Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 2212 Operation Dreaded Winter -Part 4

Chapter 2212 Operation Dreaded Winter -Part 4

As the weeks went by, Kraft's minions did their best. They performed their tasks better than expected based on their initial operation estimates. The Zombie Hordes were progressing at a steady pace, especially with the inclusion of monsters as part of their zombie hordes.

But what actually made the difference was not the zombified wargs and trolls that the Star Foxes had zombified. Sure, they might have proven to make some difference but the increasing appearance of the holy priests and paladins did make the Star Foxes forbidden magic to be a little 'useless'.

Instead, the System had dropped Half Ghoul Lord Derek into the fray along with the Star Foxes. This act gave the Star Foxes a taste of zombies that were not of their world- some sort of outer world experience that they might not have seen before. To their surprise, Half Ghoul Lord Derek was not only able to summon his own zombies out, but he was also able to wrestle control from the Star Foxes and used the zombies in a tactical manner.

In the first place, the Star Foxes had no idea how to command their zombies other than telling them telepathically where the next direction would be but to see the Half Ghoul Lord to be able to do this without even lifting a finger had been an eye opener. With eyes focused on the traces of magic, they were able to see the magic being weaved as thinly veiled threads to each of the zombies that Half Ghoul Lord Derek wished to command.

They were quick to obey the commands and moved in such a way that would not allow them to be overwhelmed by the Paladins and Priests. In fact, when the Southern Kingdom armies saw how the zombies were able to break away from their entrapment tactics and hit their flanks, they knew that something was up.

There must be a commander in the ranks and their wish to kill a necromancer came true. However, that itself was bait as the zombies that were protecting the said necromancer were not just zombies but the Star Foxes as well. The moment they came within a 200 metre range of Derek, those Star Foxes would have sniped those humans down with the Wand Rifles. Compared to the time when they fought against demons, these humans who were ranked A tier and below were just mere target practice for the Star Foxes to not let their skills rust.

Soon, they managed to eliminate most of the Southern Kingdom's vanguards despite their party of priests and paladins. In the meantime, the Star Foxes purposely let a few stay alive so that they could peer through their minds and see what kind of information they might have that could prove to be useful since the Star Foxes could see that those that came were just the vanguards despite the size of their force.

"Heh, looks like we are going to hit the jackpot." One of the Star Foxes said as he shared the information to Derek.

"What jackpot?" He questioned and the Star Foxes said that even in the Southern Kingdoms, there lies a group of elite troops that were feared by many criminals and outlaws especially those who dabbled in the forbidden magic.

"The White Flames," The Star Fox explained. "They were rumoured to be a bunch of S to SSS ranks Paladins in their teams and they existed to eradicate people that used forbidden magic like us."

"In short, privileged exorcists with a permit?" The Half Ghoul Lord joked and the rest of the Star Foxes participating were having a good laugh with that comment.

"You could not have said it any better. However, we are not exactly the strongest of Star Foxes since we have been delegated to control the zombies and distract the frontlines. And as much as we acknowledge that fact, we do not want to lose as well." The Star Fox said before he bowed to Half Ghoul Lord Derek. Eventually, the rest did the same as well which left Derek in a lurch.

"We asked for your guidance O great Lord of the Dead." The Star Fox pleaded for Derek's help upon seeing how he was able to command the masses of the dead. "Guide us so that we could be as strong as those who had been given the missions far more dangerous than us. So that we can prove our worth to Lord Kraft and indirectly to King Jin as well."

"Now I understand why Jin and the System told me to be careful of you all. Not because you might betray our master but because your tongues are sliver in nature." Derek smiled and agreed to help them with the conditions attached.

"If you want to prove to be as capable as me. You need to take the risks and sacrifices. Are you all willing to do so even if it means that your flesh could be as rotten as the undead?" Derek questioned and the Star Foxes immediately nodded their heads. They knew what sacrifices that the Half Ghoul Lord had explained. It was to have a part of them be half undead so that they could control the zombies better because of their powers and relation of an undead.

"If all of you understands the risks, then I will make you Star Foxes the first batch of Half Ghoul Knights. But that might also break the oath and conditions made by your Lord Kraft which I am not privy of."

"Its fine. Lord Kraft would not mind us turning partially undead since he did told us to learn from you." One of the Star Foxes exclaimed and Derek could see that the crafty fox had already expected this to happen.

"Ah… No wonder he say he will return a favour today… So this is what he meant." Half Ghoul Lord Derek mumbled to himself as Kraft had always made Derek to so many miscellaneous tasks behind the scenes that this was one of the few times the Devil Fox had decided to repay his debt. By offering his 'minions' for Derek to control as he see fits.

"But that rascal, giving me his half ass products rather than his finest ones. Ah whatever, this is better than nothing." Derek said as he started pouring his powers into the Star Foxes causing the zombification process to start.

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