Magic Gems Gourmet

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

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ED: LonelyMatter

Chapter 98 – Mixed Feelings

“I think people like Lyle-sama are called prodigies. From a very young age, he showed talent in everything he did and was many times better than others in both his studies and martial arts.”

“So what’s this all about, I wonder? That very problem child, Celes… he was able to put a collar on Celes and manage her well.”

As for Ain, it wasn’t something he hadn’t thought about. It was something he had a vague feeling that Katima and Olivia had an older sister or brother.

But none of the people in the castle talked about it, nor did anyone else in the royal family.

Was that because they died prematurely in a stillbirth or accidental birth, even if it was a wild guess? He sometimes thought so.

That was one of the reasons he had never been able to ask them about it.

“But we were a good team. Maybe there was something about them that only two geniuses could understand?”

“Oh… there was definitely some of that. We just did really stupid things in our daily interactions.”

“U-um… Even if I didn’t ask about it, why didn’t anyone tell me about it?”

Then the new question was, why didn’t they tell Ain about it?

Although he didn’t often assert himself, Ain was in the position of the crown prince. And yet, it did not feel good to have such an important fact kept from him.

“Well, wait, wait, Ain. I know you have your own feelings about this, but you know what? It’s a pretty awkward situation… I’ll tell you now, so drink this first and calm down”.

Kaizer handed him a wooden cup with cold tea. Ain took it and swallowed the tea in one gulp.

“For someone so talented, life in the castle was… No. I think life in Ishtalika was too confining for him.”

“Ishtalika was too confining…? Does that mean he went to another continent?”

“No, it is not like that. Even if I say it is much, much farther away, there is no way to prove it.”

The explanation was so elusive that it left Ain with nothing but questions in his head. Then Majolica opened his mouth and added some more information.

“Your Highness. In the center of the continent of Ishtar, there are stone ruins of unknown age.”

“Ruins? But aren’t there ruins everywhere?”

“Yes, there are ruins everywhere. But this ruin is… a place you should never enter if you have any love for this world.”

“It’s called the Spirited Away Dungeon. Scholars call it a place between worlds.”

The word “dungeon” is intriguing, but is “spirited away” really what it means? The term “between worlds” also intrigues him.

“Spirited away,” you say. It’s not like you’re taken to another place when you enter it…”

“I don’t think so, Your Highness. There is no telling where they will go, for no one has ever returned. …It’s not a monster that haunts the ruins, nor is there another space around it. That’s why it’s called ‘The Spirited Away Dungeon.'”

“…Um, I don’t think that’s true either. Are you saying that Lyle-sama and Celes-san went there?”

The fact that they went far away meant that it was not the continent where Heim was located. It was as if they were really going to another world.

“That’s right, Your Highness. That’s why those two are not here. That’s it.”

“You see, Ain? Celes’ greatest sin was to take Lyle there. And Lyle’s greatest sin was to abandon his royal duties and go there. That’s it.”

Both sins were understandable.

Certainly, what the first prince did was also a grave sin. Even though he was a royal and the first prince.

He went there even though he knew what kind of place it was.

“Why did he do that…?”

Why did Lyle do that? The reason was not clear.

He did what he did because it meant leaving Ishtalika, and that included Sylvird and the others.

“As Lyle used to say, “I was born in the wrong place.” Like I said, he must have felt cramped. Not just in the castle, but in this world.”

“But that doesn’t mean he had to give up everything…”

“Yes, I know. It may be a foolish step without any responsibility. The only thing that matters is that Lyle wanted to do it, so he left with Celes. That’s all there is to it.”

That was the reason. Maybe that was what he meant when he said he was born in the wrong place.

“Maybe it was the loneliness that comes with being a genius. Even Celes only really opened her heart to Lyle-sama. Even in the castle, she was quite a problem child who only listened to Lyle-sama’s orders.”

“In the end, Lyle invited Celes to join him. So Celes agreed and went to the ruins immediately. That’s what the letter said.”

That was absurd, and that was the best Ain could come up with.

What Lyle had done was truly unworthy of royalty and a grave sin, as described.

“But then why? Why didn’t anyone tell me about this…?”

“I know how you feel, Your Highness. But it’s not easy.”

“Yes. After all, His Majesty is afraid that Ain will do the same thing as Lyle.”

