My Werewolf System

Chapter 837 A kind Soul in A Prison

Chapter 837 A kind Soul in A Prison

Carrying the two of them on his shoulders, Blackjack had reached his cell. He didn’t need to say anything; the prisoners he walked past, who were still in their cells, had quickly left to enter the main area, and not a single person remained in their cell rooms apart from the three.

Ice was laid on the floor on one side, and the same was done to Gary. Finally taking in a big breath, Blackjack leaned against the wall and just waited patiently.

“I wonder who’s going to wake up first, and what’s going to happen when they wake up?” Blackjack thought to himself as he smiled away. “I never thought I would be in a situation like this.”

After waiting a while, there was finally movement from one of them. A chill was starting to be felt in the room as the large man lifted himself up.

“Oh, and it looks like we have a winner,” Blackjack stated.

Ice was holding onto his head; his whole body was extremely sore, and he was looking around the room of where he was. His eyes laid on Blackjack, and then laid on Gary.

“He didn’t kill me?” Ice thought. “That was a mistake on his part… but what happened to him?”

“Yeah, this one, I think he has a bit of a light heart sometimes,” Blackjack commented. “You know, I was the one that told him to beat you. I didn’t give him instructions to kill you, but it seems that if he has no anger or reason to get rid of you, then he will only go as far as necessary.”

“Quite an odd trait, considering what he is.”

Ice was a bit cautious of Blackjack knowing who he was, but since the two of them had never had any trouble in the past, and the fact that he didn’t feel like he was in any danger right now, he had decided to leave it.

“I assume you are the one that protected us after our fight, thank you,” Ice stated, as he continued to look at Gary.

“I guess you’re a pretty strange one as well,” Blackjack replied. “I can see you keep on looking at him. I can’t believe two people that fought so much and so hard can worry about each other.”

“It looks like it’s nearly lunch, and I need to keep my eye on this one in case anyone else tries to hurt him. So if you want to see that he’s alright, it’s best if you can grab some food, oh and grab a lot of it,” Blackjack smiled.

Ice didn’t quite understand how food would be so important in this situation, but Blackjack was right about them needing to protect themselves.

With Ice’s body, he stood up and headed off to the canteen. Everyone knew he got special privileges in the canteen, so with those special privileges, he was able to get almost a whole container of food.

Carrying it back, Ice returned to the cell, and when he did, Gary’s nose was starting to twitch. It twitched and twitched until eventually his eyes opened up. He lifted his body.

Gary, for a second, looked at the situation. He stared at Blackjack and Ice in the room and somewhat gathered what might have happened.

“Before anything, let me get some food first,” Gary stated as he went over to the container and started to gobble it up.

With food, his energy would return, and with energy, his health could be restored, and he would be able to go back to normal, but in particular, he needed a lot of meat.

The food was sufficient for now, but not enough for him to get back to a hundred percent, but enough so he was no longer on shaky legs or coming in and out of consciousness.

Enjoying his meal, though, Gary went back down to where he was, and he decided to break the ice in the conversation.

“You were really strong,” Gary said. “I think it was one of the toughest fights I’ve had. Did you think about what I asked before, about joining me, well I should say joining us? You know that we plan to break out, me and Blackjack, that is.”

“I already told you, breaking out would mean others could break out as well, and someone as dangerous as us shouldn’t be allowed outside,” Ice answered.

“I’ve never seen a prisoner in here have such a high sense of justice,” Blackjack commented. “What’s your story? Why are you in here if you're like that? You seem more suited to be a White Rose member.”

Gary was glad that Blackjack asked because he felt the same way. Although Gary wasn’t exactly the bringer of justice, he was more selfish in his needs but wouldn’t go out and harm others for no reason.

Ice was going out of his way to even stop people from leaving this place.

“I was an Altered that belonged to a gang that no longer exists,” Ice answered. “A small group that luckily happened to have connections with a scientist from NIRV. The gang, which was like a family to me, allowed me to become an Altered and I went through the process.”

“However, when our group was in trouble, I fought with everything I had. I managed to kill the attackers and stop them, but due to the outburst of my powers, I ended up killing my own members as well, and hurt them.”

“In the end, I turned myself in.”

Gary never thought of how elemental powers like so could be out of hand.

“You seem to have a lot better control of your powers now, though,” Gary answered. “The same thing won’t happen again.”

“But I took the lives of those that I care about, so it’s only right that I stay in here and serve my time, while stopping those from getting out and taking more lives,” Ice answered.

Hearing this, Gary started to grind the back of his teeth.

“And that’s exactly why I need to get out of here as well. I want to stop those close to me from dying. Those that are close to me are still alive, but if I stay in here, I’m not sure how much longer they will survive.”

Blackjack could see Gary’s blood boiling. Everyone had a reason to get out, but Ice had one to stay in.

“Don’t you think you're doing too little?” Blackjack asked. “I mean, instead of just serving your time, why don’t you use your powers to save lives instead. I think that would be much more meaningful.”

“The decision is up to you to make, but me and Gary, we will both be breaking out of this place. It’s up to you to decide.”

Outside of the cell, both the North and South leaders were worried, as well as the rest of the inmates. The three powerhouses had been gone for a while now. So far since they had been here they had worked indefinitely, but what would happen if all three of them were to team up?

What state would the prison be in then? They felt like they needed to do something, or they would lose everything.

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