Mystical Journey

Chapter 771 - Moments 1

Chapter 771: Moments 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fiddling with the Moonfang inside his pocket, he quickly registered for the assessment with his personal details.

“Nonosiva Lin, registering for the Level 1 assessment of Magnetic Cannon.”

The Magnetic Cannon was a weapon assembled with highly magnetic metal into a cannon that fired out at top speed, achieving the specific goal of destroying metal armor in a targeted long distance attack. However, because its recoil power was strong, it would naturally be difficult to be accurate with it.

“As long as the five levels are achieved, I’ll be eligible for professional tactics lessons!” Nonosiva mumbled, his heart blazing with determination.

Professional tactics: each one of them was the accumulative end result of different generations of research. They were huge techniques that were combined with all sorts of brilliant tactics using the most advanced optical computers. Even the legendary inheritance tactics were improved and developed versions of these basic tactics.

Currently, with the operation of the Will-powered Mech over the past few hundred years, there have been countless tactics that trained the consciousness. In terms of mech operating, it seemed to have reached a peaking point.

The Mother Planet Federation and the Galactic Alliance were facing the threat of the Finite War, which had been going on for thousands of years and was soon reaching a critical point.

All sorts of different consciousnesses have brought along their own trademarks and strengths. Even though they came in waves, the weak were eradicated and now only the cream of the crop remained.

Every time Nonovisa reminisced about this magnificent history, there was always a desire and impulse that he could not suppress. It was said that during the campaign, there was a mech that was the strongest, which could change the situation on the battlefield on its own. It was hailed as a miracle.

He gripped the Moonfang in his pockets.

“I’ve got this in the bag, I can certainly pass the assessment easily!” he was strangely confident of the Moonfang that he’d unexpectedly obtained. His love and passion for the mech was also a reason why he’d chosen to enter into the school’s mech ranks.

It had been revealed he only had normal intellectual requirements, but with this Moonfang, he was able to overcome this step and enter Blackboard Academy.

The Moonfang had an automated control mech which helped with manipulating the battle, if it was on one’s person, it would provide one with assistance.

Automatically calculating the projectile track while automatically avoiding any obstacle, this was just some external hack!

Xu Wei adjusted the webpage in frustration while carefully looking over anything that was related to the assessment.

He believed that as long as he has the Moonfang, he would easily pass.

Nonosiva had been born into a very poor family; his parents were only ordinary office workers and the pay was just average. Meanwhile, Blackboard Academy’s fees were very expensive, and there was still a huge sum to pay as a security deposit, in case any practice mech was damaged.

To ensure that he got to attend the academy, both of them did their best to save what they could borrow from people. Only then were they able to gather a smaller sum for his school fees and security deposit, although they still had to pay the bank loan’s interest each month.

This high-class academy was unusually expensive, so in order to allow their older brother to have a chance to succeed, the younger brother and sister gave up their chance to further their studies, even though both of them had good grades.

He also became the family’s only hope; everyone was proud to say that he was the oldest brother or child to outsiders, and they even let him eat his fill of the non-manufactured food first before they started eating it themselves when they were home.


The doorbell chimed.

“What?” Nonosiva was always very focused when reading his materials, and it made him impatient whenever he was disturbed.

“Nono, your points for this month have been added to your card,” his father Rondo said.

“Okay!” Nonosiva was warmer this time. Him applying for this assessment was exactly the time that he needed the money, and there were also a few things that he wanted to buy but did not have the money to.

His father Rondo coughed a few times, then left to rest.

Nonosiva stood up, walked to the door and had a look. On the bench next to the door, there was a white card, and there were blue, faintly shimmering digital numbers on the top.

He held it up and used his fingers to give the number a swipe, the numbers immediately changed.

“Only this little!!!? Nono’s face changed, “How is this enough for me!!?” He eyed his parent’s room, his face twisted hideously.


Slamming the door loudly, Nono angrily marched back in front of his computer.

He was not content! When compared with other students, his family was not all that bad, but the other students were ampler than he was most of the time.

This could not be helped, as the families that were able to be involved with mechs were naturally slightly well off. On the contrary, there were not a lot of students who were lucky like him.


Suddenly, there was a clap of thunder rolling, and the window was slightly vibrating from it.

By the window, the black curtain was flapping in the wind, blocking Nono’s sight and flying in his face.

“That was a big wind…” he quickly got up to close the window.


A bit of black light suddenly flew in from outside the window. It came in at an angle where it was blocked by the curtain and it suddenly stuck on his body before disappearing.

