My Werewolf System

Chapter 1164 Fight the Iron wall (Part 1)

Chapter 1164  Fight the Iron wall (Part 1)

Both Innu and Blake had witnessed the last moments of Roman, the five-star hunter. Before, in the Altered Hunters Society, when a five-star hunter perished, it was a large deal.

Their strength, their stars on their body, was proof of how much they had been through in the organization. How many battles they had faced and managed to get out alive time and time again.

The profession was one that had a somewhat high amount of deaths. This was mitigated through the times as Altered Hunters came up with more rules. To not strike on their own, to research who they were taking out, doing a calculation to only get involved in fights they knew they could win.

However, one could say that five-star hunters had managed to surpass all of that, giving them free rein. It felt like they were almost unstoppable. The strength within the five-star hunters varied greatly, though.

As there was no upper limit, all of the five-star hunters were grouped into one category. Still, it was believed that maybe some of them could face some of the Kings and at least survive. Perhaps not win, but find a way out of the situation.

It was a big unknown mark above one’s head to what the truth was, but still, to the Altered Hunters themselves, that had a long history going back, it was still a great prestige, and today one of those legendary five-star hunters had fallen.

“Shit… shit, shit, shit, shit!” Innu shouted. “You damn hairy mutts!”

The anger had risen in Innu. They hadn’t spent a lot of time with Roman. They had spent a little over a week, but through the conversations they had, the battles they had been through together.

He knew he was a good person, he knew he was one to look out for them, and he was the type of fool that would have risked his life so the two of them could have gotten away.

One of the axes flew from Innu’s hand and had bashed hard against the metal chest of Ron. It spun back in the air and was coming right back towards Innu with his telekinesis powers.

He grabbed it as he was stepping forward, running right at Ron, and had already hurled the other axe that was in his hand right at him again.

Ron could feel a large, heavy weight crashing into his chest as it hit him. One after the other, the axes came at him. Even through his armor, he could feel the weight and wave of energy hitting his chest.

“I’m sick and tired of seeing people die that I know. Why!” Innu shouted. “Why did I train and fight so hard!”

As Innu was running toward Ron, the other Werewolves that had been waiting in the reception area had caught on, and they leaped right at him, trying to stop Innu.

Quickly, though, there was one person who appeared by his side. Blake swung his black sword across the face of the Werewolf closest, cutting its eyes, and then with the backside of his other sword, he slammed it onto the ground.

Innu continued to run and trampled over the fallen Werewolf. Using its body as a type of platform, he jumped in the air and forced the two axes back to his hand. He leaned them back as far as he could.

Blake had drawn the attention of the other Werewolves, using everything he could to swing his swords, following the lines in his vision, cutting them at the perfect spots that were open.

As Innu’s anger fueled him, his Qi went into the weapons, and the power from the weapons made from ancient beasts that the Altered forms were based on, powered into his body.

The veins on his arms almost looked like they were illuminating. The two axes pounded down right into Ron’s arms.

His entire body sunk immediately, crashing down. The floor beneath his feet broke, and Ron continued to crash through the floors of the shopping mall.

Innu landed on the ground, out of breath, huffing and panting. “Why… do people like this, keep on appearing in front of us… I hate it… I hate losing people.”

Innu had lost a lot, from those at the orphanage, to his teacher Ashen who had taught him how to use telekinesis powers, and now even Roman who he hardly knew. He was fighting, training every day to never lose those people.

And yet it was still happening to him, in this cruel world ruled by these gangs that could proudly roam the streets and get away with murder left and right. The frustration had built up, into an override of his Qi and activating both of the weapons to its fullest.

“Whoa… now that I look at it, I managed to do that, with my own two hands?” Innu thought. “That’s not power that a human should have, am I even human anymore.”

When looking down at the hole he had made, he could soon see the debris moving about, and jumping right out from the hole, breaking through, heading towards Innu.

Innu quickly rolled back with both axes in his hand; he was exhausted, but in a life-or-death situation, if he still had to fight, he still had to fight.

Landing on the sixth floor, the Werewolf in the iron armor was still present.

“That was quite the hit,” Ron said. The iron armor which was all over his body from head to toe had disappeared, and only the chest piece was present. “I even had to use my own nails to energize me a little,” Ron said with his nails extended out.

“I never thought two young ones like you would give so much trouble.”

“Innu, switch with me!” Blake shouted as he started to run forward. “You’ve done enough, I think I can deal with this one.”


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