Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

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ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 92 – Strong Master-Disciple Relationships

“Then, Your Highness. You may take this letter on your way. If it is the word of the Baltic family, he will not take it lightly.”

The next morning, Ain visited Count Baltic’s mansion.

A rare item he had unexpectedly obtained. A skilled blacksmith who could handle the material of a living armor helmet.

He has come to ask for an introduction. ——… Count Baltic’s mansion was about 20 minutes away from the inn. The shape of the roof, typical of a snowy land, and the building with firewood ready for use were impressive.

You would think that the magic tools would be the main way to heat the rooms, but they used both magic tools and wood stoves because heating with wood, which took a lot of time and effort, was more like the nobility.

“That’s very helpful, Count, thank you.”

This morning, after he woke up, he realized that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I hadn’t contacted the count,” he said…

Considering his position as Crown Prince, Ain would not need such a thing to deal with the situation. However, since doing so could be seen as disrespectful to the other party, he tended to avoid it except in an emergency.

But this was where Krone, the assistant, came in.

She had delivered a letter yesterday telling him that Ain was coming to see him about the blacksmith.

“…He is a craftsman, and I cannot guarantee his use of words, but if you could be so kind as to be generous, I would be very grateful…”

“I don’t mind since I’m the one asking. I appreciate you accommodating me on such short notice.”

Well, it’s common practice, and Ain honestly agreed.

In fact, it would be a bit sad if the blacksmith addressed him with honorifics as well.

“Your Highness. Will you leave now?”

Krone, who was waiting next to Ain, asked Ain about his plans.

According to her, he had the whole day free today. Considering that he had just returned from the territory of the former Demon King and considering the burden on the knights who accompanied him, they needed to take a day off. That was the decision.


He looked out the window.

Today’s weather in Baltic was bad. It’s snowing heavily, which means it’s too much trouble to go all the way out there.

“(It will take a long time, and it’s also a problem to put it off because it’s too much work…)”.

He planned to stay for about a month.

So, if possible, he didn’t want to waste a single day.

It’s not a place he can visit easily, so he wanted to make the most of the time he had.

“Yes, I will go. The weather is not good, but time is limited.”

As for Krone, she would like him to rest.

But she also understood what Ain meant when he said that time was limited.

If the weather was good, she would nod her head, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“Then, Count Baltic. I apologize for the short notice today, but thanks to you, I think I can make a good weapon.”

“Hahaha. I’m glad to hear that. ——It’s rough out there, so please be careful.”

Ain got up from the sofa and got his coat from Lloyd, his escort, who was behind him.

He came prepared with a coat that was lighter than the one he wore on his way to the former Demon King’s territory but still an excellent winter coat.

“(Now I’m curious to see what kind of person the blacksmith will be.)”

It was not that he was looking for something like a template.

But when he heard that he was a skilled blacksmith, it was natural for him to be interested in what kind of personality he had.

——After leaving Count Baltic’s room, he met Dill, who was waiting for him at the door.

His destination was the blacksmith’s shop to which he had been introduced. With the map in their hands, the four of them went to the place.


The four of them left Count Baltic’s mansion just as the blizzard calmed down a bit.

The big snowflakes on their faces were cold. The snow on their faces melted and turned into water, and the dripping was annoying.

The snow was so strong that it was useless to wipe it off, and the snow never seemed to stop.

In such a situation. Somehow, they kept moving their feet and finally arrived at their destination, near the blacksmith’s shop.

“Is everyone okay?”

Ain asked how the three of them were doing.

Everyone seemed to be suffering from the blizzard as much as Ain was.

“Y-yes… we’re still okay somehow.”

“Compared to the road to the former Demon King’s territory, it is much easier to walk… but the blizzard is also very troublesome if you are not used to it.”

“It’s okay, Ain-sama. However, just like my father, I’m having a little trouble with the blizzard that I’m not used to…”

As expected, Krone was the one who seems to be having the hardest time.

Ain suggested sending Krone to the inn first, but she stubbornly refused, so she accompanied him.

Should he have left her there, even if he had to force her? Now Ain regretted it, but it was already too late.

“I guess there won’t be much snow anymore, so we can relax a bit.”

Ain was now in an area lined with numerous buildings. The buildings were made of massive stone, and the craftsmanship was everywhere you look.

When the weather was nice, even this view could be enjoyed as sightseeing.

Anyway, since there were many buildings lined up like this, it did not snow as much as in the open area.

So they could finally take a break.

“Krone-dono. Are we almost there?”

“Yes, we are. If we continue on this road a little longer, we should be able to find it…”

Lloyd asked, and Krone looked at the map again.

Since they had gotten this far so easily, they reached the neighborhood easily and without hesitation.

That was the only good news in this bad weather.

“What was the blacksmith’s name?”

