Medical Master

Chapter 153 - Each of Them Is Awesome!

Chapter 153 Each of Them Is Awesome!

“Ha ha…”

Just when the students of the universities listened attentively, faced with the praises from the leaders of the eight universities to University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine, Chen Yinsheng just laughed and then reached out his hand, saying, “Please, the meeting room is ready.”

After that.

The leaders and students of the eight universities, led by Chen Yinsheng and several leaders, came all the way to the super-large meeting room prepared in advance in the office building of the School of Chinese Medicine.

It was a rectangular meeting room.

In the center of the meeting room, there was a very large round table.

The leaders of the universities sat around the round table.

Behind every leader sat the students of their respective universities.

When the leaders and students of the eight universities were all seated.

The nine students of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine just appeared and walked into the meeting room.

In principle.

As the host, the students of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine should go to the meeting room and wait for the guests to arrive, which was a manner.


The reason why they appeared so late was deliberately arranged by the university leaders.


“Appearing at last means they are the most important!”

“The purpose is to take most of the advantages as a host!”

“After all, it’s the territory of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine. The purpose of gathering together is to compete.”

“Since we will ultimately compete with each other.”

“Why don’t we put the foot down first?”


Nine people, led by Fang Qiu, walked into the meeting room.

For a time, it immediately attracted the attention of the leaders and students of the eight universities.

Jiang Mengjie, sitting in the first place in the area of University of Jingbei Chinese Medicine, immediately smiled at Fang Qiu while seeing him.

Fang Qiu also smiled back.

However, he did not notice that Jiang Miaoyu, behind him, darkened her eyes.

Although she had some inexplicable emotions in her heart.

Jiang Miaoyu did not reveal it. She also smiled at Jiang Mengjie.

After all, the two of them knew each other.

But on the other side.

The other students were different.

Because everyone knew that Fang Qiu ranked first, everyone focused their eyes on Fang Qiu first to see who Fang Qiu was.

But as a result.

All of them were instantly attracted by the beauty of Jiang Miaoyu.

They stared at Jiang Miaoyu with their eyes wide open.

Then they turned to look at Jiang Mengjie.

“The two of them are actually on a par.”

“What the hell! How come there is also such a beautiful girl in University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine? Why doesn’t our university have any?”

“This time, we have come to the right place. It’s only the first day and we have seen two beautiful girls.”

“Wow, we are so lucky.”

The students of all the universities couldn’t help discussing in low voices.


The students of University of Jingbei Chinese Medicine, where Jiang Mengjie was in, did not expect that there was actually a student of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine who could compare with the campus belle of their university.

They originally thought.

In this knowledge competition, they could completely win University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine in appearance only.

They did not expect it to be on a tie.

“Since the appearance doesn’t work, it seems that we can only win them by IQ!”

Everyone knew that it was a meeting, so after a short comparison, they all controlled their mind and sat up straight.

Chen Yinsheng also beckoned the nine of them to be seated. The alternates didn’t come.

As far as the current situation was concerned, the alternates didn’t need to come because the official nine students had no problems.

When everyone was seated.

Chen Yinsheng just stood up.

He looked around the leaders of the universities and all the students present with a smile, saying, “As the Vice President of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine, I, on behalf of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine, welcome everyone!”

After that, he applauded.

Everyone also applauded.

“I hope that all the leaders and students will have a good time at our University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine.”

When the applause stopped slightly, Chen Yinsheng nodded with a smile and presided, “Next, the meeting will officially begin. According to the convention, each university introduces itself. First, let the leader of University of Huizhou Chinese Medicine introduce the students of his university.”

As he said, he smilingly beckoned the Vice President of University of Huizhou Chinese Medicine on his left.

The Vice President of University of Huizhou Chinese Medicine, a middle-aged man in his forties, who was dressed in a suit with slicked-back hair and a square face, stood up with a smile.

“Hello, everyone. I am the Vice President of University of Huizhou Chinese Medicine, Zhang Guodong.”

Zhang Guodong first introduced himself and then said, “Next, let me introduce the students of our university who participate in the competition.”

“The first one is Tao Yiran.”

“He is a descendant of the Chinese Medicine family—Tao’s family.”

At the sound of this.

Everyone immediately looked at the student.

Their eyes were full of shock.

“A descendant of the Chinese Medicine family!”

“If the people of this world are classified by rich second generations and ordinary people, then Tao Yiran is just the rich second generation of the Chinese Medicine industry.”

“Born in a Chinese Medicine family, he must have been exposed to Chinese Medicine from childhood. His understanding of Chinese Medicine is definitely much stronger than that of other students of the same age.”

“Tao Yiran is No.1 in our university and he has got full marks in the test.”

Seeing everyone surprised, Zhang Guodong said again as he smiled slightly proudly.

Hearing that, all the students began to examine Tao Yiran.

“This Tao Yiran is a vigorous opponent!”


At the same time.

Under the instruction of Zhang Guodong, Tao Yiran stood up and nodded at the other people smilingly.

At this time.

Everyone just noticed the student who was thin and looked a little gentle and frail-looking.

They saw that.

He was dressed in a neat school uniform with his hair neither long nor short. He divided his hair at the side and had a standard oval face. It was a pity that he was wearing a pair of glasses, otherwise, it was easy to attract everyone’s attention by his appearance.

“The second one is Wang Zhixing.”

