Naked Sword Art

Chapter 296 Welcome Back, Fang

Chapter 296 Welcome Back, Fang

"Your brother, Xiao Fang has returned."




"My brother?" Xiao Jing suddenly frowned.

She didn't really know anything about Xiao Fang besides the fact that he was a cripple. She hated hearing his name, because many of her cousins back in the Chaos sect used to mock her for having a crippled older brother. However, it was only when she came to this sect that the Elders informed her that he wasn't weak like many people believed him to be. Of course Xiao Jing never believed it, but after hearing her previous instructors compare her to him so many times, she couldn't say that she wasn't curious.

Without warning, Xiao Jing quickly ran back to the Core Court then went to go see her father because she assumed Xiao Fang would be there. However, when she ran into her father on his way to the Patriarch's Hall, the only person that was with him was her mother, Lady Xu. Xiao Fang was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning Xiao Jing, did you meet your new instructor?" Xiao Jianhong asked.

Xiao Jing looked around to see if she might've missed Xiao Fang, but from the looks of it it seemed that she really got to her father before him.

'Strong, my ass. He's probably still bumping into walls or getting lost somewhere,' Xiao Jing mocked Xiao Fang in her head.

"Xiao Jing, your father is speaking to you," Lady Xu eventually said.

Xiao Jing finally broke out of that daze, then performed the ceremonial bow to her father and mother like she used to do every morning to the Patriarch of the Chaos sect.

As Xiao Jing was performing the bow, Xiao Jianhong and his wife, Lady Xu, looked at each other with a bit of shock. Ever since Xiao Jing came to the Divine Sword sect, she had never treated Xiao Jianhong as her father, so it was a bit unexpected to see her acting this way now.

Once she was done, she finally looked up at Xiao Jianhong then asked,

"Father, my instructors have always been comparing me to someone, so I was hoping you could tell me a little about him."

"You are my daughter, and the future Matriarch of the Divine Sword sect, who could they possibly compare you to?" Xiao Jianhong asked.

"My big brother... Xiao Fang."

Hearing his name, Lady Xu immediately frowned before saying,

"Those damn Elders, how dare they mention his name around you. Just forget he ever existed and focus on practicing the sword."

However, unlike Lady Xu, Xiao Jianhong had no problem telling Xiao Jing about Xiao Fang.

"It's fine, he is your older brother after all. I'll tell you all about him after our morning briefing," Xiao Jianhong said before walking past her.

"Ah... can I come too?" Xiao Jing asked.

"Of course. The sooner you can become familiar with our court affairs, the better," Xiao Jianhong said.

They didn't know why Xiao Jing was finally acting like a proper royal daughter, but of course they didn't stop her.




Meanwhile in the Patriarch's Hall, high ranking elders were gathering inside for the routine morning briefing when Dong Qiang suddenly barged in. However, the moment he did, he immediately regretted his decision then fell down to his hands and knees. The most powerful Elders in all of the Divine Sword sect were gathered in this room, even a strong and prideful Core Court disciple like Dong Qiang was reduced to nothing by their gaze.

"Dong Qiang, do you not know where you are? How dare you barge in here!!" One of the Elder's barked at him ferociously.

Earlier, Dong Qiang was so happy thinking about how the Patriarch would punish Xiao Fang for returning to the sect that he didn't even realize how grave of a sin it was to walk into the Patriarch's Hall uninvited.

"I-I-I b-bring news," Dong Qiang struggled to say under the Elder's naturally overwhelming pressure which made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Out with it then! If it isn't good I will personally drag you down to the tribunal and torture you myself!" Another Elder said.

"Xi-Xi-Xiao Fang, is here," Dong Qiang said so quietly no one could hear him.

Hearing the Elder's threat nearly made him pee his pants.

"Speak up, boy. Did you say something about Xiao Jing?"

Dong Qiang finally swallowed all his fears, then in one breath shouted what he wanted to say.

"Xiao Fang has returned!"

The moment Xiao Fang's name was mentioned the Elders became shocked as they immediately started filling the room with chatter as if they had just heard breaking news.

"Dong Qiang, where is he now?"

"When did he arrive?"

"Is he with Elder Han?"

