MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 66 - A Unique Skeleton

Chapter 66: A Unique Skeleton

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Within the H&G world, Boss monsters from the same tier were further sub-classified into Mini Boss, Elite Miniboss, Regular Boss, Elite Boss, Overlord, and Ultimate that possessed certain combat abilities.

Among them, the Miniboss and Elite Miniboss were considered common creatures and they respawned the most frequent. Meanwhile, Regular Boss as well as Elite Bosses were more unique in nature, and they had a high probability of dropping equipment with better quality. It got worse when it came to the Overlord, whereby its respawn time and location were randomized… In addition, as if the strength of the Overlord itself was not outstanding enough, it would usually be accompanied and protected by a few more Elite Mini Bosses that were relatively powerful. At the same time, the Overlord was also equipped with a high level of intelligence, which made it the “Race King” in its designated area and granted it the authority to command the members of its race there. There was a probability for equipment of the highest grade and special tools to be dropped from killing an Overlord.

However, cornering and annihilating an Overlord was not an easy task that could simply be accomplished by any common team! For instance, the power of a Tier 3 Overlord lay between a Tier 4 Regular Boss and Elite Boss. This, coupled with its terrifying intellect and commanding capability, usually spelled doom for reckless teams formed by average players.

As for the Ultimate, its greatness went without saying. It was usually hard to bump into an Ultimate even in a city with a hundred meter radius. Even the strongest league in the Mythical Continent would need to organize and gather their greatest personnel to be able to tackle such an overwhelming opponent seriously.

Just half a month ago, a Tier 4 Ultimate was spotted at Ironback Canyon. During that period, up to hundred high-tier teams formed by properly-geared, elite players were gathered at the region to face the monster.

The end result—a total wipeout of the players’ regiments with only a few lucky enough to flee the scene haplessly…

After that, the Ultimate was smart enough not to remain in the same spot, which would have welcomed challenges from stronger teams and players. Instead, it decided to go deeper into Ironback Canyon and completely vanished from sight.

The difficulties of going up against an Ultimate thus made the Overlord an extreme favourite among players!

Especially when two Overlords simultaneously respawned at Death Valley, it was no wonder why multiple adventurers and teams from different Clans were attracted to the place…

Naturally, most of teams would care less about the Tier 4 Stygianlock Centiking, since facing the Tier 4 Boss with insufficient power was equivalent to suicide. In comparison, the Tier 3 Overlord, the Skeleton King was a relatively manageable target.

Teams who reached abruptly after receiving the news failed to communicate with those being chased out of the valley. They scrambled into one another as they forced themselves through to Death Valley, concerned about not allowing the spoils of the fight to be snatched away by others!

Unfortunately, these players would not be able to achieve anything by going into the battlefield without proper preparation. Moreover, their opponent was an Overlord with some thinking prowess.

Once they entered the valley, these newly-arrived players were terrified and they felt a chilling sense once they saw the actual scenario with their own eyes!

Within Death Valley, numerous specters showed no sign of their usual sloppiness. Instead, hundreds of Spectral Warriors with shields arrayed themselves neatly along both sides of the valley and formed two rows of solid barrier. A few more rows of large Spectral Archers were lined up densely behind them. Their bone-devouring, poison arrows lay still on the stretched strings of their bows, which symbolized the signal of death. All arrows were uniformly aimed at the teams who were coming through the tunnel into Death Valley.

A few dozen of the players arriving in the valley were frightened by the ambush from the two spectral armies. They stopped marching immediately as though they had all lost their souls!



Players at the front lost their fighting spirit entirely and turned back one after another. However, there was no chance that the Spectral Army would allow them to retreat unharmed.

A group of smaller-sized Spectral Wizards surrounded by the Spectral Archers near the middle zone made their move first…

Amid a mysterious and gloomy chant, the valley’s tunnel was quickly filled by a large amount of Dark Element. As the ground shifted unnaturally, most of the players who desired to flee the scene suddenly felt their leg tighten as if they were firmly held by some unknown force.

Horrified, the players looked down and saw that one by one, bleak white skeleton hands burst out from the ground! While they continued to gape, players all around were facing the same fate as more skeleton claws emerged from the ground below. It was such a dreadful scene!

At the same time, a great wind-tearing sound was heard…

It was the concurrent release of hundreds of arrows!

Besides the arrow threat, Dark Specters also appeared in the valley’s tunnel out of thin air. They howled rampantly and blasted chilly wind, robbing the life of the entrapped players.

“F*ck! It’s AoE magic!” The teams at the back of the tunnel paled when they witnessed players at the front being put down one by one. They were trapped by the Specters’ hands, which protruded from the ground, and were struck by numerous Specters in the air. With little resistance made at the front line, the players that followed began to express fear and cautiousness in their eye.

“Damn it! What were those idiots thinking, giving the Skeleton King time to amass all the Specters is this valley? This is getting troublesome.”

A fierce-looking Tier 4 Berserker, who seemed to be very familiar with Death Valley, cursed mercilessly and instructed his underlings to fall back and regroup. His facial expression turned malaise when he suddenly heard a clear and swiftly approaching clop.

“Fall back!

“Damn it! Retreat, now!”

Many of them turned pale at the same time. This was because they all saw it—a Skeletal Warhorse and the Skeletal Specter (which was not very different from a normal Skeletal Warrior) that was riding it. The pair was now galloping towards the tunnel from the side at a fast speed.

The instant it entered the tunnel, the Skeletal Specter’s deep and dark orbit suddenly emitted a beam of blood-red light, which startled all the players on the spot. It felt like their hearts were pierced through by cold-blooded intent!

This Skeletal Specter did not appear to be special. At most, it only had a distinguishable giant gray cape that flapped high as it moved along with the gallop of its warhorse. This however, did make it look more handsome and outstanding than other Specters.

Nonetheless, meeting the handsome Skeletal Specter was like greeting Death itself. It caused a lot of players in the tunnel to scream out in fear and turn around to escape!

During this interval, a few people yelled as they ran away.

“F*ck! How did it get out here?!”

“…Who bragged about taking it down just now? Go ahead! Don’t run like a coward!”

“How dare you say that to me? What about you yourself? F*ck! Where are the Elementalists? Are you all dead? F*cking throw a Magic Scroll. We’re all going to die if he’s not barred here!”

While the voice instructing the Elementalists to unleash a Magic Scroll had yet to settle, the Skeletal Specter atop the Skeletal Warhorse rushed behind the players. It emanated a series of loud and sharp cackles.

In the air, a giant, blood-red scepter rapidly took shape. It was about ten meters long and it flew horizontally towards the players, creating a cold gust. Only a few players survived the slash while others were mostly frozen dead. Many bodies with their souls forcibly stripped out fell instantaneously along the tunnel.

Even so, the Skeletal Specter was still not satisfied and it held its head high…

Its soaring howl was accompanied by the flood of a few hundred Specters that gushed out of the tunnel in a uniform manner!

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