My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1049: The One Who Protects Everything. 2

Chapter 1049: The One Who Protects Everything. 2

My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

The image changed again, this time showing the galaxy as a whole and revealing a gigantic white sun.

Victor narrowed his eyes. Even though he was seeing through a piece of technology, he could tell that this sun wasn't naturally made. His intuition told him that this sun was very similar to the one he had in his own Dimension.

"An artificial sun made by Deities, huh," Victor expressed his thoughts, and internally, he mused, 'Although if it's a sun made by Deities, it's not artificial as if made by a machine or something like that.'

"Yes," Velnorah agreed.

She didn't doubt that Beings from Higher Sectors could do this since they could also do it on a smaller scale. Victor was the only one capable of doing it on a large scale due to the immense amount of Energy he had.

Speaking of Energy, "The amount of Energy required to do this must have been immense. I think all the Sun Deities joined together to create something like this."

"Or there might be someone like me who is linked with several World Trees."

"It's possible… but not likely at the same time. Remember, unlike Beings like Werewolves or current Youkais who borrow Energy from the World Tree, your World Tree is in your Soul, nurturing it and giving Power to you. You are its planet, so to speak," Velnorah explained.

"Your situation is too unique to have been replicated somehow by other Beings."

"...True," Victor nodded, agreeing with Velnorah's explanation. The conditions to have a World Tree linked to you were very specific.

You needed to have a large and undeveloped Soul, then find a young World Tree, and you needed the explicit permission and Will of The World Tree.

The third condition might be easy to obtain, but the first two were very difficult. Victor's Soul was large because he was a Progenitor Vampire, a Being whose main characteristic lay in the Soul and Blood.

...But it wasn't impossible. There were infinite Beings out there and infinite Species. Perhaps there was a Species that naturally had a Soul similar to Victor's, and maybe they could do what Victor did naturally.

There are many 'what ifs,' but until he had personal confirmation from various sources, Victor wouldn't discard any future possibilities.

Observing that enormous star, Ruby spoke in exasperation, "All the physics logic we know has been thrown out the window because of Deities influencing their own place."

"Nothing new," Victor added. "High-Level Gods shape Reality to their liking."

The Heavenly Father was a perfect example of this. The Seventh Heaven, although not as immense as his own planet, was still a Creation of a God of Creation. Gods had various Domains like this.

"We are a perfect example of this," Victor concluded.

The three women nodded in agreement with him. "If we take ourselves as an example, we can understand the level of play of these Gods from the Higher Sectors."

"But using us as a basis is dangerous," Velnorah warned.

"After all, no one is as abnormal as Darling. I bet this rule applies even to the Higher Sectors," Ruby added, looking at Victor, a gesture that Aline and Velnorah also repeated.

Being stared at by the three women, he merely displayed a small smile that completely charmed them and made them blush slightly. Even though they had been married for years, they always fell for his tricks.

In fact, now that they were married, they were even more susceptible to his tricks. After all, he was a passionate Husband.

Aline coughed lightly and continued, "We can't look deeper into the planets. A protection was applied, and we don't want to draw unnecessary attention."

"But with the Energy peak, we felt the average Gods there are a bit weaker than Siena's level."

Which was ridiculous. Siena was not the most dedicated in her training like, say, Eleonor, Rose, Scathach, or Victor. But she was stronger than most of the God-King level Gods in this Sector.

In her current state, she could easily slap Zeus around and handle Odin head-on with effort. This meant that the average Gods were Beings on the level of Zeus.

"Hundreds of Gods on the same level as Zeus..." Velnorah tried to compare this in her head, but couldn't. Even though she had seen Zeus before, he was too weak for her to care.

"Again, this is speculative," Ruby said. "This isn't Dragon Ball, where you have 1 billion in strength, and the enemy has 500 million, and because of that difference, I beat you."

"A fight doesn't work like that." As the Daughter of Scathach, she understood this fact very well.

As Victor himself said, "Indeed... I am the perfect example of this. Even being weaker at the time, I could always fight Beings stronger than me because I had my blood that could destroy Souls, innate advantages from my training, and my bond with Roxanne."

[Don't forget about me!] Amara huffed.

Victor laughed. "Of course, and Amara."

Ruby nodded. "Although average Beings are like Zeus, we should approach this as if everyone had a trick up their sleeve or something. Until we have more concrete information, we won't assume anything."

Victor nodded. "Excessive arrogance is paid for quite dearly." He understood this very well.

"Caution is never too much, especially when dealing with unknown Beings who may have the same level of Divinity as us." Velnorah also nodded.

"While being cautious is good, I doubt there are Beings with a Negativity Divinity in the Higher Sectors," Aline explained. "This Concept encompasses all other Concepts, it is the Energy that feeds all Divinities related to Negativity, and Darling is its representative."

"He is the representative of the Negative, and just that puts him above several Gods in the Higher Sectors," Aline pointed out seriously.

