MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 306 The Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 306 The Calm Before The Storm

After Regus arrived, one after another his cronies started filling the banquet hall.

A lot of military officials from the Aurelius clan alongside a lot of high ranking officials from the other clans entered the banquet and it got really lively really fast.

Max could almost not keep up with who all were present and who was talking to who anymore as there were easily above 400 people in the banquet room.

These were all the very uppermost echelon of the Vampire society and they were all gathered under one roof today.

Once the wine and food started to be served at full speed, some bold single women started to approach Max to talk to him about his future endeavours and his bravery, as Max found those conversations the most wierd.

The upper class women flirted very oddly with Max, they laughed at everything he said regardless of whether or not the things Max said were funny.

They touched his arms frequently and tried to flash their brightest smile in front of him.

Although the women were undoubtedly extremely beautiful, Max was not into these types of girls who had never picked up a single weapon in their entire lives and whose only focus in life was pursuit of artistic and spiritual truths.

Max was a thoroughbred warrior and his choice in women was robust.

He needed to be able to trust and respect his woman enough to have his back in battle if need be to be able to sleep beside her in peace.

While he was clear about his taste and did not take any flirting seriously, Asiva was soon by his side looking extremely jealous as she hugged Max's left arm and gave a clear signal to every noble woman eyeing Max that he was already taken.

Max found this behaviour to be extremely cute as he did not push Asiva away at all but rather held her hand tight, affirming to her that he was indeed only interested in her.

Although it was a small gesture, it brought a big smile to Asiva's lips who had a proud look plastered all over her face for the rest of the night.

Max had little appetite, so he hardly took a bite or two of the delicious food being served, however, the other guests seemed to enjoy the food oozing with blood quite a lot.

What Max was interested in was the fire he had started regarding the wrongdoings of the Aurelius clan on the frontlines, as the only conversations he involved himself in were conversations regarding that topic.

" I wish Severus was here, his hearing would be a big boon in this setting " Max whispered into Asiva's ears as Asiva smiled but did not reply for a while

Just like Max, Asiva had figured out that every whisper they spoke today was being overheard by god's and it was dangerous to utter a single word that could be used against them.

" Well, patriarch Sam is here if you need anything " Asiva said as she tugged Max's arm to turn him towards Sam Saint Maximus, who despite standing 40 metres away from the duo raised his glass towards them from apparently having heard their conversation.

Max rolled his eyes and smiled back at Sam, of everyone present here, the Saint Maximus Clan was the only true Ally Max had as if his head ever rolled for being exposed as a primordial vampire, the Saint Maximus were sure to follow for creating him.

Just when Max was about to walk up to Sam to greet him, Vega came looking for him as he said " The king will see you now, follow me "

Max left Asiva's arm as he walked behind Vega to finally have a one on one conversation with Regus Aurelius.

Max's heart raced with every step that he took, however, he was not afraid of talking to Regus, just extremely excited.

When he eventually reached the stage, Regus threw him a nonchalant glance as if he did not care about his existence at all, even if he hated Max to his core, Max could not see it in his eyes at the moment as Regus's acting was truly exceptional in this aspect.

As he reached the stage, Vega began clanging his spoon on his wine glass as he gathered the full attention of the hall towards the stage where Regus Aurelius, his wife, Vega and Max were standing.

" Hear, hear everyone - I truly hope all of you are having a wonderful evening.

I'm not sure if you have tried the soup made from bloody eyeballs of goblins yet, but you all ought to try it, I think the chef did an exceptional job with that dish.

The queen has personally praised it, so I think that's the greatest compliment that the dish can ever receive..... " Vega said as the audience started to giggle and discuss the delicious soup.

" That aside, let's hear a round of applause for our frontline hero, the man who single handedly broke the deadlock on the frontier planet of Maralago, the reason behind this celebration tonight, Captain Ravan! " Vega said as he began clapping with everyone in the hall following as even Julian Caesar clapped for Max and his contribution for the vampire community.

While it felt good to be praised, Max was only interested in Regus's reaction, and that man did not clap at all, staying as expressionless as before.

" Due to Captain Ravans bravery we might solve the crisis on Maralago for once and for all, as we now have 3 new frontiers open to us for warfare that haven't been accessible to us since the last several decades.

If reports are to be believed, we can win the whole planet in 6 months time! " Vega said as the crowd went absolutely wild from this news as there was enthusiastic clapping and a few whistling noises from amongst them.

" Before I announce the reward from the Titus clan towards Captain Ravan and the Vampire King decides his, I'm sure all of you are curious about how exactly the captain achieved this remarkable feat, so I'll let him take the floor and narrate his tale - " Vega said as he signalled for Max to start the real show


/// A/N - Bonus chapter 1/10 for the beautiful support shown by you all last month in helping me reach 9th position on GT rankings ///

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