Naked Sword Art

Chapter 299 Divine Realm Technique

Chapter 299 Divine Realm Technique

"Are you done?"




Xiao Fang was annoyed, but he didn't let it get to his head.

"I'll admit, learning the Divine Sword technique to the 4th level at your age is extremely impressive, but you will never be able to beat a Divine realm cultivator with that alone," Xiao Jianhong lectured him.

"You're still weak. Let me give you a taste of what a real Divine Realm Cultivator can do," Xiao Jianhong said before he raised his sword above his head.

In the next moment, the sword Qi surrounding Xiao Jianhong and his sword began to increase as his aura expanded. Xiao Fang subconsciously took a step back as every fiber in his body told him to run. He didn't know what to expect, but Xiao Jianhong didn't keep him wondering for long.

"Divine Sword... Cutting Mountain."

Xiao Fang's eyes widened when he heard those words, but blinded by his newfound strength, he didn't run, he crouched low with his sword pointed forward as if he was ready to receive his father's attack. Seeing that, Xiao Jianhong's smirked before finally putting his 2nd hand upon the sword as well.

A violent storm was forming in the Hall like a tornado around Xiao Jianhong. Lady Xu calmly covered most of her face with her hand and sleeve, leaving a bit of room so she could still watch what was happening. Xiao Fang on the other hand was not nearly as calm because he had never seen a Divine Realm technique before, and he certainly never tried to defend himself against one before.

Although Xiao Fang was still a long way from fully mastering the 4th level of the [ Divine Sword ] technique, he never would have imagined the gap between the 4th and 5th level to be this huge.

Xiao Fang refused to believe it. Surely, this was no ordinary Divine realm technique, this technique was the Divine Sword sect's signature technique after all.

In that moment of sanity, Xiao Fang thought,

'If I try to block this I will certainly be killed.'

He didn't like it, but he needed to find another way out. However, before he could, his father suddenly took one hand off his sword then said,

"Just a taste..."

In the next moment, he finally swung his sword diagonally, but Xiao Fang could only stand still like a deer in headlights as the slash just missed his head.

Xiao Fang could sense the damage the slash caused on the wall behind him, but because it was so unbelievable, he slowly looked back at it to see it with his own eyes.

Xiao Fang gulped as a nervous sweat trickled down his face. Xiao Jianhong's attack didn't just leave a deep imprint in the wall, it had completely cut right through it.

The walls were extremely thick to prevent any spies from listening in on the important discussions being had in this room, so even if Xiao Fang spent the entire day trying to cut through the wall, he would never be able to do it.




Meanwhile, outside of the Patriarch's Hall, the elders were speechless when they saw the slash leave a large hole in the wall. They couldn't believe things would escalate this quickly.

Shocked by the sudden explosion, Xiao Jing quickly jumped behind Chu Piao for cover. When she thought it was safe, she eventually looked around him to see what happened. She didn't get to see what caused it, but she saw something that was just as incredible.

Xiao Jing stared speechlessly at the 10 meters long and 1 meter wide diagonal cut in the wall. She understood how tough the walls were because of her formal training, so she couldn't imagine how powerful an attack would have to be to create that big of a hole in the wall.

Chu Piao eventually raised his sleeve then looked back at Xiao Jing who was still hiding behind him.

"Are you alright?" Chu Piao asked.

"Y-yeah..." Xiao Jing said as she let go of Chu Piao's robes.

Chu Piao smiled but also shook his head. A swordsman mustn't fear anything, not even death, so seeing his new young disciple scare away so easily made him realize that he had a lot to teach her.

"What was that attack just now?" Xiao Jing asked.

"Divine Sword Cutting Mountain. It's the strongest technique in the sect," Chu Piao explained briefly.

"The strongest?" she echoed his words in surprise.

Her mother once told her that Xiao Jianhong was as strong as the Patriarch of the Chaos sect, but she found that hard to believe because she knew that the Patriarch of the Chaos sect was in the Heavenly realm while her father was only at the 9th stage of the Divine Realm. Although Xiao Jianhong was only 1 breakthrough away from reaching the Heavenly realm, anyone that knew anything about the Heavenly realm knew that it was impossible for a Divine Realm cultivator to even last 10 seconds against them... or so she thought.

"Is that it?" Xiao Jing asked as if she was unimpressed.

Hearing that nearly made a few of the Elders vomit blood. How could a technique they spent their entire lives trying to master be belittled by a youngster.

"Xiao Jing... you-" one of the Elders was going to berate her for being ignorant and disrespectful, but before he could, another voice interjected.

"Xiao Jing is right. The Patriarch was holding back quite a bit."

The one that spoke was none other than Supreme Elder Chu.

"Ah, but-"

Supreme Elder Chu sighed before taking out his sword. In the next moment, his aura expanded, engulfing everyone around him. Not even a second later, the ground cracked beneath his feet as he swung his sword at the mountains. The moment he did, an enormous projectile slash shot out, travelling a few kilometers in a second to reach the mountain side.


The sound of the attack hitting the mountain face sounded out as the ground shook and the wind blew.

"Don't forget how the technique got it's name. There's a reason why it's recognized as the strongest sword technique in the country," Supreme Elder Chu said.

Even if the Supreme Elder didn't say anything, there would've been a number of Elders in that group that would've corrected him before he could scold Xiao Jing.

"Mn, he was definitely holding back. He must be trying to scare Xiao Fang into submission," another Elder said.

Most of the Elders seemed to agree with that statement, but only the Supreme Elders and a few others thought something was up. Knowing the Xiao family, nothing they ever did was ever as it seemed. Furthermore, scaring someone into submission wasn't something Xiao Jianhong would ever do. Especially since he knew better than anyone else how stubborn and fearless Xiao Fang was.

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