“My goodness… Ain? You want to have a weapon made, and you already forgot the name of the blacksmith?”

“…I’m ashamed.”

When Count Baltic explained the situation to him. In Ain’s mind, all he could think about was the new equipment.

The name of the blacksmith escaped him, although he made sure not to miss any important details.

“His name was Mouton. You’ll remember it this time, won’t you?”

“Uh, yeah, okay… It sounds so warm; I’m a little jealous.”

Considering the current cold weather, Mouton, the blacksmith’s name, sounded warm. He was a little jealous.

“Dill. I need you to stand guard at the entrance again. Is that clear?”

“I understand, Father. You will stay with Ain-sama, right?”

“Yes. I will escort Ain-sama inside.”

Even though he was waiting outside, if there was no snowstorm, he would not have to huddle in the cold.

In fact, even in the current situation, it doesn’t feel that cold.

“By the way, Ain-sama. Can I ask you something?”

“Hmm, what is it, Lloyd-san?”

“Have you decided what to use for the hilt of your weapon?”


What, are we missing something? Do you need anything other than the material for the living armor? …His floating mind gradually calmed down as if he had been humbled.

“Ain-Sama. Father is short on words, so let me explain… As you probably know, Ain-sama, we use a different material for the hilt. A material that has a core and is strong but not too heavy. This determines the overall balance of the weapon.”

“Oh, I see what you mean… I thought we had to collect something like the material for living armor…”

Dill’s additions gave him a calming breath of relief.

——His next words lifted Ain’s spirits even higher than before.

“I would recommend the frontal bone of the sea dragon… which protected the magic stone.”

“…W-what is that? It’s too tempting.”

The part that protects the magic stone was covered by a hard outer shell or bone, which was common to all monsters.

It was the part that was made harder than any other in order to protect its own vital parts.

The rare material of living armor is reinforced with the even rarer material of sea dragons.

Was there a man who did not find romance in this? No, surely not.

“D-Dill… I may not have said enough. But I was thinking the same thing as you!”

“Father… please don’t compete with me in front of Ain-sama. It is a little embarrassing.”

The son puts his hand to his forehead and looks stunned.

Ain felt refreshed and happy to see them in their natural state.

“Well, I’m sorry to interrupt your fun, but… we’ve arrived.”

While they were enjoying their conversation, their destination, Mouton, the blacksmith, came into view. They had arrived at his shop.

While puzzling over what to do, Krone said to Ain and the others.

“…Then let’s go in, Ain-sama.”

Is it an exaggeration to say that they came to their senses?

Lloyd, perhaps remembering what he had just said and done, blushed a little on his cheeks and urged them to enter the shop.

He tried to fool everyone by deliberately saying, “Oh no, the cold is making my skin red.”

“Oh, yeah, okay… Uh, Dill? Sorry to make you wait outside. If you can’t take it anymore, come inside and rest, Dill.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, Ain-sama. (I also apologize for my father’s humming.)”

Dill said the last words secretly so that Lloyd would not hear them.

——Ain had no complaints as he got a fresh look at the Glacier father and son.

The old bone mark was carved with the name Blacksmith Mouton.

It was a simple name, but Ain liked it.


“Sorry to interrupt.”

After knocking, Ain opened the door to the shop.

He entered with Lloyd and Krone. ——It was supposed to be.

“You idiot! I told you to use your arms properly! I’ll turn you into yakitori!”

“M-Master! I told you that using my legs would give me more power! Besides, I’m not a bird! It’s murder, murder!”

Feathered feet. Sharp claws grew there, and smooth muscles could be seen around them.

If you look at her upper body, you can see a large wing on each arm.

——So she’s a different race. Ain had never seen a harpy before, but he never expected to see a harpy smithing.

The way she deftly wielded a hammer with her sharp claws was, of course, a mismatch in Ain’s eyes.

“Aaah! You cannot possibly say that! Try lifting it with your wings, you fool!”

The person scolding her was a dwarf, a standard blacksmith, and, of course, a different race.

He was a small man of about 150 cm but had muscular arms and a shaggy chest that was very masculine.

His beard was clean-shaven, and his features, like his body, were full of masculine charm.

“M-Master! How is it now?”

Ain and the others watched the exchange between the two people as if they were outsiders.

The harpy girl managed to lift a hammer with her wings and swing it down to the anvil.

The desperation was well understood, but it’s still not as powerful as the previous one.

“You fool… Don’t you dare underestimate the blacksmith! What’s with that clueless swing? You’ve got a great leg, so grab it and swing, you bastard! Don’t worry about how it looks! Ah!”

“Master! It’s just like before! I’m getting more and more confused!”

He seemed to be an unreasonable master, but he must be the blacksmith named Mouton.

He was a very stubborn man, but he was so full of “character” that it was even considered attractive.