‘There is no way I would do that! I would never leave Olivia or, Krone or, Chris, or any of my family behind. I would never leave my precious family.’ That’s what Ain thought.

“Oops, Ain. You don’t seem happy about this.”

“Of course I am. Why didn’t they believe me?”

“Well, it’s a difficult topic. There are a lot of thoughts… about the mismanagement of the first prince and the mismanagement of his guard. You can understand why it would be difficult for them to talk about it, can’t you? And if there is a fear of losing Ain, it will be even more difficult to tell you.”

“Fortunately, Lyle-sama had not been officially revealed yet. So they silenced the people in the castle at that time, and that was it.”

Ain understood the logic. However, it was difficult to accept.

It felt as if a lump had formed in his heart. It was not dissatisfaction with Sylvird and the others but mainly with the first prince, Lyle.

“This is what happened. Is that the only way to accept it?”

“Oh, that’s good. I can tell you it’s not your problem. You’re doing well in school, you’re doing your duties as Crown Prince, and you’re doing dangerous investigative work. ——I hate to complain about my old friends, but Ain is doing a hundred times better than him.”

He shouldn’t have asked, but it was good that he did. Different thoughts started and wouldn’t stop, but one thing was confirmed.

Kaizer was a great teacher. Although this sentence was said in a casual manner, it made Ain feel very happy.

“Hey, Your Highness. If it gets out that we taught this, we will probably get our heads cut off. Physically, of course.”

“So please, Ain, don’t tell them that you learned it from us… okay?”

“I promise you as the crown prince. I’ll keep this between us. I will forget what you told me.”

As for Ain, he would not bother to tell anyone about it. And since he had no intention of doing anything that would betray the two of them, as the saying goes, he will not talk about it except on this occasion.

“Tell me one more thing, Your Highness. You haven’t become interested in that ruin after hearing what we just talked about, have you?”

When Majolica looked at him with concern, Ain answered with a smile.

“Of course I’m interested. But you see…”

For a moment, Majolica looked distressed, but then he realized that Ain’s words were not finished.


“It’s a place you definitely shouldn’t go. I’m interested in what that means, so don’t worry about it.”

He would not go there no matter what. He had such a strong will.

Olivia, Krone, Chris. He was determined not to leave his family behind in the castle.

“Besides, I love Ishtalika.”

Majolica and Kaizer were relieved by Ain’s words, even though they had told him this story. It was a contradictory state of mind, but they were deeply relieved that Ain’s feelings were for Ishtalika.


“Everybody line up!”

The sound of busy snow trampling fills the air around them, and Lloyd’s command called for everyone to line up.

“All units! Report the situation!”

While Ain was talking to Majolica and Kaizer, Lloyd and the others arrived at the former demon king’s territory.

This time, they were on a second expedition to investigate, and they went separately from Ain.

They took the same route as before and returned to this place earlier than before.

“Dill. You used your experience from the last time, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Everyone seems to have gotten used to the route.”

“Even if it is only once, that is an achievement. I still think we should report this to His Majesty…”

When they returned to the royal capital, he would suggest training in the snow at any cost.

He would also report the results of this training later.

“Lloyd-sama! Team two is fine!”

“Team three is also fine!”

“Team four is in perfect condition!”

The reports came to Lloyd one by one. He was pleased to hear that the march had gone without any particular problems.

Although the weather was more favorable than last time, it was still not a bad result.

“Umu. Then let’s get to work, starting with the group that has completed its report!”

The knight’s reply echoed throughout the area.

Looking at the expressions on the knights’ faces, they seemed less tired than last time. They must have grown a lot in this harsh environment.

“However, compared to last time, they don’t seem to be as ‘welcoming.'”

It was after Ain uttered the words, “I’m home. As if this former demon king’s territory had come back to life, he remembered feeling a strange sensation, as if he could feel colors even in the blowing wind.

But this time, he couldn’t help but feel that the air was filled with a kind of loneliness, just as it was before Ain said the words ‘I’m home.’

“Well, it’s still better than at first glance.”

“Father? What’s wrong?”

“Hmm? Oh, I was just looking at the cityscape.”

“Is that so?”

Dill, who had lost interest, listened to the team leader’s report.

As previously discussed, they decided not to go to the residence of the living armor.

