Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 504 - The laughter was still the same -LRB-fifth update!)

Chapter 504: Chapter 504. The laughter was still the same -LRB-fifth update!)

“Sugar, very delicious.”

These few words..,

the little zombie enunciated each and every word.


zhou Ze’s ‘sugar’a few hours ago had left him with a deep fear. At that moment, he was nailed to the wall, leaving him with nothing but helplessness.

If Zhou Ze hadn’t been hollowed out and had no strength left, the little zombie might have already been killed.

Although boss Zhou was usually lazy, once he started doing things, he didn’t hesitate at all.

“Freshly grown fingernails can be used to peel apples.”

Zhou ze spread out his ten fingers,

this was the truth,

he didn’t have the intention to preserve his strength.

Of course, if it was possible, Zhou Ze probably wouldn’t have obediently added sugar X10 again.

And then turned himself into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered..,

and sent into the hands of the little boy?

The Manqing Zombies suddenly pounced over,

zhou Ze and the little boy dodged in two different directions,

with a roll, Zhou Ze raised his head, only to find that the manqing zombies were directly pouncing on him!

They completely let go of the little boy on the other side!

Are You F * cking crazy! !

Why are you chasing me! !

Zhou Ze could only get up immediately and Dodge continuously. Fortunately, the other party was like a mad dog. His speed and strength had become very strong, but his consciousness seemed to be a little muddled.

Bai Yingying had once told him that back then, Madam Bai had told her that there was indeed a method of devouring each other in zombies to raise their strength in a way similar to raising a GU, but this was not the mainstream.

Because zombies were a combination of resentment and baleful aura,

if they were to rashly devour each other..,

the result would be that the resentment and baleful aura would wash away their own consciousness. The final result would be that they would appear to be stronger, but at the same time, they would also kill themselves.

In history..,

there were several records of the existence of zombie kings foolishly attacking Longhu Mountain or West Heavenly Spirit Mountain,

it wasn’t because they wanted to take revenge on the Righteous Path People for fulfilling their vow of “Don’t bully the young and poor”,

it was purely because they swallowed so much joy that they didn’t even know who they were and then walked down the path of no return,

in the end, they were either suppressed by the so-called Righteous Path Mountain Gate or they were struck by lightning and blasted into pieces.

The person in front of them was obviously a little similar.

However, even so, when this fellow went crazy, it was definitely not a joke. Zhou Ze had already paid attention to dodging, but he was still limited by his own physical condition and the disparity in strength and speed between the two of them. He was directly grabbed by the other party’s hand.

In the next moment..,

the other party’s fangs were stretched out.


The other party’s body suffered a heavy blow,

it was the little boy who launched an attack from behind.

Zhou Ze took this opportunity to cross his hands and shout in a low voice,


Ten Wisps of Black Mist, which were much lighter than usual, were released from his fingernails and locked the Manqing Zombies. Zhou ze immediately retreated and pulled some distance away.


The little boy also showed his fangs and rushed forward!

He was planning to get rid of this traitor once and for all.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”


when the little boy was less than two meters away from the Manqing zombie..,

the smoke on the Manqing Zombie’s body suddenly dispersed collectively!

The little boy turned his head to look at Zhou ze behind him in surprise,

his eyes..,

were filled with anger:

You tricked me?

Actually, he had really wronged Zhou Ze. Before the common enemy was eliminated, he would not be so impatient to shoot at his ally.

It was purely because of his “Coffee”,

it was too thin..,

it simply could not restrain the other party for too long.


The Manqing Zombies that had broken free and regained their freedom took the initiative to rush towards the little boy. They brought the little boy along and rushed out. They crashed into the door and the two of them rolled outside.

Zhou Ze quickly followed them out,

once they were outside..,

they realized that there was something unusual outside. There was actually a faint white mist rising up. This white mist gave people the feeling that it was like a white sail on a white matter in the countryside.

There was a problem with the feng shui here, which led to a series of changes,

it was no wonder that the zombie called ah tie said that he would move out after the little boy recovered from his injuries. This place could not continue living here.

At this moment..,

the Manqing Zombie had already pressed the little boy under its body,

the two of them opened their mouths and bared their fangs as they bit down on each other!

Zhou ze shook his head,

he took a deep breath,

he said in a deep voice,


However, he only felt a spasm in his ten fingers along with his two arms. The pain caused Zhou Ze to almost lose consciousness in his arms.


serious overdraft..,

he really couldn’t keep up.

However, Zhou Ze couldn’t just watch the little boy die from the Manqing Zombie. After all, they were not of the same size. One bite from the little boy and one bite from the zombie..,

this was just like the boring problem of releasing water into a reservoir in middle school..,

the little boy would soon be bitten to death.

“Ghost Jade!”

Zhou ze shouted.

There was no movement,

it was quiet.

“If you don’t come out, I’ll dig out the tattoo on my hand!”

Zhou Ze roared.


The ghost jade immediately flew out and directly drilled into the Manqing Zombie’s head. No one knew if it went through the nostril or the mouth. In short, it drilled into the head!