However, before Dong Qiang could answer their questions, the sound of the doors opening behind him immediately silenced the room. In the next moment, the great and powerful Elders all began to bow towards Dong Qiang.

Dong Qiang was confused, but the moment he turned around, he finally understood why.

"Pa... Pa... Patriarch."

The aura exuding from the Patriarch was so intense, it made what he felt from all the other Elders combined feel like nothing.

Still on his hands and knees, Dong Qiang quickly shuffled over to the side to make way for the Patriarch and Lady Xu. After they walked in, Xiao Jing peeked inside then started to skip her way down the aisle.

After walking up the steps to sit on his throne, Xiao Jianhong looked at Xiao Jing then at Dong Qiang then realized why Xiao Jing was suddenly so curious about Xiao Fang.

"Patriarch, Dong Qiang brings urgent news," one Elder said before lifting Dong Qiang up on his feet with one hand.

"Xi-Xiao Fang is currently outside with Master Han," Dong Qiang said.

Lady Xu didn't think she would hear Xiao Fang's name twice in one day so it immediately infuriated her. Upon hearing Dong Qiang's words, she suddenly slapped the arm rest of her chair then pointed at Dong Qiang furiously before saying.

"What!? Who does that boy think he is. Tell him to leave immediately!"

Seeing Lady Xu's reaction nearly made Dong Qiang jump with joy, but just telling Xiao Fang to leave without any punishments wasn't enough for Dong Qiang, so he used this opportunity to get Xiao Fang into more trouble.

"Lady Xu, you mustn't be so lenient on him. When he learned you were here, that lecherous bastard insulted you, and even dared to say that he would preform shameless acts on you if he ever got the chance."

Seeing that Xiao Jing was here as well, he quickly pointed at Xiao Jing then said,

"He said that about Miss Xiao Jing too!"

Everyone knew that Xiao Fang had slept with several women during his last few years in the sect. Many even believed that the Patriarch kicked him out for that very reason, so Dong Qiang knew the elders would believe him. What he didn't know was that the Elders in this room all knew the real reason why Xiao Fang was kicked out of the sect, and it had nothing to do with the women he slept with.

Lady Xu was too shocked to reply, but Xiao Jing was simply confused.

"What kinds of shameful acts?" Xiao Jing asked with a curious, yet innocent expression on her face.

However, before anyone could reply, Xiao Jianhong suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hahahahaha. That boy must have good eyes. Is there a man in this sect who doesn't covet my wife? However, there are things that should be said, and things that should be left unsaid. It seems I'll need to discipline that boy on how to use his tongue."

Although he was laughing, the Elders couldn't help but think that this was no laughing matter. If he allowed Xiao Fang to come into the sect, then it would only be a matter of time when he learns about what happened to Yu An.

Overjoyed by the Patriarch's reaction, Dong Qiang quickly clasped his fists then said,

"With Patriarch's permission, I will quickly bring Xiao Fang."

"There's no need, he's already here."

The Patriarch's words came at a shock to everyone, but a few moments later they began to hear faint taps coming from outside. It gradually got louder, suggesting that the person making the sound was getting closer.

"It's him," one elder said under his breath, but the room was so deathly quiet his words were heard by everyone.

Xiao Jing sat at the edge of her seat, waiting to see her older brother for the first time. However, she eventually noticed something strange. The mood in the room had completely changed, but it didn't take long to figure out why.

Xiao Jing suddenly started to feel nauseous and a bit choked up. She remembered having this feeling in the Chaos sect once before, but it wasn't nearly as strong.

'It's bloodlust,' Xiao Jing thought.

Eventually the tapping stopped, then what followed was the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

It seemed they were too late. Just as the Elders feared, they knew in that moment that Xiao Fang knew that his mother was gone.

The doors began to open then a blindfolded man walked in with eerie black sword in hand. Once he walked passed the kneeling Dong Qiang, he finally stopped then undressed the upper half of his robes, letting it hang over his waist like a swordsman preparing for war.

His body was sturdy, his muscles were toned, and his presence was imposing. Although they couldn't feel what realm he was in, any one with eyes could tell that he wasn't the same boy he was a year ago.

The Patriarch finally stood up with a grin on his face. In the next moment, a long sword emitting a tyrannical aura suddenly appeared in his hand before he said.

"Welcome back, Fang."

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