Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts

Chapters 4707 New Guests

Chapters 4707 New Guests

“What happened?” Long Chen hastily sat up.

Bai Xiaole, this younger brother-in-law of his, had no idea that he had just ruined Long Chen’s hope. He was so dense that he didn’t even notice Bai Shishi or Yu Qingxuan’s bashful expressions.

“Boss, not good! Many fierce people have arrived at the academy. They’re acting unbearably arrogant.”

“Fierce people? How fierce?” Long Chen was baffled.

“I don’t know! The front courtyard is a mess now, and it looks like a fight might break out at any moment! The Dean isn’t here, nor is anyone else with that level of authority. Boss, you have to go over there now!” urged Bai Xiaole anxiously.

“Alright, let’s go!” Long Chen walked out with Bai Xiaole. Yu Qingxuan and Bai Shishi followed, but Long Chen said, “Don’t come with us. It would be best if everyone in the Dragonblood Legion didn’t show themselves for now.”

“Why is that?” asked Bai Shishi.

Just as Long Chen was about to reply, Yu Qingxuan grabbed Bai Shishi’s hand and said, “There’s nothing to see over there. Let’s just eat the medicinal pills that Long Chen made for us.”

Long Chen had refined specific nine star Heavenly Doyen Pills for Bai Shishi, Yu Qingxuan, Guo Ran, Gu Yang, Li Qi, Song Mingyuan, Xia Chen, Bai Xiaole, and the others. These pills had a high degree of affinity with them.

Bai Shishi and Yu Qingxuan hadn’t consumed their pills yet due to being with Long Chen. Although Bai Shishi was a bit unwilling, she still let herself be pulled away by Yu Qingxuan.

With Bai Shishi and Yu Qingxuan leaving, Long Chen set off with Bai Xiaole and asked, “Do you know who those people are?”

“I don’t. I already consumed the pill, but there was no reaction. Since the others were in seclusion, I was bored by myself, so I went strolling around. After that, I heard some shouts with a powerful piercing power, most likely belonging to Sage Kings, and they did not bother concealing their killing intent. After I heard the shouts, I immediately ran over to report it to you. I was worried things would get out of control if I waited until I knew exactly what was happening,” reported Bai Xiaole hastily.

“Don’t spout nonsense. You’re simply gutless and didn’t dare to stand out.” At this moment, the Violet Pupil Nine Tail Fox appeared on Bai Xiaole’s shoulder, looking at him disdainfully.

“That’s not it!” argued Bai Xiaole angrily.

“You’re cowardly and lazy. You even left the medicinal pill to me to digest and refine. When you encounter something, you don’t dare to deal with it. Being a partner with someone like you is embarrassing,” mocked the Violet Pupil Nine Tail Fox, curling its mouth in disdain. For a little fox to have such a human expression was rather amusing.

“I... I...” Bai Xiaole’s face reddened, and he didn’t know how to retort.

Long Chen patted Bai Xiaole’s shoulder. No one knew whether it was on purpose or inadvertent, but Long Chen ended up patting the Violet Pupil Nine Tail Fox’s head.


The little fox was instantly enraged, and Long Chen hastily apologized before it could curse him. “Sorry!”

“You did that on purpose!” The little fox was enraged. “You’re also a bad person!”

“Hey, it really was an accident! Don’t cry! I’m sorry!” Long Chen apologized more when he saw tears appear in the little fox’s eyes.

In truth, it really wasn’t on purpose. He was used to comforting Bai Xiaole like this and ended up forgetting about the little fox.

Long Chen hastily picked up Little Nine and placed it on his shoulder, comforting it until it stopped crying. Bai Xiaole also apologized. Upon seeing Bai Xiaole’s aggrieved expression, Little Nine turned away.

Bai Xiaole was embarrassed. This time, Long Chen managed to pat his shoulder. “If you’re scared, you’re scared. There’s nothing wrong about admitting it.”

“Boss, I...”

Long Chen continued, “Didn’t Guo Ran tell you that you are also a member of the Dragonblood Legion?”