The Manqing Zombie immediately stood up and let go of the little boy under it. It grabbed its head with both hands and began to roar crazily, shaking the rock wall above and causing stones to fall down one after another.

The Little Boy, whose body was already covered in blood, did not admit defeat,

his zombie body was indeed much more durable than an ordinary person like Zhou Ze,

he climbed up the Manqing Zombie’s leg and bit down on the zombie’s neck.


It was a fierce greeting of teeth and flesh,

it brought a primitive and violent beauty.

Zhou Ze tried his best to recover the feeling in his arms. To be honest, he wanted to bite down on it, but his body was too weak and he couldn’t even grow fangs. How could he bite?

Fortunately, the little boy was strong,

this guy was really strong,

so strong that Zhou Ze couldn’t help but admire him,

after being nailed eight times by him, he was still fighting with all his might.

In his small body, there was something that Zhou Ze couldn’t explain.


this was a zombie,

this was a real zombie.

From the moment it was born..,

from the day it gained sentience..,

it was destined to fight against the heavens, against living beings, against all living things..,

without this ruthlessness, it was impossible for it to survive.

Zhou ze pursed his lips. In a trance, he experienced the difference between a houseflower and a wild flower. It was as if he was the baby who had always stayed in the greenhouse, while that little boy had experienced much more than him.


Zhou Ze opened his mouth and began to roar!

His throat was already hoarse,

no matter how wide his mouth was, it could only make a hoarse sound.

But Zhou Ze did not give up,

as he watched the scene of the two zombies biting each other..,

he roared with all his might,

this feeling..,

was a little like an otaku watching a movie on a computer screen in search of excitement while stroking himself with all his might!

This was the truth,

zhou Ze didn’t know if this would have any effect,

but at this time, he couldn’t really just watch the show from the side, right?

Or run up and kick him?

Just like that,

the scene became very comical,

it was even a bit ridiculous,

two zombies, one big and one small, were fighting each other,

because of the sudden addition of the ghost jade,

the little boy was not at a disadvantage now,

and beside this fierce battle,

there was a man,

who was practicing his bel canto non-stop..

Zhou Ze roared until he almost ran out of oxygen,

he felt dizzy,

a feeling of weightlessness assaulted him,

but Zhou Ze immediately bit the tip of his tongue to regain his consciousness and control his body’s balance.

He gritted his teeth,

he realized that the feeling of his teeth was a little different,

two fangs actually grew out again,

at the same time,

a very faint green color unexpectedly appeared on his arm.

“Hu… hu… hu… hu…”

Damn it,

he finally rubbed it out,


it was finally activated.

Zhou Ze did not dare to delay any longer and immediately rushed into the battle. The little boy was in the front while Zhou ze pounced on the back and bit down on the back of the opponent’s neck!



the taste was like taking a bite of a canned sardine meat that had long expired,

however, at this moment, Zhou Ze did not care about anything else. He used both his hands and feet to make himself firmly hang on the back of this enlarged Manqing Zombie.

One bite..,

one bite..,

one more bite!

He could no longer remember how many bites he had taken..,

zhou ze only knew that he had to hurry..,

he didn’t know how long he could maintain this state,

in this limited time, he had to kill this guy in front of him!

The screams of the Manqing Zombies and the roars of Zhou Ze and the little boy mixed together, forming a passionate symphony. However, what was presented here was the most bloody and glaring essence of survival.

The Manqing Zombies suddenly swung their hands,


Zhou Ze was sent flying,

he crashed heavily against the wall,

after he landed..,

zhou Ze’s chest rose and fell,

mouthfuls of blood flowed out of his mouth,

his body seemed to have broken away from his control,

he was so weak that he couldn’t even control a finger.

The Little Boy also landed on the ground dispiritedly. He had also risked everything.

In fact..,

he was really speechless,

if it was Zhou Ze or the little boy before he was injured,

it would not be a big problem to deal with this Manqing Zombie.

But the funny thing was that the two of them had a bloody fight earlier,

in the end..,

they had to face this opponent who they had never paid attention to in the past with their weakest state.

The Manqing Zombie’s body spun around on the spot,

he seemed to be trying his best to maintain his upright posture,

however, the bones and flesh on his neck had basically been bitten through.

After spinning around once,

his head let out a “Gulu”sound,

it fell off his neck,

he rolled far away on the ground,

and his headless body..,

with a “Boom”sound,

he crashed heavily onto the ground,

he didn’t move at all.

“Ha… Pfft… Pfft…”

Zhou ze laughed as he spat out blood,

at this moment..,

only then did he feel that blood was so worthless. He kept taking the initiative to spill it out.

The little boy on the ground in the distance seemed to be laughing as well,

and then..,

the little boy staggered,

he actually slowly climbed up again,

he was really an unkillable cockroach!

Zhou Ze really wanted to wipe his mouth,

he had mysophobia,

so much sticky liquid stuck to his chin and chest, making him very uncomfortable, even if it was his own blood.

The common enemy had been taken care of,


it was time to shoot at his allies.

The little boy staggered towards Zhou Ze,

zhou ze looked at him calmly,

what the two of them changed was the distance, getting closer and closer,

the same,

the laughter was still..

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