My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 764 764: Everybody Knows.

Chapter 764 764: Everybody Knows.

Chapter 764: Everybody Knows.

"Victor...? What happened?" Maya asked.

"It's nothing" Victor replied without immediately responding to Maya.

"Let's continue," he added.

"Hmmm... Alright," Maya agreed, narrowing her eyes suspiciously but deciding not to pry too muct.

As Victor resumed walking alongside Maya, he pondered Violet's words.

'Okay... Nyx appeared, probably wanting to speak with Aphrodite or Hestia. Knowing those two, the Goddesses must have informed Violet about what happened and probably convinced her to come as well; Victor began piecing together the puzzle Violet's message presented.

A puzzle that he could easily solve, given his intimate knowledge of each of the girls, as if they were the palm of his hand.

'Nyx met with all the girls and brought Hera to negotiate or discuss something. In that negotiation /conversation, Hera must have asked for asylum from Hestia since she is now useless due to the situation on Mount Olympus... The girls may be kind, but they wouldn't help someone without gaining anything in return. So, what did Violet mean by Hera mean "cutting" Zeus's rotten jewels?'

The thought of Hera castrating Zeus crossed Victor's mind, but it was so ridiculous that he didn't even consider it for two seconds.

'The second part of Violet's message was quite obvious. The Goddesses must have been affected by Aphrodite's Divinity and needed to calm down somehow, Due to a God's physiology, few things could affect them, and most of what could were Divine in nature. Therefore, it was reasonable to think they would go to the Greek Underworld to obtain something to help the Goddesses.

Victor had a rough understanding of the first part of the message, while he fully understood the second part, After deciphering Violet's puzzle, Victor picked up his phone again and typed:

"Okay, let me know if you need anything, and don't take unnecessary risks, I'l make my Demons available to you"

As soon as he sent the message, Violet replied a few seconds later.

"It's alright; you don't need to do that. The more experienced women, like Nyx, Aphrodite, Scathach, and Morgana, will go to the Greek Underworld. Jeanne, Hestia, the other Goddesses, and Zaladrac will stay to protect everyone in case something goes wrong. So, we won't take unnecessary risks."

Victor narrowed his eyes slightly at the mention of Nyx. He didn't trust the Primordial Goddess at all.

"Okay, take care," he replied.

"Mm, leave it to me," Violet responded.

Victor smiled slightly when he saw the emoji of a white bear confidently beating its chest.

Seeing that Violet was offline, Victor's eyes narrowed, and Draconic Power surged through his body. At that exact moment, he cast a Spell of Silence and Concealment, just as he had done with Anna in the past, so that no one but him and Maya could see what was happening.

Maya shuddered slightly as her instincts began acting wildly, and she quickly looked back, fixing her eyes on Victor's state. The area around his neck and his eyes underwent a haunting transformation, acquiring a dark violet shade reminiscent of scales.

'Is he talking to his Dragon?' Maya thought.

Due to the the significant distance separating him from Zaladrac, Victor greatly amplified his Energy capacity to establish communication with her.



[Keep an eye on Nyx, I don't trust her.]

[Yes neither do.]

Victor internally nodded, satisfied to see that Zaladrac shared his opinion.

[Show me exactly what happened in that meeting.]

Zaladrac emitted a grunt of agreement, and Victor immediately began experiencing the girl's encounter with Nyx from Zaladrac's perspective. Thanks to the intimate connection between the Knight and the Dragon, they could share memories when necessary, a Technique that was only possible when their bond was deeply established.

After watching the entire meeting, Victor was speechless at Hera's attitude.

'What did Nyx do to that woman?' he questioned himself.

Even while seeing the memories through Zaladrac, he could easily read Nyx's emotional state through her body language. How did he accomplish that? Simply because when Hera appeared with Zeus's jewels in her hands, Nyx completely lost control of her emotions for a moment, and Victor could read her like an open book.

[Thank you, Zaladrac. As usual, protect them from any danger,] he conveyed.

[Mm, leave it to me.] Despite the Dragon's lazy response, Victor knew she would do her job correctly.

Victor's face began to return to normal, indicating that he had stopped using his Energy. Then, he made a hand gesture, and in the middle of the Werewolf City, a red portal opened, revealing the image of Helena Gremory.