Bia Xiaole was moved. He had always wanted to join the Dragonblood Legion, but Long Chen had never said anything about it, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Bai Xiaole then went to ask Guo Ran, and Guo Ran told him that joining the Dragonblood Legion was not so easy. Unless he could obtain everyone’s approval, not even their boss could let him join.

After getting along with them all for so long, adding on what had happened in front of the gate to the ninth heaven, Bai Xiaole managed to obtain everyone’s approval.

Upon returning to the academy, Guo Ran mentioned to him that everyone consented to him formally joining the Dragonblood Legion, and all he was missing was the boss’s approval.

Now that Long Chen brought him along, he was excited and nervous. Everyone in the cultivation world worshiped the strong, and Bai Xiaole was no exception. As everyone in the Dragonblood Legion was a true expert, Bai Xiaole eagerly wished to join their ranks, hoping that he could one day become an expert of their caliber.

“Do you know why everyone in the Dragonblood Legion, upon learning that I was still resting, remained in seclusion?” asked Long Chen.

“I... I don’t know,” answered Bai Xiaole.

“Our Dragonblood Legion is a pack of life-and-death brothers. None of us are above or below another, which means every person can be the master of the Dragonblood Legion, leading the Dragonblood Legion to glory or to harm. Even if one person’s mistake were to result in our complete annihilation, on the path to the yellow springs, we would still be able to laugh and smile. None of us would blame them,” explained Long Chen.

“Boss...!” Bai Xiaole was shocked.

“As the leader of the Dragonblood Legion, they entrust their lives to me, and I also do the same. That is the essence of the Dragonblood Legion,” said Long Chen.

Bai Xiaole was shocked. This was his first time truly understanding the Dragonblood Legion and Long Chen.

“You’ve passed the trial, so you are a member of the Dragonblood Legion as well. In the future, you don’t need to be afraid of anything. No matter what kind of calamity you cause, we will help you hold it up. Even if the heavens collapse, I will help you lift them. Remember, from top to bottom, the Dragonblood legion is of one heart. We share honor and disgrace no matter what,” declared Long Chen as he patted Bai Xiaole’s shoulder.

“Boss...” Bai Xiaole was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes. Finally, Long Chen accepted him as a member of the Dragonblood Legion.

“Little Nine.”

Long Chen turned to the sullen Violet Pupil Nine Tail Fox on his shoulder.

“You are one with Bai Xiaole, sharing his honor and disgrace like us. You know that Bai Xiaole’s character is weak, and he will often need you to be the pillar that lifts him up. Remember, the two of you are equal. The Dragonblood Legion approves of him, and we also approve of you. And our approval of you is not because of him, understand?”

“Boss...” The little fox’s eyes reddened.

Long Chen rubbed its head. “You are not an accessory or anyone’s housepet. You are you. When Xiaole is acting wrong, you have the authority to take control of your future. Don’t let Xiaole randomly mess around.”

“Can I really?” asked the little fox with a quivering voice.

“Of course. If Xiaole doesn’t like him, just tell me, and I’ll put him in his place,” Long Chen swore solemnly.

“Alright! I’ve long since wanted him to change his bad habits!” the little fox shouted excitedly. It wasn’t human, so it hadn’t expected Long Chen to actually treat him this closely. The fact that Long Chen treated it the same way as Bai Xiaole made it feel very grateful.

“Boss...” Seeing Little Nine so excited, Bai Xiaole had a bad feeling.

After Long Chen placed the little fox back on Bai Xiaole’s shoulder, it instantly drew a high and mighty air around itself. “Silence! We’re going to arrive soon. Don’t affect your boss’s treatment toward the guests.”

Bai Xiaole’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t reply, simply following Long Chen into the guest hall.

“Could it be that all the leaders of your High Firmament Academy are turtles stuck in a well?! Did no one dare to show themselves?”

Long Chen had just arrived in front of the gate when a single shout drew his ire.

“Little Nine!”

“Understood!” The Violet Pupil Nine Tail Fox’s eyes shined brightly.

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