Ms. Doctor Divine

Chapter 2149: Run

Chapter 2149 - 2149: Run

Translator: Henyee Translations      Editor: Henyee Translations

The Undead Race had always been gripped by fear. He seemed ready to bolt at the slightest opportunity.

“I don’t wish to be captured. Allow me to emphasize, the followers of your Supreme Sect have been reduced to mere skeletons, if even that. What purpose does it serve to seek them out? Xuhai City isn’t a concern for your sect. Were I in your position, I would have fled long ago. Life holds greater value. Your youth prevents you from grasping this fully. Having endured for centuries, and met my demise as many times, my clarity surpasses yours,” earnestly spoke the Undead Race. He glanced around, a gulp betraying his anxiety. He resumed, “Let’s make our escape before peril presents itself!”

With determination, he resolved to depart.


His pace couldn’t rival Gu Chaoyan’s swift sword. In a single stride, Gu Chaoyan’s blade lay against his throat.

The Undead Race’s polite smile persisted.

Onward they proceeded.

Xuhai City appeared even more serene than the illusion.

Eerily devoid of motion.

This exacerbated their terror.

Moreover, the Undead Race’s embellishments had stoked profound fear among the Wushang Sect disciples.

They pressed on.

Suddenly, maniacal laughter reverberated.

Supreme Sect disciples scampered about.

The Undead Race made an attempt to flee, but Gu Chaoyan’s ivory-hued sword remained steadfast at his neck, compelling him to stand frozen.

He offered a sheepish smile.

The disciples of the Supreme Sect initially succumbed to panic, only to later regain their composure.

Having learned a lesson from the illusion, they remained still, immobilized by fear.

“Simply go and assess the situation,” suggested Gu Chaoyan, turning to Di


Di Hongyun recoiled, curling into himself. The prospect of venturing forth held no appeal to him. “I’m gripped by fear!”

Amidst chuckles, the Undead Race joined in the laughter.

“In that case, why don’t you go take a look?” the Undead Race quipped, his grin unyielding. “I don’t belong to your sect.”

Amid more laughter, Di Hongyun’s demeanor shifted to amusement, directed at the Undead Race.

Abruptly, the atmosphere lightened.

“They belong to our Supreme Sect,” asserted one of the disciples from the Supreme Sect.

Gu Chaoyan’s gaze followed the direction indicated, confirming the affiliation of these individuals.


Their behavior appeared deranged and irrational.

“What’s occurring here?” inquired the lead disciple.

Clearly, they had stumbled upon something perplexing.

“Let’s depart,” urged Gu Chaoyan, sensing an ominous undercurrent. “Bring them along.”

The disciples of the Supreme Sect concurred, recognizing the looming danger.

As they left, the Undead Race remained in Gu Chaoyan’s grip.

Xuhai City’s enigmatic ambiance felt disconcerting. Gu Chaoyan was certain the Undead Race possessed insight into the situation.

Taking him along was imperative.

They hastened their escape from Xuhai City with unwavering urgency.

Yet, the instant they breached its boundaries, a substantial horde of Undead Race materialized. Resembling the Undead Race they had encountered, these entities were clad in human skin.


The multitude of Undead Race was overwhelming, confining them within the confines of Xuhai City. Consequently, they were left to carry out their intentions solely within the city’s limits.

Narrowing her gaze, Gu Chaoyan scrutinized the Undead Race figure before her..

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