"Your Majesty?" Helena said, looking at Victor, slightly shocked as the portal appeared suddenly.

"What happened?" Normally, when he wants something, he notifies me through the communicator; she thought distractedly, bowing slightly as a sign of respect.

"My Wives are going to the Greek Underworld. You know what to do." Victor spoke in the Demonic Language.

Helena was once again shocked by what she had just heard. It had been a while since Victor had used the Demonic Language to speak to her. Due to this, her brain began processing the information more quickly, allowing her to understand the situation in which the King found himself. After all, there was only one reason for him to speak in the Demonic Language with her: someone was near him, someone he didn't want to overhear their conversation.

"I will send my Legions of Dark Demons," replied Helena in the Demonic Language, with a serious expression.𝑵𝗈𝓋𝐄𝑙𝗎𝓢𝒷.𝑐𝑜𝐦

"Protect them from afar... They are not weak, but there is an unknown factor in the group that I don't trust. Keep an eye on her as well. The Goddess will probably notice the Legions of Demon but she won't interfere. She will know they are my Demons and won't do anything."

"If I may ask, which Goddess is Your Majesty referring to?"

"The Primordial Goddess of The Night, Nyx."

Helena was momentarily surprised by what she had just heard but quickly absorbed the received information and began taking measures against the mentioned Goddess.

"Permission to use The Key to The Underworld and The Miasma Battery."

"Granted. Use them wisely and avoid opening a wide portal to the Greek Underworld. Otherwise, the Ruler might notice our presence. We will be entering the territory of an unknown Underworld, and if the Ruler discovers us, an imminent war may break out..." Victor smiled subtly. "Of course, that doesn't bother me in the slightest. Just focus on protecting the girls. As for a possible war, let me handle it when the time comes."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good, I will go now..." Before Victor could close the portal, he heard Helena's voice.

"Your Majesty..."

"Hmm?"I think you should take a look at

"When will you return to Hell?" Despite trying to maintain aneutral expression, Helena's anxiety was clearly visible in her eyes, mixed with a touch of apprehension.

Victor smiled gently. "Soon, my General."

"Just don't forget about us now that you have your Wives back," Helena said before suddenly opening her eyes wide when she realized what she had said.

"I'm sorry, I..." Before she could apologize, Helena heard Victor's voice, neutral and gentle simultaneously, interrupting her.

"Hell is mine, Helena"


"And I am extremely possessive of what is mine... So, I will never abandon anyone, especially my Generals who have supported me from the beginning and the commanders who joined along the way." Victor proclaimed with determination and a touch of emotional intensity. His words carried a sense of unwavering commitment and fervent devotion to those who stood by his side from the start.

Such intense devotion caused Helena's cheeks to blush slightly, and her eyes shimmered with intense emotions. Her face clearly reflected a mixture of surprise, gratitude, and a touch of enchantment in response to Victor's words. That expression clearly conveyed the depth of emotional impact his words had on her.

"Mm... Thank you, Your Majesty" Helena replied with gratitude.

"Back to work, Helena." Victor said.


As the portal closed, Helena's expression transformed, a nda broad smile appeared on her face.

"Yooshaaaa!" she exclaimed in a burst of pure happiness, a frightening mix of euphoria and devotion. A powerful surge emanated from her body, causing papers on the desk to fly around, While the sheets danced frantically around her, Helena remained indifferent to them, completely absorbed in her own elation. Her focus was solely on her overwhelming joy, completely ignoring the chaos she was causing.

Helena began to spin like a ballerina, her graceful and fluid movements revealing a disturbing aura. The predatory smile never left her face, giving her an almost hypnotic appearance. Her eyes gleamed with obsession and possessiveness, conveying a clear sense that she would do anything to protect and claim what she considered hers. The air around her felt charged with intense and unsettling Energy, creating an atmosphere that both fascinated and sent shivers down the spine of those who observed her.

"Hehehehe~, he said them! He said them! Those sweet words!" Helena laughed maniacally, her eyes shining with twisted and sick joy. Each laugh was infused with a disconcerting mixture of ecstasy and obsession. It was as if Victor's words had triggered a deep sadistic pleasure within her, fueling her fixation and intensilying her unhealthy devotion. Her laughter echoed through the room, filling it with a sinister and unsettling atmosphere while her mind delved deeper into the disturbing depths of obsessive love.

