Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 89 – Overflowing Chivalry

Compared to the path they had arrived by, this place was filled with spring-like sunshine.

Ain was absentmindedly watching everyone working.

“…I can’t figure it out.”

It was just that word, but there were no better words to describe Ain’s state of mind.

“Ain-sama. Please understand what I’m saying…”

“I understand what you say. But if that’s the case, then I really am an unnecessary child…”

The second day in the territory of the former demon king.

What Ain was doing now was sitting on the provided chair, both elbows on the table in front of him, waiting silently… his appearance was rather awkward.

Dill was waiting next to him, but they could clearly see that Lloyd WAs busy with giving out instructions.

“There could still be danger, you know…”

Because of the incident with the gift last night, Ain was not allowed to do anything.

It’s an unforeseen circumstance, but still, was there any point in him coming? He couldn’t stop thinking about it.

“…Hey, Dill.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“The Demon King’s castle. Let’s go…”

“You’re not going.”

“…Oh no! I’m just kidding.”

Ain said this with a smile.

It was sad that Dill’s reaction was so quick that there was nothing he could do about it.

“I am so thankful that Katima-sama was not here for this investigation.”


“Because if she had found out, she would have infiltrated the Demon King’s castle with Ain-sama.”

“No way! I won’t go that far. I don’t know about Katima-san, though, do I? She might do it.”

He tried to play dumb, but the way Dill looked at Ain and thought about him was the same way he looked at Katima.

Dill smiled bitterly and looked away from him. ——He sighed deeply at this blatant attitude.

“Ain-sama? No matter how much Ain-sama has something like a “blessing,” it is still dangerous under the current circumstances. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I was just making a joke.”

“I see, you were joking… By the way, what is the percentage?”

“About 60%.”

“Then you can’t just say you were making a joke…”

Ain understood that it’s dangerous, but he still couldn’t deny that he’s strongly intrigued by it.

As he gazed single-mindedly at the Demon King’s castle, this feeling only grew.

“I want to ask you, just to be sure, are you attracted to the castle by some unknown emotion?”

“Huh? You mean like unconsciously?”

“That’s right, sir.”

Still, he felt a little anxious.

He tried to calm his mind and probe into his thoughts. If it were that easy to find out, he wouldn’t have any trouble.

In fact, if there were such a suggestion, it would be impossible to break it with such a thing.

“I am not aware of that. I guess that’s all I can say.”

“Please let me know immediately if you need anything.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

But considering what happened yesterday, it was hard to believe that the couple from the magic stone group would do anything strange.

They felt so calm and just said, “I’m home.”

It was hard to believe that they would go out of their way to harm him.

“But I know it. Everyone else is working so hard, and it’s bad for me to just sit around and do nothing.”

“I understand your feelings. If I were in the opposite position, I would feel the same way.”

“I know, right? I really am an unnecessary child with this…”

Dill put his hand over his mouth and thought about what to do.

Something that was not dangerous and would be appreciated by everyone… Thinking about it, he came to a conclusion.

“While we wait for a report, shall we go and process some of that meat?”

He pointed to two lamprey rabbits that had been left outside.

After some examination, no curses or poisons were found.

So, it was decided to serve the two lumps of meat to everyone.

“Ah… you’re right. Yes, let’s do that. I think we should start processing them now.”

With a small voice, Ain stood up from her chair.

Dill was glad that Ain was positive now.

“Maybe I’ll just use my ‘illusory hands’ and make it quick and easy.”

There was a time when he thought so easily.

Later, Ain would remember this and mutter to himself.

——The importance of using Dullahan’s abilities in the territory of the former Demon King. He should have understood it well…


When he woke up, he found a ceiling he didn’t recognize. The room was dimly lit, and if he had been with the woman of his dreams, he might have been in a good mood.

But alas, Ain was alone now.

“…Can someone please tell me where I am?”

Let’s go back to the memory. First of all, what did I do? Ain thought.

…At Dill’s suggestion, he went to handle the lamprey rabbit. Using his illusory hands, he must have done a good job of dismantling it.

When he was done, he should have been busy organizing the information after receiving some investigation reports and so on.

After returning to the tent to rest, he remembered taking a nap when he started to fall asleep.

“It’s a nice room. It’s full of well-designed, beautiful furniture.”

He looked around and saw that he was surrounded by artistic furniture.

By the way, Ain was sitting on a sofa right now. It was a piece of intricately embroidered fabric covered with gold thread and black.

The floor was also carpeted in black.

