My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 855: If you do not like it. Deal with it. You are mine.

Chapter 855: If you do not like it. Deal with it. You are mine.

Samar, QUEEN's mansion, Tasha Fenrir.

Victor, Scathach, and Metis were sitting side by side with Victor in the middle, looking at the spectacle in front of them.

At least Victor and Scathach were, Metis was paying more attention to the proximity of Victor and Scathach than the 'spectacle' in front of them.

She couldn't get the image out of her head, even though she was an older goddess, almost of the same generation as Hestia, she didn't live 'fully' like her companions, all because of her paranoid ex-husband who is dead. [Thank you very much to my father for this.]

So, if you say she was old. Yes, she would say she was very old, but at the same time, this statement was incorrect, after all, most of her life was 'lived' inside Zeus's brain, assisting him, even though she didn't exactly remember that phase, as her soul was fragmented, she knew very well that this part of her life took a large portion of her life.

Therefore, it is safe to say that the only man she had in her life and 'did' this with her was Zeus, but that was in her old body.

In her new body completely made from scratch and fueled by Victor's soul. It's not an exaggeration to say that she was reborn as a new Metis.

Her existence might be a bit complicated to explain, but to simplify, she is a 'new' Metis who inherited the 'memories' of the old Metis.

Although due to the age difference between them, the 'old' Metis influenced her way of thinking and seeing the world a lot... But it was without a doubt that the 'new' Metis

influenced her own feelings a lot.

The goddess who was once called the goddess of wisdom was completely on her knees before her 'father' and 'creator'. She couldn't help but desire him, she couldn't help but want him for herself, she couldn't help but wish for the same treatment as Scathach.

She wanted him for herself, and only the primordial chaos knew how deeply these feelings unsettled her.

"Mother, don't you think you overreacted...?" Anderson asked cautiously.

Due to the 'war' between his own parents, Volk and Tasha's children were forbidden from taking sides, this prohibition was not from Volk, but from Tasha.

Before starting anything against Volk, Tasha kidnapped her son and locked him up with her most loyal subordinates and her own wife.

An act that Anderson did not like at all, after all, he was no longer a child. He wanted to get involved in this war, and maybe profit from it.

But of course, Tasha knew that, so as not to further complicate the situation, she removed her son from the equation along with her younger son.

Tasha looked at Anderson with neutral eyes.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Tasha's eyes gleamed slightly.

"...N-No, I'm just bothered..."

"Then stop bothering about it and move on." Despite her flowery words, what she meant was quite explicit.

'If you're bothered, you can do the same as your father.'

The message was obvious to everyone, even to Anderson, but how could he do that? If he was once afraid of his mother, that fear had just increased several times now because of the way she treated her father and how she had become stronger.

She was not only a high-level goddess but also the Progenitor of her kind; for her, to 'awaken' and take away his Alpha status, only one word was needed.

Without a doubt, Tasha Fenrir is the Alpha among Alphas now, no one is above her in Samar's society, and she was working to make this control even more concrete and unbreakable.

The process will be long, but since the beginning as a goddess, what she had the most of was time.

"Mother... Now that you are the Alpha among Alphas, I don't need to strive to be the king anymore, right...?" Thomas Fenrir asked uncertainly.

Tasha stopped working on her documents and looked at her younger son. "My son. What have I always told you?"

"...You don't accept mediocrity."

"Correct." Tasha nodded. "Since I hold the ultimate authority in Samar, I won't force you to be the king anymore or succeed me, so you can do as you please."

"So..." Thomas's eyes lit up slightly when he heard those words, even though he had been raised to succeed Volk and become the best king molded by Tasha, he always had his own little desires that he wanted to pursue but couldn't because of this thought.

That doesn't mean he couldn't do things, it's just that most of his time was spent training to get stronger and become a better and more competent king; he had little time to 'have fun.'

"Can I play my games and watch the movies I didn't have a chance to?"

Tasha smiled. "Of course, but you must continue your training to get stronger; that part is non-negotiable. I will instruct your teachers to reduce the political lessons a bit, but you will still have to do them."

"Ugh," Thomas grumbled, but he thought it was better than nothing.

"Not to mention that you're already at the age to look for your future wives and your pack members. That's non-negotiable too."

Thomas's face became even uglier; he still didn't want to think about it. Choosing a pack member was not simple; as the son of a queen who had become a Progenitor, the number of women chasing after his younger brother was countless. For a moment, his mind went to a certain witch with strange eyes as a potential mate; he thought she was the ideal choice since they had the same status, and she was also strong and talented, but there was a problem: she was a human and a witch on top of that.

"Can I pursue a human?"

"...." Tasha stopped writing on her document and looked at her son neutrally.

Thomas started to sweat when he saw his mother's fixed gaze. "Do you have someone in mind, huh? Who's the girl who caught your interest?"

"... I don't."

"Don't lie to me."

Thomas's spine chilled when he heard his mother's tone. "...Well, I do have someone in mind; her name is Emily."

"Emily, what? What's her last name? If she's not from a distinguished political family, you know I won't allow it."

Thomas mumbled in a voice like a fish. "...Moriarthy."

