Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 79

Here’s the chapter. Enjoy~

ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 79 – Knights’ Training and an Angel in the Cafeteria

“Thank you-nya! Ain is such a good nephew-nya!”

“Haha. That’s okay, Katima-san. Have a good day then…”

Ain had completed his main task for the day. He left the laboratory with a happy stride. Now that the biggest threat was taken care of, there was nothing but a victor’s smile on Ain’s face.

“Alright. There should be nothing to be afraid of now… yeah.”

The sound of climbing stairs echoed in the surrounding area. Since Katima’s lab was in the basement, there are a few stairs to climb. Even the echoing sound sounded like a triumphant achievement to Ain.

“Krone! Where is Krone?”

What had to be done, had been done. The next thing for Ain was to go to school. After going to school, he must return to the castle again.

He called Krone’s name as he ran up the stairs. Ain was in a good mood because of the success of the operation. His voice became loud.

“Yes, yes. Your Krone is here, Your Highness.”

Ain had been teased with this one for some time. The joke had been used dozens of times without getting tired of it, and it had become so familiar to Ain that he had even opened his mouth again.

Krone was waiting for Ain at the top of the stairs. Since the season has already entered summer, her clothes had changed to a more summery, cooler look.

Today, she wore a light blue sleeveless shirt, similar to her own hair color, and a white over-the-knee skirt. She carried a light jacket in her hand, mainly to wear when she met people.

The fact that Krone was not wearing it now, showing off her sleeveless figure, was intended as a small service to Ain.

“The operation worked. It’s perfect.”

“That’s good to hear, Ain. So what did you finally do with Katima-sama?”

“I gave her some dry food that she likes. It should last a few hours.”

She was his aunt and the first princess. Krone sighed in dismay at Ain’s skill in containing Katima with bait. However, Ain also considered several strategies, but he imagined that this one would yield the best results in terms of cost and effectiveness.

Ain, who said he gave her the dry food, had a proud look on his face.

“Well, if Katima-sama seemed happy… I guess it’s okay.”

“Katima-san and I are both happy with the result, and that’s good enough for me.”

Ain had a big smile on his face when he said this. As for Krone, when she was with Ain, she realized, ‘He is always so lively.’

“Where’s Dill?”

“I saw him go out earlier, so I think he’s probably waiting for Ain.”

“But it’s a nuisance, isn’t it? I have to go to the Academy once and then come back here again.”

No wonder Ain was dissatisfied. After all, today’s social studies field trip was to his own home, so it’s a hassle to take the water train all the way to the school.

Although he didn’t want to say that it was a special case and that they would meet there. Still, he felt the need to express at least some dissatisfaction.

“I know how you feel. But you don’t want to be singled out for it, do you, Ain?”

“…Well, you’re right.”

“Then please do your best, Your Highness. I’ll be a good girl if you do your best, okay?”

Ain walked with Krone to the door. Once outside, they would meet up with Dill and head to the Academy. It was a bit of a hassle, but that was all he had to put up with.

When he saw Ain looking dissatisfied, Krone walked up to him with a smile on her face.

“All right… Speaking of which, do you have a meeting this afternoon?”

“As planned, I will be attending, and Warren-sama has some explaining to do.”

Krone had a meeting scheduled with Warren this afternoon. This was because there were a few things that needed to be finalized regarding the Baltic investigation. As for Ain, he was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to discuss these issues, which were more important than anything else.

“Hmm, okay. I’ll leave then… I don’t want to keep Dill waiting.”

“Yes, have a good day, Ain. Take care.”

“I’m fine. See you later!”

As Krone saw him off, Ain stepped outside to join Dill. He slapped his cheeks lightly with both hands to wake up and clear his mind.

——That motivation came from Krone’s ‘I’ll be a good girl.’ No, it wasn’t those words, definitely not. That’s what he was making excuses for in his mind.


“That’s all I have to say. Now, please proceed carefully.”

Ain would now also leave the Academy with the usual three students to go to the castle, where the tour would take place.

Just as everyone else left the classroom, the four of them got up from their seats and left as quickly as they came. The fact that there was no one to lead them made them wonder a bit about the school’s respect for independence.

“By the way, Ain. What should we do when we get to the castle? We can’t just walk in.”

“Don’t worry, there will be a guide. The guide will join us now.”

Ain answered Butz’s question. As expected, even though Ain was present, they could not roam around freely, and a knight had been assigned to guide them for the day.

“Your Highness, is the guide a member of the Royal Guard?”

“It is someone Leonard and the others know. It is Dill who will be our guide this time.”

The people walking down the corridor were glad to hear this. After all, he was a senior at the school, and his explanations about his battle with Clive were considered a bit of a legend. Butts was more than happy to hear this information, especially since he was a big fan.

