My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 115: A Nuclear Resistant Bunker

Chapter 115: A Nuclear Resistant Bunker

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I savored a substantial helping of ripe melon for dinner last night,” Tang Rui recounted with enthusiasm.

Driven by excitement, Tang Rui once again convinced Li Shuyao to join him for an invigorating hour of exercise.

The following day arrived.

Instead of heading to the company, Tang Rui embarked on a journey to the Yongping Reservoir, eager to inspect his newfound domain.

Ever since the military’s engineering team took charge of this site, Tang Rui hadn’t set foot here even once. Now seemed like an opportune moment to check on the progress.

He wondered how the construction was coming along, and more importantly, how long it would be before he could move in.

Guided by Gao Yang, they ventured into the military management area.

Initially, this area had also been under military jurisdiction. Nestled within the mountains was a strategic material warehouse for the military district, complete with a radar station perched on the mountaintop.

They set forth on an off-road journey through the mountainous terrain.

Scaling over a prominent hill, they descended down the other side, greeted by a sprawling construction site.

The first thing that met their gaze was a lengthy runway. Though the concrete had already been laid, the final touches, such as the installation of signal guidance equipment, remained pending.

As they descended further, the off-road RV soon reached a spacious plaza. It was evident that this plaza had been recently constructed, judging by the pristine ground.

Adjacent to the plaza stood an office building, modestly consisting of four stories but commanding a substantial footprint, stretching approximately 150 meters from end to end. Presently, the office building was still awaiting its finishing touches.

After leaving the plaza, they circumvented another mountain and were rewarded with a view of the nearby reservoir. Positioned alongside the mountain, a massive aircraft assembly plant and several standalone experimental buildings came into sight.

Next to the assembly plant, a number of colossal hangars stretched into the distance. As Tang Rui observed these hangars, he couldn’t help but wonder if the military’s engineering team had encountered any difficulties when dealing with structures of such magnitude. These hangars were capacious enough not only to accommodate fighter jets but also to house large transport aircraft.

Their journey culminated at the entrance to a tunnel, nestled beneath the mountain. Here, the off-road RV came to a halt. Tang Rui exited the vehicle and was promptly greeted by the leader of the military engineering team, a regimental commander, who awaited him at the tunnel entrance.

“Good day, Mr. Tang. I’m the head of this project, Commander Liu Liang.”

“Hello, Commander Liu. Your team’s efforts are greatly appreciated,” Tang Rui extended a handshake.

Commander Liu’s response was a warm smile, coupled with a hint of humor that carried a rather unsettling undertone. “Not too much effort, AAr. Tang. Compared to the projects we’ve undertaken in the past, this one almost feels like a vacation.”

Tang Rui couldn’t help but wonder about the nature of those previous projects, but he refrained from asking. After all, they might choose not to divulge such information.

“Commander Liu, would it be possible for us to explore the interior?” Tang Rui inquired.

“Of course, Mr. Tang. There are some construction decisions that require your input,” Commander Liu readily agreed.

The trio ventured into the tunnel. After approximately 500 meters and a few twists and turns, they found themselves within the confines of the mountain.

“Mr. Tang, these three passages lead to the laboratory, warehouse, and villa, respectively,” Commander Liu explained.

“The villa? Must 1 traverse this route to access the villa?” Tang Rui sought clarification.

“That’s correct,” confirmed Commander Liu with a nod.

Very well, let’s begin the exploration with a visit to the villa, Tang Rui decided. He made his way towards the passage that led to the villa.

The passage wasn’t particularly lengthy, and at its terminus, an elevator awaited them. The three of them boarded the elevator, and it swiftly carried them to their destination.

Upon the elevator’s arrival, a world of dazzling brilliance unfolded before Tang Rui. The elevator exit opened up to a panoramic view of the entire reservoir.

Exiting the elevator, Tang Rui realized that his villa was perched on the mountainside, and the elevator exit revealed itself as an aerial garden. A few steps further, a suspended walkway beckoned. This walkway boasted a glass floor.

