My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 770 770: Fenrir. 3

Chapter 770 770: Fenrir. 3

Chapter 770: Fenrir. 3

"Erasing everything with a single Roar of Power... That's the Power of Beings who possess the Concept of The END," Hassan said as he observed the trail of destruction.

The three of them knew that nothing would ever emerge from that path of devastation. Everything was literally 'deleted'. Yes, the surrounding nature could correct the damage, but it would never be a complete rebirth, just an overlay. That was the Power of Fenrir - no, the Power of Beings that carry the Concept of The END within themselves.

Before them, everything would be erased.

Victor had never felt such danger in his life as he did now; he instinctively knew that if that attack had hit him, his entire existence would have been erased without him being able to do anything.

Upon learning this information, did Victor retreat and stop fighting?

Of course not!

Victor took a deep breath, and soon the Red Power began to circulate around him.

"...What is he doing?" Maya asked.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Hassan said.

The Red Power slowly started to change, transforming into beautiful Violet Flames. Just as the Concept of The END was dangerous, Victor's appearance also began to visibly change, transforming him into something disastrously dangerous as well. Dark violet scales began to emerge on his body, and the pupils of his violet eyes narrowed, resembling those of a reptile.

"T-This... This is..." Hassan opened his eyes wide, surprised. It was the first time he had personally witnessed such a phenomenon.

"Yes, The Flames of A Dragon," Tasha said, distancing herself even further from the battle site.

"My friend, don't blame me. After all..." Victor looked at Fenrir, who stared at him seriously.

"You started it." Victor's Violet Flames erupted into a towering pillar of Power that could be seen even from a distance. The entire area was set ablaze solely from the presence of those Flames.

Victor's smile became distorted as he opened his mouth impossibly wide for his humanoid physique. Then suddenly, all the fire around him began to rapidly converge toward his mouth, disappearing inside him within seconds.

Victor's Draconic Features intensified further and stood out even more. Two horns emerged from his head, his entire body was covered in violet scales, and his previously normal hands transformed, sporting viciously sharp talon-like claws.

"Don't blink, my friend... or you'll be burned," Victor warned.

Yet Fenrir did not listen. He blinked, and in the moment he did, Victor had already disappeared from his

In the end, all Fenrir could hear was the sound of an explosion, followed by a sharp pain in his stomach.

Fenrir looked down and realized that, in the instant that he blinked, Victor had appeared beneath him.

Fenrir blinked his eyes again, and Victor disappeared once more.

Once again, Fenrir found himself unable to understand what was happening. He no longer even felt Victor's presence, as if he were too fast for Fenrir to react.

Another boom echoed out, followed by pain shooting through Fenrir's back.

Fenrir growled in anger, understanding what was happening. Victor was taking advantage of the fact that his body was too large, attacking him in his blind spots.

Fenrir roared with a Power that made the atmosphere around them feel extremely heavy. In the wake of that Power, Victor quickly moved away from Fenrir, avoiding being caught.

In the next moment, Fenrir looked at Victor, and as he was about to charge forward, he abruptly stopped upon seeing one of Victor's clawed hands covered in Violet Flames.

Fenrir felt an instinctive danger and quickly jumped back, dodging what he perceived to be an attack. His decision proved correct, as, in the moment he moved away, a gigantic claw mark wreathed in Violet Fire appeared where Fenrir had been.

Dragon Fire didn't "delete" things completely like Fenrir's Concept of The END, but it was still only a level below in terms of destructiveness, a Power that, in its initial stages, directly rivaled the Concept of Destruction itself.

Although Fenrir possessed the Concept of The END within him, it only applied to his interior and his prey. His exterior didn't possess that Concept to protect him from attacks that could destroy him.

Victor's other hand was soon also enveloped in Violet Flames, and in the next moment, he assumed a stance quite familiar to Maya.

"Don't tell me..." Maya's lips trembled as she saw that stance.

As if he were an exact copy of Adam, Victor attacked.

Fenrir blinked in confusion, wondering what had happened since he didn't feel anything, but he was certain that Victor had attacked.

Suddenly, his instincts screamed loudly, and without even thinking, he leaped to the left with impressive agility, leaving Victor somewhat impressed.

An explosion of Flames erupted where Fenrir had been, and this sight put him even more on alert.

"Damn aberration! Has he already Mastered that Technique enough to use it in a fight?" He'd only seen the Technique once! Just once! And yet that was enough for him to understand the concept and the technique itself.

