Martial King's Retired Life

Book 15: Chapter 110

Book 15: Chapter 110

Ghost Cart wiped his smile off his face. “Bu Xusan, you have no respect for the law, so shut your trap. We have every justification in the world to apprehend you. We uphold the law, while you break it.”

“Impressive. Criminals really do milk it when they become officials,” scoffed Bu. He poked his tongue out and added, “If it wasn’t for that damn ghost sparrow, you two think you would’ve found me? Why don’t you go home and practice some more?”

While the other two of The Ultimate Three were at the top of their own bureaus, Yingfeng was shrouded in veils upon veils of mystery since very few people had ever met him or heard about him. They didn’t know his real name, his origins or appearance; even his gender was presumed. The only thing that was certain was that His Majesty trusted him enough to assign him as a personal bodyguard. Although he was originally a roving warrior and without a military force under him, he had four subordinates who he was able to count on –Yingfeng’s Four Elites.

The four of them were formerly criminals or big names in the pugilistic world before Yingfeng recruited them. Ghost Cart was a notorious pirate who gave the imperial court a severe headache until Yingfeng transported him to the capital overnight and instated him as a rank six commandant before he even woke up.

Yingfeng never bribed the four or promised them anything. If they were unwilling to obey him after he subdued them, he executed anyone who was a criminal, so the current four simply obeyed him because they didn’t want to join their predecessors. Had those before them known better, the group would’ve been larger. Alas… Nevertheless, none of that changed the fact that they were the best scouting and defence team since the start of Li Dynasty.

Besides Yingfeng, Night Sparrow was the only one who was able to raise ghost sparrows, while Ghost Cart was a combat specialist. Yingfeng’s Four Elites polished their names on numerous missions that were classified borderline impossible and literal suicide missions.

When they weren’t assigned missions, the four of them were on standby, such as at the moment. If a socialite or the imperial court were to commission them for an acceptable reward, they would carry it out. It was something they enjoyed and something Yingfeng didn’t forbid. Capturing Bu Xusan was one such commission.

While Ghost Cart’s wicked aura had reduced significantly ever since turning over a new leaf, whenever he was eager to fight, he’d crunch his knuckles loudly. “Run if you can. If you can escape this time again, I’ll call you ‘dad’.”

“Buzz off. I don’t want a coward for a son.”

“Well, I may not want a cripple as a son when you’re paraplegic and pleading.” The short man flashed his fangs, only for a black spear to block his path after advancing one step.

“You’re sticking your nose in my fight.” Night Sparrow glared at Ghost Cart out of the corner of her eyes.

“You know that we can beat him if we work together… right?” Ghost Cart questioned through his clenched teeth.

“All I know is that I’m not working with you.” Night Sparrow stared straight at Bu. “Especially with you.”

Ghost Cart started breathing fast and heavily.

“Hahahaha, shameless people always go out without dignity.”

“You want to die so fast, kid?!”

“Can you two just come at me at once? I’m all for threesomes.”

“You want to play, do you?” Ghost Cart ground his teeth, making metal-grinding sounds. “I’ll cripple your friend and then come back for you!”

Bu knew that Night Sparrow let Ghost Cart zip off since it was what she wanted. If Ghost Cart took down Li Zizi, then Bu would have another headache, but shaking her off would not have been easy. While she wasn’t able to create a tornado, merely raising her spear generated a vacuum that made it convincingly real that she could suck Bu into one.

“… Why do I always have to run into this kind at these junctures?” grumbled Bu, before leaping away.

Night Sparrow chased down Bu, spear leading the charge, which was exactly what Bu desired. He rebounded back towards the Night Sparrow at a higher velocity than he leapt away, overcoming the wind vacuum she generated and then tried planting a kick on her shoulder. Night Sparrow promptly switched to defence, using her spear as a post to block. Bu slammed into the spear and then bounced vertically upwards before she could react.

Can’t you use a lighter spear, damn it?

Night Sparrow wasn’t just a spear specialist but a specialist at using the ancient spears that were large and heavy. Modern spears were lighter, allowing the wielder to be nimble and link attacks. In contrast, the large and heavy spears were sturdy, and they were considered challenging to master, yet they were always respected because they could be used defensively as well as offensively. Considering the size of large spears, it was inevitable for a full iron large spear to be heavy enough that people that they struck walls. It was a demanding weapon for the wielder needed a large build, arm strength and a solid foundation in Hard Realm.

