My Werewolf System

Chapter 672 The Infected fighter (Part 2)

Chapter 672 The Infected fighter (Part 2)

Ray’s story, My Dragon System has a Webtoon, which already has 30 chapters on ReadNovelFull! This is your chance to experience his story in comic form. Just use the app to search through ReadNovelFull’s comic section!


That thing right in front of Gary was practically a large beast that he would have expected to find in those special lessons he had attended at the AFA. Haze’s current form was frighteningly powerful and was using advanced skills such as web-based shooting from its mouth, as well as strange green acid it could produce.

According to the rules and the contracts that Gary had signed before his match, certain skills weren't allowed to be used in AFC matches. Although not specifacally named as such, the teenager understood that they referred to those type of elementalized attacks like Jayden’s windstrike, which was also the reason why the Altered fighter had never publicly shown that ability of his. Altered were only allowed to showcase the powers that were naturally part of their body, like the pincers in Haze’s mouth, or Gary’s sharp claws.

Unfortunately, at this point in time, rules seemed to be out of the window. As long as nobody interfered, the Crazed Altered was free to use whatever he wished without suffering any consequences. That was why Gary was considering turning into a big beast himself.

Before he could make up his mind, Haze swung six of his arms. Gary jumped back, but the sharp ends of the spider legs managed to rip through his shirt and scratch his skin. Now blood was on the floor, but he had avoided most of the strike.

‘Isn’t there some way for me to defeat this guy without transforming fully?’ Gary wondered. He moved his head to the side, avoiding another hit from the white web. It stuck to the back of the cage again, and the Werewolf started to move, running around the arena.

‘I've been relying on this Werewolf System to solve my problems whenever it got dangerous. Were it not for the new Class, I would have likely lost bitterly against Midwak. Even then, I mostly managed to beat him thanks to the Last Stand skill. Do I really want to get myself in the same situation over and over?’

While running, Haze leapt with his strong legs like a spring straight toward Gary. Shifting his feet, he phased Haze and ran toward him. At the last moment, he slid underneath the Altered, allowing the large body to go right over his head.

‘In the future, I’ll have to fight Midwak for the title of the Alpha. He won’t be so dumb to attack me at night, so how am I supposed to defeat that guy if I’m already faltering against a mere Altered? Come on, Gary, use your head, this guy has to have a weak point.’

Dodging another attack, he thought back to when he would sit in front of his laptop screen and watch Altered fights online. Just like any kid, he had dreamed about being in the ring himself one day, imagining how he would beat his opponents.

With seemingly too much free time on his hands, the young Gary would watch the fights over and over, analysing every miniscule movement of the opponents, judging the right time to strike and what were the right moves to counter.

‘I used to do that even back in school. ... just why did I stop? Why aren't I fighting like that these days?’

Gary charged full speed ahead, and Haze turned around to face his opponent. Part of the cage had been destroyed in his full-body attack. The closest members of the crowd seeing this had started to run away, trying to break out of the place, while a few of the braver ones of the audience stayed to watch and film every part of what was happening. It was their luck that Haze seemed fixated on dealing with Gary over paying them any heed.

When the Crazed Altered turned around, Gary was already right by his feet. He lifted his leg up, propping it on the knee and using it as a foothold, then jumped off with explosive power. Gary's knee bashed right into the chin of the large spider head.

While Haze's head was flung back, Gary grabbed the wide neck of the spider beast and swung his legs out to the side. He shifted his body to give him momentum, allowing him to get behind Haze, and now he was right on his back.

‘I’ve been relying solely on this Werewolf side of me!’ Gary chided himself, yet he was happy that he had realised this. ‘I need to start relying on my own skills as well!’

Gary lifted his elbows up and started swinging them down, bashing them on top of Haze's head. Each blow had tremendous power behind it, and Gary's bones were strong enough to withstand the impact. If Innu was watching him now, he would be proud.

Haze was in a daze as he was getting hit over and over, and his long spider limbs were able to stretch behind him. Letting go, Gary dropped down and then, gathering all the strength in his leg, he swung it as hard and fast as he could with all his power.

It slammed into Haze's leg, knocking one leg into the other. The large Altered completely capsized as it fell over on its side. Midway through the fall, Gary lifted his hand and threw an overhead strike with full force, hitting Haze right in the stomach.

The blow sent Haze shooting down into the canvas, blood splattering out of the Altered's mouth, and a crash was heard. His body was unmoving, stuck in a large hole that was made through the canvas of the arena. Gary’s gaze remained on the unconscious body, ready to react in case he were to stand up again. However, after half a minute passed without any signs of Haze waking up, he wiped the sweat from his head.

"Alright, it looks like the threat has been dealt with." Gary smiled once again, facing an audience that was stunned into silence.


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