Naked Sword Art

Chapter 302 Forbidden Inscription Practices

Chapter 302 Forbidden Inscription Practices

"Fang, what's the last thing you remember?"




"I was sparring against my father, before my step mother restrained me. I can't remember anything after that."

"Ah, so that's what happened. You must've been giving them a hard time," Jiang Mei smiled jokingly.

Xiao Fang didn't want to tell them what he was really doing there because he didn't want them to worry, but judging by their reaction to his words he could guess that they knew what happened to him.

"You're step mother must be an incredible inscriptionist," Su Yun commented.

"Why do you think that?" Xiao Fang asked.

"What you were describing earlier were symptoms of a cultivator that had completely exhausted every drop of their Qi in their body. However, since our dantians are continuously creating Qi all the time, unless someone was using a powerful sealing formation to keep you in that state, it wouldn't last longer than a few seconds before the feeling goes away," Su Yun explained.

"I must've drained all my Qi several times in the past, but I never felt anything like this," Xiao Fang said skeptically.

"You might think so, but not completely. It would take a tremendous amount of pressure to force your body to use up all of it's Qi. The only people to document this kind of phenomenon were those who only narrowly escaped death," Su Yun said.

Jiang Mei continued off of Su Yun's explanation by giving him an example, saying,

"Think of it like holding in your breath under water. Your body will continue to hold that breath even after it feels like your lungs are going to burst. You wouldn't be able to make yourself breathe in, even if you wanted to. It's only after you feel excruciating pain from your head wanting to explode that you will finally gasp for air."

Although Xiao Fang has been beaten in training till he was half dead numerous times in his life, he had never once feared that he would ever die. What Su Yun and Jiang Mei were saying also explained why he could feel his dantian being sucked dry of all his Qi the moment he tried to send some of his Qi from the clone's body to his real one.

However, Xiao Fang still found it a bit hard to believe because people from the Chaos sect and Divine Sword sect were forbidden from practicing any kind of inscription techniques. If the Royal Court was to hear about this, his step mother would surely be put to death.

"I see," Xiao Fang replied plainly.

Xiao Fang didn't want to be unconscious till they decided to lift the seal on him, so he started to think of what he should do.

As he was thinking, Su Yun crawled on top of him, resting her warm sexy body on his as she slid her soft feminine hand up his chest.

"You aren't just trying to find an excuse to avoid talking about making me pregnant are you?" Su Yun said softly with a pout.

"You're really serious about this, huh," Xiao Fang inquired.

"Well... not really, but I have to admit, the thought of you pinning me down and fucking me with your baby in my stomach sounds be pretty exciting, wouldn't you agree?" she said in a seductive tone.

Rolling his eyes, he lightly pushed her to the side, getting her off his body.

"You play too much," he replied.

"Yeah, but you like that about me," Su Yun replied with a playful smirk.

Xiao Fang ignored Su Yun and closed his eyes as he resumed thinking about what he should be doing about the situation he was in.

As he was deep in thought, Su Yun was still laying next to him, but her playful smile lessened to a subtle glance of admiration and yearning for something more. She subconsciously bit her bottom lip as she looked up at him sitting up on the bed. Feeling bubbly inside, Su Yun began to get worried. She hated to admit it, but she wanted to be more than his sex partner.

She never imagined feeling this way towards any guy before, but just talking about bearing his child was something she never thought she would even joke about.

She was scared he would reject her if she opened up to him like Jiang Mei did, so she always convinced herself that it was good enough that she was sleeping in the same bed as him, but seeing Jiang Mei get all cuddly and cute with him as he rested a hand on her thigh made her realize that Jiang Mei looked happier just sitting next to him than she did having sex with him. Su Yun didn't have the courage to open up to him, so made it her goal to get him to ask her to become his woman.

Noticing that he was still hard, Su Yun saw an opportunity to take a step in achieving that goal. Reaching over to his lower half, she placed his hard meat in her soft hands. Stroking it up and down, she gave him a relaxing handjob thinking it might help him think.

Xiao Fang just let Su Yun do what she wanted since it didn't distract his thoughts, but he did find it a bit concerning when he noticed the kind of look she was giving him. If she really wanted to be more than his sexual partner, she would need to do more than appeal to his sexual nature.

After a few more seconds of thought, Xiao Fang eventually shook Jiang Mei's thigh to get her attention before asking,

"Hey, do you know if it's possible to create more clones with the one I am using now?"

Taking her head off his shoulder, Jiang Mei elegantly nodded her head once as she replied,

"Um, it is, but I'd have to advise against it. Learning that technique could take weeks or even months to learn. Since this is your first year in the Inner Court, you should put all your attention on catching up to your classmates. If you don't follow the curriculum, you will likely get demoted to the Tiger-Class next year," Jiang Mei advised him.


"I understand, but this is more important to me now. If you can help me find someone that already mastered that technique, I might be able to learn it a little faster," Xiao Fang replied.

Jiang Mei didn't know anyone that mastered that technique. Not just because she didn't have any friends in the Inner Court, but because it was such an uncommon technique to learn.

However, before Jiang Mei could tell him that, Su Yun suddenly spoke.

"I might know someone that could help."

"You do?" Jiang Mei said in surprise.

"What's her name?" Xiao Fang asked.

"She's my older sister, and her name is Su Lingxi."

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