Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 130: Overkill

Kao Peng sneered at the little girl who whipped a staff out from out of nowhere. He looked at the older guy and felt no threat from him at all. "Guess I can get those storage rings and maybe the staff too once they prostrate in front of me. Time to teach them a lesson." Kao Peng thought to himself and felt proud that he found the right target this time.

He then sent a voice transmission to his underlings to move forward even more and if possible grab that expensive looking staff away from the little girl. Suddenly, he felt an eerie silence behind him and he turned around, only to find that a defensive barrier had been created behind him.

"What in the worl- BOOOOOOOOM" A gigantic blast of fire immediately incinerated the area and caused almost everything in its way to be burnt to a crisp. The onlookers panicked and screamed at the sudden change of events and even the Grade 10 Zoo Guard instantly raised a high level barrier up when he saw the fire blast.

However, he was not as fast as Milk who created the defensive barrier first. "Ooo, Foreigner you seem very capable." Grandma Yuan complimented Milk's powers and she smiled back. "That was nothing, I know for a fact that Jin and Peppers would have been strong enough to prepare in advance."

"You know the victims?" Grandma Yuan tried to probe further.

"You mean the victors? Yes, I do know them, Tiangong District Guardian Yuan." Milk said unhesitantly and Grandma Yuan laughed.

"Hahaha, looks like Jin does have some talented friends after all." Grandma Yuan continued to watch the one sided battle.

"Hmmmm! It's really been a long time since I was allowed to release so much firepower." Peppers stretched her arms while holding on to her staff. The Three Eyed Tiger's gang members that were in front of Jin were trembling when they saw what Peppers did to their gang leader.

"Witch!!!" The gang members shouted in unison but before they knew what had taken place, a shadowy stick hit their faces and they dropped to the ground like flies. "How rude." Jin swung his Bamboo Bo after hitting the gang members.

When the smoke cleared, Kao Peng was barely standing, with third degree burns located on his entire body. Apparently, his underlings had unintentionally managed to protect Kao Peng by standing right in front of him, hence the bulk of the blast was taken by his underlings.

Kao Peng's legs were shaking as he pulled out a relic from his storage ring. Kao Peng initially did not have the intention to use this precious relic. He was told to hold onto the relic of life as a secondary backup for his senior in case his senior ever got into trouble. This was the amount of trust his senior had placed on him.

However, at this moment, he valued his pathetic life more than anything else. "Sorry Senior Wai, I did not expect things to be this way." Kao Peng used the remainder of his chi to activate the relic of life.

A bright light shone from the relic and enveloped him in some mystical eastern magic that allowed him to heal quicker than Jin's top quality recovery potions. "I will take my revenge for my comrades!" Kao Peng's vigour renewed and his body seemed stronger than before.

"You want another dose? I will gladly give it to you." Peppers readied her staff but suddenly Jin stopped her. "It's okay Peppers, I will deal with him. Besides, your firepower made the onlookers too scared."

'Too scared?' Peppers immediately stiffened up as some bad memories started to appear, causing her to all of a sudden start screaming. "What's wrong?" Jin diverted his attention for a moment and Kao Peng took that opportunity to strike with his sword.

"Shit!" Jin held onto Peppers and barely dodged the first attack, but Kao Peng was relentless and Jin received a long straight cut along his arm. Kao Peng was delighted that he managed to deal damage to Jin and hungered for more.

However, Jin did not give him the chance to launch his third attack. With a deep breath, Jin released a powerful chi beam, which caused Kao Peng's main sword arm to dissipate into nothingness. This time round Kao Peng was filled with terror and dread. He did not expect both the girl and her guardian to be this powerful. "You watch out!" Kao Peng shouted as he retreated to safety.

Meanwhile, the onlookers had mixed reactions. Some rejoiced that the Three Eyed Tigers were taught a lesson but others were quite fearful of the spells of the little girl and the mysterious skills displayed by her guardian.

"Are you okay?" Milk rushed over and checked on Jin's wound. Without delay, Milk cast a simple healing spell. "Milk, do you have any calming spells?" Jin saw how scared Peppers was all a sudden and was concerned.

"Give me a moment." Milk used her fingers to draw some mystical symbols in the air, which intrigued Grandma Yuan. In a few moments, Milk cast a mix of the Courage spell and Mind Calm Spell on Peppers and it allowed her to act normally once again.

"Sorry… Jin." Peppers wanted to cry so badly but it looked like she was holding her tears back because of the crowd.

"No worries Peppers. Tell us when you are ready." Jin consoled Peppers and soon people who were watching the scene slowly dispersed to mind their own business.

"So Jin, I see that you have a few foreign friends in your company." Grandma Yuan spoke and Jin stiffened a little.

"Ah, Grandma Yuan." Jin bowed towards her and Grandma Yuan suddenly felt that something had changed about this Jin that was standing before her. Was she overthinking it? She was not sure. Jin also wanted to ask why was she here but decided to keep quiet for the moment.

"Hurry to the amphitheatre, I can handle the report," Yun said to Jin as the Grade 10 Zoo Guard came towards them and clarified the current situation with her. There were a few dead bodies around with the solid Dantians and since this was a duel that had many witnesses, the Zoo Guard confirmed that Peppers could not be charged for their deaths. However, on the behalf of Jin, Yun had to write a report regarding the entire incident, which the Zoo Guard would later use as evidence.

"Milk, are you able to handle Peppers for now?" Jin was still worried about Peppers' sudden mental breakdown.

"Do not worry, Peppers is stronger than you think. Go to the fight arena first, we will be there in no time," Milk assured Jin and Zeru decided to tag along with Jin.

"Zeru, don't. Keep an eye on the girls in case a similar case happens again." Jin told Zeru but Zeru refused. "The same might happen to you too since you did not finish that guy off." Zeru warned him. Although Zeru had the same sentimental feelings as Jin, his main priority was still Jin since he was the master.

"At worse, I will call you guys." Jin pointed at his phone and Zeru got his drift.

"Understood, stay frosty." Zeru nodded his head and Jin ran as fast as he could to the amphitheatre. Little did Jin know, Kao Peng was prepping his possible demise.



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