My Ceo Husband is Sworn Enemy

Chapter 83 Breaking Up_1

Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Breaking Up_1

Translator: 549690339

I never expected that Ding Yinuo would come up so directly.

I was truly afraid that this man would wreck my plans.

I was stumped for a moment, and quickly glanced in his direction.

“Who is he?”

Song Shixiong asked.

Ding Yinuo seemed to want to say something to Song Shixiong.

But once he saw me.

Before he could speak, the female secretary said,

“This is Dr. Ding from the municipal hospital, who says he came for Madam Song?”

It was then that Ding Yinuo seized this opportunity.

“Mr. Song, I want to talk to you about your wife’s condition, do you have time now?”

While speaking to Song Shixiong, Ding Yinuo’s eyes were fixed on me….

Song Shixiong asked,

“Does she have any problems?”

“Oh, it’s just that some recent medications need your signature! As you know, using some imported medications can be quite expensive! We just can’t use them without a family member signing off.”

“What kind of medicine, let me have a look!”

“Here you go, I made a list for you!”

Ding Yinuo really did come prepared, even bringing the hospital’s medication list over.

Song Shixiong read through it one by one,

“Is it expensive?”

“These two types cost more than seven thousand per dose, and it’s out of pocket, but they are very effective!”

“Can’t ordinary medications work?”

“Common domestic drugs can be used, but the effectiveness might not be the same!”

“Let’s just use the domestic ones then! I don’t trust imported drugs, those Americans are not trustworthy, who knows what harmful substances they mix in the drugs, in short, I don’t trust foreign-made drugs.”

“Alright, we’ll continue with the domestic ones…”

“Do you have anything else?”

“No, that’s all! Then I shall not disturb you further, I’ll take my leave now.”

Ding Yinuo decisively finished the matter quickly and then walked out.

Just as I finished my business too, I followed him out, one after another into the elevator.

Only the two of us were in the elevator, I glared at him,

“Did you specifically come here to see Song Shixiong just for this trifling issue?”

“Isn’t it because I don’t trust you? I originally didn’t plan to come up, but just now in the car park, I saw Gu Yuanzhou. Worried that you would get into trouble, I came up to check.”

“Cut, your excuse is too sloppy. Such a small issue could have been resolved with a phone call, yet you let the lead doctor run all the way here? Even though he is fooled for now, with a second thought he would feel something is off.”

Ding Yinuo was straightforward,

“The only person who should feel something is not right is him, his wife has been hospitalized for so long, yet he hasn’t visited her once, and he still owes a pile of medical fees.”

I stared at him in disbelief,

“How could that be possible? My uncle loves my aunt very much, how could he not go see her?”

“I can’t answer that question for you, if you don’t believe it, you can ask your aunt herself the next time you visit the hospital.”

After we left Huaxin Group, Ding Yinuo and I walked together to the parking lot.

“Where to now?”

Ding Yinuo asked.

“We split up, you go find Damaha, I’ll go find Little Juanmao…”

I handed him the address.

Ding Yinuo took the address, turned around and glanced back at his office building.

He suddenly changed the subject.

“Don’t you find it strange?”

“What’s strange?”

“Song Shixiong is a difficult man! His methods, we have all seen it in our previous generation. Whatever goal he aims to achieve, he usually doesn’t stop until he reaches it.”

“Indeed, my uncle was very domineering when he was young.”

“But, after his niece died, he surprisingly hasn’t caused any trouble for Gu Yuanzhou!”

Ding Yinuo appeared somewhat disappointed.

From his expression, it seemed that he originally thought there would be major drama to watch.

I rolled my eyes at him,

“You thought he didn’t stir up any trouble? Last time, I personally witnessed Song Shixiong throwing a fit at Gu Yuanzhou’s company.”

Ding Yinuo shook his head, “That doesn’t count!”

“How does it not count?”

Ding Yinuo scoffed at me right there and then,

“If he wants to deal with someone, he would make sure they are ruined, not just throwing a fit.”

“Song Shixiong is not that bad, okay?”

“Pfft, you’re too naive!”

“He’s my uncle, don’t I know him better?”

Ding Yinuo immediately countered,

“What about Gu Yuanzhou, your husband! And yet…he still left you to die without a place to be buried.”

Ding Yinuo was actually telling the truth, but at this moment I, listening to his words, felt as if he was mocking me.

Furthermore, he didn’t seem to notice my discomfort and continued talking.

“You’re just too naive, too trusting of people! You got a second chance at life, yet you haven’t learned any lessons at all?”

“Okay, Ding Yinuo, I don’t need you telling me how to live. I’m not stupid.”

“Alright, I’ve said all that I need to say! Song Shixiong is definitely hiding something, you either accept it or don’t!”

His words were a bit harsh, and his attitude was domineering.

I stopped talking and simply stared at him in silence.

“Ding Yinuo, don’t forget, you were one of the people who cornered me too! Between you, my uncle, and Gu Yuanzhou, how could I possibly choose to trust you?”

Indeed, when I was still Song Yun, from a young age, this guy had set countless obstacles for me.

Had it not been for him, Zhenyi Company’s prospects would have been much better than it is now.

One was my uncle who has taken care of me since I was little.

The other was my deeply loved husband….

Who to trust and who not to trust is incredibly clear.

Ding Yinuo seemed taken aback by my words, his eyes revealing a touch of surprise.

“Fine, I was meddling too much! My hand was way too long! It’s your Song family’s business, what does it have to do with me? If you want to jump into a pit of fire, it’s your issue!”

After saying that, Ding Yinuo got in his car, stepped on the gas and drove off.

I stood there in stunned silence.

Actually, I only got angry after a few minutes, after calming down, I turned around and took another look at the sign for Huaxin Group.

This huge golden sign, I watched it grow up.

I remember when I was little standing underneath this sign, watching the big sign shimmer in the sunlight, brilliant and dazzling.

But for some reason now.

The sign seemed to have rust stains around it, as if the exterior has never been recoated with golden paint, making it look somewhat dilapidated and bleak.

What on earth happened to Huaxin Group that Song Shixiong couldn’t even take care of his own sign?

I again thought of Song Shixiong’s insistence on splitting the inheritance when we went to Zhenyi Company, and Wu Lijuan’s hospitalization, even too poor to afford imported medicine.

Could it be that Huaxin Group is really in trouble now?

A few minutes later, I drove my BMW away from Huaxin Group. Just as I entered the road, a Lamborghini pulled up.

Ding Yinuo looked at me from his car window,

“Let’s proceed together, you can’t handle it on your own!”

My temper was just as stubborn, once I’ve made up my mind, I naturally would not compromise.

“Ding Yinuo, is today the first day you met me?”

“Are you really not afraid of death?”

“None of your business!”

“Fine, just don’t start crying in front of me later.”

Ding Yinuo stepped on the gas and sped away.

I slowed down my speed, readjusted my direction, and drove towards Little Juanmao’s home.

Half an hour later, when I parked my car in a parking lot opposite Little Juanmao’s home, I saw a familiar face.

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