Or rather, it black was everywhere.

They said that men should be dyed black, but if it had this kind of artistic quality, women would probably like it, too.

He nodded his head. The door opened with the sound of creaking wood.

Since his body was free, although he did not know where it was, he stood up and took an alert position.

——Then, an unexpected presence entered the room from the dimly lit hallway.

“Oh. You are awake.”


The armor has reddish-black lines on various parts of the body, like blood vessels.

The face was also covered by a helmet, so it is impossible to see the face.

“As you may have guessed, this body is an armor. …Well, let’s start with this. I hope you’ll have a drink and take a breather.”

He placed a teacup at Ain’s side and stood quietly at a distance from him.

Even if it was poisoned, there was no need to be alarmed because it was completely ineffective. Of course, it was not a good feeling.

If that person wanted to kill him, he would have done it before he woke up.

——Or rather, don’t read my mind. How did he do that? Ain thought.

“…What is this?”

He? She? …He asked, looking at the teacup the armor left behind.

The contents of the teacup were a shade like ordinary tea, but as expected, he would like at least an explanation.

“I apologize for the inconvenience. What I just brought you is a tea made from the leaves of the Elder Tree.”

What was this amazing creature? He thought to himself, but then the armor began to explain as if he had already known about it.

“It is a Huorn that has lived for almost 1,000 years. It is a precious ingredient, but we have prepared it for people like you. Please enjoy it.”

“I don’t really understand, but if that’s the case, I’ll accept it.”

If he didn’t drink it, there’s nothing to talk about.

Anyway, this was a situation where he didn’t understand anything, so he just went along with the flow.


“I am glad to hear that. If you can calm your mind, you can go back to your companions right now. I’ll return you to where you belong.”

“M-my companions?”

“Yes, many knights. Rest assured, I’ll send you back to where you came from as soon as I’m sure you’ve settled in.”

“Hey… Wait a minute! Now that you mention it, where is this… place?”

This was no time to relax and enjoy the delicious taste of tea.

Where was this place, and why is it here? Ain just wanted to know, but he didn’t understand.

“If you continue to drink the tea, I will continue to explain.”

How would you like it? He said.

It wasn’t nice to be left on the back foot, but since he didn’t know what was going on, it was inevitable that he would have to do so.

“Okay. I’ll drink, so tell me.”

“Very well. Now… where do I start?”

“Yes, well… you start at the beginning, of course.”

Then, the armor came a few steps closer.

Ain braced himself slightly, but he felt no hostility, so he did no more than that.

“In this area, it is best not to use Cain-sama’s… and Sylvia-sama’s skills ‘yet.’ You are still too unstable. The worst can happen.”

“…Uh. Sorry, just a little more information…”

“I’m talking about Dullahan and Elder Lich, the two that are sleeping inside you. You should not use their skills, especially on this land.”

…When he thought about it, Ain and Olivia. And Cain and Sylvia. The name is so similar that he even felt a sense of familiarity with it.

“Are you telling me that you brought me here because I used my illusory hand?”

“You’re right. …However, I apologize for forcing you to come here.”

Because he used his illusory hand, he was brought here by force.

Okay, Ain understood so far. Then, let’s continue.

“Where am I? It’s quite a nice room.”

“This is my mansion. I am the only one left now, but I think I have managed to keep it looking like a mansion.”

Was he in a position like an important person?

Since it was a mansion, he was probably not in the position of a commoner.

“This place is very close to the Demon King’s castle. So don’t worry; you’ll be able to return soon.”

“O-oh, I see… I understand.”

He was surprised to find himself living so close to the castle.

After all, there was a being living here, wasn’t there?

——If so, Ain would like to ask him something.

“I was wondering. Were you the one who brought me the lamprey rabbit?”

“You mean last night? Yes. You looked so pleased with it that I hunted it from nearby.”

This proved that the big hole in the present had hit the mark.

“When I went up to deliver it, there was a man who was strangely sharp, but… well, there was no problem. There’s not much difference between being aware and not being aware.”

That would certainly be Lloyd. There was no one on the investigative team more competent than him.

——Lloyd was an absolute presence. Ain was a little surprised to hear that his vigilance had been meaningless.

“I have a lot of questions, but come to think of it, who are you?”

“I apologize for the late introduction.”

Then, after straightening his back and straightening his posture, he began to speak.

“I am Marco, second-in-command of the Demon King’s Royal Guard… also known as the Black Knights. Even though my knighthood is now gone, this is the only name I have. ——My race is Living Armor, and I hope you will keep it in a corner of your mind from now on.”

