Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapter 4724 Conning

Chapter 4724 Conning

Upon their arrival, they saw that the island was packed with hundreds of experts. Just like Qian Feng, they used unknown means to cover up their Doyen auras, so no wonder Xia Chen couldn’t find a trace of them.

Amongst these hundreds of experts, one fierce-looking man with pockmarks all over his face was looking at Qian Feng and Long Chen scornfully.

“Qi Yufeng, shut your fucking mouth. There’s still a while before the meeting starts! Don’t act bigger than you are,” retorted Qian Feng.

These two clearly had some kind of grudge between them. Long Chen even suspected that this person was the competitor Qian Feng had mentioned.

Long Chen observed this person. Although he had covered his Doyen aura, Long Chen could tell that he was most likely a nine star Heavenly Doyen.

“Qian Feng, do you think you’re still the assistant hall master? Is this how you speak to your superiors? Why don’t you try and repeat what you just said?” asked the pockmarked man as he walked forward sinisterly.

“What’s going on?” whispered Long Chen.

“Fuck, how unlucky! He’s actually on duty here. He’s the arch-enemy that I mentioned to you before. That damn Zhao Xing must have reported our arrival! Otherwise, he should have gone in long ago. He’s only standing here to humiliate me,” explained Qian Feng as he ground his teeth.

“Don’t worry. I’ll support you.” Long Chen then looked at the pockmarked man disdainfully, which irked the latter.

“Who are you? Hand over your tablet!” he shouted.

Hearing that, Long Chen slowly extended his empty hand, enraging that man. Thinking that Long Chen was playing with him, he was about to curse when Long Chen lightly swung his hand.

Long Chen’s movements weren’t fast, but his palm solidly landed on that fellow’s face. The slap looked powerless, but when it landed, it sent him and his yellow teeth flying through the air.

This scene stunned everyone. When that pockmarked man stood up again, gasps filled the air as they saw the grotesque sight. Half of his face was mangled, with bones protruding through torn flesh.

Even Qian Feng’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. However, Long Chen casually pulled his hand back and blew on his palm lazily.

“Qi Yifeng, it’s been many years since we last met. You’re quite arrogant now, aren’t you!”

“You...? Who are you?” asked Qi Yifeng in confusion.

Long Chen patted Qian Feng’s shoulder. “He’s actually asking me who I am, hahahaha!”

Long Chen laughed. If this poor bastard didn’t know who he was, he could guess. At this moment, Qian Feng recovered from his shock and realized that Long Chen was actually a terrifying expert. He also seemed to have a grudge with Qi Yifeng.

“Qi Yifeng—” started Qian Feng.

“We’ll leave things as they are for now. Once the meeting’s over, we’ll play with him.” Long Chen stopped Qian Feng. Just like that, he walked through, and the others hastily opened a path for him.

Qi Yifeng remained in a daze from being slapped, unable to recall who this black-robed guy was. However, seeing how pleased Qian Feng was, he could barely hold his anger down. As the two of them passed by, Qian Feng looked at Qi Yifeng and declared, “If you have guts, don’t run. We’ll settle our grudges when the meeting is over!”

“Fuck you! Just who are you?!” raged Qi Yifeng.

Long Chen ignored this poor bastard as he walked through with Qian Feng. Together, they traversed a passageway on the island, leading to a spatial gate. Long Chen and Qian Feng stepped through the gate without hesitation.

I passed the final gate! I really am a genius! When Long Chen turned back, he almost shouted in excitement. Just now, he had seen those disciples holding special devices for checking people’s identities. However, with one slap, Long Chen managed to clear the way.

As for Qian Feng, seeing how excited Long Chen was, he thought Long Chen was just happy to have slapped Qi Yifeng.

“Brother Long, I didn’t expect you to be such an amazing expert! Please forgive my earlier rudeness!” exclaimed Qian Feng excitedly.

Long Chen waved off the apology with a casual demeanor. “That was nothing. It just so happens that this fellow crossed me before. It’s good that we can join forces against a common enemy. When the meeting is over, I’ll challenge him and teach him a lesson he won't forget.”

Qian Feng's enthusiasm bubbled over. “That would be amazing! Brother Long, I’m curious. What kind of position do you hold in the Blood Assassination Hall? With your power, you must hold a significant rank, right? Anything less would be a disappointment considering your talent.”

It was a bit late for him to probe Long Chen now. Hence, Long Chen intentionally acted mysterious. “Let me tell you, but you can’t tell anyone else. I am a mere storehouse watcher.”

“A storehouse watcher? Impossible!” Qian Feng’s eyes widened. Didn’t Long Chen say that he had connections? How did he end up being a storehouse watcher?

“A storehouse watcher. Do you not understand?” Long Chen wriggled his eyebrows.

Qian Feng was baffled for a moment and then exclaimed, “You’re a treasury overseer?!”

Long Chen simply smiled and remained silent, causing Qian Feng to be in awe. It was a truly cushy job. For someone as young as Long Chen to be in charge of a treasury, he had to have many connections.

“That’s right, who is the treasury overseer over here? Can you connect us? I have some things that I wish to trade with him,” asked Long Chen.

Qian Feng instantly understood. While an overseer could pocket certain items, many of those items couldn’t see the light of day.

However, if Long Chen were to work together with the overseer on this side, they could do some mutual trades and profit immensely. Thinking this way, Qian Feng instantly believed Long Chen’s identity.

“I’m sorry, but my position as assistant hall master didn’t let me set up a solid foundation here. My own connections aren’t very good, and I’ve only been to the treasury three times. I couldn’t get in contact with the treasury guards’ higher-ups,” replied Qian Feng with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

“That’s fine. I feel like we’re kindred spirits, and we even have a joint enemy in the form of Qi Yifeng. Don’t worry, this won’t be a problem for me. When the meeting’s over, I’ll personally pay my respects to your treasury overseer. If we can come to an agreement, you’ll have your cut too,” promised Long Chen.

Qian Feng was extremely excited by Long Chen’s promise, feeling like Long Chen was a loyal brother. Just as he was moved, Long Chen asked, “Where is the treasury? I can go there myself.”

“You can’t do that! It would be best if you made an appointment with the higher-ups. Going alone may lead to complications or misunderstandings,” Qian Feng cautioned.

“When it comes to something like this, I have to act secretly. Who conducts these kinds of trades openly? Just tell me where the treasury is. You don’t need to worry about anything else.”

Glancing around discreetly, Long Chen leaned in and whispered, “In my line of work, we have our own signals, known only to our associates. They'll recognize me instantly when they see the sign.”

Qian Feng got tricked by Long Chen once again. Worried that he wouldn’t be able to explain it clearly enough, he handed Long Chen a map.

Just as Long Chen got the map, the space ahead of them twisted, so Long Chen hastily put it away, keeping an eye on the changes before him. Suddenly, the space around them contorted, transporting them to a bustling plaza. Seeing the sea of people here, Long Chen couldn’t help crying out inside.

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