Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 73

Here’s the chapter. Enjoy~

ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 73 – It’s Not Bad to be Rolled in the Palm of One’s Hand

Let us go back in time a bit. It was when Ain left the castle. This was how Ain arrived at the site of the duel.

——It was one day after Ain returned to the castle. He had to leave the royal capital for a while. It was for the duel with Viscount Sage, a nobleman who had committed an injustice. However, the duel was a duel between the monsters of both sides, not a fight between the two of them.

However, as far as Ain was concerned, if his opponent was not a Sea Dragon class monster, he would be able to handle it, right? That was what he thought.

Therefore, he thought that it would be okay for him, who had the title of “Named,” to participate in the battle. Of course, Chris put a stop to this plan.

Finally, it was time for Ain to leave the castle.

“Um. Krone… is this the carriage you arranged?”

“Yes, it is. Isn’t it magnificent? It’s a new model from the August Trading Company, and it hasn’t even been unveiled yet.”

Fufun, says Krone, puffing out her chest. Didn’t she understand that her more and more magnificent physique was a poison in Ain’s eyes?

“No, that’s not a good thing.”

Krone was a smart assistant. The carriage she arranged arrived at the castle. Ain, Krone, and Chris should get into the carriage.

Ain waited in the castle, but when he was told that the carriage had arrived, he left the castle. Then, between the castle gate and the castle door, a carriage arranged by Krone was parked… where the so-called royal carriage always stops.

At first sight, he wondered, “Is this really a carriage?”

“I don’t understand the use of five horses.”

“Actually, it seems that it should be pulled by a monster. But it takes time to raise them and costs a lot of money. So it was decided to use horses.”

“Oh yes, that’s right… So it was a normal result.”

The size of the carriage was also quite large, so it was pulled by five horses. It seemed to be more than three times bigger than the carriage Ain always used, just because it was always in the same place.

“Hey. What are you going to do on a narrow road?”

“The furnace is packed like a water train. I heard it’s supposed to drive itself…”

That doesn’t make sense, but then again, it doesn’t need a horse, does it? That’s what Ain thinks, but he’s a little afraid to say it. …However, this does not mean that he is not interested in this horse-drawn carriage. Therefore, he decided to enjoy this undisclosed carriage.

Today, Krone was dressed in a uniform that looked like a black suit. She was wearing a skirt underneath, and her beautiful legs were wrapped in black tights today. Ain couldn’t help but take a peek at her…so that Krone didn’t notice, of course.

On her wrist, a Star Crystal bracelet shone as usual. And on her chest, a large black pearl, Krone’s favorite necklace.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Ain-sama.”

“Hello, Chris-san. …Well, now that everyone is here. Let’s go in.”

He called to the twins. “It’s okay, we’re close by; let’s go on a little trip together.” They were smart and understood the words Ain told them. After patting them on the head, he gave them a couple of fish each that he had prepared.


“Then… please come in, Your Highness.”

Krone went first and opened the carriage door. She let Ain through first, then Chris. Finally, she entered the carriage herself and began to show the guests around.

“What do you think, Your Highness? This carriage was built to compete with such rooms in inns for nobles…”

“…It’s so well made that it’s hard to believe it’s a carriage.”

Krone deliberately called him “Your Highness”. The two looked at each other and laughed a little.

The inside of the carriage resembled the inn in Ist, where he had stayed until recently. There did not seem to be much difference compared to that room. The carriage was so well designed that it was a relaxing place that made you feel like you could live here.

“I can’t believe that a carriage as good as this was made… As expected from the August Trading Company. By the way, Krone-dono, should we put our luggage in the back?”

“Yes. There is a luggage area, so please put your luggage there.”

Chris carried everyone’s luggage to the back. The luggage was prepared for a few days, so it would not be a problem to stay overnight.

The room was not as large as usual, but there was still enough room for everyone to rest in their own private rooms.

“Well, and… hey, Ain.”

Krone turned around. Her silky hair ruffled as she followed the movement.

“I never knew there were carriages like this… Hmm? What is it, Krone?”

Krone confirmed that Chris had gone to the back. She came close to Ain’s side. Her makeup looks the same as usual, but her lips are shinier and more attractive than usual. Ain was almost tempted to grab them, but his reason stopped him.

“Would you like me to tell you something good?”

“…Something good?”

Krone told Ain in a low voice as if she was whispering to him. She bent her body, and her upper body approached Ain. Then, in that position, she lowered her hands and gently tugged at the hem of her skirt.

“Yes. That’s the good thing… You know that?”

With each inch, the skirt was lifted a few inches, exposing her attractive legs and drawing Ain’s eyes to them.