At the apex of the walkway, a pavilion and an aerial viewing platform afforded breathtaking vistas of the surroundings. The stunning architecture left Tang Rui in awe.

“Who designed this?” he inquired.

“It was one of our professors,” Commander Liu responded.

“Remarkable,” Tang Rui remarked in admiration.

As he strolled towards the viewing platform, he cast a glance at the adjacent villa. His entire villa occupied a platform halfway up the mountain, cradled by mountains on either side, with one side overlooking the reservoir. The scenery was simply beyond description, a testament to the military’s lavish investment.

As their tour of the villa concluded, Tang Rui followed Commander Liu to a room on the villa’s top floor.

“Mr. Tang, this is an emergency escape route,” Commander Liu explained. “Sliding down from here can take you directly to the safe house inside the mountain. The safe house was refurbished from the underground command post, designed to withstand nuclear strikes. It’s equipped with oxygen and water circulation systems and secure line telephones. Once you descend and close the escape route, three 350mm thick alloy blast doors will seal it off, ensuring absolute safety.”

Tang Rui was left awestruck by the description. A safe house capable of withstanding nuclear strikes? It seemed almost surreal.

With the villa exploration completed, Tang Rui, accompanied by Commander Liu, proceeded to the laboratory area. This area dwarfed the previous spaces in terms of size. Originally a strategic material warehouse, the vastness of this area was readily apparent.

Tang Rui’s laboratory occupied only a small fraction of the available space. The remainder of the area lay dormant, waiting for a purpose.

“Commander Liu, what do these warehouses contain?” Tang Rui inquired as they reached the rear of the laboratory, where several large warehouses loomed.

“These warehouses house old machine tools. All other military supplies have been removed, leaving behind these outdated machines that are no longer in use. They’ve been left here. If you have a need for them, you’re welcome to use them. If not, they’ll remain here; after all, there’s plenty of empty space,” Commander Liu explained.

Tang Rui nodded, signaling his understanding. He had no intention of utilizing these manually operated machine tools, as they held little relevance for him.

Leaving the laboratory area behind, Tang Rui and his group ventured into the warehouse zone. Here, the scale was even grander, and the environment notably colder. Unlike the areas they had previously visited, which boasted ventilation and air conditioning systems, this corridor within the warehouse zone was devoid of climate control, shrouded in an icy chill.

Tang Rui took a brief look inside and promptly retreated. The interior was barren, with all military hardware and weaponry having been relocated by the military district. Shouting inside produced echoes that reverberated for an extended duration.

Nevertheless, this space could serve as an ideal location to establish a server cluster—an in-built cold storage

facility. Once the area was fully equipped, Tang Rui planned to establish a large-scale server cluster and supercomputer here. This would pave the way for Xiao Yi to undergo yet another upgrade.

“Mr. Tang, the original living quarters are currently undergoing renovation. Would you like to inspect them?” Commander Liu inquired.

“No need; you can simply provide me with the details,” Tang Rui replied.

“Very well. The former underground living quarters are being transformed into a conference room, while the remaining half of the area is designated for various equipment rooms. Ventilation, power supply, water supply, and numerous other systems are being installed there for ease of maintenance,” Commander Liu elaborated.

Tang Rui acknowledged this information with a nod. Although he intended to dismantle and reassemble these systems later, he couldn’t afford to halt their installation at this stage.

With eager anticipation, he looked forward to the completion of this facility. At that juncture, he could immerse himself in comprehensive planning.

“Mr. Tang, take care. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me,” Commander Liu offered as they prepared to depart.

Before their parting, Commander Liu provided Tang Rui with his contact information, assuring him that he could reach out whenever needed.

“Thank you for your hard work, Commander Liu,” Tang Rui expressed his gratitude, concluding their visit.

As the off-road RV ascended the hill once more, Tang Rui cast a final glance at the hidden base nestled amidst the mountains. In the times ahead, this would become his sanctuary—a place he could truly call his own..

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