MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 264 The Act

Chapter 264 The Act

" I come'th before you today with a proposal from the Enigma, the charisma, the piracyma himself, thy great capitan GOOMBAH " Sebastian said as he rolled his head around with great intensity as if he were in a heavy metal concert

One of the four generals who were seated at the head of the room raised an eyebrow at Sebastian's antics and asked " And you speak for Goombah himself? Why have we not been informed about him sending a messenger prior to this meeting? "

Everyone threw a suspicious glance at Sebastian at this instance, wondering if he was really who he claimed to be or was he an impostor.

Sebastian looked the tier4 general straight in the eye and began chuckling while holding his stomach as he said " You- you- you - you, smarty aren't you? Hahahaha, well well well, there's always one in a crew, the oversmart and oversuspicious guy, I've met the likes of you all my life.

Ahoy, just the other day, us pirates raided a merchant ship carrying Rhodium crystals, 200 million gold coins, the worth of that haul.

But I guess we made a mistake, we should have ANNOUNCED OUR ARRIVAL TO THEM FIRST, SENT A NOTICE

Seriously, what do ye think mate? Who the fuck am I? Your gay lover who will inform you before he cums in ur bumhole?

I'm a pirate mate, our kind don't inform no-one about our arrival ".

Pin-Drop silence covered the room as Sebastian's harsh words made the tier4 general seethe in anger.

He drew his sword and pointed it at Sebastian as he said " I'll cut you down dwarf, don't test my patience "

Sebastian grunted, unperturbed by the threat as he said " Ha, I don't fear you mate, I'm here with the opportunity of a lifetime for you fools, If you want to kill me, kill me, and then go on to live like beggars for the rest of your life "

Sebastian spread his arms and challenged the tier4 general to attack, but his words and confidence made the man flinch as he sheathed his sword and sat back down.

I'm a grumpy tone the man said " You have 5 minutes to make your case dwarf, if you fail, we won't give the space pirates permission to land and we will have your head "

The man wished to come off threatening, but Sebastian only laughed like a madman against his threat.

In the end Sebastian said " Well then it would be just another day in my life as a pirate eh? "

Walking up to the stage where the tier 4 generals were seated Sebastian retrieved the cylinders of natural gas from his inventory and opened the cap.

His guards were immediately alerted as they tried to stop him, but Sebastian said " relax, it's not poison gas " and proceeded to take a big whiff of the gas himself to calm the others down.

Turning to face the room Sebastian said " Here you two morons, go open these cylinders equidistant in the entire room, let all the land dwellers have a whiff of money "

The two guards looked at the superiors for confirmation but after they nodded they did as instructed and opened canisters of natural gas all across the room.

" It's the dead gas, the one that comes from the earth when an animal dies below" One of the captains said as many others nodded recognising the smell.

Sebastian took some chalk in his hands and clapped it as he shouted " GOOMBAH MAKACHA"

" You land dwellers have an abundance of this gas on your planet, but you don't even know its true worth.

This gas sells for 50 gold coins a canister. The 30 canisters I brought for demonstration here today cost me 1500 gold coins mate, be grateful for it.

It's a special gas that's used in the distillation of stamina potions, it helps refine intermediate stamina potions to high grade stamina potions.

The space pirates smuggle these canisters all the time, but now we wish to come into legitimate trade of this stuff.

We will pay ye guys 20 gold coins a canister for all the canisters we mine from ye planet.

With the right equipment we can do 50,000 canisters a day, that's 1 million gold for you a day, 30 million in revenue a month.

You guys will be filthy rich all thanks to GOOMBAH". Sebastian said as his speech moved the greedy minds of the council who instantly went into an uproar.

Sebastian's proposal was unbelievable, the local rebels could not believe that they were sitting on such rich reserves and had no idea about it as fervent discussions broke out in the entire room.

If there was one thing that the rebel government was seriously short on, it was money.

Money for equipment, money for welfare and money for development.

If they could strike this deal with the space pirates they would have a steady source of income to rely on and could easily upgrade their local facilities from the income generated from this endeavour.

While they were convinced by Sebastian's proposal they were not convinced by his pricing as they became suspicious if the canister was really only worth 20 gold coins or whether Sebastian was ripping them off on the price.

Soon, the entire room's decorum broke down completely as Sebastian smiled and noticed the changes around him. His acting today had been flawless and every second these idiots wasted on discussion, the gas was filling the room faster and faster as the smell became thicker and thicker.

' Just 60 more seconds and it'll be enough ' Sebastian thought as he kept up his act of a mentally unstable space pirate, laughing and clapping chalk as he counted down the seconds to the doom of the people in the room.

" Dwarf, come sit, you have brought us a great proposal indeed and the council will take time to discuss this matter " one of the tier4 generals said, feeling overly excited by Sebastian's proposal as Sebastian obliged and took a seat at the front row.

The captains around him all gave him amiable smiles, as Sebastian bared his tongue at them and rolled his eyes into the back of his head thinking that soon it was going to be time for the big BANG!

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