As Zhang Guodong said.

Another student stood up.

When they took a closer look.

The student was a little fat with a round face. He was not tall and very delightful at first glance.

“Wang Zhixing, although he was not born in a Chinese Medicine family, he has also read all kinds of medical books since childhood and has studied all kinds of medical books circulating on the market. Among them, he can recite ‘Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases’ verbatim.”

Zhang Guodong introduced with a smile.

Everyone was shocked again.

“So awesome?”

“No way. I even feel it difficult to recite classical Chinese in middle school. This guy can actually recite ‘Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases’ all?”

“Good boy. They are all monsters this time.”

A lot of whispers were heard.

But they didn’t let the people of the other universities hear it but only talked with their own schoolmates.

After all, they couldn’t puff up the enemy and lower their own morale.

But all the discussions were heard by Fang Qiu.


Under the introduction of Zhang Guodong, Wang Zhixing nodded to everyone and then sat down again.

Right after that.

Zhang Guodong continued to introduce No.3 to No.9.

Every student he introduced had an awesome strength, which made the students from the other universities amazed.

The introduction of University of Huizhou Chinese Medicine ended.

The Vice President of University of Zhongzhou Chinese Medicine on their left stood up after that and began to introduce his students.

“The No.1 of our university is also a descendant of a Chinese Medicine family…”

“Another descendant of a Chinese Medicine family?”

“Are they gathering together to make trouble?”

“A Knowledge Competition of Freshmen has actually attracted so many awesome people? Each of them is very awesome!”


When the students talked in low voices in their respective areas with stunned looks.

The Vice President of University of Zhongzhou Chinese Medicine stretched his finger to point at the first student sitting behind him and said, “Su Zimo.”

Everyone turned their eyes to take a look.

They saw that although this person was wearing a school uniform, he had an extremely trendy haircut. The hair in front of his forehead was pushed up, which made his whole face completely show up.

A pair of bright eyes and a tall nose.

This person was very handsome.

“How come the descendants of Chinese Medicine families all have good skin?”

“Isn’t it obvious? They are the descendants of Chinese Medicine families. They have been taken care of their skin since childhood. How can it be bad?”

“I am so envious. If only I were born in a Chinese Medicine family.”

The unobtrusive whispers of several girls of a university were also heard by Fang Qiu instantly.

At the same time.

Su Zimo stood up and nodded to the others, which immediately shocked the other students again.


“He is too tall.”

“He is almost 1.9m?”

“By the way.”

Just when everyone stared at Su Zimo jealously, the Vice President of University of Zhongzhou Chinese Medicine suddenly said, “I was busy introducing the students of our university. I even forgot to introduce myself.”

“Hello everyone, I am the Vice President of University of Zhongzhou Chinese Medicine, Song Wenhua.”

Hearing that.

The students applauded immediately.

“Okay, next one.”

After introducing himself, Song Wenhua stretched out his finger to point to a girl next to Su Zimo and said, “Ruan Sijing.”

Everyone turned their eyes to take a look.

The one who stood up was a very quiet girl.

She looked good with short hair. Although she was wearing a school uniform, she looked like a strong competent woman.

“Ruan Sijing used to receive the guidance of a highly-skilled doctor and her performance in any aspect is almost perfect.”

As Song Wenhua introduced.

“My god!”

“A highly-skilled doctor!”

Everyone felt awe.

Ruan Sijing nodded to others with a smile.

“The next one.”

Song Wenhua continued to introduce.

Maybe he did it deliberately or for other reasons. Every time he introduced a student, Song Wenhua would polish the student’s advantages with words so that others couldn’t help marveling.

In the meeting room, the exclamations arose one after another, incessantly lingering on.


Chen Yinsheng and other leaders of University of Jiangjing Chinese Medicine were more and more depressed while listening to the introduction from the leaders of the other eight universities.

“My god, why are they all so awesome?”

Chen Yinsheng felt very bad.

He was a little worried inwardly.

“After all, from the introductions, the strength of the eight universities is too strong, especially those descendants from the family of Chinese Medicine. They are just innate doctors of Chinese Medicine who have won at the starting line early. We won’t necessarily defeat them in the competition.”

The introduction was fast.

As Song Wenhua finished his introduction, the leader of Jingbei University of Chinese Medicine immediately stood up.

“Hello, everyone. I am the Vice President of University of Jingbei Chinese Medicine, Jiang Hai.”

This person was thin and tall. He was wearing a smile, which made people feel amiable at first glance.

Everyone applauded to welcome him.

“Next, let me introduce the students of our university to you.”

Jiang Hai said with a smile, “The first one is Jiang Mengjie.”

“She is the college entrance examination champion in the city, ranked in the third place in the provincial college entrance examination. She has got full marks in this test.”

Jiang Mengjie stood up at the sound of Jiang Hai.

“Sure enough, a beautiful girl is eye-catching!”

“A beautiful straight-A girl is more eye-catching!”

“Don’t be taken in by her appearance. Although she is not a descendant of a Chinese Medicine family, it’s highly commendable that she can get full marks. Maybe in this competition, we will lose to her.”

“How come someone is beautiful and also studies well? This isn’t in accordance with the conservation law of talents and appearance. However, although she is really very beautiful, we are competitors for her. We must be more careful!”

Along with the exclamation that was heard by Fang Qiu, many people had listed Jiang Mengjie as a key person.

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