“What bug was that?” Nono jumped and closed the window before checking over his body carefully. He’d felt like something has collided with his body just now, maybe it was a small bug.

He looked for a while but did not find anything, so he went back to where he was previously and sat down.

He never noticed that there were now tiny lines of blood vessels on his face that looked like a fine, blood-red web that covered his face, which was rather horrifying.

Nono was only focused on the computer screen, showing no signs of distraction.

Luckily the blood vessels on his face were only there for a while before they slowly vanished back into his skin.

The next day

Blackboard Academy basic training field

Amidst the field of black sand, two gray humanoid mechs stood facing each other. They were surrounded by a multitude of red dots, each representing a surveillance detector.

Two bots standing motionless while surrounded by red lights, it was eerily peaceful.

The grey mech that had a shape like it was holding its belly started to have puffs of air jetting out from behind it.

The mech was about five meters tall, and in the middle of its metal belly was a small glass window. Inside was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenager seated there.

“Today’s fifth assessment, ready!” a bearded man shouted from the side of the field. He was in his 30s or 40s and was a tall and burly man. He had tanned skin, a beaten-down look and was wearing a green cap.

Next to the man stood many similarly aged teenagers. There were guys and girls, all clad in the Blackboard Academy uniform.

“The shooting training is secure, move out, move out, all non-related personals please leave the danger zone…” a calm robotic female voice rang throughout the field.

The man glanced at both of the students inside the mechs.

“The official assessment is a fight to the death, you guys be careful,” he called loudly, his voice full of confidence.

Seeing the “no problem” sign given by both mech pilots, he nodded. He illuminated his hands and then waved them down furiously.



Two deep sounds of engines revving up rumbled suddenly.

The mechs in the field started up at the same time, whipping out a grey-white pistol, and aiming at the opponent.

The bearded man nodded, then started to explain to the students next to him.

“Their movement is not bad, you see the pistol in their hands? That is a magnetic gun. There is no need for the real magnetic cannon in the assessment. Even though this magnetic pistol does not have the same power, it has a recoil power similar to the magnetic cannon and it’s very cost-effective to use in practice.”

The students next to him all nodded.

“Then do you think Nonosiva can pass his assessment this time?” a girl with brown wavy hair, dark skin and a normal face asked.

“Mina, are you two friends?” the teacher looked at her. “This is up to him to decide, but the first few assessments were not bad, so his chances of passing are high.”

“Nono is the third place of our class, but he only registered to take the level one assessment when he’s in the second year now… ” the boy next to Mina whispered.

“All of you work hard, then you may be in his place too!” the teacher smiled in agreement.

Before the voices died down, the two mechs had suddenly started moving and shooting at the same time.

Red sparks could be seen at the mouth of the pistol briefly, but both the mechs seemed to have failed, missing each other. Instead, they were pushed backward violently by the recoil.

The two in the field were like two grey animals, expanding their arcs quickly and avoiding all the possible areas the other could aim at. In a flash, there was dust everywhere, and only thundering engine sounds could be heard.

They shot out magnetic bullets, managing to hit only the empty fields behind each other after missing before they were temporarily blocked by an invisible, corrugated barrier.

Inside one of the mech, Nonosiva had one hand on one joystick, while the other was typing quickly on the tight-knit panel of buttons next to the joystick.

He was not in sync with the mech’s mechanism; his speed when it came to robot control was not very quick, and there were a lot of moves that he was not able to do, hence the mech would dodge on its own.

At this time, next to the mech’s control system, there was a small white silver Moonfang that emitted a white pale glow as if there was something fluorescent within, and there was a faint sound of grinding gears coming from it.

“I am someone with a secret weapon! Hahaha!!” Nonosiva would become irritable every time he got into the mech, it was a contrast to his usual quiet self. It was as if all the pressure he suppressed were freely expressed here.

The round screen in front suddenly shook violently; the mech also started to avoid the opponent’s shots.

His third shot had better accuracy than the previous two, and Nono’s face glowed with satisfaction. However, using his willpower to control the mech was very draining. Controlling the mech with willpower while supporting manually with the control interface was currently the most popular method of control.

However, to him, it was still a heavy load. As the mech quickly adjusted the steering, the huge amount of inertia created was something that he as the driver needed to take up.

He did not realize that the Moonfang next to his hand has already been moved due to the movement of the mech and small cracks could already be seen. The temperature inside was getting higher and higher.

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