My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 860: Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter, Three Generations In One Room.

Chapter 860: Grandmother, Mother, and Granddaughter, Three Generations In One Room.

Natashia slowly opened her eyes to see the stone ceiling of the room she was in. She tried to sit up in bed, but soon, an intense headache washed over her.

"Ugh... Did anyone get the license plate of that bus?" Natashia sat up while groaning in pain. "I swear on my daughter that I'll kill that son of a housewife."

"Easy, Natashia." Victor appeared out of nowhere and held Natashia's shoulder to support her.

"Eh? That voice..." Natashia looked at Victor holding her.

"Darling? What are you doing here?" Memories of recent events began to rush back into her mind.

"Do you remember what happened?" Victor asked gently.

"Oh... I remember. I finished killing that monster when suddenly my body started to hurt, and I blacked out," Natashia said.

"Interesting... What did you do to her? I mean, to us?" Natashia heard a familiar voice, one she hadn't heard in a long time.

The moment she turned and saw her mother standing there, she opened her eyes wide in shock.

"... Huh?"

Victor moved away from Natashia a bit and grabbed a chair, sitting near the bed. "I turned you into Vampires with Spirit-like characteristics. That way, Natashia's body automatically expelled everything that wasn't her own Spirit. After all, one of the characteristics of a Spirit is not 'cohabitating' with another Spirit."

Victor explained while assessing Natashia like an experienced doctor. Despite not having practiced any medical techniques, with the thousands of memories within him, he could access the memories and knowledge of those memories to have any profession he desired.

Not to mention that as the author of everything that happened, he understood Natashia's circumstances the most.

"... Did you do the same thing as with the Adrastella Clan?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes. You had this potential within you, and I foresaw that this potential would awaken in the next Generation, so I merely forced the process."

"... Unbelievable, can the Power of The Progenitor Vampire be used this way?"

"Yes. We can destroy and edit a Soul; however, we cannot create a Soul. Only the Primordials or The Gods of Creation can do that," Victor replied as he finished assessing Natashia and then looked at the older woman.

"Do you not remember me doing the same with Morgana?"

"I saw that through my daughter's eyes, but seeing the change and being one of the targets of that change is a completely different story," she explained.

"Not to mention..." The woman with long golden hair looked at her hand and clenched her fist.

Rumble, rumble.

Extremely dense golden Lightning formed in her hand. "... I've become stronger than when I was previously alive."

Seeing those Lightning bolts in the woman's hand, Natashia's brain began to reboot.

"...M-Mother? What are you doing here?" She stammered.

"Weren't you dead?"

"I didn't kill you...? Am I dreaming...?"

"Breathe, Natashia. Try to calm down," Victor spoke gently.

"B-But, Darling, it's my mother!"

"I know, but you need to control yourself. Your body is not exactly normal right now," Victor explained while using his Blessings to calm Natashia's emotions.

If it weren't for these Blessings, especially the Blessings from Hestia and the Love of Aphrodite, Natashia would be going through an emotional breakdown right now. After all, the last time his Wife saw her mother was when a very sad incident happened.

An incident she still blamed herself for to this day.

"Well..." Carmila found this topic very difficult to explain to her daughter. How could she explain that when she died, a part of her Soul clung to her daughter's Soul?

To be honest, she didn't even know that was possible at the time. She just remembered 'dying' and waking up in a white place where she could see her daughter's entire life through her eyes.

Carmila's theory was that when she was killed, something happened to Natashia that caused her spirit to inhabit her daughter's body.

When Carmila was about to try to explain what happened, her other 'daughter' appeared behind her.

Natashia's eyes nearly popped out of her sockets when a woman with the same face as hers appeared behind Carmila like a shy child.

"Hey... Hmm... Sister?" Natasha spoke with a timid voice.

Seeing her 'evil' twin in reality, Natashia's heart pounded heavily, and her eyes rolled back in her head... She fainted.

She couldn't handle the shock; seeing her mother was surprisingly overwhelming, but seeing her mother and her supposed evil twin, who apparently was just a figment of her imagination, a split personality, in 'reality,' was just too much.

Even Natashia had her limits.

Victor quickly picked up Natashia like a princess and looked at Natasha.

"... Oops?" She smiled apologetically.

"I'll change your name to Naty to avoid confusion. For now, you two will stay in the Nightmare Tower until we solve the problem with Sasha and Victoria."

Naty, formerly Natasha, wanted to retort and say something, but she wisely remained silent.

"Hmm... Victor, Victor. Can I, you know?" Carmila made a boxing gesture, clearly indicating that she wanted to fight.

Victor felt like sighing; she didn't hear anything he said, did she?

Seeing the eager expression on the older woman's face, Victor thought it would be better for her to 'let off steam' this way. If she got bored, she might try to do something different and potentially go out of control.

After weighing the pros and cons, Victor said:

"... Go ahead."

"Yay! Thank you, you're the best!" Carmila hugged him tightly and then ran towards The Tower's door like an excited child.

Seeing this, Natasha, now Naty, also felt the urge to fight. She felt stronger than before and wanted to know the difference between her and her twin. "Anoo... Can I also-..."

"You stay here." Victor wasn't going to give this woman any freedom.

"... Yes," she replied somewhat sulkily.

Victor couldn't risk letting Naty roam freely, not until he understood the strong connection that linked Natashia's and Naty's Souls.

This 'thread' was thicker than any thread he had seen in the past. It was clear that whatever happened to his Wife had completely changed her.

