Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 145 Deep Ones

"Oh Oh Oh! Jin! Before you go. Take this." Yun placed an inscription on his handphone and it glowed with a white and black aura. "This is specially made by the system. It's an ultra grade capture inscription. With this inscription on your phone, it will automatically catch monsters once they are severely damaged." Yun smiled as she explained to him.

"You mean I do not have to worry about the monsters dying? I can just go all out?" Jin asked and Yun nodded her head. "All you have to do is concentrate on capturing it, and the inscription will do the rest. However, there are some monsters out there that can resist the powers of capture, especially after they have escaped it once. When that happens, use your phone."

"Is my phone that strong? Hahaha!" Jin laughed and Yun nodded her head once more.

"Yes, you might not believe it but the metal used in your phone is god tier. The rumoured Grade 20..or maybe 21. Depends how you see things. Anyways, it was created from the metal arrow tips of the Norse Hunting God Ullr, who in another parallel world is still alive." Yun casually said.

"Gods are real?" Jin had been wondering if all the folktales he has heard were actually people from other parallel worlds.

"God" is just another name for people with immense strength and longevity." Yun shrugged her shoulders and created a portal. "Now, off you go."

Yun teleported them to the Fishing World as requested by Jin. They teleported safely through a gate portal, which brought them to a fishing port almost devoid of people. In fact, there was hardly anyone around except for a person at the counter near the docks. They noticed the town port's infrastructure was rather extensive, expanding up to a hill. Jin felt an eerie feeling going through him as he stared at the town for a while. It was as if telling him to get out of here as soon as possible.

Jin walked towards the broken down counter and the elderly male yawned, "Visitors? Nevermind, do you want to rent a boat? For 5 Dungeon Dollars only." The Elderly male said and pointed at the rather desolate looking boat. Both Jin and his bellators were reconsidering their choice of the world.

"Do not worry, despite its looks, it is sturdy enough to go out to the sea and has a storage space of about 10 000 fishes regardless of grade...Hahaha!! That is if you can manage to catch even ten in these waters."

The elder male continued to puff his paper cigar.

"What do you mean? Is the water here not suitable for fishing?" Jin asked as he looked at his phone to check how much dungeon dollars he had left.

"Mutant fishes. They are eating up and breaking the ecosystem in this place. Apparently, some idiot decided to experiment on our fishing port and mutant fishes started to eat up our vulnerable fishes. The funny thing is, we managed to catch one or two of these mutant fishes and their spiritual force seems stronger than any other fishes. They even taste better than those fishes we usually catch."

"Then what's the catch? Why is this place devoid of people?" Zeru looked around and could not sense anyone's presence.

"We are ordinary fishermen, not warriors, these mutant fishes could even eat people and cause damage to the boats. Other fishermen had left for better pastures and safer fishing ports. I was left here because I am the mayor of the fishing port. Name's Swabs "

"Jin and they are the rest of my entourage." Jin brought his hand up for a handshake which the mayor obliged. "Such strong hands...but not seasoned in fishing at all. What are you guys up to?"

"," Jin replied awkwardly.

"Heh! Are you begging to die after all that I've said? If so, my boat price is up to 100 dungeon dollars or no sale."

"Hnnng! What?! Do you think we cannot handle the fishes?" Peppers decided to barge in and showed her temper to which Jin held her back a little.

"Huh, feisty. Does not matter much if I do not know whether my boat will be returned to me." Swabs snorted as he took another puff from his cigar.

"Why would we want your boat? We can go search at other places then. Thank you." Jin turned around and decided to leave this fishing port before an evil aura filled the entire place.

"Hey, maybe you should consider again. Now for a 1000 Dungeon Dollars. Price is rather cheap considering you are exchanging it for your lives." Swabs now walked out of the counter as he threw the cigar down onto the floor and from the abandoned houses a number of shadows appeared with grins on their faces.

"Deep Ones…" Peppers took her weapon out and so did Zeru and Milk. "The mythological Chuchulu and the other Great Old Ones." Jin could not help but smile bitterly. He did not expect the Fishing World to be filled with the lore of the Luvcraft..

The Deep Ones were humanoids with fish heads, scaly fins or a combination hairless greyish green skin. Their big bulbous eyes and longish arms with clawed webbed hands and feet made them looked like an abomination.

"Chuchulu? How dare you say that name in front of us! That forbidden name! In the name of Lord Dagen! I swear fishing is the least of concern right now!" Swabs shouted with deep hatred.

The Deep Ones somehow acknowledged Swabs' agony and hatred that they gave various war cries which awoken many other sleeping Deep Ones in that isolated fishing port. Some of the Deep ones even had weapon and armour on them.

"I have no idea what we have gotten into, but all I know right now is we have to stay alive." Jin pulled out Bam and Boo and started to dual wield them while his living armour bands turned active and ready to move whenever needed.

"Do you want me to cast a big massive explosion mixed with the rage of fire and thunder? All I need is time casting and I can easily obliterate this fishing port while helping you to catch some Deep ones for dungeons too." Peppers sniggered but Jin shook his head.

"Where will we be if you do that and inadvertently destroy the only boat. We do not know if other parts of the Fishing world is overrun by the same type of monsters. Let's do this while protecting that boat and perhaps we can go catch some fish." Jin said.

"You still want to catch fish with that boat knowing that there are possibly more Deep Ones lurking in the sea?" Peppers scolded Jin for such a useless plan.

"I know I am contradicting myself. But perhaps...this is the only place that is infested by Deep Ones?" Jin gave a fool's expression and his bellators could only roll their eyes or sigh.

"In any case, no massive explosions. Just small…" Before Jin could finish his sentence, Peppers had already fired a blast of fire at the far end of the port. "Or maybe medium ones.." Jin shook his head and proceeded forward to fight against the Deep Ones.



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