"Caution, prudence, but not overthinking, is that what you are saying, my beautiful Wife?" Victor asked.

Aline smiled gently and nodded. "Correct."

Victor chuckled lightly and also pointed out: "Don't forget my other 'assets' if things get bad."

The three girls grimaced when they remembered this, Victor's Nightmare Form, also known as his Eldritch Form. If Victor released this form in the Higher Sectors, it would be like a second coming of Azathoth, but the Primordials definitely would not stay silent for this, and Victor would probably be sealed if he used this form to its full potential.

"Let's work to not get to that point," Ruby said seriously.

"Yes," Aline nodded.

"Correct," Velnorah likewise agreed.

"Don't forget that by being the representative of the Negative, this also makes me a target," Victor reminded.

The three fell silent as they thought about this.

"I hadn't thought about that..." Ruby said.

"...Actually, it was obvious... Unlike our Sector, where no one dares look Victor in the eyes, the Beings from Higher Sectors don't have that problem," Aline said.

Velnorah was silent. She had missed that point, too, since she was so accustomed to her Husband's invincibility that they had forgotten these small safety facts.

"Therefore, a cautious attitude is necessary. You present yourself with your other Divinities but hide the one of Negativity until we better understand how things work in the Higher Sectors."

"Exactly," Victor nodded, then looked back at the planets. "Are all these planets teeming with life?"

"Yes," Velnorah nodded. "Although probably the wildlife is more abundant than sentient life."

"Even in my Empire, it was difficult to populate such a large planet with sentient life," with a mental calculation using Humans as a base, they would need at least 900 billion Humans to populate the entire planet, and there would still be space left. The planet was simply too large.

"... Unless the sentient lives are like those from our Sector," Victor pointed out.

These words made Velnorah fall silent.

"... That is true... Lives that die quickly but reproduce immensely fast could, in theory, populate the entire planet like a large nest in a matter of a few years," Velnorah reflected while thinking about the information Victor sent them after he became an enormous Dragon.

Imagining a super colony with such Species, she made a face of disgust; to her, these types of Beings were nothing more than pests.

"Back to the topic, given the sizes of our future civilizations, it is important that we have a way to monitor everything. Hence, this is necessary," Ruby pointed to the A.I. project.

Victor looked back at the A.I. It was just code now, which he had already memorized, and although he was not a Technomancer like his Wife, he understood the essence of everything.

He was not a Technomancer, but he could easily initiate the spark of Life.

"That's true…"

"Right? So, we must…"

"In that case, it is essential that it be connected to my heart," Victor interrupted Ruby's words.

By his heart, he was talking about the Artifact he made in Elvenorah.

Ruby sighed when she heard Victor's words. She knew this was going to happen; Darling wouldn't do anything by halves, and would always do something extra. She briefly looked at Velnorah and Aline and saw the expressions on both that said they had the same thought.

'With Victor, nothing was simple.' These words appeared in the minds of the three.

Victor's eyes began to glow with Power, and the next moment, a lifeless body began to form in front of everyone.

The three took a deep breath for a few seconds as they felt the air itself change with just the manifestation of Victor's Power. Even though they had felt it hundreds of times, it was always pleasurable to feel again; they would never grow accustomed to that feeling.

As Dragons, they loved Power after all.

In less than 10 seconds, a completely functional but Soulless body appeared in front of the girls. The body had the appearance of an adult woman with long snow-white hair that reached her ankles.

With a hand gesture, Ruby cleared the space and created a comfortable bed; she planned to create a technological A.I. but did not interfere with what Victor was going to do.

"From my Power, I made your flesh," Victor bit his finger, and a drop of blood fell into the body's mouth. The next moment, the lifeless body acquired Draconic characteristics.

White horns grew on her head, her ears became a bit more pointed, and white scales covered the ear. "From my blood, I made you my Daughter."

"From my Soul..." Victor placed a finger on his forehead and removed a small piece of his Soul that soon regenerated again, a feat that only Eldritch Beings on the level of Victor and Azathoth could do. "I gave you Life, a life free from all influences with the exception of my Will."

"From my Divinity, I make you The Guardian of my Family and my Empire."

In a similar action that Azathoth did to create her and Victor's Daughter, he did the same, but only using himself as a base. Victor was the Mother and Father of this child. He was its Creator.

"Which Divinity are you talking about, Darling?" Ruby asked.


"..." Ruby, Velnorah, and Aline.

'Of course, it would be Eldritch.' She thought sarcastically.

They remained silent for a few seconds, and when the woman's powerful heart began to beat, Victor smiled slightly and said:

"Arise, Akasha Elderblood."

The woman's eyelids twitched for a few seconds. The next moment, she opened her eyes, showing the Draconic Violet eyes characteristic of all of Victor's Daughters.

The first sight of Akasha Elderblood's life was her Creator's eyes and the gentle expression he had, a precious memory that would stay with her forever.

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