My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 565 – The Gecko and the Shockwave

Chapter 565 – The Gecko and the Shockwave


“What kind of people are we looking to recruit?”

“What’s this squad called again?”

“I’m not sure…”

As Ling Mo checked off the special abilities one by one, the buzz of conversation among the crowd grew more intense.

“Enhancement type with localized strengthening, mainly in the limbs… is that person here?” Ling Mo glanced over the list and asked.

“Who’s he calling for?” The people began to look around, wondering.

“Zhang Xincheng, maybe…” someone guessed.

A young man with a puzzled look emerged from the back of the crowd and said, “I’m Zhang Xincheng.”

“What’s your special ability called?” Ling Mo was checking names against the list, trying to find if he was the one he was looking for.

“Gecko,” Zhang Xincheng replied succinctly, his expression somewhat grim. It was clear that, like Skinny Monkey, he wasn’t very popular within Team F, but no one dared to mock him.

The fact that he was unchallenged indicated he had some talents, although his personality might be somewhat difficult.

“Give it a try,” said Ling Mo.

Without a word, Zhang Xincheng gave Ling Mo a silent look, then walked over to a wall and placed his hands on it.

Without any apparent preparation, he suddenly began to scale the wall with swift, coordinated movements of his hands and feet, and eventually even clung to the ceiling.

His movements were agile, his speed was fast, and he appeared effortlessly comfortable, truly resembling a gecko.

Ling Mo couldn’t help but wonder whether his “tail” would grow back if it were cut off…

“Cough cough… right, it’s you,” Ling Mo quickly snapped back to reality and called Zhang Xincheng down.

After coming down, the man didn’t ask anything else and simply stood next to Skinny Monkey, causing Skinny Monkey to tense up and anxiously avoid looking at him.

“Next… ‘Inspiration’?” Ling Mo called out another ability.

“Why is it always these types!” A chorus of boos erupted from the crowd.

Just from the description, it was clear that this special ability had no combat potential.

“It’s me…” A timid female voice came from the crowd, and then Ling Mo saw a petite girl struggling to make her way through.

As she passed, people would deliberately bump into her, causing her to cry out in alarm, followed by laughter from the crowd.

By the time she stood before Ling Mo, her face had turned bright red, though it was unclear whether that was because of the teasing or because Ling Mo had called her out.

“What’s your name?” Ling Mo asked.

“Gu… Gu Shuangshuang,” the girl responded softly.

“What does your special ability do?” Ling Mo continued.

Gu Shuangshuang looked up at Ling Mo nervously and asked blankly, “Huh?”

“What can your special ability do? Show me, please,” Ling Mo patiently said.

“Oh… okay,” Gu Shuangshuang, even more nervous than Skinny Monkey had been, clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

But after a minute or two, aside from her face turning even redder than before, there was no sign of any special ability…

The onlookers grew restless again, but since the subject was a girl, they refrained from mockery and instead resorted to different kinds of teasing.

“Shuangshuang, are you out of it again today? Is it that time of the month?” someone shouted.

“Ha ha ha!” Laughter immediately filled the air around them.

“Don’t rush it, Shuangshuang, take your time, find the feeling!” another person added with a laugh.

“Find it with who?”

“There’s an obvious choice—the big brother!”

“The three sisters-in-law are right over there, are you looking for trouble?”

“That’s fine, look, the sisters-in-law aren’t even paying attention to us.”

“Damn! These people…” Ling Mo suddenly became the butt of the joke and was left speechless.

However, Ye Lian and the others really weren’t paying attention to this side. With so many people around, they would not come near and kept as much distance as possible. Their willingness to accompany Ling Mo was purely out of curiosity about this event.

He glanced at Gu Shuangshuang and noticed that the girl had turned red to the tips of her ears and was trembling slightly.

“Sigh…” After letting out a sigh, Ling Mo suddenly said in a low voice, “You’re a mental ability user, right?”

“Mhm… Mhm.” Gu Shuangshuang didn’t dare to open her eyes and nodded gently.

