Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 522 - The Deed Has Been Done



"Fine, then let's say I believe you because not until I get to the bottom of this, you are still a suspect, no offence."

"Likewise you."

"Good, I need you to get those posts down for me, Bai Qing Mei."

"What? Why me?"

"Because whatever happens to me, involuntarily affects you. You need me and I need you. Besides if I go down, you go with me."

"How dare…"


"Fine, deal."

"Good. It was nice doing business with you, Bai Qing Mei. I would think of who wanted me to be humiliated and then get back to you. So please, fulfil your end of the bargain."


"What is it now?"

"Don't be so ungrateful, Li Xiu. I am only doing this just to prove to you that I did not set you up."

"Well, they are your words and not mine. Bye Bai Qing mei and thanks."

"Li Xiu…" Before she got the chance to complain, Li Xiu ended the call and threw her phone on the bed.

The last thing she wanted was to start another verbal war with Bai Qing Mei.

Turning to face Hao Huizhong, she had her lips parted as she felt her anger begin to rise. "How dare her!"

"Hey, cool down. Just calm down. Besides, she is the one who has her face on the news."

"She wants me to remove them for her."

"Well, even if it goes down, there are so many people who have saved it and has seen it. It was up on social media since 6 am. Now it is almost eleven. The deed has been done. The culprit understood this well."

"But well, I agreed to it just to prove we were not the culprit," Bai Qing Mei informed him.

"I understand, I heard," Hao Huizhong assured her. "All I am saying, place your phone on airplane mode and ignore her. Let the news stay up longer."


"Excuse me? Do you want a mad Li Xiu on my neck?"

"Well, if she cannot wait, she should get it down herself if she can. After all, it is for her to bribe them or sleep around like she is good for."

Hearing him indirectly address Li Xiu as he did make Bai Qing Mei feel a whole lot more special than her ego already made her feel.

"You think so?"

"Think? Baby girl, I know so, darling. I know so."

"Awwwnn, that is nice of you to say to me."

"Anything for you."

"Great, so I am going to put my phone on airplane mode and enjoy the remainder of my weekend."

"About that, how you are not planning on leaving me hanging like this babe?"

"Umm, let's see," she placed her pinky finger on her chin and tapped away lightly while putting the other hand directly under her elbow for support.

Suddenly she turned to look at him, her charming smile beaming in the rays of the sunlight as her lips parted a bit, to reveal her love;y set of teeth.

"I know what I want" she finally stated.

"And what would that be, baby?"

"You. I want to spend the remainder of my days with you."

"Days? I thought we just have one day left in the week… Wait." With eyes bulging out Hoa Huizhing could not believe what he just heard. "You said you what?"

"What did you think you heard silly?"

"Qing Mei, you want to send the remainder of your days, with me, Huizhong?"

She nodded in affirmation, her smile still enchanting him in place. "I do."

"You will marry me?"



It was like the brakes were slammed shut on his happy thoughts instantly. Blinking severally he moved closer to her. "Wait, Qing Mei, you said what?"

"I said no."

"But why? You just said you wanted to spend the remainder of your days with me, so why now are you saying no to my proposal?"

"Because you never officially asked. You are just insinuating."


"Ah!" she raised her hands in front of his face to halt his speech. "Ah, tah tah tah,,, You did not ask. I wonder what you are waiting for? Anyways, not until you are prepared and ready to do the right thing, then forget it. Hmmph!"

Turning her head to the side with both hands cursed in front of her chest and pushing the already lump breast up, she got up from the bed and started walking slowly towards the bathroom.

All this while, his eyes never left hers as he trailed after her body till she got to the bathroom door and turned in his direction.

With smiles of mischief till clearly adorning her face, Bai Qing Mei dropped her arms then a thought occurred to her and she took them back up to her shoulders.

In one slick move, she dropped them down, taking her nightie straps with her.

He held his breath for some time, forgetting to breathe as her nightgown peeled off her delicious body an inch at a time.

Even though he had seen her naked a thousand times, it still was not enough for him and each time, he felt drowned in her lustful gaze as the shining skin of her pearls and jewels pulled him in.

Just to add to the flare of sexiness already going down, she moved her hips side by side, taking his eyes further down her body as her right hand, moved past her breast, to her belly button before going down to her privates.

However, rather than touching there, she pulled it back up and rested it on her hip.

Just when her nightwear touched the ground, he heard the door push open. That was when he looked towards it. Due to how enthralled he was, he failed to notice when her left hand was already holding the doorknob.

Before Hao Huizhong could say anything, she had opened it wide, stepped out of the heap of clothing on the ground and dashed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"Qing Mei!"

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