My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1064: A God Who Understands Mortals

Chapter 1064: A God Who Understands Mortals

Looking at the mother and daughter in their robes of High Priestess and Apprentice Priestess, Victor let out a small smile.

Valeria wore a silver robe that flowed softly down to her feet. The fabric, interspersed with luminous threads, appeared alive in any light, reflecting a spectrum of soft colors. Her cloak was adorned with Draconic Runes carved directly by Victor, each giving her additional protection. Many might say that what Victor had done was overkill again, but as the representative of his beloved followers, she needed maximum protection. The high structured collar added an aura of majesty, while the crystal diadem on her head glowed faintly with Power, the diadem helping to make her thoughts faster and more orderly.

It was like an extremely nerfed version of Victor's natural processing capabilities. After all, there was a limit to how much processing capacity the Human mind could withstand.

Vanessa wore a tunic that was similar in style but simpler. The silver of her outfit was duller, indicating her beginner status but still worthy of respect. The symbols on her cloak were less elaborate, suggesting her continued growth and learning within the religion. Just like her mother, her outfit came with plenty of protection from Draconic Runes, but not as heavy as her mother's. After all, unlike her mother, who was more exposed to danger, she would be spending more time at the main base to study.

And since the main base was above Elvenorah, a city guarded 24 hours a day by dozens of eyes and machines, this was one of the safest places, second only to Victor's personal Dimension, where his Family lived.

Victor was planning to turn Valeria and her daughter into Dragonoids, but he decided against it for now. After all, they needed to work for it.

After ending his observation of their clothes, he looked at Valeria and saw her determined expression, causing him to smile internally, satisfied.

"Are you ready to take on your duties?"

"Yes." Valeria Alekerth spoke for herself and her daughter, Vanessa.

Seeing the same expression in her daughter's eyes, Victor nodded in satisfaction, and this time, he did not hide his approval.

"I will be expecting great things from you," Victor spoke as he looked at Vanessa.

Vanessa nodded seriously, her eyes shining with determination.

He then looked at Valeria and said, "Keep up the good work, my disciple, I will be watching as always."

Valeria's eyes shone slightly with emotion as slowly, her face changed from determined to solemn, and she spoke in a heavy tone. "Yes, Master."

Victor nodded, but as he turned to leave, he heard.



"Thank you..." The words of gratitude came from the depths of her Soul. "You not only illuminated my world surrounded by darkness but also brought light back into my life..." Valeria looked at Vanessa with tears in her eyes.

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for everything you have done for me and my daughter." She lowered her head in reverence, showing her utmost respect to her God, who had completely changed her life. For Valeria, 'God' meant the man who stood before her, a God who acted, not one who was passive, a God who made the world better.

She sincerely hoped that everyone who was in the Religion of The Blood God felt the same way she did... And if they didn't, she would make them understand. Just as he saved her from her darkest time, she will save these lost lambs.

Feeling a heavy but gentle hand on her shoulder, she looked up and looked into the powerful violet eyes of her God, eyes that were shining with kindness.

"Don't belittle yourself, Valeria." Victor gently lifted Valeria from her position until she stood completely upright. "You deserve everything you have achieved. You have soiled yourself with the hands of sinners. You have fought not only for yourself but for my ideals."

"As the one who has always watched your progress, I know all too well of the countless hours spent without sleep, of the countless nightmares you faced. I was always watching."

"As the God you believe in, how can I not reward this loyalty? How can I not reward your sincere effort?"

Hearing Victor's words, her tears could not be contained. At that moment, Valeria felt the reinforcement of her purpose, the purpose she decided for herself when she found her salvation: she would fight for the goal of her God... Until her last breath.

"Work well. Work sincerely." Victor wiped Valeria's tears and continued: "But also don't forget to sleep, don't forget to live, don't forget to eat, don't forget to relax when necessary, and most importantly..." Victor held Valeria's face with both hands and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Don't forget your daughter." He smiled gently. "Family is the most important thing after all."

"They are the ones who keep us together in the darkest times."

"At least those members who are truly part of our Family. After all, there are many fake family members out there: fathers, mothers, or brothers who pretend to care about you but really don't."

Victor's eyes were struck with sadness for a few seconds when he mentioned false families. As the God of Home, he could sense when a 'Home' was really not a 'Home', and as an empathetic Being, he could feel the falseness in these Beings.

Amidst her tears, Valeria decided that this kind of look did not match her God at all, the look of sadness caused by the falseness of other Beings.

"But I think that nowadays... This is inevitable." Victor sighed. "People are so focused on what they have, on what they will have, that they lose sight of the most important thing."

"What is the point of infinite riches, unstoppable strength, unquestionable political power, if, in the end, there is no one to share it with…? What is the point of having everything if, in the end, you are alone? On the day of your Mortal death, all these things will not matter, only the people close to you would matter."

"'Family' is often associated with blood, but that's not always true. The true and sincere bonds that are shared between Beings, that's what a family is."