"...." The gleam in Tasha's eyes increased several times.

Thomas looked like a pig about to be slaughtered now; he was sweating profusely.

"I don't allow it."

'I know, right? After all, it's impossible for her to allow it.' Thomas thought; frankly, witches had a pretty bad reputation, even though they had helped the wolves a lot, this help came in the form of exploitation; only they could make the artifacts that allowed artificial transformation into a full werewolf form.

Something that was no longer needed since his mother had become stronger and could call the moon to cause the same effect.

"... Hmm, so this is what it's like to have a son." Scathach commented.

"It's complicated, huh?" Metis commented in an attempt to distract her mind.

"Hmm... I think it depends on the upbringing; from what I know, raising a man is easier than raising a woman."

"Really?" Scathach asked, even though she had several students, she had never had a student she had raised from a very young age, so she really had never had that experience.

The same could be said for Metis, who only had one daughter, a daughter she never raised or interacted with.

"Well, that's what my friend's mother told me; I don't know if it's true, and I probably never will."

"... What do you mean?" Scathach asked curiously.

"That's exactly what I meant, after all, all my children will probably be girls."

"... How can you be so sure of that?"

Victor looked at Scathach and gave a small smile while his violet-crimson eyes gleamed slightly. "I just know."

"...." Scathach and Metis were left speechless.

"I'm sure all my daughters will be daddy's girls too." He laughed.

Scathach looked at Victor naturally for a long time before she spoke. "Well, that's inevitable; just look at Nero and Ophis."

"They love you more than their own 'mothers'."

"Well, that's inevitable; after all, I'm the best." Victor's narcissism towards his daughters reached the stratosphere.

"Ugh... For some reason, our daughter will be even more troublesome than you and me combined."

Victor laughed. "You have no idea," he said, picturing an image of a little girl with black hair and crimson-tipped hair causing an entire city to explode with her crying.

Of all his future daughters, he 'predicted' that his daughter with Scathach would be the most destructive due to her potential.

In fact, they would all be destructive, but this girl, in particular, was on another level of destruction, all because of the 'qualities' she inherited from both parents.

Surprisingly, his daughter with Haruna would also have a temperament similar to the one with Scathach, and the one with Violet would be calmer than her mother and father, proving that just because parents are crazy, their children don't have to follow the same path.

Thinking about these predictions, Victor shook his head and tried not to dwell on it too much. After all, the future was uncertain, and anything could change. The 'little girl' he saw in that future might look completely different depending on how Victor or Scathach could change.

After all, this future was predicted with the current state of Victor and Scathach, something everyone knew was temporary; both had a lot of room to grow, and the same applied to his other wives.

"Speaking of which, I have to visit Haruna and improve her lineage." Haruna had long said that she didn't want to be transformed into a dragon and wanted to maintain her nine-tailed fox lineage, a decision Victor could respect since it was his wife's choice.

All he needed to do was enhance the fox lineage to be greater than Inari herself; after all, she needed to become strong enough to engage in nighttime activities with him, or she would die.

"Fortunately, thanks to the fight I had with Fenrir, I'm learning to control myself more," Victor thought.

Tasha, Anderson, and Thomas's conversation ended, and in the next moment, the two of them left the room. For a moment, Anderson looked at Victor and the two women beside him.

Seeing the characteristics of their dragons, a chill ran down his spine. 'What a monster.'

Victor looked completely different from the last time he saw him; he really couldn't understand how someone could change so much in such a short time.

Feeling Anderson's gaze, Victor looked at him and smiled amiably while waving.

Anderson nodded with an ironic smile and continued to leave the room.

The moment Anderson and Thomas left the room, Tasha gestured with her hand, and soon all the werewolves followed her sons.

Tasha leaned back in her chair, tossed her long, straight black hair behind her, and sighed.

Victor looked at Tasha's appearance with a slight appreciation; now that she had 'ascended,' she seemed even more beautiful than before in his eyes.

She had the characteristics of Middle Eastern women but also had European ancestry; her skin was bronzed, and she had long, straight hair. In total, she looked like the perfect image of a bronzed Cleopatra.

These characteristics were even more pronounced when she ascended as a high-level goddess and Progenitor. [Victor knew she wouldn't like being compared to a mortal, especially Cleopatra, so he didn't say it out loud.]

All the werewolves in her pack had the same characteristics as her, proving that they came from the same place. The only werewolves he saw with more European features were the Lykos Clan, but even they were bronzed due to Samar's sun. From that perspective, Leona was truly abnormal; after all, she was very pale, as if she had come from the depths of the North Pole.

"Are you done observing, Progenitor?" Tasha asked casually, but there was appreciation in her voice.

"Not yet. Why don't you get up and take a walk so I can observe you better?" Victor was so shameless that he could make even stones spit blood and feel embarrassed.

Normally, these words would cause disgust in any woman, but since it was Victor, a handsome man, everything he did was forgiven, and he could even make women like it.

... Life was unfair.

Tasha opened her eyes and looked at Victor with amusement. In the next moment, surprising everyone, she did exactly as Victor had asked.

