My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 108: J-18 Red Eagle

Chapter 108: J-18 Red Eagle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Tang Rui finished reading the information. He also gained a clear understanding of the entire J-18 project. But how should he approach this situation? He had successfully deceived Shen Fei, and the key factor in this was the variable cycle engine. However, didn’t he already provide the military with information about this engine?

Now, due to the introduction of this engine, all fighter jet engines needed replacement. This process would undoubtedly be organized from top to bottom, starting with the J-20, J-16, and J-15, and eventually moving to the various models of the J-10. As for the J-7, that was a discussion for the future; it depended on whether they could adapt another model.

What did this engine replacement have to do with the J-18? It was a significant issue because the J – 18’s vertical take-off and landing system didn’t rely on a front fan; instead, it utilized the ducted air pump effect to generate lift. How could he describe this technique? If he didn’t comprehend it, it might as well have been magic.

In simpler terms, during vertical take-off and landing, the engine’s exhaust stream blew toward the wing and the duckwing’s ejectors. This stream created a pumping effect through a duct, injecting air, and lift was achieved by differentially controlling the wing and canard’s ejectors.

“Do you understand?”

This unique vertical take-off and landing system required a specialized engine design. However, the military hadn’t fully grasped the variable cycle engine he provided, and adapting it to the vertical take-off and landing system was an intricate challenge beyond anyone’s capabilities.

Shen Fei had no other options. They couldn’t wait for the military to fully comprehend the variable cycle engine before modifying it for the vertical take-off and landing system. How long would that take? Shen Fei couldn’t afford to wait, so they turned to Tang Rui for help.

“I can assist you with this, but…” Tang Rui paused, contemplating his next words. “Please tell me, President Tang. As long as we can complete this project, everything is negotiable.”

“I’m not setting any conditions. It’s just that modifying the engine is not a straightforward task; it must be seamlessly integrated with the vertical take-off and landing system. This might create some complications. I can’t stay at Shen Fei indefinitely.”

What Tang Rui spoke was the unvarnished truth. Modifying the variable cycle engine itself wasn’t a problem, nor was adapting it for vertical take-off and landing. The real issue was…

He couldn’t stay at Shen Fei. He was no longer interested in his home or the company. As for the modification, it would only take three to five days, which was utterly unrealistic.

Director Liu, after hearing this, wore a conflicted expression. He had only contemplated one question so far: whether Tang Rui would agree to help. He hadn’t considered the logistical challenges of his involvement.

Not staying at Shen Fei – what did that mean for their collaboration? Remote video guidance was out of the question.

“I’m sorry, we didn’t think this through,” Director Liu admitted.

“It’s okay. Actually, you can try to make the modifications yourselves. If you encounter any issues, just come to me,” Tang Rui suggested, waving his hand dismissively.

This left Director Liu feeling quite helpless. If only it were that simple.

However, he couldn’t express his frustrations at this moment. He had agreed to help, but letting Tang Rui visit Shen Fei while giving up his family and company was not an option. Tang Rui was a prominent figure; he couldn’t be ordered around like an ordinary researcher.

Although Director Liu hadn’t achieved his original goal, he did leave behind the technical information on the forward sweep wing. Was this information valuable? Undoubtedly. Only a handful of countries possessed such data. Yet, it could also be seen as useless. Modern aerial combat prioritized stealth and high-speed attacks, rendering close combat abilities like those of forward-swept wings obsolete.

After Director Liu’s departure, Tang Rui transferred the complete forward sweep wing technology verification data to his computer. This information was incredibly valuable, but it still didn’t solve all the problems.

To be frank, if Tang Rui didn’t possess certain advantages, he wouldn’t dare to plunge into the complex realm of forward sweep wings.

As Tang Rui examined the information, Director Liu and his team rushed back to the airport and returned to the company. Upon their arrival, Director Liu reported the situation to the higher-ups of the group.

The seven or eight individuals in the conference room were left astounded by the revelation. Previously, borrowing personnel had been a straightforward process—unit approval and the individual’s consent were typically enough. But Tang Rui operated outside this conventional framework. He wasn’t a researcher, nor an on-site professor, and he didn’t fall under the system’s jurisdiction.

“If it doesn’t work out, we can always send the information to him for review and editing,” someone suggested.

“How would that work? Send someone back and forth to Jinling every day? That’s not feasible,” another responded, emphasizing the impracticality of such a solution.

“What he means is, he’s willing to help, but he can’t stay here for an extended period, correct?”

“Yes, precisely.”

“In that case, we could relocate the J-18 and the development team to Jinling.”

“Jinling? What about security?”

“We can ask for assistance from the military.”

The individuals in the meeting room shared glances and ultimately agreed to this plan.

That night, Shen Huoyi began mobilizing personnel, equipment, and supplies. The J-18 prototype also took off and flew to Jinling. Along with the J-18, the forward sweep-wing verification aircraft, which had been collecting dust in storage, was brought out for maintenance. Without Tang Rui’s involvement, who knew when this verification aircraft would have another chance to take flight?

The next morning, Tang Rui received a call from Lin Chao. “Shen Huoyi is back?”

He had only left the day before. Why was he back so soon?

“Very well, I understand,” Tang Rui replied before ending the call. He couldn’t help but smirk. He hadn’t expected Shen Huoyi to relocate the J-18 modification project to Jinling, even dispatching the prototype overnight. The efficiency was indeed impressive.

“Brother Yang, let’s head straight to Ma’an Airport,” Tang Rui instructed Gao Yang.

“Sure thing.”

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at their destination. Tang Rui informed Gao Yang, “Please take me to see the prototype first. I’m quite curious about what the J-18 looks like.”

“Of course, follow me.”

Together, they boarded an airport minibus that would take them to the innermost hangar, guarded by soldiers. The security was tight, similar to Tang Rui’s hangar.

After verifying their access rights, Tang Rui stepped into the hangar, and there it was—a sleek black fighter jet stood before him..

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