The one who was speaking to Valeria now was not the God Emperor, but rather the God of Home and of Family. Beliefs that had accompanied Victor throughout his Mortal journey and had grown with him when he became a God poured from his heart.

Even after becoming what he was today, these hadn't changed. They would never change.

Seeing how the world was today saddened this side of Victor. Unfortunately, that wasn't something he could change because no matter how much power he had, he couldn't meddle in the personal lives of hundreds of thousands of Beings… Could he do that if he wanted? Yes. He could easily.

But what would the cost be? If he changed the world with his Powers, would that world really be 'real'?

It was thoughts like these that made Victor reflect on The Heavenly Father's words of free will… Some things should just follow their course, and he didn't need to interfere with them.

Now it was the God of 'Life' side speaking. Life was precious and fragile, and a Being like him could easily harm it, but the beauty would be lost.

As God Emperor, Victor would point the way. His ideals and his dreams would shape his world. He can provide a goal, something to strive for, but these little things must be resolved by the Beings themselves who lived each day.

The 'Family' will create the 'Home', the 'Home' will create the 'Dream'. The Dream will create the 'Life', and so 'Nature' will follow its course because that's how things work.

After all, there are things in the world that one shouldn't interfere with, and should let follow their own course. As a God who represented every Aspect of the aforementioned words, he understood this very well.

"… I'm sorry, I got a little lost in my thoughts." He smiled gently.

"It's okay, I understand." Valeria closed her eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure.

His gentle smile turned a little solemn. "I know."

Wiping Valeria's tears away again, he continued. "Thank you for your kind words, Valeria. I will keep them deep in my heart as proof that my actions, despite most not understanding, are not wrong."

"After all, you are living proof of that fact."

"The Master's actions are never wrong. Many may fear and judge you, but you are never wrong. You are perfect."

Victor stepped away from Valeria, and his body began to disappear as if he were just pure air and then laughed. "I am not perfect, my dear disciple... Nor would I want to be. After all, being perfect means that you have no room to improve. And I still intend to improve a lot."

"My actions may be wrong to others, and many may disapprove, but in the end, it doesn't matter. I will follow my path together with my Family and my lovely followers. In the end, that is all that matters."

"Will you accompany me?"

"Of course." She spoke with determination shining in her eyes. This was not even a question that needed hesitation. Valeria would follow her God wherever he went, no matter if it was to the most horrible places in the Universe.

Victor displayed a satisfied smile as he began to vanish. "Good. Very good indeed… Remember, I will be watching. All the best, my disciple."

The moment he completely undid himself, leaving them, Vanessa, who was silently watching everything, looked at her mother, who was still looking at the place where Victor had been before.

Minutes passed, and Valeria still did not move as Vanessa, unable to bear the silence any longer, opened her mouth.

"That was…"

"A display of weakness?"

"I was going to say unexpected, but those words fit too, I think…" Vanessa spoke with a bit of trepidation in her own words.

Valeria looked at her daughter and smiled. "Unlike some Pagan Gods who keep their thoughts hidden or hide in their Divine arrogance as if to say that Mortals are just cattle," she paused, regaining her bearings.

"The Emperor, The God-King of The Blood Dragon Gods, is different. All his followers who cared enough to read the Holy Book know his thoughts and what to expect from The Emperor."

"Despite being feared as The God of Dragons, The God of Fear, The God of Murder, and The Demon King of Hell, Victor Elderblood also represents Martial Honor, Home, Family, Nature, Dreams, and Life... And most importantly, he understands..."

"Understands what...?"

"What it's like to be a weak Mortal."


"Unlike all the other Gods who were born powerful, he fought for everything he has now. Yes, he had talent, and he was very lucky. But to deny his efforts because of these two points is arrogance. Our God has never rested, he has never stopped training, he has never stopped progressing, because as a former weak Mortal, he understands very well how being 'weak' is a sin in this world."

"That 'understanding' is the important point here, that's what shaped his personality into what it is now."

"Do you remember what he said?"

"Work well. Work sincerely..."

Valeria continued: "But also don't forget to sleep, don't forget to live, don't forget to eat, don't forget to relax when necessary, and most importantly..."

"Don't forget your family." Vanessa finished.

"Despite being one of the most powerful existences, he still watches over us, mere weak Mortals. He still watches us and supports us. Why does he do that?"

"Because he understands what it was like to be weak, and he is giving opportunities to all who fight for it."

"Exactly." Valeria nodded and continued:

"Strength does not come without effort. You must sweat, and shed blood for it."

"By understanding us, by understanding what it's like to be us… He's a God worth following and worshiping… And most importantly… He saved me, and he saved you. That alone is enough. Everything else is a bonus that adds even more weight to everything."

"… We have work to do," Vanessa spoke after a few seconds of silence, her face pure determination.

Valeria smiled. "Yes, we do."


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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