My Werewolf System

Chapter 643 The requirements

Chapter 643 The requirements

While in the car on the way to Notsburg, the others talked about what was to come. For one, they had to be careful about the information given by Midwak. Even though Gary could force him to tell the truth, there was a chance that he might miss out on things or phrase them in a certain way that would seem like the truth.

So they were all ready for Midwak to try to frighten them out of this whole thing, and there was a chance that this whole thing would be too dangerous for them to do anything in the first place.

"There are a lot of things that people don't know about werewolves that aren't written in books," Midwak stated. "A lot of what I'm about to tell you, there is no way to confirm whether it's true or not. Because I am simply passing on information."

And with those words, all the credibility Midwak had was thrown out of the window. Either way, they would still listen to what he had to say.

Midwak looked at his arm for a second, and in an instant, it started to change as fur grew all over it, and his hand grew larger.

"The fact that we humans can turn into these types of creatures, don't you think it's strange in the first place? The fact that we are influenced by the moon. What exactly is it that is giving us power, or what exactly is it that is drawing it out?

"None of it makes sense. Say if there were life on other planets where there is more than one moon, what would happen then? I'm sure many of you have had these questions on your mind."

Gary was a little embarrassed because he hadn't thought of these things, and what Midwak said had just blown his mind a little.

“The common consensus is that this was a type of punishment from above that was brought down on a single human. Could you imagine, in the past, where families and friends lived close together in a confined space? They would have to live with the fact that once a month they would be forced to kill those closest to them. It is perhaps one of the cruellest forms of punishment one can have.”

The group was struggling with this already. They could only imagine what would have happened if they had never found out about Gary’s method. What lengths they would have had to go to try and stop themselves.

“However, this punishment was meant only for one man. So, is it fair that the rest of us, who have a part of him, should suffer the same fate? No, and the truth is not every Werewolf suffers the same fate. For me, for example, I have never once had trouble controlling myself on the full moon. Apart from feeling more powerful, I can stay in my human form and am not forced to hunt.”

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this. Was Midwak telling the truth? If he never had a problem with control, then did that also mean he didn't have an answer for them?

Seeing the look on their faces, Midwak couldn’t help but laugh. “HAHAHA! I can see the hope in your eyes vanish. I wish I could leave it at that, but the story doesn't end there.

“What I just told you is no lie, but as I said before, there is something that is passed down from leader to leader, or I should say, Alpha to Alpha. There is a ritual that can be performed.

“In this said ritual, one is able to communicate with the one from above. The guess is, it is the one that originally put this punishment and caused us all to be the way we are.

“When making contact with said person, one must make a new vow. A promise between the Alpha and the greater power. Whatever this vow or promise is, not just he, but the rest of his pack must keep it and never break it.

“When the ritual is complete, all of those belonging to your pack, whether born into it or forced to join, will no longer have a problem. As this new vow is linked to your pack and only your pack. This is the way to break the punishment given to Werewolves and a responsibility of a Werewolf.”

The group was in silence, and they were, in a way, waiting for Gary to answer. Based on the information they had gained, a lot of it was riding on his shoulders as to what could happen.

In some ways, Gary was also pleased that the way to control oneself was fairly easy. There was no giant task, a trial of some sort, or something that every Werewolf would have to go through. After this, none of them would have to deal with this problem again.

“This vow.” Marie finally spoke up. “You said it’s a promise that must never be broken. What happens then, what happens if the person breaks the promise.”

Midwak went to sit back in his seat, and in doing so, the grin couldn’t be removed from his face, and his shoulders were shaking up and down.

“I have never seen it happen during my time. Some Alphas even choose to keep the vow a secret. Otherwise, there might be those unruly ones like myself that try and break it, in order to punish the rest of the Werewolves, but I can tell you the rumours.

“They say one of two things can occur, and it is entirely dependent on what it thinks is worse for the one involved. Either the pack will lose its status, losing its power as a werewolf. They will never be able to transform again no matter what they do, nor be turned by others. They will remember everything they once had, but it will all be lost, and everything taken away from them.

"In some ways, some would think of this as a cure and would be pleasurable for them. Which is why I think there is also another rumour that is spread. They will be forced to receive punishment for every second of their life. They will permanently be in a full moon Werewolf state, with a blood lust impossible to be quenched.”



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