“Oh, hey, aren’t you …… what do I call you? Sir Dill? Lord Glacier…?”

Considering that Butz’s family was a barony, it was only natural to address him as “sama.”

“Hey, wait a minute, Butz. You always address His Highness casually, but now you address Guard Dill-dono with ‘sama’?”

“That’s right, Ain-sama is the crown prince, you know. If that were the case, you wouldn’t be allowed to call him that, but…”

“Ah? Ain is Ain, you know. What are you talking about? It’s a problem because the other party is not our friend!”

Leonard and Roland were also taken aback when they saw Butz’s face, which seemed genuinely unintelligible.

Still, Butz was a remarkable man because he chose his words with consideration for the time and occasion.

“Isn’t it okay with San? I think it’s okay to call him Dill-san as usual. I mean, if you don’t leave it like that, it makes it harder for me, too.”

In the end, they all decided to call him Dill-san, according to Ain’s words.

After that, there were only a few minutes left to walk. Just as Ain had said, Dill was waiting at the school gate. Today, he was not only Ain’s escort but also the guide of the group.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. Dill.”

“No problem, Ain-sama. …Now, may I offer a brief greeting?”

“Yes. Please.”

After hearing Ain’s reply, Dill quietly clears his throat and corrects himself.

“Then let me introduce myself. My name is Dill Glacier. I am currently the personal bodyguard of His Highness the Crown Prince Ain-sama. Of course, I know that you have been good to His Highness. Therefore, I will be your guide today. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.”

His mannerisms, trained as a Royal Guard, caught the eyes of the students walking outside the school. He was so refined that, combined with his appearance, he looked neutrally beautiful.

“I-it was a pleasure to meet you!”

“I am honored to be guided by the renowned Knight Dill-san.”

“Pleased to meet you!”

Butz, Leonard, and Roland responded in that order. Ain enjoyed listening to Butz’s rare use of honorifics a little longer.

“Let’s get started, shall we?”

After confirming that the greetings were over, Ain started to walk away. The three of them and Dill started to move as well.

“Ain-sama. There are some precautions that need to be taken, and I will explain them to you on the train.”

“Hmm. I understand.”

Since this visit was within the castle gates, there were several rules and regulations. It was unlikely that they would make a mistake, but just in case, they needed to be told.

“I hope you all enjoy yourselves today.”

Seeing Dill say that with a smile on his face, the three of them were filled with anticipation. Although this event was nothing new to Ain, seeing the three of them enjoying themselves made him look forward to it even more.


“Now, let me explain the precautions to be taken.”

After arriving at the station in the Academy District, everyone boarded the water train to the White Rose. It was after rush hour, so there was plenty of room on the train.

“First of all, do not go further than where I lead you. …As long as you follow it, honestly speaking, there should be no big problem.”

The other three nodded their heads in agreement, and since none of them had a particularly sorry head on their shoulders, it seemed to be a non-issue.

“Next, you are not to touch anything that is placed on the ground. Today, we will be visiting the training grounds and other places that might be a bit dangerous. So, for your safety, please follow this rule.”

This was how it should be. The castle grounds were also equipped with alarm magic tools and other equipment, so caution was required.

“One last thing. I know that you have always been friendly to Ain-sama, but inside the castle, you must be polite and respectful. There are many people in the castle who are very strict in their manners, so I am very sorry, but in the castle… please address Ain-sama as ‘Your Highness.'”

This was different from Warren and Dill, who did not call Ain “Your Highness” but “Ain-sama.” The officials and knights in the castle knew who Warren and Dill were and what they had accomplished as long as they understood their work.

But it was undeniable that Leonard and Butz, no matter how noble-born, were someone who still had a long way to go. So this time, too, it will be treated as a precaution.

“Of course, Guard Dill. I’ll make sure Butz is properly informed.”

“What… Hey, Leonard! At least I know my place!”

“That’s right. I’m still worried, though…”

Watching their exchange must have amused Dill as well. A smile began to appear on his face as well.

“I trust that you will all be fine. So please don’t worry. Now then, let me explain today’s schedule.”

Butz’s eyes lit up when he heard that. At the mention of the training ground tour earlier, he had been excited to see it.

But Leonard and Roland also listened with interest.

“Next to the gate, there is a dormitory and other facilities. We will look at those details this time as well. Then, there are the training grounds and the adjacent armory. We hope you will also enjoy the food in the dining hall, which is used by the knights for an early lunch.”

In a word, the grounds within the castle gates are indeed home to numerous facilities and locations. …In fact, there was one more facility under construction in the training center; it would be Varra’s workplace. The place where Varra would work was a facility that would be able to treat those who had suffered some serious injuries.

However, this time, it was not included in the schedule because the facility was not finished, and she had many appointments.

