My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1043: Ariel, The Angel. 2

Chapter 1043: Ariel, The Angel. 2

Ignoring Lily's morbid words, Anna spoke. "We will not attack the Angels. Despite having the authority to make such decisions, remember that the final word is the Emperor's." She reminded everyone.

"Darling will never attack the Heavenly Father, a man he respects. All of you know very well his personality."

Those who wanted angel blood grunted and sighed afterward; they knew this very well. After all, this is their husband's personality.

"But that doesn't change the fact that this woman doesn't want to be here. She has no idea how lucky she is, and yet she doesn't like being here! She's annoying!" Gaia growled even more, seeing Ariel's reluctance to be here.

"Ugh..." Ariel shuddered even more, her body sweating profusely. She felt death very close to her just from the pressure and killing instinct coming from Gaia.

'I am going to die! I am going to die!' She repeated these words in her head with terrible fear.

lightsvel Hestia floated towards Ariel, her long flaming hair flowing with pure power. Stopping next to Ariel, she opened her long draconic wings.

Suddenly, Ariel felt much lighter. She also didn't feel the previous terror; everything disappeared as if it never existed. A calm and gentle sensation spread throughout her body. She lifted her face and saw a woman with flaming hair standing beside her.

"Grandmother, control your temper." Hestia narrowed her eyes.

The two dragons stared at each other, generating terrible tension in the place. It seemed like a fight could break out at any moment. At least Ariel felt that way.

Everyone present knew that a fight wouldn't happen. After all, they knew that if something like that occurred, Victor would be very upset.

Differing opinions were normal, and even conflicts sometimes, but such problems were usually resolved in the arena. Depending on the problem, the Empresses would intervene.

In RARE moments, Victor himself would intervene, but none of the wives wanted the problem to escalate to the point where Victor had to step in.

It's not that she was afraid of Victor or anything like that; she feared the disappointment Victor would feel and even more, the breaking of her pride.

The pride of a woman. The wives would resolve their problems among themselves; that was their pride. Victor trusted them, and they didn't want to break that trust.

Gaia snorted. "Don't call me that!" She crossed her arms over her large breasts. "I still disapprove!"

"Give her some time... She was completely caught off guard, and unlike us, whom Victor interacted with and won over, she was thrown into this situation directly into his 'terrifying' wives. It's obvious she doesn't want to be here for that reason." Hestia said.

Although they agreed among themselves that they would evaluate new potential sisters and judge her, after all, unlike before, they now had daughters to care for. The screening for potential new sisters must be strict. Hestia still thought such extreme measures were unnecessary. Victor was a good judge of character; he always chose well, and despite the peculiarities of some women, none of them would harm their family.

She thinks it's unnecessary, but it's hard to push this project forward when even the two Empresses agree that screening for potential new sisters is necessary. 'Well, I also agreed with it on some levels... But scaring the potential candidate's existence is not healthy.' She sighed internally.

"So, what do you suggest, Hestia?"

Ariel looked at the woman who said this... And she was tall... Like, very tall... 'Is she of the giant race or something?' Looking at the woman with blue hair, she suddenly remembered that this woman was at the past meeting of supernatural beings.

"I believe she has a good personality and would be a good addition to the family, right?" Hestia looked at the group of mother and daughters composed of Violet, Sasha, Ruby, Anna, Scathach, Agnes, and Natashia.

Seeing them nod, she spoke. "Let her live with us for now. We won't force her to join us as sisters. If she doesn't want to join, we should just ask for something different from marriage for this alliance."

"Something like the Heavenly Father's creation tree?" Violet smiled.

"Yes." Hestia smiled too.

"N-No!" Suddenly, Ariel raised her voice.

Everyone looked at Ariel. Even with the attention of all these dangerous women, Ariel didn't back down. "The Father's creation tree is non-negotiable. I may be easily discarded, but the creation tree isn't!" She spoke with determination in her eyes.

A silence fell around the women. This silence lasted for a full 30 seconds until Amaterasu broke it by saying:

"I like her."

"Hmm, that loyalty is admirable." Rose nodded.

Several sounds of approval echoed around.

"The creation tree is useless to us. After all, we can easily create one for ourselves in the future. Loyalty like this is better." Scathach nodded, satisfied.

'I don't doubt that Darling is currently 'learning' how to make this tree, after all, he is in heaven at the moment.' She laughed internally.

The creation tree, the Genesis tree, the tree that contained the forbidden fruit—this tree had many names, but the name wasn't important, its function was. Depending on what Victor does, this tree could be a great asset to them, just like the 'dragon heart' that Victor created for their faction.

Knowing her husband, she knows very well that he will only use the idea of the tree as a base to create something completely different and unique.

"Humpf, you know how angels are; this loyalty is just manufactured like that of a doll." Gaia huffed.

"Gaia, stop being a bitch. The Heavenly Father's influence no longer works here." Aphrodite said.

"What--...!? I'm not being a bitch, I'm just protecting our family from opportunistic women!" Gaia growled.

"W-Wait, what do you mean the influence of my father no longer works?" Ariel quickly asked incredulously.

