My Ceo Husband is Sworn Enemy

Chapter 216 He Has No Leverage_1

Chapter 216: Chapter 216 He Has No Leverage_1

On the ride, Wenya would occasionally make a call to Su Peisheng.

I was gazing out the window at the rapidly retreating cityscape, lost in thought.

It reminded me of the past with Gu Yuanzhou…

Why had he become so terrifying?

After ending a call, Wenya turned and looked at me,

“Su Peisheng has been to the Ding Family’s place. The police were still there! That means, even though someone has died, they are still going to investigate the case.”


My anger, at the moment, seemed completely useless.

“Gu Yuanzhou is really scary! Previously, I didn’t realize how ruthless he could be!”

Wenya sighed.

“Yes, I never knew before that he could be this aggressive! It feels like a completely different person! I genuinely can’t accept who he is now.”

“Do you think, there’s a chance that he’s been reborn as someone else?”

Wenya’s question left me stunned.

It was indeed possible, especially considering what Wu Lijuan had earlier mentioned about Gu Yuanzhou almost dying once.

But after much contemplation, I finally shook my head in denial,

“Never! He is who he is, not someone else!”

Half an hour later, we arrived at the Song Family’s house.

To my surprise,

Song Shixiong was actually at home tonight!

Wu Lijuan, with a rare smile on her face, was bustling about, especially happy to see Wenya.

She rushed forward to grasp Wenya’s hand, tears falling even before she spoke.

Seeing Wenya reminded Wu Lijuan of me; we’ve been best friends ever since we were little and we used to visit the Song household frequently.

To keep Wu Lijuan from getting too emotional, Wenya quickly changed the topic, “Auntie, did you raise this cat?”

The cat in question was a beautiful ragdoll cat, which was rolling around in its newly bought cat bed.

Wu Lijuan answered, “Yes, Yuanzhou gave it to me yesterday to keep me company! That child is so thoughtful!”

Wenya glanced at me.

I stayed silent, my gaze shifted to another corner of the living room.

There sat Song Shixiong.

Logically speaking, my relationship with Song Shixiong should be closer.

However, in reality, he was always busy with work and was particularly strict with me, hence our interactions were minimal.

We’ve hardly spoken during the year.

Reflecting on it, I realized he was quite a mystery to me.

All I knew was that back in the day, he controlled Huaxin Group, A City’s largest trading company, owning numerous merchant ships.

During my childhood, I often saw several dignitaries entering and exiting Song’s House.

However, as I grew up, especially after marrying Gu Yuanzhou, the Song family seemingly took a turn for the worse.

Particularly after Zhenyi Company began to grow, the officials no longer frequented the Song Family.

My interpretation was,

Perhaps because of Song Shixiong’s age, coupled with neither of his sons willing to take over the family business, that led to the decline.

However, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

The scale of the Huaxin Group is still significantly larger than that of Zhenyi Company.

At that moment, from the time I entered the house, Song Shixiong had been on the phone.

He appeared to be in a terrible mood, sounding irate on the phone call.

Wu Lijuan led us to the side hall for tea. Wenya curiously asked,

“How has uncle been lately, are his businesses not doing well?”

Wu Lijuan, hugging the ragdoll cat, responded,

“Probably overburdened by work! Don’t let him influence you girls! Come, let’s eat dinner shortly!”

While they were at it, Wenya asked Wu Lijuan a handful of other questions.

“Auntie, you seem fond of Gu Yuanzhou?”

“Yes, indeed, he’s a true-hearted boy! Very loyal in feelings…”

“I also knew a little about Ayun’s relationship with Gu Yuanzhou back in the day. But to be honest, I don’t think Gu Yuanzhou’s feelings for Ayun were that good, at least from our group of girlfriends’ perspective, Ayun got the short end of the stick in their marriage!”

“Oh? What do you think isn’t good about Gu Yuanzhou?”

“Many people think Gu Yuanzhou was with Ayun just for her money… Look, when they got married, the Gu Family didn’t give a dime as a dowry.”

Wu Lijuan gave it some thought,

“Indeed, they didn’t, but the Gu Family wasn’t financially well-off! After all, Ayun doesn’t care about these things, I’ve discussed it with her. Ayun said, as long as she’s with him, she’s happy! Money and everything else aren’t important! In fact, it turned out Gu Yuanzhou does have capability, and they both gritted their teeth and started striving.”

Wenya spoke,

“We can leave the money aspect aside, but what is upsetting is that when they got married, not a single person from the Gu family attended! They could be excuse for not giving cash, but they didn’t even bother to attend the wedding to give the newlyweds their blessings, which clearly shows that they simply do not respect Ayun.”

Hearing this, Wu Lijuan also sighed.

“Yes, we all know, Ayun was indeed wronged in this marriage. But it was her choice, all we can do is respect her. Her mother isn’t around anymore, her uncle and I, we all fear her being wronged, so we just want to do what she likes.”

Actually, I roughly knew about the things Wu Lijuan was talking about.

But at this time, I wanted to know more!

I’m waiting, to see if I could get more clues from Wu Lijuan.

After all, Gu Yuanzhou has been with Song Shixiong for so long, they should know Gu Yuanzhou better than I do.

Wenya immediately asked, “Anything special?”

“Ah, um… His family conditions are not very good. Both his parents have passed, and the only relative he has is an aunt, whose health is also not good.”

As Wu Lijuan’s words came to here, the figure of Song Shixiong walked in, rudely saying, “In the future, stop receiving things from Gu Yuanzhou.”

Wu Lijuan looked somewhat panic, “It’s merely a cat and some cat food.”

“I’ve said, stop associating with him in the future!”

“Hey, Song Shixiong, what’s the matter with you?”

“Ayun died in a strange and unclear manner, and he hasn’t given us an explanation. In any case, stay away from him!”

Having said this, Song Shixiong hurriedly left.

Clearly, he’s not siding with Gu Yuanzhou.

After dinner, Wenya and I left the Song Family.

Wenya sighed,

“Indeed, orphans are the scariest, fatherless, motherless, unattached and unconfined, you can’t even find their weaknesses if you want to!”

I remained silent.

Wenya again said, “Could he be deceiving you guys? Maybe his parents are terrorists or some shady big shots?”

I glanced at Wenya, “You’re overthinking, he’s not an orphan, doesn’t he still have an aunt?”

“Ayun, his aunt, why don’t you go and find her, let her control this madman Gu Yuanzhou!”

“Hmm, we’ll see later!”

Actually, I’m more inclined to find Gu Yuanzhou’s weak spot, but I have come up empty so far.

I may eventually have to go and find his aunt.

Before we got married, Gu Yuanzhou confessed to me that his parents had died when he was young, and he was raised single-handedly by his aunt.

And because of her poor health, we never met her.

I was thinking, whether or not to go and see this mysterious aunt, and ask her to persuade Gu Yuanzhou.

Just then, car lights are turned on, I followed the lights and saw that Song Shixiong hadn’t left, his car was parked on the opposite side of the road.

The flashing headlights were signalling me to head over.

“I’ll go and have a chat with him!”

“Alright, I’ll wait here for you!”

I crossed the road and got into Song Shixiong’s car.

Song Shixiong glanced at me and directly said, “I know you! You’re the new chief designer at Tianjiao Company!”

“Yes, Mr Song!”

“You came here with Wenya, aren’t you trying to find a way to deal with Gu Yuanzhou?”

I was slightly surprised, I didn’t expect Song Shixiong to know so much about me.

But at this moment, I’m not sure whose side Song Shixiong is really on?

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