My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 101: Double Happiness

Chapter 101: Double Happiness

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As he arrived in the training airspace, Tang Rui first stretched his body before sitting in front of the computer.

He was ready to showcase his skills.

To determine the extent of the gap between him and the Air Force pilots.

“Calling Golden Eagle, are you prepared?”

“Golden Eagle here, fully prepared and ready to start at any moment.”

“Pond here, let’s stick to the standard training procedure. 1 won’t go supersonic, only subsonic maneuvers, three seconds of targeting, and we’ll consider it a win.”

“Golden Eagle, acknowledged.”

“Then let’s begin.”

After they finished communicating, they activated their radar systems to locate each other.

The current drones were equipped with Longbo lenses, and Golden Eagle’s radar quickly located him.

As for Tang Rui, Golden Eagle had never lost sight of him since he was using a full-map display.

You could call it cheating?

Using a lens didn’t count as cheating.

At this point, both sides had spotted each other and were adjusting their flight postures, preparing for combat.

Tang Rui acted recklessly. He charged straight in.

Beep, beep, beep…

Both sides began locking onto each other simultaneously.

But one second later, Golden Eagle executed a graceful roll and evaded the lock.

Tang Rui controlled the drone and pursued.

But Golden Eagle pulled up, executed a reverse roll, and combined it with a Split-S maneuver, effectively shaking off Tang Rui.

In an instant, they switched from offense to defense.

Beep, beep, beep…

An ear-piercing alarm sounded.

Tang Rui quickly manipulated the control stick and rudder pedals to evade.

Beep, beep, beep…

But the alarm persisted.

Tang Rui once again manipulated the controls, attempting to climb and then rapidly dive to change direction.

Beep, beep, beep… But it was futile.

Golden Eagle remained right behind the drone, elegantly adjusting its flight attitude.

No matter how the drone rolled and moved, it was always in Golden Eagle’s crosshairs.

The alarm stopped.

Tang Rui hadn’t evaded the lock; three seconds had passed, and he had lost.

The entire process took 21 seconds.

12 seconds of flight, 2 seconds of Tang Rui chasing Golden Eagle, 2 seconds of switching roles, 2 seconds for Golden Eagle to adjust direction, and 3 seconds of targeting.

The game was over.

“Pond calling Golden Eagle.”

“Golden Eagle here, go ahead.”

“Let’s do it again. I wasn’t ready earlier.”


They separated again.

Putting some 40 kilometers between them, they turned around.

“Calling Golden Eagle, are you ready?”

“Golden Eagle here, ready and standing by.”

“Good, let’s begin now.”

Tang Rui directly activated the electro-optical system and locked onto Golden Eagle.

Beep, beep, beep…

Inside the Su-47 cockpit, an alarm rang out.

The pilot was puzzled. How could they be locked on from 40 kilometers away?

But at this moment, regardless of the circumstances, they had to pull an evasion maneuver.

The next second, the Su-47 began rapid maneuvers in the sky, executing various agile movements.

Unfortunately, it was futile.

The drone’s radar system wasn’t fooled by fancy maneuvers.

Three seconds later,

The alarm ceased.

“We each won one round, let’s call it even,” Tang Rui said casually.

Though it sounded a bit shameless,

At least he didn’t get beaten instantly like before.

Now they had each beaten the other once.

It could be considered a draw.

“…” Golden Eagle.

What could he say?

Getting beaten from tens of kilometers away, what could he do?

They left the training airspace.

Both aircraft returned to Saddletree Airport.

The drone landed first.

Tang Rui didn’t bother with it. The ground crew would take it back to the hangar.

Instead, he went outside and watched as the Su-47 Golden Eagle descended gracefully.

It truly was the king of low-altitude, low-speed flying, and the landing posture was beautiful.



Coming to a stop.

Once the ground crew pulled the Su-47 to the hangar and placed the ladder, the cockpit canopy opened.