“Wait, Krone!”

Krone winks slightly at Ain’s nervous look. Then she quickly pulls back her skirt and moves closer to Ain’s ear…

“You know what? If you’d rather look at it… you can just stare at it like you are now, okay?”

Actually, she had noticed it from the beginning.

Krone knew that Ain was staring at her legs. But she didn’t mind. That’s why she just let the look go.

When she spoke into his ear, Ain felt her breath on his ear. Then Krone smiled softly and took a step away from Ain.

“I’m back… Huh? Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing at all. I just saw some dirt on Ain’s shoulder, so I just cleaned it off.”

Chris returned after putting the luggage down. She saw that Krone was near Ain and asked her if something was wrong.

“Oh, I see. Ain-sama, you have to take care of your appearance…”

“…Y-you’re right. I’ll be careful.”

Krone, unmoved, lied to Chris in a matter-of-fact manner. Then she looked back at Ain, stuck out her tongue, and winked.

“…I don’t think I can win.”

Even as Ain uttered these words, his eyes were fixed on Krone’s legs as she began to walk.

After all, he’s allowed to do that… he thought to himself and proudly turned his eyes to her.

But as he stared at her legs, he realized. “…Yeah, I’m still losing this one.”

The reason was that he’s really staring at her legs, so it’s only a complete defeat for Ain. No matter where he looked, he couldn’t help but see it as a loss.

——If he thought about it calmly, he was probably in the palm of Krone’s hand the whole time. But Ain showed no remorse, even if he thought so.

* * *

Thus, the carriage left the royal capital for the site of the duel with Viscount Sage. Since it would take a long time, there would be several stops on the way. It was still too early to rest, so Ain began to fill out the report as planned, but he had not expected this.

“Then, Ain-sama. I will help you as planned.”

It all began with a trivial matter. When they returned to the royal capital from Ist, Ain had made a promise to Chris. It was a small promise that they would write a report together, and if that was all it was, it couldn’t have been anything important.

Yes, it should not have happened, but… a problem arose.

“Hmm… yeah. You better fix that part.”

On the right side, Krone.

“You’re getting used to it, aren’t you, Ain-sama? Yes… it’s no problem to be so precise.”

And on the left side was Chris, thus the so-called “flower in both hands” situation.

At first, Krone was in competition with Chris? But both were serious at heart. The atmosphere was not a romantic comedy atmosphere of a battle between two women, and even the atmosphere quickly turned into a serious space.

But one question was…

“Hey, I’m glad you’re here to help me, but aren’t you too close?”

Both of them were probably too close to Ain. Because of the limitation of the nice mentality when it came to awareness, they focused their eyes on the documents in front of them. But even a small change of position or a change of pen would have been dangerous because Ain’s elbow would have almost touched their chests if they moved.

“It’s okay. I can show it like this. Actually, you can point it out right away, can’t you?”

“Yes. But writing a report isn’t that difficult once you get used to it, so I’ll be able to do it in no time.”

Was it only Ain who was embarrassed? When he thought about it, he even felt sorry for himself. But he couldn’t deny that there was a good scent coming from both sides.

Krone was wearing a beautiful rose and fruit scent. Her scent, which was not unpleasant, was a little sweet and made you want to get even closer to her “more and more.” Her scent was not only sweet but also flirtatious, just like Krone herself.

Chris smelled of the same perfume she wore on the way back from Ist, just like the other day.

In fact, Ain had been allowed to sniff a bottle of that perfume yesterday. So he understood the scent of the perfume, but it was somehow different from the scent Chris wore.

In other words, the sweet pheromone-like scent that Ain sometimes sensef was the scent of ‘Chris’ herself.

——Ain calmly analyzed the two in his mind. His hand could do nothing more than mechanically write down the text.

“(Is this “selflessness”?…)”

He had not yet reached the point of selflessness, as far as he was aware. However, it was undeniable that he was getting a kind of close feeling.

“By the way, Ain. What are you going to do next?”

“Hmm? Next?”

“I mean the next investigation sites. There are at least two, aren’t there? …Baltic and Magna, both of which you’re going to investigate again, right?”

“Oh, that’s the next one.”

The simple report itself had already been made, so the next likely targets were already known to Krone and, Olivia, and the others. That’s why Krone asked what Ain was thinking.

“Which one do you mean… Hmm? What are you going to do?”

“I’m thinking of getting a permit for the restricted area and going to Baltic to check it out.”

The area where the most clues are likely to remain. With that in mind, the former Demon King’s territory still comes to mind.

“A-Ain-sama, the former Demon King’s territory is indeed dangerous!”