"Lady Helena..." Aline, who had just entered the room, said, interrupting her movements and looking at Helena with a neutral expression.

"Uhhh... She's doing it again," sighed Aline resignedly, her expression revealing familiarity with the unfolding scene. It was not something new to her but rather common knowledge among the High Society of Demons. The devotion of the Generals, Commanders, and all the women of command toward Victor was an undeniable truth. This obsessive and passionate adoration was a trademark of those who orbited around him. For those immersed in this society, it was a reality that, although strange and somewhat disturbing, was part of their daily lives.

Even Aline was not exempt from this context of insanity that permeated the High Society of Demons.

"I wonder what she heard from our King to make her so happy..." murmured Aline to herself, with a tinge of curiosity mixed with a touch of envy in her words. She couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy toward Helena, who regularly received such warm and gratifying words from the King. For a moment, Aline wished she were in her place, wished she had awakened the same intense devotion and been graced with the same special treatment, However, her conflicting emotions reminded her of her position, fueling her internal bitterness.

Even though she was the Ruler and the Leader of Technological Development in Hell, she wasn't that important. She wasn't important enough to receive direct attention from the King...

Yes... Aline often underestimated her own worth.

"Hmm? Ara, Aline. You were here?" Helena asked.

"... Yes... I was."

"Hmm~, forgive me for making you witness such an embarrassing display" Helena said, acting as if nothing had happened.

With a delicate hand gesture, all the papers that were chaotically flying around returned to the desk, organizing themselves into a neat stack. Helena then sat down gracefully and firmly, fixing her penetrating gaze on Aline as if scrutinizing every detail of her expression.

"And so, what do you want?" she asked softly but with a subtle tone of challenge. There were nuances of superiority and a hint of arrogance in her words, as if she knew something that Aline didn't.

Helena's presumptuous expression caused veins of irritation to pulsate on Aline's head.

'Damn her, acting superior just because she received praise from the King,' thought Aline, feeling a mix of anger and resentment rise within her.

She struggled to control her reaction but internally scoffed disdainfully at Helena's attitude. It. was as if the other woman was strutting around, reveling in that moment of recognition, and it only heightened Aline's discomfort and frustration.

"The 'Corruption' Project has been completely deciphered. Now we can understand what Asmodeus did to make an Angel of Michael and Gabriel's level fall so easily.

"Ohh... That's great news! As expected from you and your team, Aline, you're geniuses!"

"You flatter me. Being a genius is too much credit for someone like me. You should save such praise for a real genius," Aline replied curtly.

"..." At that moment, Helena thought she should ask the King to spend more time with their Ruler. Everyone knew about the small inferiority complex that sometimes appeared in Aline. Despite being such a brilliant and important woman for the new Hell, she sometimes forgot that because she wasn't 'praised' by the King.

"I will inform the King about your discovery. I believe he will be so happy that he will come to Hell personally to see you."

Aline's eyes shimmered with excitement for a few seconds. "Do you think he will come just for me...?"

"Of course. After all, in his own words.." Helena took out an Orb from her pocket, and the orb began to glow. Soon, a floating screen appeared before Aline, showing Victor's face.

"Hell is mine, Helena"

"And I am extremely possessive of what is mine... So, I will never abandon anyone, especially my Generals who have supported me from the beginning and the Commanders who joined along the way."

Emotions flickered on Aline's stoic face, and she demanded, "Give me a copy of that."

"Sorry, i's a personal recording of mine," Helena smiled.

"Tsk." Aline clicked her tongue in annoyance. "How much do you want for a copy?"

"It's not for sale."

"Come on, Helena! You can't keep all the good stuff to yourself!"

"Yes, I can. 'That's my privilege as a General."


"Yes, I am."


"Yes, I am!"

Aline huffed as she realized Helena wouldn't give up the recording, leaving the room with heavy steps. Soon, the sound of the door closing was heard.

"Haaah~," Helena sighed contentedly. She didn't care at all about what Aline did. The smile on her face grew even wider, "It's so good to have my position."

She was at the height of her life now.

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