My Werewolf System

Chapter 610 Green Hair on TV (part 1)

Chapter 610 Green Hair on TV (part 1)

The news of the Altered Fighter’s debut had spread throughout the country, but the segment wasn't expected to draw much attention. After all, the newcomer hadn't even fought yet, and it was their first public appearance.

Any viewers were likely to be students from the AFA, other academies, or aspiring to join the AFA. AJ Entertainment aimed to get ahead of the competition with this broadcast.

However, in a certain classroom, the students were making use of their break and had tuned. Seeing a familiar looking bright green-haired student, on the screen, a heated debate ensued.

"Hey, isn't that Gary from our class? What's he doing in the AFA?"

“Can’t you read? It says it's an interview about an Altered about to debut in the AFC?”

“That's crazy! How the heck did he of all people get to become an Altered? I could understand Blake, but him?! If some company scouted him, then even I have a chance to become one!”

“Yeah, yeah, dream on, buddy.”


At the same time, Marie’s message had reached the rest of the Howler’s core members. They had decided to take a small break from what they were doing, to turn on the TV and check out the mentioned interview of their leader.


“Amy, come here, you have to see this! Your brother is on TV!” White shouted from the living room.

Bursting out of her bedroom, Amy ran and vaulted over the back of the sofa, landing on the cushion staring up at the TV on the wall.

“It really is... but why does he look... so stupid?” Amy wondered aloud.


Even those who had already entered the AFC were tuning in to watch the broadcast. Xin murmured Gary's name as he watched the red-faced teenager fidget uncomfortably on the screen.


Right now, everyone tuning in was looking at an awkward red-faced teenager. It was clear to anyone that today’s guest was anything but comfortable with the camera on him, his eyes were darting around, at times looking dead into the camera, and he would nervously scratch his head from time to time, seemingly unsure as to what else to do with them.

The hostess had tried to ease Gary in, having started off with a few simple questions, including the basics like what it felt like to be part of the AFA, whether this had always been his dream and such, yet so far all his answers had come out quite awkward.

“Moving on, Gary, one of our trusted sources informed us that this time you are the only student debuting. Is this due to the AFA lacking in skilled students, or would you say that there is something about you that clearly set you above your peers?” Clem asked.

“Uhm, I can safely say that there are a lot of talented students at the AFA.” Gary answered as he thought about his friends and everyone who had been part of the special class. “As far as I know the academy doesn’t just pick those that are strong, but those that they think are ready, and it just so happened that at the moment I'm the only one that falls under that evaluation.

"I used to be just a regular guy myself, so I don't consider myself superior to anyone else. Actually, I believe I'm living proof that in the Altered world, you can transform yourself and achieve your goals through hard work and dedication." Gary spoke the words he had rehearsed with Eddie, confident that they conveyed his message effectively.

It was a good answer which was meant to make him more sympathetic in the viewers’ eyes, but his presentation was far more robotic, yet Eddie still gave him a thumbs-up from the side.

“It's good to stay humble, and your body speaks volumes as to how much hard work you must have put into becoming stronger.” Clem noted in a sexy voice, as she touched Gary’s biceps and then went on to reveal his abs as the camera panned towards it.

Soon the camera panned up, and with Clem next to Gary, the teenager’s face had taken on a new shade of beet red.


“Oh shit, it looks like he’s getting a stiffy on life TV.” One of his classmates commented, unsure how Gary would ever live that down.

“In those tight shorts... no wonder the camera didn’t pan down below the waist.”

“I don’t blame him, just take a look at the hostess and tell me you wouldn’t react if she touched you?”

Back to the broadcast, Gary’s head looked like a tomato, and Clem started to chuckle seeing this. This was equally a good opportunity to get Clem some fans as well as Gary.


“Gary, you mentioned earlier that you work out every day to improve your abilities as an Altered. I’m sure that the AFA providing you with access to top-of-the-line equipment must have played a significant role in your progress. As someone who also values physical fitness, I would love it if you could give our viewers a glimpse into what kind of workout regimen you follow as an Altered.” Clem asked, her eyes shining with interest.

Looking at the surrounding equipment, there wasn’t anything too fancy around them, in fact most of it was what every gym had, such as weights, a rowing machine, but also a gym ball, skipping rope and the like. Still, there was also equipment more geared towards Altered.

Since they wanted to show the difference between an Altered and a regular human, Gary decided that the Bag launcher would be the ideal machine for that, especially since it had been one of the first ones he had seen the other AFA students use. When asked about it, he explained to Clem, and in extension the viewers how to use it.

It was the training that Altereds did in thier reagular from anyway.

Where one would stand on the platfrom and hit the heavy bag with as much power as possible, it would then move across the room. The stornger the bag was hit, the further it would move out.

It would then retrun to you marking how far you had hit the bag before, the aim was to consectivley hit the bag in to the same spot with one’s full strength over and over.

“Tell us, Gary, how long could you hit the bag for?” Clem asked.

“I haven’t actually tested my limit.” Gary replied, putting his right hand on his chin. “If I were to make a careful estimate... maybe a day... a day and half. Perhaps longer if someone brought me some food every few hours.”

The guards who were present couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment, a gesture which had been picked up by the camera, and it panned around to show some of them not hiding their laughter.

“Dear viewers, allow me to introduce some of our other guests. These here are the guards that work for AJ Entertainment and they are some of the best in the industry. Although you might not see it with their uniforms on, but underneath their clothes they have bodies that are just as impressive as Gary’s.

“Now let me ask you the question that all our viewers must want to know the answer to, why did you laugh?” Clem asked.



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