Chris immediately asked him to wait. It’s probably true; after all, the former Demon King’s Territory was an undeveloped area where what’s there isn’t understood at all. Although it was only considered a possibility now, it was almost certainly dangerous.

“Hey, Ain? I agree with Chris-sama. The area of the former Demon King is indeed dangerous… I think we should go there bit by bit.”

“My current mental state is a dangerous area as well.”

“Eh, Ain?”

“Ain-sama? What exactly does that mean…”

Being sandwiched between two beautiful people is not good for your heart. The word just slipped out of his mouth.

“Um… it’s nothing. …Well, it’s certainly dangerous, but we can’t afford not to do it.”

For a moment, the two didn’t know what Ain was talking about. But the next words he said were, of course, immediately understood: “It’s dangerous, but we have to do it.” They absorbed these words deeply.


Shortly after passing the day, the three of them went to bed after finishing the report. Finally, they reached the banks of the river where the event was to take place.

On the upstream side, Viscount Sage’s party and two Kraken were already in position, as planned.

Ain’s side and the boat leading the Sea Dragon had anchored as well, and Ain had just made the twins “wait” so they would not move.

“Then, Krone. Can you wait here for me?”

“I’m Ain’s assistant, remember? Why should I wait here?”

“Krone-dono. It is Viscount Sage, speaking human words from the mouth of a pig with a human face. May I leave you in charge of the carriages and the ship?”

Chris told her about Sage in an expressive way. With Chris’ unusual tone of voice, Krone obediently followed.

“…I think I’d better wait and see. I understand… Then, both of you, be careful.”

Ain looked at Chris with a stunned face. His mouth was open, and he couldn’t close it. So much so that the words she spoke were some of the most insulting he had ever heard. Not only because of his humanity… but also because of the fact that he committed crimes and cursed Ain, Chris no longer thought of Sage as a person.



“After the duel is over, Sage will be taken into custody by the knights aboard the ship. Depending on the “case,” there is a possibility that he will be beheaded immediately.

If there was any violence, if there was any possibility of danger… it would mean that he would be executed immediately.

“Um, maybe you’re worried about me? You said this could happen right in front of me.”


When you were a part of royalty, it was normal to witness the death of others. It would be hard to live without them, on the contrary. But Chris still cared for Ain.

“I don’t like to say it like this, but…”

He took a big breath. Then exhaled loudly and finally took another small breath.

“…During the Sea Dragon incident, I saw a man who was crushed to death. I also saw people floating to their deaths in the sea. I saw many of my precious people die. So, you know, when the people I don’t have to love are judged, it doesn’t shock me as much as I can put it into words. The only people I want to protect as royalty are my precious people of Ishtalika… so I understand that he should be made to do this.”

So it’s okay. Ain told Chris. This was the conclusion Ain had come to in his own way and as a member of the royal family.

The expression on Ain’s face was not pessimistic at all but rather somewhat regal.

“I understand. Then I, too, will wield this sword for the people of Ishtalika.”

“Yes. I believe in you, Chris-san.”

The two quietly made up their minds and went to the place where Sage was waiting for them. 

Yeah, he had a big belly today as well.

“Finally, you’re here. I’m tired of waiting for you… but I commend you for bringing the woman to me as you promised.”

“It’s only natural since she’s my precious knight. I’ll get right on it.”

“Well… that’s fine. Then, let’s reaffirm our decision about this duel. Is that okay?”

“Yes. Please do.”

However, there were not many rules.

A third party is not allowed to intervene. If a non-monster intervenes, the intervening side loses the battle.

If a monster intervenes other than pre-decided monsters, the intervening side loses. Also, there is no compensation for killing the other side’s monsters.

The winner can ask for any compensation they want (Ain’s side asked for fair compensation, Sage’s side asked for Chris).

“…I understand. Then may I ask you a question?”

“No problem.”

Ain, having seen the rules, has a question and asks it of Sage.

“In case you have to leave the battle and your monsters don’t stop. If I kill the opposing monster, won’t that be compensation?”

“What do you mean… no compensation in that case. There is no need for it.”

“It’s like an obligation to make an effort, right?”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s a good word for it.”

Sage has no intention to stop from the beginning. Rather, he came with the intention of devouring Ain’s monster. So it was easy for Ain to tell him about such things first. That’s what he thought.”

“Then it was a relief. Speaking of which… there are two Krakens.”

Just to be sure. He knew from the beginning, but Ain wanted to ask me how he would answer.

“Nobody said the duel was one-on-one! If you only have one with you, then so be it…”

Chris laughed a little so she wouldn’t get caught. As they had said, the bet between them did not go through.