"A combat genius, a talent that rivals that of a God of War..." Hassan spoke.

"Wrong, his talent easily surpasses that..," Tasha corrected. As a former Goddess from a Pantheon, she had witnessed Gods of War before and knew very well that their talent wasn't as extraordinary as Victor's.

Victor's existence was as if he were born to fight. His potential for combat was ridiculous.

Victor smiled widely and began attacking the environment in front of him several times in various different directions.

Fenrir, opening his eyes wide, started jumping backward, sideways, and running around, trying to avoid the attacks. With each move he made, Flames exploded in the spot where he had been just prior.

"Your instincts are certainly top-notch... But how about this?" Victor spoke as Red Lightning started appearing around him. In the next instant, he disappeared.

Victor appeared in front of Fenrir.

Fenrir opened his eyes wide, trying to react, but his body was simply too heavy to keep up with Victor's speed.

Assuming a Martial Arts Stance, the Red Lightning on his body shone intensely.

"One Punch..." Victor thought.

He punched Fenrir just once... at least, that's what everyone saw.

"One million hits!"

For a moment, nothing happened. It was as if the world itself had yet to process what had occurred. That was until several thunderous roars were heard, followed by a burst of wind that created a gigantic crater in the landscape.

Silence fell around them as the older women in the group gazed upon the eerily familiar sight.

"He can even use the Technique of the Fulger Clan's Leader...?" Tasha murmured, incredulous.

"Grrr..." Fenrir growled.I think you should take a look at

"What incredible vitality..." Victor smiled widely. Even though the attack was so destructive, Fenrir hadn't suffered any fatal injuries, and the wounds he had sustained were already healing.

It was evident that The Beast of The End's body was also an anomaly.

Fenrir looked at Victor with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. In the next instant, he was enveloped in White and Green Power and disappeared, demonstrating a ridiculous agility for a creature of his size.

"Oh? A contest of speed? With me? Very well." Victor also vanished, leaving only traces of Lightning in his wake.

The speed of the battle between Victor and Fenrir reached dizzying levels after that moment. Victor's movements were so fast that they became mere blurs to the eyes of the observers.

Fenrir tried but found himself unable to keep up with Victor's relentless speed. His sharp claws merely cut through air in search of the Demon King as Victor glided across the battlefield with supernatural agility, evading every onslaught.

The Wolf of The End was fast, but not fast enough to match Victor.

The Violet Flames emanating from Victor formed a mesmerizing spectacle. The Flames rose in a pillar of Power, illuminating the surrounding landscape and creating an Aura of Destruction. The entire environment seemed to burn with the intensity of the Flames.

From time to time, the occasional Red Lightning that sparked from Victor's body in crimson hues completed this landscape, announcing to the world that Victor's Power wasn't limited to Fire alone.

As Victor's Draconic Transformation slowly progressed further, Zaladrac, who rested within Nightingale, felt the deep connection between them intensify several times over. She opened her eyes with a worried expression, looking toward where Victor was. Even without physically seeing him, the bond between them was strong enough for her to sense the intensity of the situation.

"Our bond has deepened..." Zaladrac whispered, her voice laden with concern. "What is happening, Vic? What led you to use this much Power?"

Meanwhile, Victor vanished and reappeared in a matter of seconds, moving at an incomprehensible speed. The Wolf of Ragnarok barely had time to react before Victor's powerful attacks hit him again and again.

Each of Victor's strikes was an explosion of Power, leaving Fenrir with no time to recover. The speed and ferocity of The Demon King dominated the battle, putting the Giant Wolf at a disadvantage. He tried to keep up with Victor's movements but was unable to match his agility and dexterity.

Until, at a certain moment, the Wolf grew irritated by not being able to catch his prey and did something that surprised Victor for a few seconds.

The gigantic size of Fenrir began to diminish, transforming him from a Wolf that easily surpassed a 20-story building into a wolf only 2 meters tall.

As Fenrir's height decreased, a circle of White Power emerged beneath The Beast of Ragnarok, followed by Fenrir howling to the sky.

An explosion of Power erupted from Fenrir's body, causing pure destruction all around. It was as if his howl repelled everything harmful to him.

When the howl subsided, the Wolf's fur was completely bristling, covered in a radiant White Power. Black patterns appeared all over Fenrir's coat, giving him a sense of sacred beauty.

'This form…' Tasha opened her eyes wide. 'To think that Fenrir would be forced to use his Divine Form here.'

