Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 145


145 Windchaser’s cultivation plan

Hearing the voice, Mr. Cong immediately came to Link’s side.

“Boss, do you have any orders?”

Link put away the draft nonchalantly and raised his head.”Are there many abandoned warehouses at the docks in Shandu?”

Mr. Cong was stunned for a while. He didn’t understand why his boss suddenly asked about the abandoned dock warehouse, but he still answered truthfully, ” ” most of the warehouses in shandu are in the slums. however, there are quite a few abandoned warehouses upstream. they say that some old docks are going to be demolished for expansion. ”

Link raised his hand. then I’ll give you a mission. Take a picture of all the abandoned warehouses. The canal, warehouses, walls, and streets must appear in the picture at the same time. Also, mark the locations on the map.

link then considered for a moment before saying,”When Zhui Feng and Dao Liang return, I will give this task to them.”

“Don’t worry, boss. I’ll definitely remind you again and again,”

the main reason link let wind chaser and the bandits carry out the mission was because of the danger level of the mission itself.

Players could revive in minutes, but guild members could not.

Link still couldn’t figure out why John had deliberately used a hidden compartment to send items.

If he was confiding, he could have sent the things over without anyone knowing. However, John had used a parcel, and the sender had written ‘painter John’ on the parcel. This was clearly to let others know the relationship between the two.

Link was sure that the package had already been ‘investigated’ by many people before it was delivered to the link gang.

however, even x-rays could not see the mystery of the layers of fluffy paper under the box.

Obviously, link couldn’t discover the secret of the paper box on his own, but the treasure-hunting mouse was extremely sensitive to smells. It could detect the existence of the paper with different smells just by sniffing it.

Link could already imagine how many spies from the other factions had gathered outside the gang. They were all waiting for link to personally unravel the secret and then report what they saw to their boss.

As link muttered to himself, Wind Chaser and the bandit leader carefully walked into the alley on a cart and pushed in a miniature glass jar.

the fresh soil and plants in the glass tank were filled with the aura of nature, as if it was a world of its own.

The two of them looked through the barbed wire and saw link in the yard. Their tired faces were once again filled with energy. They were like drowsy students who pretended to study hard after seeing their teacher.

“Call the two of them over and get someone to carry the glass jar to the bedroom.”

Very quickly, the thugs stepped forward to help wind-chasing Piao Rou and Bandit Liang move the goods.

When they found out that their boss had called them over, they looked at each other in confusion.

“Boss, what’s the matter?”

Link looked at the two of them. Wind had reached Level-5, while Bandit cool was level-4.

“Zhui Feng, I heard you were looking for a dojo today?”

Zhui Feng was stunned for a moment before nodding.

After completing the Guild quest in the afternoon, the experience was enough for him to level up to Level 5.

In the afternoon, while he was doing his quests, he also asked the gang members where there was a martial arts Hall. He was prepared to find time to go to the nearest martial arts Hall and learn some skills to become a pugilist.

However, the thief liangren had no clue about the problem of choosing a class, and wanted to wait and see for a few days before making a decision.

“Are you looking for a dojo to become a pugilist?” link asked, his face expressionless.

Zhui Feng nodded with certainty.

He had been playing the game for 15 years, and he had always chosen to play the indomitable warrior or pugilist type of character. He had a deep understanding of this class, and it suited his character.

“no regrets?”

“I don’t regret!”

“Then you don’t have to go to the dojo. I’ll teach you.”

After all this preparation, link finally showed his ‘claws’.

At the same time, two lines of prompt appeared on wind-chasing Wolf’s system.

[link has taught you the pugilist-pugilist basic skill [protective aura lvl 1 ]. Do you accept?] (100 experience points will be consumed to accept the mission)

[link would like to teach you the pugilist-pugilist basic skill [forward punch LV1 ]. Do you accept?] (100 experience points will be consumed to accept the mission)

Wind-chasing Wolf looked at the system prompt, his mind went blank and his face was full of shock.



Inside a huge skyscraper with the word “m” printed on it.

The Secretary’s entire body was tense as he carefully reported. Although he tried his best to suppress it, the trembling in his voice could still be heard.

“Boss, all five parcels have been inspected. They are all empty. There is nothing inside.”

“Boss, we’ve placed spies around the link gang. As long as anyone from the link gang leaves, we’ll follow them from all directions. From their actions, we can decipher the true meaning of the painter’s package.”

“Also, Yingluo, do you want to monitor the sender’s address?”

moroes sat on the boss’s chair and looked out at the sand city through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. almost everything in sight was his property.

Moroes could not help but laugh when he heard his Secretary’s words.

“Kohler, you haven’t suffered since you started following me, have you?”

yes. Secretary Kohler quickly lowered his head. I don’t dare.

“then aren’t you asking for trouble by sending people to tail john?” Moroes shook his head helplessly and did not know whether to laugh or cry.

Only five years had passed, and these young people had already forgotten the fear of being dominated by John?

However, it was true that since John chose to wash his hands of the matter five years ago, a lot of information and deeds about him had been destroyed.

Kohler’s face was filled with hesitation, and he bent even lower.”Boss, is the painter really as powerful as the rumors say?”

Moroes sneered and exhaled a puff of smoke. “It’s a hundred times more powerful than you think.”

Kohler’s expression instantly stiffened. He had thought that even if his strength wasn’t on par with the painter, it wasn’t far from it. He didn’t expect the boss to give such an evaluation.

Moroes had a sharp eye for people and his evaluation of them was on point.

even general alongso, the chief of the sand capital, praised moroes for his unique insight.

kohler had been working for moroes for seven years and had heard many comments from moroes. he could often describe moroes ‘characteristics with the least amount of words.

“Also, recall all the scouts at the entrance of the link gang.”

“John used the parcel delivery method because he wanted to put this matter out in the open. If you can’t find anything, that’s because you’re not strong enough. It’s not my style to pester you. I have to be able to let go.”

“Okay boss, I know what to do.”

moroes glanced at kohler and saw that he had lowered his head, his neck was red, and his fists were clenched. it was obvious that he was still brooding over this defeat.

“No hurry, this game has just begun. Don’t care about the gains and losses of a pawn, you have to learn to look at the whole world.”

P.S: [ I wrote the first version, but I deleted it and re-wrote it because I thought it wasn’t good, so I was a little late. First update today. ]

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