MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 318 Reputation

Chapter 318 Reputation

( A week later )

Arteta arrived on Greensoil mixed amongst other Paratus clan loyalists under the alias ' Mike '.

Upon reaching the planet, Arteta did not expect much since it was an undeveloped planet, however, he was surprised to see tens of thousands of construction workers speedily building facilities.

While Arteta had some idea about Ravan being rich, he had no idea he was rich enough to afford spending money like water.

The military training grounds were already ready, with thousands of soldiers undergoing routine drills there, whereas the housing district was being developed under full force.

One look at the soldiers on the planet and it was clear that everyone was extremely motivated.

Such motivation only came when the men were well fed, given a clear goal and had high hopes of victory.

Arteta had disguised himself as a tier3 warrior, and upon arriving on the planet he registered himself as an ex Paratus army troop at tier3 and listed his military qualification as Garrison Commander.

He was in no rush to carry out the assassination mission in haste, as he wanted to get a general idea of the situation first before going after Ravan.

According to Arteta's information, there were no background checks being carried out on the identity of the ex-soldiers, however, he was surprised to find out that he needed to sign a system oath before he was permitted to join the army.

The system oath was lengthy and explicitly said that he could not harm any fellow soldier, superior or commander in any way shape or form, intentionally or unintentionally.

It was a ridiculous oath that would bind Arteta and make him unable to kill Ravan, hence he had to quickly think of a way of circumventing it.

Using quick wits and his tier5 agility, Arteta sneakily used a poison needle infused with a drug that could put one to sleep to put the guard who had given him the system contract to sleep.

He then pressed the guards fingerprint on the contract, signing it in under his name before dropping the contract into the contract box and walking into the base.

Although this was sure to create some discrepancy down the line, Arteta was convinced he would be done with his job and out of the planet before the rebel forces figured out who did it.

Once inside, Arteta was again surprised to see that the Ex- Paratus soldiers camp already had nearly 15,000 troops with more coming in each day.

He did not expect so many old soldiers to return to lend a hand in the rebel war as there was no guarantee that the rebel forces could win this fight.

Once inside the camp, he realised that the reason why so many soldiers flocked to the rebel camp and why the Titus clan soldiers were in high morale was because of the reputation of Captain Ravan as a commander.

His name had spread like a wildfire in the vampire community and many now revered him as their idol and role model.

Having an unprecedented military record with a low death rate of troops under him, the men had faith that with him at the helm they would have a glorious victory

Arteta soon realised that he had been underestimating Ravan greatly since the kid was only tier3, however, the influence he seemed to have on the troops under him was greater than most tier5 commanders Arteta knew and respected.

The boy was a rising star and a legend in the making, if he managed to win the Kingsman clan and become a lord, his legend would not only grow, it would spread like a wildfire with every ambitious soldier flocking to his territory to join him while he was still on the rise.

' Too bad this kid won't live too long ' Arteta thought, as he reassured himself that Ravan had to die because he was too big of a threat for the Kingsman clan if left alive.


( Meanwhile Max )

Max was reading a rudimentary letter from Sebastian and the contents were most concerning.

The letter said

" Kingsman clan has heavily invested in ground to air anti-spacecraft weaponry and have started the construction of 7 major mage towers across the Dombivli city.

Even if we send in 1,000 aircrafts at once, none will land with such security measures in place and we will lose 70-80% of our army before even landing.

If by some miracle we land safely, we need to fight through a city of blockades and well constructed battle stations.

The enemy has begun the construction of reinforcement centres, medical centres and supply lines.

Even if we outnumber them 3-1 they can manage to hold the city for weeks without issue.

That brings me to my final assessment, the enemy has close to 300,000 tier 1 troops, 200,000 tier 2 troops, 40,000 tier 3 troops, 150 tier 4 captains and 5 tier 5 generals.

The 5 generals were all veterans and were the trusted men of Will Kingsman.

Although they are misusing the trust now and are the de facto leaders of the Kingsman clan with the puppet Roy Kingsman on the throne, their military acumen will make it hard to out manoeuvre them in war.

Although this is my rudimentary assessment and I need to confirm my facts, in my frank opinion this is going to be tough even with Will Kingsman dead.

With work aside, I will now like to rant about the sanitary conditions of the city after it was burnt, for starters ... "

Max stopped reading the letter once Severus got off topic and began ranting about the sanitary conditions as his mind became preoccupied with the city fortifications.

The capital city was being guarded by nearly 550,000 men and they were going to be defending it across many blocks with well established defensive positions and retreat lines.

Attacking the city aside, just landing inside it was proving to be a nightmare, and Max had to figure out a solution to all these problems while simultaneously increasing the size of his forces.


/// A/N - This bonus chapter is sponsored by patron Cervantez91 please thank him in the comments for this one ///

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