Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 166 No Mercy

"Hmm that explosion? Pretty good... I rate it a 7.9 out of 10. Clever use of the environment to induce such a scale of kaboom." Peppers came out and observed with Jin for a while. It reminded Jin of the past where he had also been judged for destroying the abandoned Shanghai Tower while running away from a horde of zombies as well as receiving a fairly harsh score from her. It did felt like ages ago when that happened.

"Why 7.9? What did she do wrong?" Jin asked Peppers, who was continuously writing notes on the fight. She was diligently doing the job that had been assigned by Jin, which was to note the mistakes each cultivator had made and how they could improve. Jin mainly needed her to do that because he eventually wanted to create a teaching class with Peppers as the teacher.

Instructors were needed in the gym for the techniques and body but the application of those skills was an entirely different matter. With Peppers' mind akin to an ocean of knowledge, it would be a pity not to use that knowledge to earn some extra cash. Since the system recorded every single battle in detail, Peppers could review with the cultivators as a group or individually so that they could improve their skills.

However, in order to do that, Peppers needed to gather more knowledge about every person. She was definitely not some superhuman who knew the weakness of a person just by touching him.

"She killed herself, that's where she went wrong. If she did not die from the explosion, Her score would be roughly in the high 8's or highly difficult 9s." Peppers sniggered as she imagined herself creating the explosion impeccably. Regardless, both Jin and Peppers knew that the end was nigh since Little Miss Buu was, in a way, the final boss. All Ren Wei had to do was clean up the rest of the Boar Knights.


"Hahaha! Finally caught this bugger!" Hamlet panted as he kicked the chained up sword goblin which had been captured once again. The damage dealt by the sword goblin was more than enough to earn him a badge of honour by the standards of the Boar Knights.

Utilising the traps that had been placed by Ren Wei previously, the sword goblin had managed to defeat the groups of knuckleheads who just wanted revenge for their comrades. The thunderblast traps electrocuted the poor boar knights into charred barbecued pork encased in burnt metal. Not to mention, the Spikefall traps were activated by the heavy weighing boar knights, causing them to become delicious kebabs.

Only with the combined efforts of Hamlet and his shield knights had they managed to encircle the sword goblin and subsequently pummel him to death. They then chained the dead goblin up with the intention of using him as a trophy as well as a memorial for the knights he had killed.

As the boar knights were celebrating by brandishing the dead goblin around, they did not know that a sniper already had its barrel aimed at them. "Advanced Rifle Arts, Hyper Beam." Ren Wei whispered as he chanted his Rifle Art technique. The six muskrats silhouettes did not appear above his head and instead materialised right beside his Barrett Sniper Rifle, a weapon he had changed to midway from the classic M1 Garand rifle so that he could focus on his sniping abilities.

The six muskrat silhouettes, while corporeal, held onto his sniper rifle like multiple bipods as Ren Wei began to half squeeze his trigger in order to charge up the rifle shot. He knew that Hamlet was the leader of the Knights right from the beginning, even before he left the battlefield in an attempt to save Jing Ru. But he thought that he could get rid of most of them and leave Hamlet for Jing Ru to finish. He did not know what had happened but the dagger goblin assured him that the trees in the forest had commended Jing Ru on a fine job killing an enemy far stronger than her.

One of the muskrat silhouettes suddenly turned to Ren Wei and gave him a thumbs up, indicating that the rifle was charged and ready to fire. "No Mercy." His index finger squeezed down on the trigger fully and a large energised chi beam was fired from the end of the barrel. Smoke and energy heated up the flora around the sniper, causing it to burn. Despite the blast, there was no sound other than the crack of the rifle barrel from overheating.

Without noticing anything, the rest of the boar knights did not see an incoming beam of whitish yellow energy that signified their doom and eradicated them from the face of this dungeon instance. Their faces were never to be seen again and Ren Wei completed the dungeon with ease.

He was later teleported to back to the store, only to see that Jing Ru was already eating a cheesecake without him. Meanwhile, the group of male customers who had been watching the entire thing clapped and cheered for Ren Wei. "Ah?" Ren Wei was extremely confused and only during the lunch conversation with Jing Ru did she explain the dynamics of Boss Jin's shop, how she was in the recovery room and all.

"I did not know that you were hiding things from me! Until this group of busybodies began telling me how awesome my dad is!" Jing Ru pouted and turned her head away from Ren Wei. However, as she turned her head, she was grinning madly due to only now realising how her new Dad was such an amazing person. "Well, him having secrets is also equally cute." She thought to herself as she continued eating her cheesecake.

Meanwhile, Ren Wei did not know how else to coax her but to buy her the second dessert on the menu to appease her. It was then that Yun, who was at the bar counter, reminded Ren Wei about something more important than the order he had just placed.

"You left the dungeon a little too early and did not see the treasure box on your way out. Don't worry, we do not cheat any customers of their rewards." Like a magician, Yun took out a large metal box from underneath the counter and brought it out onto the table for them.

"Place your phone near the lock and it will automatically open," Yun said and Ren Wei did as instructed, only to see that the lock was in fact animated with a small touchscreen beside it. A panda appeared to say congratulations and the box opened slowly.

Looking inside the box, Jing Ru squealed like a piglet upon seeing tens of bronze medal coins as well as a transparent box holding two guns. They were a set of replica Thompson Contenders with a chibi goblin keychain on the end of the handgrip. The Thompson Contender was a break action single shot pistol design from the 1960s. It was rumoured to be one of the strongest pistols in the world and even Ren Wei was amazed upon seeing not just one, but two of these amazing pistols.

"Wow, this is fantastic! You got such a cool weapon!" The male customers took a peek and thought it was better than the average weapons they had received. They too had tried to flaunt the loot that they had received from the dungeon but it did not get the attention they had expected.

"Let's come here again when I am off duty." Ren Wei said as he took another bite of the Fried Oreo Pie and savoured it to the fullest extent. "Definitely," Jing Ru had a broad smile on her face as both father and daughter were having a good time at lunch and later at the fishing service instance.



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