Tang Rui walked over.

He wanted to see who had beaten him.

Was it the pilot with the golden helmet?

The result: a pilot in his twenties, definitely not older than thirty, climbed down from the Su-47.

Such a significant difference.

Originally, Tang Rui thought his flying skills were pretty good.

Now it seemed like he was just an amateur.

Compared to a real pilot, there was a world of difference.

Tang Rui suddenly remembered a saying.

“Don’t challenge someone’s profession with your hobbies.”

In aerial combat, they were professionals.

He was just someone who knew how to move an aircraft, even if he was very skilled, at most, it was for show.

There was still a vast gap from actual combat.

After the other party left, Tang Rui climbed into the Su-47’s cockpit and looked at the instrument panel with Russian styling. He sighed.

It had a nice aesthetic.

There wasn’t much to see in the cockpit.

Tang Rui’s focus was on the aircraft structure; that was the Su-47’s greatest value.

He circled the aircraft.

He noticed something was off with the engine.

A closer look revealed that the big fuzz had replaced the original engine with the AL-31F3 engine supplied to us.

Was this engine any good?

To put it this way, the J-15 was originally equipped with this engine, and it had already been completely replaced.

“Indeed, it’s Russian, no need to say more.”

Tang Rui frowned, but quickly let it go.

He didn’t need engine technology.

It was just that the situation made him a little annoyed.

After the Su-47 was towed into the hangar, Tang Rui left the airport by car.

When he left, he also took the Su-47’s maintenance manual.

It was called a manual, but it was a thick booklet full of Russian text.

On the way, he flipped through it but didn’t delve into it deeply.

It was pointless.

He only needed knowledge about the Su-47’s structure and its flying capabilities.

He didn’t need information about avionics systems, radar, flight control, or engines.

Back at the company,

Tang Rui gathered the entire aircraft design department for a meeting.

Our Su-47, which we exchanged with the Russians, has returned and is currently at the airport. Since our company’s new headquarters are not yet built, this fighter will temporarily be kept at the airport for research. Your task is simple: disassemble it, restore the aircraft’s structure, and obtain internal blueprints to understand the design principles.”

“General Tang, do we really have to disassemble it?”

One researcher asked with excitement.


Yes, if we don’t take it apart, how can we learn from it? Don’t worry about making mistakes; we’re only doing technical verification and accumulating knowledge,” Tang Rui said nonchalantly.

Without disassembly, how could they reassemble it?

Without reassembly, where would they get the system panels?

Without system panels, how could he enhance his systems?

So, he left the disassembly work to his employees.

They would disassemble and learn at the same time.

Once they were done, and he had finished his part, he would reassemble it, gaining access to the source code while activating the system panels.

After the meeting, the finance department hurriedly approached him.

“What’s the matter?”

“Boss, the bank just called. They said a $500 million investment has been deposited into our company’s account.”

“Yes, I know. You can go back to work.”

He waved his hand, not concerned.

He hadn’t expected Prince Salim to act so swiftly.

But when you thought about it…

Right now, there were several billion dollars in his company’s account.

It made him feel like he had struck it rich.

He took out his phone.

Jotted down the date.

Today was a good day, a day of double blessings.

The Su-47 had returned.

The $500 million in research funds had arrived. Now he could…


Just as Tang Rui was envisioning a bright future, his phone vibrated.

He checked it.

It was a call from Professor Yu.

“Professor, good afternoon.”

“Tang Rui, I hope I’m not disturbing you.”


No, I’m just having tea in my office.”

“That’s good. I called because I wanted to ask when you plan to come over for enrollment.”



It was already December, and he had to go to the National Defense University.


He had become a successful entrepreneur, and they wanted him to go back to school?

“Professor, when is convenient for you? I can come anytime.”

What could Tang Rui do?

He had to go.

After all, he didn’t have to stay there and study; he just needed to report his presence..

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