“I see there are quite a few places for us to see.”

Leonard tried to act calm, but the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. He was excited to see so many places.

“Of course. In order to see it all in the time we have before noon, we’re going to have to proceed somewhat smoothly.”

They would love to spend the whole day touring, but that would be extravagant. So they had no choice but to enjoy themselves somehow within the allotted time.

“If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I hope you all have a pleasant day.”

A short time later, the water train arrived at the White Rose.

With Ain and Dill leading the way, they all walked to the castle.


“It’s really big…”

“This is actually the first time I’ve walked through the castle gates by myself. I’ve always ridden in a carriage.”

“Me too, Leonard. When you walk through on your own feet, you understand the grandeur better…”

The two men who heard Roland’s voice also expressed their surprise.

Of the two, Roland was the first to pass through the castle gates.

He only uttered the word ‘really big,’ not because his vocabulary was poor, but because he was really in a state of mind where that was all he could say. Looking at his face, he looked up thoughtfully, his eyes following the height of the ramparts.

“Roland… Roland! Are you all right?”

“Oh, um… I’m sorry, Your Highness. I was just letting my mind wander.”

“That’s all right then. If you feel sick, just tell me.”

“O-of course not! If I miss this opportunity, there won’t be another!”

Roland had been looking forward to this day for so long that he had to exaggerate his reaction. He had only slept about two hours last night.

“Haha. Don’t be too reckless. …Then, everyone, we will now begin the tour of the castle grounds.”

After arriving at the castle, the tour began with Dill’s words.





The place echoed with the angry voices of men. The group went to the knight’s training ground. Except for Ain, they were all equally overwhelmed by the sheer power of the scene.


“Ah… as expected from the knights who serve as White Knights…”


Butz was used to seeing knights. After all, his father was also a knight who worked in the fortress and was always fighting monsters. But even for Butz… this was the first time he had seen the training scene of the so-called elite group of knights who work in the castle.

The same went for Leonard, who also had a look of astonishment on his face, and Roland could not help but be speechless at the sheer power of it all.

“This is the training of the Royal Guard… and it was so amazing…”

“…Hey. Butz.”

“W-what is it, Your Highness?”

“No, I mean, how should I put it?”

After hearing Butz’s words, Ain felt uncomfortable talking about it. Sensing this, Dill begins to explain the words Ain almost uttered.

“…Butz-kun. This is not a training regime for the Royal Guard.”

Dill, who treated Butz and the others as guests today, spoke to them in a polite tone.

“This is a normal training regime for knights. The training of the Royal Guard will be even more intense.”

Hearing this, Butz realized a reality. Butz was one of the best in the Royal Kingsland Academy, and the same was probably true in the Academy District.

Despite this pride, the training regime of the ordinary knights in the castle. He was simply overwhelmed by it.

The training of the Royal Guards would be even more intense, Dill told him. That was more shocking than anything.

“And many of them train day in and day out to reach the top of the Royal Guard. Of course, they want to stand at the gate… or even work elsewhere, not in the duties of the Royal Guard. There are also knights who have such a desire. But even so, the Royal Guard must be the strongest group of all the knights.”

More information poured into the astonished Butz’s ears. He thought about how lucky Dill was. He realized that he was.

After all, his father was a marshal, and he had been allowed to come and go from the castle and attend training since he was a child. He was now officially a member of the Royal Guard and had even been assigned to be Ain’s personal bodyguard.

In a word, it was different to say that he was lucky. Of course, Dill, like his father Lloyd, had spent his entire life training himself to death.

“The area where your father, Butz-kun, is located is surrounded by numerous dangers. But so is the castle. They also train to protect the royal family by risking their lives. So maybe they are both ‘risking their lives.'”

While the people they train with may be different, the fact that they are risking their lives is no different. Butz had seen this firsthand.

“Thank you so much. Thanks to you, I now know where I stand.”

Butz bowed and thanked him. For Ain and the others, it was the first time they had seen him like this. But as longtime friends, they understood why he felt the way he did.

“By the way, Roland. You might want to keep your mouth shut…”

“What? H-huh…? Was I that far away?”

Roland came back to his senses at the sound of Ain’s voice. Roland watched the training in a daze with his mouth open and blinking a little.

He could do nothing but be overwhelmed, and so he revealed his pathetic appearance.

“You’ve been in a daze since the beginning.”

“Oh, it’s true. I’m drooling a little…”

The whole group looked at Roland, who took a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped his face. It was inexplicably funny to watch, in contrast to the atmosphere of the place.

“Ku-kukuku, Roland. You shouldn’t have that look on your face.”

“I-I can’t help it, Leonard! I don’t get these opportunities any more than anyone else!”

As a commoner, Roland had never had the chance to deal with knights. In fact, it would be fair to say that it was almost his first experience at the Academy and after meeting Ain.