Victor looked at the woman in his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. At least her Core wasn't damaged anymore, and her body was fine.

Victor placed Natashia on the bed and called out to Roxanne, saying, "Keep an eye on everything; don't let her leave this room."

"Yes, Darling..." Roxanne approached Victor and hugged him around the chest. "And take a moment to breathe, have some water. You need to calm down. The 'crisis' has passed, okay?"

Victor felt all the tension in his body dissipate with Roxanne's embrace. "... Yes, you're right."

"Thank you, Roxanne."

"Mm. You're welcome." She smiled contentedly.

Naty observed all of this with slightly jealous and envious eyes but didn't say anything. She just thought to herself, 'To think that my twin would succeed in granting our wish…' Naty thought about the past and the image of her mother being killed by the man she once loved, and her heart ached.

It was at that moment that the current Naty was born within Natashia, the day her psyche broke, and the personality of Naty took over.

Naty shook her head slightly and tried not to dwell on it. After all, her mother was alive again, and she had achieved her greatest desire. Well, she hadn't…her twin sister had.

'Ugh, this is confusing... And it will get even more confusing when I see my daughter... Is she my daughter or Natashia's daughter? Ugh.' Naty didn't want to think about it.


Moments later, Victor returned with Sasha and Victoria.

Sasha looked at her sleeping mother, then at her other 'mother' sitting with a sulky face. Rapid thoughts raced through her mind, and with her brain powered by Lightning, she experienced a severe headache when she 'understood' what Victor meant.

What happened was that Victor suddenly appeared after 30 days (from her perspective) in her room, saying he needed her and that she would understand the problem if she followed him without asking questions. So, Sasha went along with In the next moment, Victor appeared with Sasha where Victoria was and took the woman as well, this time without explaining anything; he just took her.


In the next moment, Victor appeared with Sasha where Victoria was and took the woman as well, this time without explaining anything; he just took her.

"... Well, I guess I should say, hello, my daughter, hello, my sister?" Naty said with a strange smile on her face.

Seeing Sasha's expressionless face made Naty quite uncomfortable, but she swore not to dwell on it. After all, she knew full well that it was her own fault, and she was just reaping what she had sown.

"... Just... Just what is happening here?" Victoria asked with a deadpan expression. Seeing two Natashias was too much, even for Victoria herself.

"... That's the question of the millennia, isn't it?" Sasha sighed. She could form theories about what happened, but without a proper explanation, she wouldn't jump to any conclusions.

But Sasha had experience living with Victor and knew that 'Victor' had happened again somehow. She didn't know how, but Victor had gotten himself into trouble, and this happened.

Sasha shifted her attention away from her two mothers and looked at Victor with a look that conveyed all her thoughts.

As a good Husband, Victor knew when his Wife gave 'that' look. "Believe me, it wasn't my fault this time. I just intervened to prevent the situation from getting worse."

Sasha silently observed Victor for a few seconds but soon sighed when she saw that he wasn't lying, which would be an unlikely action for Victor. Call him the worst monster possible, but one thing was true: it was very rare for him to lie to his Wives.

"The surprises don't end there; wait a second." Victor disappeared.

Hearing what Victor said, Sasha and Victoria didn't know how to react to those words. Could things get even more complicated? They didn't want to doubt Victor; after all, he was Victor... But it was hard to believe that the situation could get even more complicated.

This innocent thought was quickly shattered when Victor appeared carrying a woman with long golden hair and a body covered in golden Lightning Power like a sack of potatoes.

"What... You kidnapped me! I was in the middle of having fun!" The woman roared with a pout on her face.

Although she was acting 'innocently,' the truth was that she was very surprised. She didn't even feel or see herself being transported to this place and couldn't perceive Victor's movements.

For someone who was considered the greatest of The Fulger in her time, this was a blow to her pride. But despite feeling that, she also felt proud of Victor's achievements. After all, using Lightning alone, he had surpassed almost the entire Fulger Lineage and was even helping her Lineage prosper. As someone who had helped build The Fulger Clan into what it was today, she felt great pride in her 'son-in-law.'

"You can argue about that later; sort out your mess. It's your responsibility as a mother, Matriarch, and Former Clan Leader."

"Ugh... When you put it that way, I can't deny it."

Victor placed Carmila on the ground, and she elegantly stepped out of his arms. Once she was standing, she straightened her clothes and looked at her granddaughter and daughter, whose expressions portrayed that they had just seen a ghost.

"M-M-M-M..." Victoria pointed a trembling finger at her mother, trying to form a word but finding it a difficult task.

Looking at the woman who resembled her so much in her 'assets' but was quite different in facial features and mature demeanor, Sasha's reaction was: "My grandmother...?" She turned her head slightly in confusion. She clearly remembered seeing a portrait of this woman in The Fulger Mansion.

"That's correct, my granddaughter." Carmila nodded politely and, like a true Noble, introduced herself. "My name is Carmila Fulger, The Former Leader of The Fulger Clan and the mother of Victoria and Annasthashia Fulger. I'm also known as your grandmother."

A strange silence fell around them, and all Sasha did after this revelation was mechanically look at Victor with an expression that said:

'What the fuck is going on!?'

Victor just smiled neutrally, a smile that said. 'It's a long story.'

Meanwhile, Roxanne grabbed some popcorn and sat in the corner of the room while watching everything as if she were watching some sort of drama.

'Fufufufu, it's never boring around my Husband.'


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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