"After your little episode where you almost fell to a fallen angel, we temporarily removed all influence of the Heavenly Father from you and also used Anna's aura to make you as honest as possible." Violet explained.

"... What does that mean...?"

"You're slow, huh." Lilith scoffed. "Which means that for the first time in your existence, you have true free will, you can insult your creator without being afraid of falling."

An incredulous silence fell on Ariel, the angel just looked at the progenitor of demons with wide eyes.

"...Father is an idiot..." Ariel looked at their wings, and didn't see her blink between the black wings, she also didn't feel the pain of going against her father's orders.

Driven by Anna's influence, and her grievances that she had held for thousands of years, Anna opened her mouth.

"That senile old man!! How dare he sell me!" The moment she started, she couldn't stop, thousands of years of hidden frustrations started to come out.

"That @@#$%...@#%$@#$!@"

"...Well, for the purest angel she has a creative vocabulary..." She sweated a little. "Is that ancient Latin?" Anna asked.lightsnovel

"It's ancient Hebrew." Aphrodite spoke. "Now, she has switched to Latin."

"...She has a lot of complaints."

"This is normal, angels are soldiers, but despite being soldiers, they still have feelings, as someone who has always been in a leadership position must have accumulated a lot of frustrations over the ages." Lilith spoke.

The women just looked amused at Lilith who was recording everything with a 48K camera.

"What? It's not every day you see a higher-ranking angel losing control of his emotions." She defended herself. "This is a historic moment!"

"...Somehow, I like her more now than that 'perfect' personality she had." Violet spoke.

"Agreed. She feels freer now." Ruby agreed.

Dragons were free, proud, selfish, and spiteful beings, like older dragons, they could control these characteristics very well, and for them it was always refreshing to see someone as 'retired' as an angel expressing their emotions in this way.

Without knowing it, most of the discomfort some girls had with Ariel disappeared when they saw her talking like a sailor on a difficult day, Ariel felt more 'authentic' now.

"You!!" Ariel suddenly pointed at Lilith.

"...Me?" Lilith pointed to herself, a little surprised at Ariel's sudden outburst.

"Let's fight, you bitch!"

"Huuuh!?" Veins popped on the demon goddess's head.

"You don't know how much complaints I have with you! You and your petty rivalry!"

"Petty rivalry!?" Lilith snapped.

"Exactly! Do you want to hang the old man!? Fine! But don't involve the innocent in this! You stupid demon!" Ariel growled.

"You and Lucifer are both pieces of shit!" She shouted even more angrily.

"Lucifer... Lucifer... Don't even mention that stupid thing! What the hell star of tomorrow? This faggot is just a self-centered narcissist who acts like a child when he doesn't get what he wants! Because of this Faggot, I have had millennia of pure work!"

"That green hat cuckold and his stupid wife messed everything up by AGES!! AHHHH!" Ariel almost ripped out her perfect golden hair in frustration.

At this point, Lilith was simply too shocked to react to Ariel's words.



Lily started laughing, a laugh that spread around as other girls like Violet, Natashia, Agnes, and Morgana joined in.

"I liked this girl! She is perfect!" Natashia declared, and then she looked at Anna.

"Anna, move to a more open location, let the girls vent."

"Yeah yeah." Anna at this point just sighed, in some strange way, she hoped this would develop into a fight, after all, this seemed to be a common thing in this faction. She snapped her finger, and soon the whole image changed, they were no longer in the room, but in an open field.

With another finger snap, the entire surrounding environment was strengthened, with another finger snap, several weapons of different types appeared on the battlefield, another finger snap, the girls were on a platform that contained several different thrones that matched their the wives' personalities.

"Hestia, you are closer, act as judge." Anna smiled gently.

"Ugh…Fine." Hestia sighed, she looks at the two women, and says:

"The rules are clear, just use weapons on the ground, everything else is allowed, now fight!"

Ariel wasted no time, she didn't care about the casual display of power, she just picked up a sword from the ground and jumped towards Lilith as her angelic armor formed around her body, she had millennia worth of frustration to vent!


Lilith in turn did the same, she wouldn't run away from a fight, she had some problems with the angels too!

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment! You fucking pigeon!"

"I say the same, you petty woman!"

"Die!!" The two screamed at the same time as they clashed again creating explosions of power.

"... Come to think of it, this could also be an opportunity for Lilith to vent." Violet spoke as she watched the fight.

"Hmm, that's true... Let's keep observing." Anna nodded.

"I won't be able to stay for long, I have some matters to attend to in my city-..." Velnorah stopped talking when something changed around her.

A time barrier suddenly formed around the group making the women raise their eyebrows.

"Darling? Were you watching?" Violet asked.

The cloud on the horizon just formed a thumb with a thumbs up.

The girls couldn't help but snort at this sight, he could just talk to them mentally, but instead he chose this ridiculous method.

"It's good to know he still has a sense of humor." Sasha laughed.

"Of course he does. Darling may be thousands of years old, but he will still act like a child sometimes." Agnes laughed.

"Which is a good thing, it would be quite annoying to see him acting all stiff, it's not like him to do that." Ruby spoke.

"Hmm… Hmm…" The girls nodded.

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