A large spear in Night Sparrow’s hands was akin to crashing violent waves. She swiftly switched to offence with ferociousness to kill on contact if her opponent wasn’t careful, but the moment of carelessness never came. Bu kept dangerously close to the spear as he manoeuvred between her techniques; his performance made it clear why he dared to break into Feng Clan’s property. They both knew that Bu had the advantage since he was dodging effortlessly, while Night Sparrow had to expend far more energy to swing her spear in addition to thinking.

“Your technique is okay, but your speed leaves a lot to be desired. I can’t tell if you’re arrogant or stupid, wielding a fifty-kilo spear in close-quarters combat.”

“Shut your trap!”

Upon drawing her spear back, Night Sparrow’s retraction speed made it seem as if specks of dust were spawned along its trail. The speed of her retraction created sharp winds that could cut. All along, she wanted to draw Bu into the range where it’d be too close to change for her to change directions so that she could execute “Sparrow Sheds Its Feathers”.

As a woman, Night Sparrow struggled to make a living amongst men, but she had her spear and spearplay that put her above the ordinary bandits of the far north. Following a decade of assiduous training, not only did she gain a fearsome physique, but even her mindset hardened, equipping her with all the attributes and skills she needed to make a name for herself in the harsh northern martial arts community. It all came crashing down, though, when Yingfeng subdued her in one exchange.

There was no reason to be ashamed over suffering defeat at the hands of one of The Ultimate Three. In saying that, it made her confidence in her family’s spearplay waver. Yingfeng promised to grant her one chance annually at challenging him as long as she fulfilled the duties that he assigned her. Subsequent to three unsuccessful attempts, she realised that hard work would never be enough to catch up to him. Fortunately, the experiences expanded her horizons, which she used to reorganise her spearplay, remove the excessive violence and learn to be slyer. Those changes finally put her among the first-rate warriors. “Sparrow Sheds Its Feathers” was a technique Night Sparrow came up with to defeat Yingfeng this year.

Even though Bu’s carelessness landed him in hot water against the invisible attack, he calmly lowered his arms to his sides and focused energy to his fingers, creating blades that were able to clash with Night Sparrow’s spear.

Tang Clan’s members only ever used Dark Sword Prison to capture people, making Bu one of the few ever to employ it as a defensive tool. Once his defensive structure was complete, Bu attempted to snatch the spear.

Night Sparrow swung her spear as a cudgel toward the sword prison with the aim of breaking the prison in one blow, only to end up bashing thin air. Instead, it was Bu who turned the tables and landed atop the spear after jumping up during her swing. She spotted a grin on the face of the boy who managed to remain atop her spear even at that speed. To her shock, he managed to pinch her cheek before she could react.

“Arrogant kid!”

“Hahaha.” Bu hopped off the spear as Night Sparrow started another swing, landing safe and sound on the ground. “You’re good with a spear, hoe. You’re good, and you’re not a bad person, either. I’ll let you off today. Get lost with your cronies.”

Given Bu’s proficiency with Dark Sword Prison, Night Sparrow would’ve suffered serious damage even if she was able to resist an actual finger spear on her face had he meant to harm her just now.

“Who’s letting who off?” Bu heard behind him.

Damn, couldn’t make it in time as I thought.

Ghost Cart had Li Zizi’s head pinned between the dirt and his foot and immobilised. He spat a big mouthful of saliva onto the ground that nearly bounced onto Li Zizi’s face. “You’re not too shabby, huh?”

In just a few exchanges, Li Zizi was relegated to barely holding on. Although his techniques surprised Ghost Cart, his lack of experience and strength weren’t enough to overwhelm the veteran. It was Li Zizi’s first time fighting someone truly elite and feeling the hopelessness of fighting someone far superior. The defeat enlightened him to the reason his father wanted him to experience life outside the palace walls. Some things needed to be personally experienced to understand. Regrettably, it wasn’t possible to instantaneously convert the experience into power that could have turned the tables.

“Kid, you seriously thought you had a chance in an adult’s fight at your level? Are you stupid or just sick of life?”

Li Zizi raised his head as high as he could.

“My shifu… could stomp you.”

“Your shifu? Who’s your shifu?” Ghost Cart was going to mock the boy some more until he felt Li Zizi break free of his restraint, prompting him to hastily use half of his full power to keep Li Zizi pinned. Even though he was able to erase all of the true qi, he felt there was a chance it would happen again. “… Pure Yang One QI? How did you learn it?”

Li Zizi knew better than to divulge information on the discipline.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll make you tell me.”

“Hey! What do you want?!” exclaimed Bu.

Ghost Cart turned his head to Bu and sneered. “What do you think? You’re a thief, aren’t you? Don’t you know what we thieves do?”