“Don’t be so nervous; the more tense you are, the more scattered your thoughts will become. Try to relax…” Ling Mo guided her, “No, no, don’t relax too much. You need to find that balance point between intention and nonchalance. You’re not focusing too hard, but your mental power is concentrated. In this state, your mental power is most responsive to your commands, and you can wield it at will…”

Ling Mo had far more experience in the use of mental power than the average mental ability user. He needed to maintain constant contact with his Zombie Puppets, and no one had more time using their mental power than he did.

Practice makes perfect, and Ling Mo was truly experienced in this area.

At first, Gu Shuangshuang couldn’t get into the right state at all, but with her eyes closed and listening to Ling Mo’s voice, she gradually began to feel as if she was submerged in water.

The noises around her started to blur, and in front of her “eyes,” only spheres of mental energy remained.

“Now you’re ready, give it a try.” Ling Mo had been watching the changes in her Mental Sphere; she was now in the right state.

She wasn’t completely ignoring her surroundings, but she was highly focused.


A soft sound suddenly emanated from around them, and those standing close felt as if a wave of energy had just rippled through the air.

At the same time, a bullet flew right over Gu Shuangshuang’s head and hit the ceiling.

Ye Lian was holding a silenced pistol, her hand still in position.

She had aimed just above Gu Shuangshuang’s head, but the bullet ended up hitting a completely unrelated spot.

Although it wasn’t far off, it was still enough to shock everyone.

“What just happened?”

“Was that Gu Shuangshuang? When did she become so powerful?”

“Damn, if we get into a fight with her, does that mean we can’t even touch her?”

A chorus of exclamations rose from the crowd.

“Indeed… Though it’s called ‘Inspiration,’ it should actually be called ‘Mental Power Shockwave,’ right?” Ling Mo mused to himself.

This special ability was actually very useful; it’s just that Gu Shuangshuang hadn’t been able to utilize its full potential.

To put it simply, there’s no such thing as a completely useless special ability. Any special ability, when maximized, can become a powerful trump card.

Weapons can fend off hordes of zombies, but it takes a Psychic to deal with those high-level zombies that appear out of nowhere with astonishing abilities.

“Okay… okay…” Gu Shuangshuang, excitedly opening her eyes, called out.

“Yeah, not bad,” Ling Mo said, glancing at Gu Shuangshuang’s pale face and sighing inwardly.

Although he had taught her how to enter the right state, she still needed more practice in controlling the release of her Mental power. Judging by her current state, she could probably only use it once more today, and that would be her limit.

The sustained use of special abilities is also very important, whether it’s Enhancement type, mental ability, or elemental type, it’s all the same.

Bursting out with power temporarily is no match for the exhaustion of physical strength or Mental power. Using limited power to survive as long as possible is what matters most.

“You need to carefully consider the use of your special abilities, what the purpose is, who the target is, and how much energy it will cost you. At the same time, you need to calculate your own recovery rate,” Ling Mo said simply.

Gu Shuangshuang nodded vigorously, her face flushed as she also moved to the side.

The young girl was both excited and emotional, having shown off in front of so many people for the first time, and her eyes even reddened a bit.

When her release of power failed initially, she felt like she wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

She thought Ling Mo would let her step down, disappointed, but to her surprise, he patiently guided her… Gu Shuangshuang was very grateful to Ling Mo at this moment.

She stood there, not idle, continuing to feel that state while watching Ling Mo continue to choose people.

Now she was very curious. If she, who was considered useless by others and only avoided being bullied because of her gender, could be chosen by Ling Mo and helped to unearth her ability, who else would Ling Mo pick next?

Not just her, but the other onlookers, including those Psychics who were originally just there for the show, all suddenly became very interested.

Some even began to feel eager, hoping Ling Mo would pick them next.

Especially some of the mental ability users, who wished they could rush forward right now.

If Gu Shuangshuang could be effective, then those who were inherently capable, if guided by Ling Mo, wouldn’t their strength increase even more?

“Pick me, pick me!”

“Big brother, choose me!”

Many were shouting in their hearts.

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