As long as Ain was not there, it would not be a problem. It was true that there was such an aspect, but it was also true that Lloyd and the others did not know each other.

It was best to avoid unnecessary trouble, and if they didn’t touch him, there was nothing for them to do.

“Father. This concludes the team leader’s report. As second-in-command, I approve it.”

Dill was the vice-commander of the survey team for this investigation. Of course, Lloyd was the commander, and Dill was second from the top in the chain of command.

“Oh, I see. It’s good to hear everything’s okay.”

“That’s right. Then I’ll take command of the site.”

“Oh, yes, make sure you do.”

The back of Dill’s figure running away from the scene looked very reliable.

 Now, he had grown to the point where he could even take command, and he was firmly attached to his escort duties.

He had also been on an expedition to Euro, and it was clear that he had matured.

“Well… if you do that, maybe your dreams will come true, too, huh? Dill.”

The son who told him that his dream was to beat himself.

Of course, as far as Lloyd was concerned, he had no intention of losing, and he had no intention of taking it easy. He always got excited when he thought about it, wondering if that time would come while he was still serving as a knight.

“But there’s something else for me. There’s something else that excites me.”

He turned and looked at the area near the demon king’s castle.

Was it there? With that in mind, he looked ahead to several old mansions, one of which was the residence of the Living Armor Marco.

Lloyd looked in the direction Ain told him about and smiled.

“I would like to cross swords with him. The man who described me as ‘no different whether I am present or not.’ I want to feel it with my own body.”

For Lloyd, the fact that Ain was so easily kidnapped left him with one of the greatest humiliations of his life.

And from Marco’s point of view, he was seen as an escort who was the same whether he was there or not. It had been a long time since he had felt the words of someone stronger than himself.

But it must be true.

There was a time when he thought he could manage with one of his limbs.

What he thought now was different. Lloyd’s current thought was that he might not even be able to compete with him for a single sword.

“Hey, Marco-dono. Can you hear my voice? …I would love to cross swords with you if I ever get the chance.”

If it was the usual Marco, his voice would have reached Lloyd as expected.

——But today, he was different. The curse from hundreds of years ago, the curse of the “Beast” that has been endlessly consuming his body, had left him in a situation where he could do nothing but maintain his sense of self.


“Kuh… Ah…!”

Marco’s mansion, where Ain was brought.

He was locked up in the dark and damp basement, trying to keep his sense of self alive with the help of many drugs.

“Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful…! Aaahhhh!”

His body was one of the strongest among the monsters. By forcing it to be injured over and over again, he tried to preserve himself through pain.

By having intense pain in his body, he felt that he was still “himself.”

There were many medicines that did not exist today.

He forcefully applied them to his body, melting his body and resisting the curse.

“Haha… O beast… O beast! Hundreds of years later, you still can’t even take away this one knight!”

Although his entire body was in intense pain, he forced himself to stand up.

“I’m fine. Even though my mouth, which sometimes opens by itself, praises the red fox, I’m still Marco. I am aware of that.”

“Not yet. Not yet.”

The one man he had to bring in the other day. Marco remembered Ain.

When he thought of Ain, he still could not allow himself to be defeated by such a thing. The other party was just a beast! He inspired himself.

“The beautiful one, the beautiful one, the beautiful one…”

He no longer counted how many times this has happened to him.

He has been resisting the curse with this partner of pain for the past week.

“W-what is beautiful is… truly beautiful is… Arche-sama. Her heart is the most beautiful of all…!”

That cursed thing has a really evil character.

It was designed to increase its power when it came to the demon king.

“…Ee-ehihi… hihi…”

Even though he could resist, this body had been undermined for hundreds of years. Mentally, he was already in tatters and might be nearing the limit of what he could bear.

“Oh… you beast…! My mission is not finished yet… Marco, you can still do it. You can do it…!”

A number of harmful drugs have already been transformed into stabilizers. But he was already running out of them, and the thought of running out made him anxious, but first, he had to endure the current situation.

First, he sparingly applied it to his body again, and the pain was greatly intensified.

“Hah… hah… well done, Marco, for enduring today too… well done. ——This is all thanks to this wonderful man.”

He did indeed endure today. But the day… when Marco would no longer be able to resist the curse, that day would surely come.

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