so big… and your hair grew… too?”

“Um… a lot has happened, and I’ve grown taller. Is that strange?”

Seeing the worried look on Ain’s face, Chris quickly denied it.

“Th-that’s not true…! That… you have become more dignified and… nice, I think… But I’m worried if it’s really Ain-sama.”

“But you see, these clothes are the ones I always wear. And the sword too… right?”

Then he gestured to show what he was wearing, and Chris slowly began to approach him.

“May I take a closer look at you…?”

“It’s okay. Here you go.”

Hearing the answer, Chris moved even closer, coming within a few dozen centimeters of Ain.

“Sniff… sniff…”

If Ain’s eyes were right, Chris was working her nose more than her eyes. It was such a gesture, but Ain accepted it silently.

It made him wonder if he would have smelled of sweat.

“——I-it’s really Ain-sama…!”

Then she looked up with a happy smile! Chris looked up and finally believed that it really was Ain.

“(Is that how you recognize me…?)”

It seemed that Chris had developed her loyal dog level while Ain had not seen her for a few days, but he did not expect this kind of identification method.

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