Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 151 Reservoir of Deep Fishing

"Boss! How did you get here so early? Wait! Did you sleep in your store? I don't think you've changed your clothes…" Xiong Da was already waiting outside of the store when Jin opened the side gate promptly at 8am. He even noticed Zhen Qing setting up the kitchen caravan as the door to the caravan was slightly ajar...and her motorcycle was nearby.

" a way. My house is nearby. I get changed after I show you something." Jin rubbed his head as he smiled like a fool at Xiong Da and it made him laugh too. He quietly sent a mind message transmission to Yun since she was the only one who could read his thoughts and Yun replied "Okay."

"Boss, your dedication to me shall be remembered. At least, I, Wa Xiong Da, will never forget this kindness." Xiong Da bowed his head. "Don't be, you are paying me too." Jin ushered Xiong Da into the shop and he could never get over the fact that Jin's shop was always this clean no matter how crowded and messy it was the day before.

"Do I have to pay for the new instance or something? I assumed that it's a new instance since Yun said you prepared something big." Xiong Da prompted but Jin did not answer him. "Just follow me to the third floor," Jin instructed and Xiong Da readily complied.

"Ahhh… The third floor. No matter how many times I come to this floor, I always feel a tranquil peace settling in my heart." Xiong Da took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. It was then that he noticed something new.

"Is that a panda...biting a fish while carrying a fishing net?" Xiong Da looked at the new statue addition and decided to scrutinise it a little. "The fishing net in carved jade...looks really delicate yet so impactful. I really commend on your art supplier's workmanship. Can I touch it?" Xiong Da asked and Jin nodded his head.

Xiong Da brushed his fingers through the new jade statue and felt the smoothness of the jade. He then playfully touched the panda's fang that was plunged into the fish it was biting. "So what is this? Some Fishing instance?"

"You are correct. This is a Fishing Service Instance. Come! Let's go in together." Jin asked Xiong Da to enter first via his phone since he had already edited the permissions of the Service Instance for Xiong Da to enter whenever he wanted this week. Only when the Hungry Hippo had teleported safely did Jin follow him in.

"Oh my gosh, this is splendid." Xiong Da was teleported to a place where he saw a brown bear sitting at the side of a voluminous lake that reflected the deep blue sky on its crystal water. There were willow trees surrounding the entire lake, which made the place feel even more serene than ever. The occasional bird chirping and the blowing of some gentle wind made the place felt unperturbed by the city life.

"It's mainly a saltwater lake, so you will be able to find different types of fishes and the amount of fish you can catch is in the thousands." Jin tried to promote it to Xiong Da but he felt a little sceptical. "Boss, so you want me to catch the fish? And then what? Eat it raw, just like that?"

"My assistants and I will cut it up for you." The bear that was sitting at the side of the lake answered him as it yawned.

"That brown bear, Mr Roro, is an Itamae or master sushi chef. Bring a fish to him and he will cut it up nicely for you right over there and the fish will still retain all of its spiritual force." Jin pointed at the far end of the lake slightly beyond the willow trees. Jin had planned it such that the noise from the sushi counter area would not affect the gathering of anglers. Meanwhile, the NPC Mr Roro was created with more than 10 thousand dungeon dollars. Sure, it cost a lot, but Jin bet on the possibility that this service instance would be a hit. He was willing to bet that it would attract the fishing enthusiasts from the city if he advertised it strategically and of course, the most important thing was not the fishing itself, but the sushi part.

Since Jin was able to obtain such a large amount of high quality fish, he could try opening a side sushi store for this. Of course, The Reservoir of Deep Fishing Service Instance was expensive to enter, hence Jin even prepared a submenu to show off its exclusivity as well as recoup the abyssal amount of dungeon dollars spent on it.

The submenu contained the following


Catch and Eat!

1 Successful Try:100 Yuan

5 Successful Tries: 225 Yuan

10 Successful Tries: 425 Yuan

Unlimited Tries for the entire day: 5000 Yuan


Jin did not explicitly state that it was just a sushi store since he knew that Mr Roro was capable of bringing out the full potential of every single catch. This was especially true if they asked Mr Roro for his expertise. Jin wanted to respect the customer's choice but he was also sly enough to not let them know. Finding out the hidden secret of a store was one of the pleasures and regrets a customer could experience.

"So Boss, all I need to do is just catch a fish and bring it to Mr Roro?" Xiong Da asked once more to confirm and Jin nodded his head.

"The fishing rods are in that shack, you can choose one for yourself or we can help you choose one." Suddenly, a group of bear cubs appeared and pointed towards a wooden shack. Xiong Da followed a bear cub as it led the way while the rest were playfully wrestling with one another near the lake.

"Those are Mr Roro's helpers and apprentices." Jin tagged along with Xiong Da while he laughed at Jin's choice of NPCs. "Boss Jin, always a bear lover."

Xiong Da entered the wooden shack, only to see that the interior was like an extensive fishing store that was being manned by another bear cub. "Are you a beginner in fishing? If yes, I would recommend this particular fishing rod. This rod is easy to use and will not break easily! However, you can only catch basic fish with this rod, though there is still a chance you will able to catch a rare one!" The bear cub listed the pros and cons of the beginner rod, which looked like a simple wooden rod with a string attached to it.

"I will take that, I have no experience when it comes to fishing." The bear cub acknowledged Xiong Da's request and gave him the fishing rod along with a few basic fishing tackles. "Use your chi wisely once you throw the fishing bait into the lake. It will attract the fishes' attention. Have fun fishing!"

Xiong Da went to the edge of the lake and another bear cub helped and taught Xiong Da on how to fish, which brought comfort and ease to Xiong Da, who had never fished before. Meanwhile, Jin was analysing if the bear cubs were responding properly as NPCs and semi instructors for the fishing part. He tweaked its cuteness to attract females but at the same time not so much that it became awkward for the males.

"Well, here goes nothing! Xiong Da performed his first attempt as he swung the wooden rod into the lake and waited for a while. He sat down with Jin and started to engage in small talk before he felt a slight tug on the wooden rod and decided to pull gently as instructed by the little bear cub. "Pull now!" the bear cub yelled and Xiong Da was excited.

The pull was a little heavy so he tried his best to be careful. Fortunately, he did not encounter much resistance and when he pulled his fishing rod out….he realised why. "It's a boot. You want me to eat a boot?" Xiong Da stared at Jin as he chuckled.

"Could be quite nutritious indeed. Hahahaha, but the probability of that happening is actually quite low. You are really lucky!" Jin patted Xiong Da's back as he encouraged him to try once more.



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