Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 46 - 46: Group Date III

Chapter 46 - 46: Group Date III

Serena's eyes were just about to pop-out. She gave him the benefit of the doubt, but it was proving to be quite useless. Initially, she felt like crying feeling some self-pity. But seeing everything that was unfolding before her very eyes, she wanted to storm over and pull the girls hair and slap Charlton's cheeks silly. How dare he do this to her?

"What a douche! Serena, I tell you, stop seeing that… that… scumbag! He doesn't even deserve you. Besides, you're a real queen-to-be. You are even leveling down just for him and this is what he does to you in return? And with that Isabel!? Does he even have taste? She doesn't even deserve to kiss the ground that you walk on!" Gizel angrily spouted. Too incensed for her friend.

"Want to teach him a lesson? I can totally do so just for you" Via said, as she cracked her knuckles.

"Wait guys… I don't think that Charlton is that bad? We're just looking from afar and have not even heard what they were talking about." Milly said, not that she's a big fan of Charlton, which she is, but she can clearly see the love in his eyes when he looks at her friend. She really doesn't think that he had it in him to cheat on her.

"Hey, which side are you on? I can't believe that you're still defending him. Look at the many shades of red that the slut kept on turning. What else do you think is he telling her?" Gizel confronted as she stood from her seat.

Serena was tempted to just follow her friends' advice and storm to that side of the bistro so she can splash wine on Charlton's face. But she was not a real young girl or someone confrontational. One, that will be truly embarrassing on her end. Two, only a handful of people knew about their relationship. And three, with some consciousness, she thought that she brought this upon herself.

She knew Charlton's character from the start. based on the novel, he was a playboy before falling in love with the female lead. What gave her the confidence to think that she could just barge in his life and assume that he will completely fall for her charms? The boy was just 19, and she an old lady fell for him, hook line and sinker. Just because he said some sweet nothings to her doesn't mean that they were all true. Besides, she's the one who started their relationship.

Now she really felt like banging her head for her own stupidity. It has only been less than two months and she, a person who has seen more of life, have completely been wrapped around his fingers. And she had the gall to think that she had him whipped.

Serena held Gizel's arm as she shook her head. She could not bring herself to stoop that low as to cause a scene in this place.


A lot of people in the bistro turned their head to the back when someone stood up angrily, disturbing the peaceful ambiance with the scraping sound the chair made.

Charlton who was interested in things other than whatever the girl in front of him was saying turned to look. His eyes widened and he started to panic. Rather than the girl who stood up, he first saw his girlfriend's golden blond hair. She had her face down and he couldn't clearly see her expression, but he knew that it was nothing good. Then he saw her pulling the girl down to sit back.

Charlton in his state of panic didn't know what to do. He just wanted to go straight to where she was to explain. He felt the guilt weighing down on him for fear of any pain or hurt he might have made her feel.

Kylo, feeling his friend acting strange turned to look at the direction he was looking at. 'oh shit.' Was the first thing that came to his mind as he pulled Charlton, who was about to stand up, down.

"Let me go." Charlton angrily said.

"Stop that, you will cause a scene." Kylo whispered. Thinking that he hasn't convinced his friend enough he continued saying, "If you don't think about yourself, then think about her. You can talk to her later, I'll help you explain."

Charlton who gained back some sense shrugged Kylo's arm as he sat back. He could not stop shifting on his seat, restless to just make this silly date end and go get his girlfriend alone to explain, even grovel if need be.

"Are you alright, Mr. Charlton?" Isabel asked concerned.

Charlton didn't want to place the blame on the girl in front of him because he was the one at fault. However, he could not stop associating her with this turn of events so he can only grunt.


"He's been staring here for quite awhile now." Via reported to her friends who were pretending that Charlton doesn't exist.

"Ignore him." Serena told her friends. In truth, a part of her wanted to confront him, but this was just not the place.

Gizel and Milly looked at each other. Although Serena was showing a strong front, they both worry that she's just bottling everything inside.

Having some sense, they all ate quickly, not in the mood to spend more time in the vicinity.

Via seeing Serena's mood, called for the bill, thinking of paying it herself. However, Serena still insisted saying "I did say it was my treat", as she showed them a smile that didn't reach her eyes.


When Charlton saw the girls stood up to leave, he was quick to follow.

"I have to go. Sorry." He said quickly not even waiting for Isabel's reply.

Kylo who saw what was happening did not try to stop him a second time.

The boys and girls with them looked at Kylo, confused with how Charlton acted. Kylo just shrugged saying "He needed to go. He still has some important matters to attend to."

Isabel nodded dejectedly, but perhaps it was truly important. Charlton was so kind, handsome, humble, and just perfect. He would not leave her there for no reason. Besides, she must show him what an understanding girl she was.


"Serena, wait. Please let me explain." Charlton said as he chased after her.

Serena walked in a fast pace with her friends.

"Stop chasing her, she doesn't want to talk to you. Give her some space." Gizel confronted.

Charlton wanted to tell her to mind her own business but chose to ignore her. Having longer legs than Serena, he grabbed her arm.

"Please, Serena…" Charlton pleaded but before he could say anything further, he heard the resounding ringing on his ears as he staggered.

Serena slapped him so hard that she felt her right palm sting.

The bystanders were all surprised of what she did that they can only stop and gape. Thankfully, it was already getting late and no one on the street recognized them.

Her friends were so shocked. Serena was usually very kind and composed. She was quite the reasonable person, so they didn't know she had it in her to get physical.

Serena too was surprised with what she did. She lost control and acted on reflex. It felt good but at the same time, she felt a little guilty for slapping that face which she liked so much.

Charlton held his cheek, still a little dizzy, he never knew his girlfriend can hit so hard.

"I deserved that. But please, I'm begging you. Listen to me."

Serena, after blowing off some steam was more sensible this time. "I need to think. Please unhand me."

Charlton wanted to grovel in the middle of the street, just to beg her not to leave him. He has never felt anything like this his whole life. Like he was ready to jump off a cliff if she told him to, just so that she will forgive him.

Seeing Charlton not removing his grip on her arm, Serena angrily shrugged him off. Then she turned to her friends to say, "Let's go."

Charlton was shell shocked. He wanted to stop her, but his feet were rooted on the spot. He was lost and didn't know what to do. All he knew was that he hurt Serena and that she must hate him now.

Gizel and Via quickly followed Serena, while Milly, taking some pity on Charlton gave him a friendly advice.

"Just give her some time to think. Serena is a sensible person. I know that what you have for her is true. Once she realizes that you honestly didn't mean to hurt her, then she will forgive you. I know she loves you and was just very much hurt by what you did. I hope you two can still reconcile." Milly said as she smiled at him. "Don't worry, I support you."

Charlton nodded at her. "Thank you." He said, while feeling like he was nothing but an utter piece of shite.



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