Therefore, he was overwhelmed by the training scene of the castle’s elite.

“It’s time to change.”


“Roger that!”

While they were talking, the formation of the training center began to change.

“So, everyone. I hope you enjoy watching the Royal Guard training.”

The plan was set from the beginning. …The three people who didn’t expect to see this were delighted to hear it.

The Royal Guards who heard those voices, the ones who had finished their training equipment first, approached Ain and the others and greeted them.

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince. I hope you are well. Please enjoy yourselves.”

They all said the same words and returned to their preparations. Without exception, their movements and greetings were refined and light, with an air of intelligence.

“Gu-Guard Dill. Truly, the Royal Guards are all so refined…”

“The Royal Guards have many practical exercises after they are appointed. It could be how to brew tea or the finest manners. In addition, there are many areas of culture that need to be learned. As the strongest group of knights in Ishtalika, we are trained in such a way that we will never be ashamed of anything.

They had heard a lot about the greatness of the Royal Guard. But they didn’t think they had learned so much in such detail. As the heir to a duke’s family, Leonard had the opportunity to meet many nobles. Even Leonard thought their manners were excellent.


Unlike before, there were a few women among the Royal Guards. Thus, the training of the Royal Guards began. It was a scene that Ain was already familiar with, but it still gave the three of them a bigger shock compared to the knights’ training before.

Leonard spoke to Butz as he watched.

“Hey, Butz. How long can you hold out?”

“Last…? What do you mean by that?”

“Like I said… how long can you hold out against these Royal Guards?”

Butz, acknowledging the question, snickered and looked at Leonard.

“Don’t be silly. I’m sure if they swing their swords at me two or three times, I’ll fall apart just as easily… The Royal Guards are really amazing!”

Seeing Butz honestly admit this, Leonard changed his mind. After all, Butz was one of the most powerful people in his age group. But he could easily be defeated in a few clashes. The Royal Guard had that kind of power.

“Well… I’d like to become one. A Royal Guard.”

“Huh? Butz, if I remember correctly, you wanted to go to the fort like your father…”

Roland, who was surprised but not as obnoxious as before, asked Butz what he thought.

“That’s what I thought. I wanted to fight monsters like my father. But… when you’re shown something so amazing, it’s only natural that you want to be a part of it.”

One of the most positive effects of this visit has been on Butz. He was now like a normal boy with a twinkle in his eye.

“It’s amazing. The way they carry their feet, the way they handle their swords, their center of gravity…none of it can compete with the others.”

Observations about the Royal Guards naturally came out of his mouth.

As everyone watched the scene, they could also feel the reliability of the knights.

After that, they visited for about half an hour and then moved on to the last place.


Unbeknownst to Ain, there was a girl in the castle’s cafeteria who was also called Angel.

She was an apprentice servant who looked after a number of knights. It was the first step to becoming a full-fledged servant, as ordered by her master.

Working hard and diligently, she was a new oasis for the knights who were tired after their training.

“Mei-chan! Can I have a glass of water?”

“Yes! Please wait for me!”

“Mei-chan! Don’t worry about that guy’s water! Can I get a refill here?”

This was supposed to be a knight’s cafeteria. The atmosphere was too different from when Ain used it a long time ago. What happened? Ain made a face like that.

“Hey, what are you talking about? I asked Mei-chan first!”

“Oh! It’s okay, go get your own water!”

Ain never expected to see such a scene of fighting over Mei.

“You can’t! If you fight, I won’t serve either of you!”

“N-no way, Mei-chan! I was just playing around, right?”

“Y-yeah, that’s right! So don’t be so angry, Mei-chan, please… okay?”

The knights were in a good mood with the young servant. Looking at her, he wickedly wonders if she was stressed. Do they need to improve their working environment?

“Really? Are you sure you’re not fighting?”

“No, we’re not! You were just practicing together!”

“That’s right, Mei-chan! That’s why you don’t have to worry about it!”

Hearing this, Mei’s face lit up, and she turned to them and replied,

“Then I’ll go get it! Please wait for me!”

Ain and Dill, who had entered a step ahead of the others. They looked at each other and nodded. It was their first eye contact.

“Wait a minute, everyone. They seem to be preparing seats, so Dill just went in.”

“Ah, okay. That’s unfortunate.”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but I’m also sorry for the trouble Guard Dill will have to go through.”

“Then let’s just wait here!”

It hurt because it felt like he’s lying, but he couldn’t be bothered with that.

——…..As expected, he couldn’t show his knights behaving like that. Ain and Dill thought so. Ain held them back, and Dill went to tell the knights inside that Ain was coming.

“(Let’s investigate if the knights are Lolicons or not later…)”

Ain made up his mind to investigate this matter.

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