Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss

Chapter 1185: 1184 Withdrawal of investment

Chapter 1185: 1184 Withdrawal of investment

The online discussion became more and more heated, as if someone were deliberately fanning the flames.

Netizen A said, “What is the background of this TV series? It can actually be filmed inside Capital University. I’ve never been to Capital University in my whole life, so if it’s filmed, I’ll get to see what the most prestigious higher education institution in the country looks like.”

Netizen B said, “Don’t get your hopes up. Since both the directors and actors have all been changed, it’s questionable whether this film can ever be completed. I’ve said it before, never let Yu Xian act; she’s nothing but trouble, causing problems in every TV series she’s in.”

Netizen C said, “This crew isn’t any good either. I heard their staff was even hitting people. Plus, my friend who studies at Capital University told me that they couldn’t even enter the cafeteria the other night because it was so packed. In my opinion, Capital University is a place for studying, not for these vanity-stricken celebrities. Do they even know how many points are needed to get into Capital University?”

The words of Netizen C resonated with many friends, most of whom were university students, including some from Capital University.

Student A said, “I’m a student at Capital University. That evening, I was starving and wanted to eat at the cafeteria, but ended up being stuck at the entrance for an hour. I nearly fainted from hunger.”

Student B said, “Celebrities should not be allowed into places of learning. Capital University is a sacred place in my heart, and it should not be tainted by these culturally illiterate celebrities. Can’t the Education Bureau manage this situation? I don’t want to see any celebrities on campus.”

The issue quickly escalated as many students voiced their strong demand that TV shows and movies must not be filmed at universities. It was the first time Tao Zheng’s PR team encountered such a situation and was at a loss over how to handle it.

College students are regarded as the pillars of the nation, and their requests often have a significant impact online. Given such a demand, the Education Bureau could no longer ignore the situation.

Capital Education Bureau immediately issued a statement, strongly criticizing the chaos caused and demanding that no schools in Capital shall be used as filming locations henceforth to avoid disturbing the normal lives of students.

Upon seeing the notification, Tao Zheng was so upset his heart ached. He had made extensive preparations and invested a significant amount of money for this shoot. If the filming could not continue, all his preparations would go to waste.

If it had been only Capital University denying access, he would not have been this angry, but the Education Bureau had already issued a policy, strongly condemning the practice of film crews entering universities and had made specific demands. Thus, they would not be able to return for filming anytime soon.

The ones who had caused all this trouble were Yu Zhen and Yu Xian, and Tao Zheng couldn’t let them get away with it.

When Yu Zhen saw the notification issued by the Education Bureau, he was quite pleased. Tao Zheng was just too young. If he hadn’t stirred things up, the Education Bureau might not have even known. By the time they finished shooting the campus scenes, even if the Education Bureau issued the notification, it wouldn’t affect their subsequent filming.

“I have other productions to work on even without this one,” Yu Zhen proudly muttered to himself, “People looking for me to direct are as numerous as hairs on an ox. I can’t even count them all. If it hadn’t been for your older brother’s sake, do you think I would have agreed to direct your drama?”

Yu Zhen laughed at Tao Zheng’s foolishness and was worried about the future of Star Way Entertainment. By the end, he was even considering persuading his brother-in-law to buy out Star Way Entertainment, given Tao Zheng’s poor management.

While he was still fantasizing about being the boss, his assistant rushed in, panic-stricken, “Director Yu, something terrible has happened!”

Yu Zhen asked very calmly, “What’s the problem now? Are there more attacks on me online? Just have someone delete them. Don’t bother me with this kind of stuff.”

The assistant urgently said, “No, it’s something very important – actually, several very important things.”

Yu Zhen said, “Just get to the point.”

The assistant played a voicemail for Yu Zhen, “Director Yu, your online reputation hasn’t been good over the past few days. I’ve been thinking, maybe we shouldn’t go ahead with our new show. What if I can’t recoup my investment? So I’ve decided to pull the funding.”

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