Though Li Zizi didn’t groan aloud, his changing face colour was sufficient evidence that Ghost Cart was pressing down firmer.

“We’re different to the Emperor’s Entourage softies. We won’t pull punches even if he’s a Prince.”

“Ghost Cart!” warned Night Sparrow.

“Don’t stop me, Night Sparrow.” Whether it was to see a rare moment of Night Sparrow panicking for a while longer or to get back at her for her cold attitude, Ghost Cart continued, “You can feign ignorance if you want. It’s their business if the people he’s been beating want to feign ignorance, too, but don’t you pretend you don’t know he’s His Majesty’s seventh son, Li Zizi, when you have a ghost sparrow in your possession.”

Li Zizi lost the motivation to struggle. He wanted to eventually confess to his friend one day, not to have someone else expose him.

“Bu Xusan, you’re a lucky kid to have him for a friend.”

Bu gyrated his lips, but before he could speak up, he heard, “Shut up…”

“Shut up?” Ghost Cart gazed down to the Prince in disbelief. “Are you ordering me around right now? Sure is nice being a Prince. You get secret manuals whenever you want and all the supplements to enhance you. Imagine getting to choose whatever you want while the rest of the world has to fight for a piece. Even your little disguise is covered. You won’t know when to quit until you see real weapons, will you? Unfortunately, you’re wrong. Did you know that your old man already told all warriors of the imperial court that we don’t have to hold back if we encounter you. I’m happy to oblige, kiddo.”

“Shut up…”

“Weren’t you fearless because you knew that members of the imperial court wouldn’t dare to harm you? Sadly, your friend thought you’d fight alongside him. Little did he know that he was the only one ever in danger.”

“I told you to shut up!” Li Zizi’s rage roused his true qi in his dantian, blasting Ghost Cart’s foot off his head with enough force to induce pain.

“Not bad, but too readable.”

Ghost Cart reached to his sash with his right hand and, in a flash, pierced through Li Zizi’s body with a sword. At least he was meant to. Ghost Cart never saw Bu move, yet Bu had managed to pull Li Zizi out of the way safely.

Lying in his friend’s arms stained with blood, Li Zizi shakily expressed, “Bu… Sorry… I…”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Li Zizi shook his head. “I didn’t mean to hide it from you… I… I’m…”

“Idiot.” Bu held Li Zizi’s hand and, in a gentle tone, responded, “You think you’re good at telling lies? I knew who you were from the first time we met.”

“Really? Can you really… forgive me?”

“Of course. We’re buddies. Why would I be angry over something so trivial? Besides… you just got nipped. Why are you acting like you’re on your deathbed?”

“Ah.” Li Zizi touched his oblique. It hurt, and he was bleeding. However, it really was just a cut. No matter how insane Ghost Cart was, surely he wouldn’t have actually killed a Prince. “I’m glad. I’ll help you. W-”

Bu put Li Zizi to sleep somehow and then provided basic first aid before getting up to confront the two assailants again.

“That was the right choice. We wouldn’t actually kill a Prince, nor do we want to go to the trouble of subduing him, but we won’t hesitate to make him leave. If anything, you’re the biggest disappointment.” Night Sparrow loudly rested her spear onto the ground. “Is this all a disciple of Tang Clan amounts to? If that is so, you have no chance of escaping this time.”

While she was waiting around, Night Sparrow realised that Bu didn’t pinch her cheek because he was confident that he could dominate her. To the contrary, he barely maintained his balance on top of her spear, so he had no leverage at his feet to deal critical damage.

“You people…” Bu exhaled solemnly. “Why don’t you learn to wise up?”

Bu could tell from the numerous footsteps closing in that he’d be captured if he dallied.

“I did the right thing,” Bu remarked as he looked at his friend. “He won’t have to see me kill now.”

As soon as Bu took a step forward, Night Sparrow shouted, “Stay alert! Everyone, stay alert! A moment of inattention can cost you your life! Since Tang Clan’s patriarch went missing twenty years ago, she only trained one monster. Tang Ni is going to get serious now!”

Shuntian Bureau’s Sir Bao arrived with his forces about ten minutes later to hear dead silence for nobody there was in any shape to respond to him. Damaged structures, dismembered corpses, broken weapons, and blood stains vandalised everything around. When asked to recount what he saw, his answer was a short, “Definitely not the work of a human being.”

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Martial King’s Retired Life (Manhua) – 99March 13, 2020In "Martial King's Retired Life"

Martial King’s Retired Life (Manhua) – 002December 28, 2018In "Martial King's Retired Life"

Martial King’s Retired Life (Manhua) – 003December 28, 2018In "Martial King's Retired Life"

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