She stood up, tossing her long, straight hair back and turning her body to 'show' herself to him. Victor watched it all in slow motion, observing every curve of her body.

"What do you think?"

"Perfect," Victor was honest.

"You've reached your full potential; all you have to do now is refine it and make it even stronger."

"All thanks to your manipulations, I believe?"

"Calling it manipulations makes me sound like a villain... I was just sad to see a woman with so much potential wasting away like that, so I had to do something," Victor sighed as if he were doing her a favor, and she couldn't acknowledge it. Scathach and Tasha rolled their eyes at Victor's narcissistic words.

The light in the room was covered, forming the shadow of two dragon wings, and a murderous intent was felt by everyone.

Tasha looked at Metis, who seemed ready to attack her, even though she was smiling naturally; her displeasure was so obvious that it made the air itself heavier.

"Could you please have more decency befitting a ruler and Progenitor, Tasha Fenrir?"

Tasha snorted, crossed her arms under her voluptuous breasts, and leaned back in her chair.

"Now what?" Tasha asked Victor.

"... What do you mean?"

"You came to Samar, disrupted our society, took the matriarch of the Lykos Clan for yourself, and nearly killed the largest Clan in my country. Not to mention you have several spies in the city. If you weren't an impossible-to-provoke being, such acts would already be considered an act of war."

"... Eh? How terrible..." Victor placed his hand on his chest as if in pain. "All I did was for the greater good. My two teachers would be proud of me."

"Two teachers? You had other teachers besides me?" Scathach asked, her eyes gleaming dangerously.

"Of course, don't you remember? We recently watched my teachers and their great ambition for the greater good."

"... Oh." Scathach now understood that he was talking about a certain village elder and an old magic school teacher they had watched with the group.

Realizing that he was joking, her mood calmed down.

"Can you stop joking and answer seriously?" Tasha asked seriously.

"But I am answering seriously?" Victor replied, confused, and then his smile appeared: "All I did was for the greater good... My greater good." He stood up from where he was and walked toward Tasha.

Victor walked with the grace of nobility and the cunning of a seducer toward Tasha, who unconsciously tried to take a step back but realized she couldn't because she was leaning against her desk.

Victor invades Tasha's personal space, and she couldn't do anything, not while making that seductive face like a god of beauty with the nature of an incubus, an irresistible face.

She takes a deep breath, an act she shouldn't have done, because she is soon bombarded by Victor's draconic pheromones, even though she didn't say anything, she could feel her entire existence that this strong male wanted her.

"Ugh." Metis puts her hand on her nose, and crosses her legs even tighter, she wanted to prevent inappropriate liquids from coming out of places they shouldn't come out of!

Victor places his hand on Tasha's waist, and the other hand on her cheek.

Tasha's heart beats even faster when she feels Victor's muscular body with her body, unconsciously, her wolf ears, and tail appeared, and as if she was reacting to his advances, her tail wrapped around his body.

Her eyes glittered with desire, and possession.

Victor caresses her cheek gently, and brings his face closer to hers.

Tasha closes her eyes and accepts Victor's advances, the next moment a kiss happens... It all started slow, and gentle, almost innocent.

But the moment Tasha tasted the 'forbidden' taste all her inhibitions were thrown into the stratosphere, and she hugged him tighter, while jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist.

What was an innocent kiss turned into a passionate, predatory, and possessive kiss.

In the middle of the kiss, Tasha suddenly opened her eyes widely, a red magic circle appeared in both of her eyes, and in the next moment, her vision changed perspective several times. Even if she was in the royal palace, she could see her city from here.

Reluctantly, Tasha moves away from Victor, forming a bridge of saliva that connects their lips.

"...What is..." She takes a deep breath. "What is that?"

"It's like I said, for my highest good, and if it's for my highest good, that means it's for your highest good too."

"...Eh? This..." Tasha opened her eyes widely as she understood the implications of Victor's words.

"Yes, these are my demons spread throughout Samar, they are your eyes and ears now."

Victor just gave Tasha the perfect tool to control all of her wolves, and take control of Samar completely.

Tasha opened her eyes widely. "Only when..." She wanted to know how long he had been planning this.

"From the beginning, Tasha." Victor caresses her cheek, he removes the black hair from her face, and puts it in her ear. "You had no way of escaping me when I decided something." He holds her face with both hands, and makes her look deeply into his crimson violet eyes.

"You are mine. If you don't want it, if you don't accept it, deal with it. Because you can no longer run away from me." His possessive tone made Tasha's entire body shudder.

She took a deep breath, her eyes dilated, and her desire became uncontrolled. Hearing those strong, possessive words was something she never knew she wanted before, her insides churning with desire.

Pure female pheromones exploded from her body infesting the place with pure desire.

Now it was Scathach's turn to put his hand on his nose with a face of disgust. 'She is very excited.'

"Room...Now!" She growled as she attacked him, kissing her neck wanting to imprint her scent on him.

"I thought you would never say those words." Victor laughed, his two wings appear behind him, and cover him and Tasha, the next moment the two disappear, and appeared in an unoccupied room.


"Fuck...! Again!?" Metis flew towards the sea again.

"Yes, he will do it again." Scathach laughed.

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