Each word continues to capture Ain’s interest.

The Demon King’s army and the second-in-command. The race of the Living Armor, all of which he felt compelled to learn more about.

“There’s so much I’m curious about. Perhaps you’ve been watching us since we arrived?”

“As you say, I have checked on you from time to time.”

It was probably this living armor named Marco who had been watching Chris in the past.

It was good that one of the questions had been answered.

And he was a very important person in his position.

This meant that he had been in the same position as Chris in the royal capital until the other day.

“Now that I know your name. ——What do you mean, I’m too unstable, or accidents will happen?”

First of all, why would such a heavyweight treat himself in such a humble manner?

He wanted an explanation, but first, he wanted to ask him about his disturbing words.

“I can only explain that “unstable” means that your “vessel” is not settled. I’m sorry I can’t explain it better…”

“V-vessel, huh… vessel. Vessel, isn’t it…?”

Ain felt that he was not hiding anything and was being honest with him.

So, if Ain keeps asking this, he would not get the answer he desired.

It bothered him to be told that his vessel was not settled, but there’s nothing he could do about it.

“Alright, I’ll leave it at that. ——Then what do you mean an accident will happen?”

Hearing these words, Marco’s voice changed. Then he spoke seriously about the details.

“…Just like Her Majesty, there’s the potential to cause a core outburst. That’s what I mean.”

When he heard the word “Her Majesty,” he thought of the Demon King.

After all, he was a knight in the Demon King’s army.

“I’m sorry. I also wanted to hear a little more about that…”

“To sum it up in a few words, ‘You stop being yourself.’ That’s what I’m talking about.”

“You mean I could lose myself and go berserk?”

“That’s right.”

The situation was very similar to that of the Demon King.

He continued to ask why it would be like that.

“…The influence of those beasts has not completely disappeared from this land. So please forgive me for talking about it.”


He wondered for a moment, but as soon as he remembered the purpose of his investigation, it hit him.

“I think you get the idea.”

“Ah, yes. It is unfortunate.”

Because of that thing, the demon king Arche got out of control.

With this in mind, Ain understood the general situation.

As for himself, with the influence of Dullahan and Elder Lich, it was inevitable that he would not know what would happen.

It was just in time, so he swallowed the rest of the tea.

“The leaves of the elder tree have a calming effect. It also has a protective effect on the mind, which makes it especially suitable for a case like this.”

“…I see.”

A sudden encounter occurred in the night.

 The other party turned out to be an important figure in the Demon King’s army… What a second-rate story. However, this fact did not change.

“In other words, I was warned and protected before I went out of control. Is that what you’re saying?”

“The words are inappropriate, but they have a similar meaning.”

Then he didn’t know what it meant.

What’s the point of taking care of him? This question arose in Ain’s mind.

After all, he was a human being, even though he had absorbed the magic stones of Dullahan and the Elder Lich and inhabited them in his body.

When the Demon King went mad, they were enemies.

But why would he go to such lengths to take care of him?

“I don’t know. The fact that Marco-san cares so much about me and that you went out of your way to get the lamprey rabbit for me… Why did you go to all that trouble?”

If Marco had a face, he would have given him a big smile next to his pouty face.

With jovial words, he began to speak to Ain in a soft voice.

“I was wondering what you were talking about. It is natural for a knight to serve ‘royalty.’ Is it not?”

“N-no, that’s not the wrong word, is it? But I am the royalty of Ishtalika…”

So there’s no need to bring him up here. Ain thought he had said that.

A few moments later, Marco opened his mouth curiously.

“Y-yes. That is why I will serve the ‘Ishtalika Royal Family.’ It is a matter of course…”

What was this ridiculous thing you’re talking about?

With this tone of voice, Marco continued to answer Ain.

——It seemed like the conversation was a little off, but he didn’t feel like it was a big deal.

“…That’s brilliant chivalry.”

Would it be better to say it was another country? Marco was able to be courteous to royalty in such a different position.

It was truly a chivalrous spirit that could only be described as magnificent. Ain also expressed his admiration without reservation.

“It is an honor to receive such praise.”

Ain learned that such monsters existed when he was presented with a beautifully curved bow.

——The territory of the former demon king, a realm full of mystery and wonder. There, a monster who was once an important figure in the Demon King’s army lived in a mansion with a magnificent, chivalrous spirit. This was how he would sum up today’s encounter.

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