My Werewolf System

Chapter 811 Someone on the Inside

Chapter 811 Someone on the Inside

Gary and Elijah had met when the latter was running an undercover operation trying to find the source of the black substance. In the end, it looked like the substance was linked to NIRV in one way or another.

An organization that was incredibly large and seemed to have its hands in everything, including those at White Rose. Because of it, Elijah knew that it would be hard for him to pursue things further unless more evidence was able to be gathered.

The thing was, Elijah was restricted to doing things by the books and only doing work that would be handed to him by White Rose themselves. That was why he had agreed to stay in contact with Kai and the Howlers.

A win-win situation for both groups as they would share information related to matters that would help them along. Unfortunately, there wasn't much in terms of information about the dark solution to go on.

However, the contact between the two still stayed somewhat frequent, and even now, while Elijah was at White Rose, he had been contacted by Kai on more than one occasion.

"I guess you should tell me now, whether or not I should get my hopes up," Gary asked as he went ahead and took a seat.

Elijah then looked to the guard and gave him a slight nod. After which, the guard had decided to leave the room and close the door behind them. Now the only ones that were currently there were Elijah and Gary.

"I had to pull a lot of strings to get this meeting, Gary," Elijah explained. "I had to use a lot of one-time favors that I won't ever get to use again, but to answer your questions, I don't want you to get your hopes up fully."

Gary clenched his fist. He was hoping, although small, that maybe he could get him out of this place, just so he could help out the others.

"Gary, I wanted to let you know when I heard about what happened and read the reports. I don't think you're the type of person to do something like this. The whole thing, from what I know, it seems like a setup," Elijah said.

There was silence between the two of them for a while, that was until Gary finally answered.

"That's the thing though, Elijah. The truth is, I did do those things. I did what they're accusing me of."

Elijah wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet as he knew there was more that Gary wanted to say.

"You remember the situation we were in; it was quite similar. I'm not like the other gang members. I try not to be; I hate that type of life, but I do what I have to do in situations where it's needed.”

"I needed to protect someone I cared about, so I had to do those things. And right now, I feel like I'm in a similar situation again, where I'm forced to do things I don't like to do in order to help the people I care about."

Elijah was thinking back to when he saw Gary step up for someone who was practically a stranger. The two of them worked side by side in the mine, and even he, who was supposed to be on the side of justice, didn't step up.

Someone like Gary, he knew he was a good person, to the point where Elijah was questioning his own morals. Just because one was in the White Rose didn't mean they were good, and just because one was in a gang didn't mean they were bad. Gary was the one that opened his eyes to that.

"Let's put that to rest for now. Either way, these matters happen all the time and get swept under the rug. The truth is, there isn't even enough evidence for them to put you in or lock you down in a place like this.”

"It clearly has something to do with those at the top. I wanted to let you know that I'm on your side in all of this. That you do have someone that is trying to help you, but at the end of the day, I'm just a field agent; there's not much I can do."

Even if Elijah found out who was the one that allowed things to get this far, Elijah could imagine himself being brought down at the first hurdle. When evidence was submitted, it would be stopped before it even reached the superintendents.

They were the only group that would be able to impose punishments on those within. A separate group in the White Rose organization that was to deal with internal affairs, having just as much power as the Chiefs.

It was created to make the White Rose less corrupt, but he would need the help of someone higher if they were to solve this.

"Thank you," Gary said. "Are you able to meet with me again?"

"I should be able to. If there is anything you need or anything I can help you with, let me know," Elijah said.

Gary thought about it for a while… requests that Elijah could perhaps help him with, and two thoughts came to his mind.

"When you can, tell me everything that is happening to Slough and the Howlers. Get in contact with Kai, tell him to give you an update and pass on the information."

Elijah nodded; that should be easy enough. And the favors he had called in to get this meeting, after knowing that there was no trouble, they would be more inclined to allow him to do this again.

"As for the second request, I need you to get me food and meat, lots and lots of meat."

Gary was unable to rely on Elijah's help; the conversation made that clear. So it looked like the only other option available for him was that he needed to beat those in the Prison, get stronger, level up, improve his stats, and break out of this place.



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