“In that case, I have two with me, so we’ll call it two for two, right?”

Sage, caught off guard, began to spout mysterious excuses for no reason at all.

“Wha… I-isn’t that cowardly!”

“Cowardly, you say… but it’s the same condition. What’s so cowardly about it?”

Ain almost laughed but managed to hold it in. He decided to be happy that he had a good story to remember.

“H-hmph! The duel starts in ten minutes. I don’t want any complaints later. Get ready quickly!”

“Well then, be my guest.”

Ain and Chris left Sage’s side and went back to their original place.

“Should we come up with a strategy?”

“I think we should tell the twins not to upset their stomachs.”

“…By eating too much?”

“That’s right.”


And finally, the scene returns. Back to the time when Ain discovered El and Al’s gourmet side. So Ain and Chris returned to their own camp. They had also met with Krone and were taking their time.

Looking at the twins, Ain was relaxed because there was no tension in the air.

“But you know what? I’m not that much of a glutton, am I?”

The twins were drooling from their mouths, just like their parent- Ain, Ain complained.

“I mean, I don’t know if this thing needs to be stopped… it’s just biting, right? Al’s body…”

“Al’s body is fine because he’s not in pain. I’m sure.”

Krone looks at the older sister, El. She was nuzzling her brother Al’s tail, and she looked like she could not hold back her enthusiasm as much as she would liked to have.

“Krone-dono. He’s not in pain, at least for now, so I’m sure he’s fine… But, Ain-sama? I remember the first time you went to the Majolica Magic Stone Store. I felt like you weren’t much different from the twins now.”

“That’s a lie!”

“It’s true… you weren’t aware of it…?”

He was not aware of it at all. However, considering that he tasted the Sea Dragon’s magic stone when he defeated it last year, he felt that there was not much difference.

“I was worried until just now. But looking at the twins, I think it will be no problem, just like Chris-sama said.”

“It’s a strange coincidence, isn’t it, Krone? I actually feel the same way.”

This body of water must be like a dining room to the twins now.

“But don’t Viscount Sage realize that it’s Sea Dragons?”

“There’s some distance, and the twins are only looking at them, so he probably doesn’t know, right? As expected, I think he will know when they get closer…”

“I see. Well, there’s no way he’s coming this way.”

In the unlikely event that he found out, he would probably just grin in amazement. Even so, Ain wasn’t worried; the Sea Dragon twins were still almost babies. So Sage would certainly think it was no competition.

——And while they were having such a conversation, the time for the duel finally came. Ain stood up and walked with Chris to the prepared seats.


Ain arrived just in time for the duel to begin, knowing that going near Sage would probably cause him to say something annoying.

As if to tell him to leave quickly, Sage gave Ain an irritated look, but Ain ignored it. Finally, Ain took his seat. It was a relief that there was no tiresome exchange of pleasantries before the battle.

Seeing Ain and Chris seated, a servant prepared by Sage sounded the signal to begin. The duel began with a loud bell.

With that as a signal, both monsters were allowed to move…

“Hey, Chris-san. What is that?”

When Ain looked at the surface of the river… a strange pattern appeared. It moves like a blood vessel and begins to wriggle intricately through the river.

The two Krakens and the twin Sea Dragons did not move either.

“…That’s the main skill of the Sea Dragon, the one that Ishtalika’s battleships had the hardest time dealing with.”

“T-That’s the skill…? This pattern is…?”

When Chris mentioned that they struggled, it made him feel it more than anyone else. Without that skill, they might have come up with a strategy that would have given the fleet the upper hand in the battle.

“It’s the Ocean Currents skill. No matter what they do now, the Krakens won’t stand a chance.”

The Krakens were unable to move as if crushed by something. To Ain, it looked like the Krakens were being crushed by the water, even though it was still underwater.

“It is easy to see in a calm place like a river. But at sea, you couldn’t see that far.”

Seeing the stuck Krakens, the twins squealed with delight, their bodies entwined. But that was only the beginning. From here, the one-sided battle between the twins would begin.

“What are you doing, Krakens? Hey! Don’t just play with them!”

Sage’s angry voice echoed from a nearby seat. But no matter how the owner delivered those words, Krakens’ situation did not change at all. In fact, the vein-like patterns floating on the water began to surround the Kraken in increasing numbers.

“Probably the two Sea Dragons we defeated last year were highly skilled as well. The twins may have mastered the Ocean Currents at a higher level than them.”

The twins look cute, but in other words, they are hungry Sea Dragons. That way, it seems dangerous.

——This was the result of the diet Katima gave them, which was a magically modified diet… and fed with magic stones. The results were presented to Ain and the others.

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