Even though he was ostracized as an irrational beast, it was undeniable that Fenrir was a God, The Son of Loki. As a God, he possessed his own Divine Form. In this Form, Fenrir was no longer limited to using the Concept of The End solely in his fangs and within himself.

This was the Form that would one day annihilate The Norse Pantheon, the Form prophesied by The Ragnarok Prophecy.

Tasha never believed that anyone other than the Primary Gods of The Norse Pantheon would be able to force Fenrir to use this Form, and even if he did use it against The Norse Pantheon, it would be after a great sacrifice by Odin. On the other hand, Victor managed to do it alone!

"Heeh~?" Victor smiled widely, feeling a delicious sense of danger coursing through his entire body. "I guess I should get serious too, right?"

Victor's body began to be enveloped in Dark Power, and in the next instant, Negativity started rapidly increasing.

Upon seeing Victor assuming the Form she had seen in the war videos, the Form of The Progenitor, Tasha trembled in fear.

Not only had Fenrir appeared in his Divine Form, but now she had a Progenitor capable of causing mass destruction with his mere presence.

"ENOUGH!" Tasha shouted. Swallowing her fear, her body began to glow in a similar manner to Fenrir's, with tattoos appearing on her skin and wolf ears and a giant tail emerging in their respective places. Her entire body took on a more "Sacred" Form.

Tasha fully entered her Divine Form.

"Grr, get away, Tasha," Fenrir growled.

"No! Look around you! Look at all the destruction you're causing! If this fight continues, especially with you in your Divine Form where each of your attacks will 'END' everything in your path, our country will be destroyed by the two of you!"

"..." Fenrir backed off slightly upon hearing what Tasha said. Although he was excited about the fight, he didn't want to harm the people who had warmly welcomed him, the people who believed in him.

Maya snapped out of her daze and immediately approached Tasha. The Matriarch of The Lykos Clan immediately assumed her Hybrid Form and stood by Tasha's side.

Maya looked at the Entity before her, containing both excitement and fear. "She's right, Vic. Remember that your Family is still in the City. If you continue to fight uncontrollably like this, they could get caught in the crossfire."

She hated using this persuasion tactic, but she knew it was most effective when dealing with Victor. He would never do anything to harm his Family.

Victor's blood-red eyes gradually lost their intensity. The Demon King looked at Fenrir for a few seconds, and a tacit understanding settled between them. Soon, both of them reverted to their Base Forms, abandoning the more dangerous transformations.

Fenrir returned to being the same Wolf as before, just in a reduced size, while Victor returned to his Human Form.

"...Hmm, so we're only using our physical bodies?"

"Mm, it's not as fun as using all our Power, but it's still good." Fenrir agreed.

Tasha's lips trembled upon hearing what they said.

"Can you please stop fighting?" Tasha pleaded, feeling humiliated to do so, but she had no choice. She couldn't risk these two maniacs getting excited to fight again.

"..." Victor and Fenrir looked at Tasha with neutral gazes, clearly reluctant to stop.

Realizing she needed a reason to make them stop, Tasha began to use her accumulated experience over millennia of manipulation to try to change their minds.

"Demon King, you made a deal with me, right? You said you wanted to talk to Hassan. We are here as King and Queen for an important matter."

"...Hmm." Victor looked at Hassan and then snorted with disinterest. "Meh, who cares about some old man?" To him, Fenrir was more interesting than Hassan.

A vein throbbed in Hassan's head, although his face showed no change.

'This man... I came out of seclusion solely because of him, and he treats me like this... Ugh, young people these days have no respect for their elders.' If he were the usual Hassan, he would try to hit Victor and teach him the reason he was named "Hassan," but he knew he couldn't do that with this man. It would be pure suicide.

Tasha's eyes glimmered dangerously upon hearing what Victor said. 'You made the deal, Victor! Why aren't you interested now!?'

Maya, who was more experienced in dealing with people like Victor, spoke in an attempt to calm the situation: "You can fight after the official matters are resolved, of course, but you must do it as far away from the City as possible."

Victor looked at Fenrir, and Fenrir looked back at Victor. Then, they both looked at Maya. This action was repeated several times until both of them snorted simultaneously and grumbled.


At that moment, Tasha and Maya thought that maybe it hadn't been a good idea to allow Victor to meet Fenrir.

Fenrir, who used to be a good boy, was turning into a troublemaker!

'What have I done!?' Tasha held her head in panlc.

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