Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1237: Truth?

Chapter 1237: Truth?

"Why we shouldn't exist?" Shiro asked as Shiro. C nodded her head.

"But before we continue, would you like a drink?" Shiro. C asked while patting the spot next to her.

Nodding her head, Shiro made her way next to her and sat down.

Lyrica and the rest of the party understood that they probably wanted some privacy and left them to their own while looking around the temple.

Handing over a small cup to Shiro, Shiro. C drank her's in a single gulp.

Doing the same, Shiro could feel her throat burning up and understood that it was alcohol.

"You know… I hate you a lot." Shiro. C smiled while glancing back at the tomes.

"You're the reason that my friends are now buried and unable to be revived." She sighed before drinking another cup.

"But I hate myself more. For not being strong enough to overpower your influence."

Hearing this, Shiro had a small frown on her face.

"I don't have words of comfort for you since one of us was going to suffer regardless. But I know why we shouldn't exist. As the first born of destruction our natu-"

"No you don't understand." Shiro. C cut her off as she looked at Shiro.

"Our identity as the first born of destruction is not the reason why we shouldn't be alive. Even if we exert a negative influence into the universe, the first born of creation will always offset our power. However, have you ever wondered why the cycle even exists? The battle of queens, gods and lifelines." Shiro. C asked with a bitter smile.

"If my knowledge is correct, it should be to cultivate a single world order right? Where one ruler governs all."

Upon hearing Shiro's response, Shiro. C laughed out loud.

"If that was their true goal, don't you think there are better ways to go around it? Why do they have to censor the goal? With the power of the system don't you think they can train the lifeline to survive? Or perhaps pick a lifeline or a ruler after extensive testing. Perhaps you could say fair testing, that is a valid reason. And if their goal is one world, does that mean our counterparts from the different places will also live in that one world? Would there be multiple Shiro's living in that last world? Or would every other world be destroyed for the progress of the main world." Shiro. C asked as Shiro was silent.

It was true. If the goal is one world what happens to the different universes? If the world of destruction becomes the final world and she becomes the ruler, the world of creation will be destroyed.

Not to mention, Shiro only knows about the state of the world of creation. She doesn't know how the worlds are in between the two worlds. What about the world in the middle? The one that was supposedly balanced. Would they also be destroyed if she wins this fight?

"Though if I have one thing to be grateful about, it's that I'm not the lifeline unlike you. If I die, this world won't end for now." Shiro. C smiled while taking another drink.

"I don't think there is supposed to be a winner. We're just cogs in a machine masquerading as a competition. You know that the other queens have been lied to, yes? Same with the gods."

"Mnm, I do know. They've been tricked with false promises of bringing back their world. The world they lost." Shiro nodded with a sombre expression.

"If the system is lying to them, don't you think they can lie to us?" Shiro. C asked while leaning back. Looking up at the ceiling, she let out a large sigh.

Pausing in realisation, Shiro turned to Shiro. C.

"Surprised? Though with how your life has gone, I suppose it didn't lead you to suspect the system. This might be egotistical but don't you think every cycle is a test for 'us?'

"There is always a Shiro, always a time where our presence will dictate how the world will go. If the world is on train tracks, we're the lever that decides where it goes. Who do you think set it up? Chaos? Perhaps. But I don't think it's her." Shiro. C shook her head.

"I've met Chaos you know…"

Hearing this, Shiro sat up in surprise and turned to Shiro. C.

"Her state is worse than mine." She chuckled while raising her arm that was missing and crumbling to ash.

"Wait if Chaos is not at the centre of it, who is?" Shiro asked with a frown.

"Who do you think? It's *****."

"What?" Furrowing her brows, Shiro couldn't hear clearly what Shiro. C was trying to say.

"She's watching. I guess you're not allowed to know considering you are now at the forefront of everything. I'm just a backdrop now." Shiro. C shook her head and stood up.

Waving her hand, she 'repaired' her body and gestured for Shiro to follow her.

"Wait, before we go somewhere I need to ask you something. What's in the deadly zones? Why didn't you want me to scan the area?" Shiro asked as Shiro. C glanced back.

"It's better to show you."

Notifying Lyrica and her party to gather together, Shiro. C opened a portal and all of them were sent to the deepest parts of the deadly zones.

The cities were flooded with a strange red and purple crystal that seemed to pulse with life. Every crystal was connected with strands of flesh and chitin while large spinal structures created archways over the skyscrapers.

When looking at the scene from above, it almost looked like a blooming flower with the crystals and teeth acting as petals that surged towards the centre.

Just laying their eyes towards this structure caused shivers down their spine as Shiro narrowed her eyes and scanned the code.

Once she understood what it was, Shiro snapped her head towards Shiro. C.

"We call it the God Beast. A single amalgamation of flesh from merging every single god, queen and all the life forms that surpassed a certain level. It was created from an accident. I was not here when it was formed as I had breached into the god realm in search of the true culprit behind the cycles. But when I came back, the fusion was finished.

"You can call it a last ditch effort to stall the coming destruction, but I did not know my agreement would create such a beast." Shiro. C sighed.


"Mnm. I had made an agreement with the Lifeline of this world. The pre-awakened First Born of Creation. Though she had been corrupted by a third party. I wanted to try resolving things peacefully but because you and Lyrica have come to this world, it's no longer possible. You can try talk to her and see if you can resolve any disagreements but don't hold too much hope." Shiro. C shook her head while sending everyone back to the temple.

"Honestly I suggest you just going back home."

"I can't." Lyrica interrupted with a frown, causing Shiro. C to look towards her direction.

"I know what you want, but it's not possible. As the lifeline and First Born of Creation, she will not help you. The gateway to what you seek can only be opened with the governing power of this world. If you want to find the path you want, you'll need to persuade her or take her power. If you take her power there's a chance she could die causing this world to perish and so will the gateway. Why do you think I haven't told you the truth? Because knowing you, you would try anyways even if it means dooming this world." Shiro. C narrowed her eyes as Lyrica couldn't say anything.

After all, it was true.

"So why now? Why are you telling us everything now?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Because you're here. There's no stopping what you want to do. You can probably find out everything in due time so why delay the inevitable? It's not like I'm staying around for much longer anyways." Shiro. C shrugged before sitting back down.

"You should meet the First Born of Creation. She will probably tell you more if her mind hasn't collapsed already. The battle between First Born's has left quite the scar on her mind. She who loves life more than anything has resorted to creating monstrous amalgamations because she cannot stop destruction."

Waving her hand, a portal was opened for the party as Shiro. C sat down on the steps.

"Before you go, I must ask you one question. And it's for your ears only." Shiro. C smiled while looking at Shiro. Opening her mouth, a message was transmitted to Shiro.

[Can you accept an eternity of loneliness?]

"Dwell on that question for me. And when you have your answer, you should know what you must do. This is all I can say without being stopped by the one who is watching."

Nodding her head, Shiro gave Shiro. C one last look before stepping through the portal with the rest of the party.

Once they left, Shiro. C leaned against the coffins and tried to take one last drink but her hand crumbled away.

"Shame... *****, You're still watching aren't you? Here's my final words to you." Shiro. C smiled while remembering everything her friends had sacrificed.

"F*ck you, your end will come." She grinned before crumbling to ash.

"I hope so too." A faint figure muttered before disappearing.

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