“U-um… Is it okay now?”

“Oh? …Who are you, and where did you come from?”

Where else but through the door, right?

But of course, Ain didn’t say anything, and if he did, he would surely get into trouble.

He would have enjoyed the trouble, but since Krone was also present today, he couldn’t play around too much.

“I came in through the regular entrance. I was introduced by Count Baltic.”

“From the entrance? Well, if you ask me, that’s right… And I can’t refuse an introduction from that young master, so have a seat.”

He pointed in that direction, where an old dining set was placed.

It was not flattering, but Ain did not bother to complain.

“Hey, Ememe! Go make me some tea! I haven’t had a guest for a long time!”

“Okay, Master! I’ll be off!”

The harpy named Ememe left her seat with a bang.

Ain had heard that he was a skilled blacksmith, but what did it mean that he had not had a visitor for a long time?

“You look like you have something to complain about. …I’m selective about my customers, or rather the materials I use. That’s why it’s so hard to get customers. It’s not that I’m not good at what I do.”

The way he was so imposing and his strong body.

Looking at him, it seemed that his confidence was not overconfidence.

“As you probably know. I’m Mouton, just a good blacksmith.”

Mouton extended his hand in greeting.

The hand was thick with calluses and had the hand of a craftsman.

Ain gladly accepted and shook Mouton’s hand.

“I am…”

Ain thought for a moment and decided to give his name honestly.

Just as he thought that Mouton spoke first.

“You’re the Crown Prince, aren’t you? The man next to you is from Glacier, and he carries the sword of that family on his back. Is that right?”

Lloyd blinked a few times, smiled, and spoke to Mouton.

“…Oh. Do you understand, Mouton-dono?”

The Glacier family members were supposed to escort the royalty.

If that was the case, then it meant that it was possible to understand who this boy was.

“Of course I understand. After all, that sword is my…”

There was something romantic about that.

Maybe Mouton’s father made it.

That was why he recognized Lloyd’s sword at a glance.

Lloyd had similar feelings and, like Ain, waited for Mouton’s next words.

“My second cousin made that sword!”

Romanticism was a fine line that was hard to cross.

If it had been his own brother, he could have handled it, but if it had been his second cousin, there was nothing to be said for it.

As proof, behind Ain, both Lloyd and Krone were similarly unable to keep their mouths shut.

“Ah? What’s the matter with you? Are you so surprised that you can’t even talk? …By the way, that second cousin of mine is already dead!”

He lets out a manly laugh, but the surprise he thought he saw and the surprise Ain and the others got were two different things. And it’s not really a funny story.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, customer! Huh? What’s with this atmosphere?”

The disciple harpy, who had been subjected to unreasonable treatment, returned, but the subtle atmosphere remained the same.


“I see. You have some good materials, and you want me to make you a sword?”

“Yes. It’s a rare material, so I wanted to leave it in the hands of a skilled craftsman.”

“So that’s why the young master introduced me to you… I see the point.”

The atmosphere of the previous, somehow, they continued to talk about the consultation of the blacksmith.

Mouton’s demeanor was serious when it came to the subject of blacksmithing.

The joking atmosphere of earlier was gone. ——But Mouton had no intention of joking.

“I’ll decide whether to accept the job when I see it. Do you mind, Your Royal Highness?”

His eyes sharpened, and he looked at Ain as if he wanted to size him up.

Ain nodded without fear and placed the box he had brought on the desk.

“Here is the material.”

Inside the box is a helmet of living armor.

It was no exaggeration to say that this material was also a national treasure.

“Can I open it?”

“Of course. Take a look and decide if you want to take the job.”

Mouton smiled when he heard Ain’s words.

Behind him, Ememe floats in the air and observed the situation.

“That’s a lot of confidence you have. As expected from the Crown Prince? It seems that the materials you brought with you are also quite good.”

“It’s just a coincidence that I happened to get it. It was just luck.”

Luck was not a word that could be used to describe it, but coincidence was a good way to put it.

After all, if he had not used the illusory hand, he would never have met the knight Marco.

“I see. But luck is also important, so I will open the box without hesitation.”

Mouton reached into the box and put his hand on the lid.

For some reason, Ememe, who was floating in the background, was more nervous than Mouton himself, which was interesting.

As everyone watched, the contents of the box were finally revealed.

“…Hey, hey, you can’t possibly mean this?”


He must have realized what it was right away.

He called himself a skilled blacksmith, so it was not surprising that he had knowledge of this material.

“Ememe. Did you also notice it…?”


Ememe, his disciple, was as good as expected.

A disciple of the blacksmith the Count had introduced to Ain. It must be shameless knowledge to do that… and that’s what he thought until now.

“So, Master. What is this?”

That was the only word that made Ain groan.

He could not help but think that the depth of Ememe’s character was “as expected.”

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